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Hoy os quiero hablar de un álbum al que le sobran las presentaciones: “(What’s The Story) Morning Glory?", la obra maestra de @oasis #rock #oasis @liamgallagher
👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼 Image
Cuando los hermanos Gallagher irrumpieron en el mundo de la música con su álbum debut
“Definitely Maybe”, un elefante de proporciones gigantescas entró el mundo de la industria
musical anglosajona.
Mucha gente los vio como los herederos naturales de The Beatles, un
poco exagerado eso sí, capaces de lo mejor y de lo peor en una escena británica que despertó
de su letargo con el llamado Brit Pop.
Read 27 tweets

Tell me a better combination


#Arbitrum #crosschain #RELAY
This thread will cover

1️⃣What is Relay?
2️⃣Why Relay
3️⃣Relay and Staking
4️⃣Relay and security
6️⃣HoW to bridge
7️⃣Recent happening
8️⃣Useful links
1️⃣what is Relay

Relay is a Cross chain bridge aggregator that seamlessly connect different blockchain
networks. It enables the easy transfer of assets between one blockchain to another enabling "interoperability"
Read 16 tweets
Momentos más #representativos de Bad Bunny @sanbenito
-Abro hilo Image
2013- Empezó a publicar sus canciones por medio de #SoundCloud entre ellas:
-Get (2013)
-Tentación (2014)
-Solo avísame (2015)
2016- #BadBunny lanzaba música como un artista independiente en #SoundCloud, donde su canción «Diles» llamó la atención del productor @DJLUIAN quien lo contrató para su sello discográfico Hear This Music.
Read 20 tweets
1) Oasis Network $ROSE

Oasis Network is a proof-of-stake Blockchain network.

Designed as a privacy-preserving platform for open finance.

Oasis is a Layer-1 Blockchain, with data confidentiality and throughput gains.

#Oasis #blockchain #cryptocurrencies #Layer1 #privacy #BTC
2) Oasis Network $ROSE Confidentiality

Private smart contracts can maintain data privacy during processing by providing end-to-end data confidentiality.

The network is also highly scalable, and easily surmounts the slow transaction times and high transaction fees.

#blockchain Image
3) Oasis Network $ROSE Scalability

Oasis Network’s ability to create scalable, private decentralized apps is expected to promote data privacy and new use cases in private DeFi.

That could help expand DeFi and its products to the mainstream market.

#blockchain #cryptocurrencies
Read 9 tweets
THREAD : Comparatif des différentes solutions de liquid staking sur #COSMOS.
Beaucoup de projets fleurissent ces temps-ci autour du service de liquid staking.
Qu'est-ce que le liquid staking ? Quels sont les avantages de ce type de dérivés ?
Et quels sont les différences entre chacune des solutions proposées, je vais tenter d'y répondre dans ce thread.
Avant de vous parler des différentes solutions de liquid staking, je pense qu’il est important de vous expliquer, ce qu’est un dérivé de staking pour ceux qui ne le savent pas encore et quels sont les avantages qu’offre ce type d’assets.
Read 52 tweets
0/ @OasisProtocol is a modular blockchain network that separates execution from consensus by design. Oasis supports customized ParaTimes (rollups with custom VM implementation) & aims to be a shared security layer for rollups 🌀

A 🧵 on $ROSE and why it matters (0/23) 👇
@OasisProtocol 1/ @OasisProtocol is built on the @Cosmos SDK, uses Tendermint BFT consensus and natively separates execution (or computation) from consensus and has a two-layered architecture:

- Consensus Layer

- ParaTime Layer
@OasisProtocol @cosmos 2/ Consensus Layer:

The consensus layer accepts data from its clients (the ParaTimes) & writes the data into a block of the chain. The meaning of the data generated by a ParaTime is entirely defined by that ParaTime, making ParaTimes flexible & the consensus layer VM-agnostic
Read 24 tweets
Now that $UST has de-pegged, collateralization looks as important as event.

A 🧵on the synergies between over-collateralized and algorithmic stables to achieve:

- better security
- more sustainability
- incentives alignment
- better margins
- scale
To start off, I think we can agree on the fact that the cryptocurrency market, broadly, needs to lvl up its game on stable's design if it wants to come up with an 🧠 alternative to the current centralized FIAT regime, which is imposed by force and headed to a devaluation💀spiral.
@ this point I think everybody gets why $UST has been such a terrible example of instability, we have to admit though, that it did scale, even though it wasn't a sustainable model.
Objectively this has a lot to do with both $LUNA appreciating in value and Anchor's 20% yeld.
Read 28 tweets
MEGA Thread #OasisProtocol : The privacy-enabled blockchain platform for open finance and a responsible data economy.

Here's everything you need to know about $ROSE, tackling the challenges of the contemporary economy that poses economic and privacy concerns.

A thread 🧵👇
1. My recommendation to read first:

I've written about the fundamentals of $ROSE previously in a simple to understand thread below.

2. In this thread, I want to focus on the upcoming events, ecosystem and potential value $ROSE offers to us as investors.

Firstly, with an ecosystem fund this accelerates growth by creating an economic flywheel incentive designed by @a16z that I will explain below.
Read 14 tweets

I'll be compiling here the best passive strategies on #crypto with the challenge of beating the 19.5% APY obtained with $UST on @anchor_protocol

Please feel free to add the ones you use!

1/x 🧵
What is delta neutral?

📔 It's a strategy utilizing multiple positions with balancing positive & negative deltas so that the overall delta of the assets in question totals zero

In other words: you are not affected by the direction of the asset and always get an interest

Given this definition, I'll also include stablecoin strategies since you are not subject to volatility and aren't affected by the market direction

Example: earn some interest by lending $USDC

Remember: the goal is to earn passive income while keeping the value of your bag

Read 8 tweets
Part 1/2
This sharing focuses on the introductory research, mainly on the technical framework, and supplemented by ecological development. Thread is a bit long and there is no financial advice in the whole context. Please read it thoroughly. Image
1/18 #Cosmos Ecosystem is far more prosperous and diverse than most people think. Cosmos is not just an Atom chain. The #BSC #Terra #Oasis you know well belongs to the Cosmos Ecosystem. The total market value in the ecosystem has even reached 138B. What kind of magic power is it? Image
2/18 This is a great definition of #Cosmos, and the prominent part is its core ecological characteristics. A little flustered to see a series of professional terms? Don't worry. Let's explain it one by one. Image
Read 19 tweets
Selamlarr.. Bu floodda Oasis Domain nasıl alınır sorusunu cevaplıyorum ve 5 kişiye ONS hediye ediyorum

Bu domain'in özel durumu var :)

5 kişiye domain hediyeme katılmak için RT yapmanız yeterli.

Domain almak şu an 60 rose.. Keyifli okumalar

#Oasis #Domains @onsdomains
1- Hediye domain adresi için üstteki twitin yorumlarına Emerald paratime adresinizi bırakmayı unutmayın.

Öncelikle bizim platforma girip istediğimiz domainin mevcut olup olmadığına ve ne kadara alabileceğimizi kontrol etmemız gerekiyor, duruma göre cüzdanımıza rose göndereceğiz
2- sitesine giriyoruz.

Almak istediğimiz ismi aratıyoruz. Gördüğünüz gibi arattığım isim kimse tarafından alınmamış ve 60 rose 1 yıllığı.

Ama harfleri azaltalım harf sayısı azaldıkça fiyat artıyor ve domain değerleniyor.
Read 11 tweets

CoinMarketCap'in düzenlediği (coinbase'in yaptığı gibi) Oasis Network öğren kazan soruları doğru cevaplayanlara 40 #ROSE coin! (10$)

Doğru cevapları ben size yazacağım, hadi alalım!

#Airdrop #RuesDrop #OasisNetwork #Oasis #NFT @CoinMarketCap @OasisProtocol
1- Öncelikle Oasis network nedir ne değildir öğrenmek isteyen, cevapları teyit etmek isteyen buradan bakabilir.…
2- Daha sonra quiz için buraya giriyoruz

ref vs yok isteyen 1. twitteki linke tıklayıp en alttan Take The Quiz diyebilir.

Şimdi start diyerek başlıyoruz. bot kontrol onaylıyoruz.

Ve 1. hüküm ve koşulları onaylıyoruz. 2. soru yes olacak.
Read 12 tweets
Selamlar herkese.. Oasis Name Service'den 5 takipçime 5 domain adresi hediye! Yaptığım en güzel hediye benim için

Bir çoğumuz almayı istiyordu @onsdomains 'e teşekkür ederim

@Ruesandora0 - @onsdomains - #RT - #begeni

Emerald adresinizi yorumlara bırakın

#Airdrop #Rose #Oasis Image
10 kişiyede WL hakkı. Bu wl'i almak isteyenler Oasis domain'i almak isteyen arkadaşlar olsun lütfen.

Bazı arkadaşlar vazgeçiyor bazıları birden fazla istiyor bu olmasın :) WL fiyatı 40 rose sanırsam emin değilim, cüzdan adresi bırakın yorumlara yeterli.
Katılmayan varsa katılsın birazdan açıklıyorum
Read 6 tweets
Selamlar.. Oasis üzerine kurulu ilk DEX olan YuzuSwap'ı kullanacağım.


Liquidity Mining

Şeklinde olacak.

Neden YuzuSwap onuda anlatacağım..

Keyifli okumalar..

#OasisNetwork #ROSE #Oasis @Yuzu_Swap 🇹🇷🌹
1- Neden YuzuSwap?

Çoğunuzun bildiği gibi (bilmeyen arkadaşlar dikkatli okusun) Oasis üzerinde çıkacak projeler LaunchGarden platformu üzerinden çıkacak

LaunchGarden hakkında şu an çok bilgi yok, sadece bekliyoruz ve şu an neredeyse kimse bilmiyor

2- LaunchGarden demek bizlere yeni ekmek kapısı demek. En azından kendi adıma söyliyeyim. NFT marketlerin çıkması ile beraber piyasaya giriş yapacaklarnı düşünüyorum, önümüzdeki mart-nisan arası.

Bunun yanı sıra birde YuzuSwap var ve bunlarında kullanıcısı az sayıda.
Read 14 tweets
1/19 上午在 @cipholio 内部分享了关于 #Cosmos 生态的一些研究,也和大家一起讨论了下未来多链生态发展的态势。乘热打铁,把这一个多小时的分享浓缩一下展示出来,本文偏入门研究,以技术框架为主,生态发展为辅。Thread 较长,全文无财富密码,请谨慎阅读。
2/19 Cosmos 生态要远比大多数人想象的更加繁荣和多元,不是只有 Atom 链算 Cosmos,你所熟知的 #BSC #Terra #Oasis 都隶属于 Cosmos 生态的一员。生态内总市值已高达 138B,Cosmos 究竟有什么魔力可以吸引如此多生态入驻?
3/19 这是我给 Cosmos 下的定义,突出的部分是我认为其最核心的生态特色。看到一系列的专业术语有点慌?别着急,我们下面逐个讲解。
Read 19 tweets
Selamlar, bugün sizlere Rose wallet kurulumu, delagatör olmayı ve en önemlisi neden size sürekli rose wallet kurup delagatör olmanız konusunda ısrar ettiğimi anlatacağım.

Keyifli okumalar..

#Rose #OasisNetwork #Oasis Image
Öncelikle delagatör olmak için bir rose wallet'a ihtiyacımız var, kurulumu çok basit mtamask gibi.…

Buraya girip şifrenizi ve 12 kelimenizi belirleyin.

veya google oasis wallet chrome yazın çıkar bu site.
Daha sonra biraz Rose coine ihtiyacımız var.

Bunun için ben #Binance kullandım, en az 100 rose gerekli ben 114 rose gönderdim. Image
Read 11 tweets
1/ #OasisNetwork - $ROSE est une plateforme de smart contracts qui a pour but de protéger les données.

Cette protection permettra de débloquer de nouveaux cas d'utilisation comme la #Defi confidentielle ou alors la tokenisation des données.

Un thread pour vous expliquer tout ca
2/ Contrairement à #Ethereum où toutes les transactions sont visibles, il est possible de protéger les transactions et les calculs sur la blockchain #Oasis.

Les utilisateurs et les applications sont ainsi toujours confidentiels.
3/ Et Alors ? 1/2

#Oasis utilisera vos données (soldes et autres interactions avec la blockchain) sans être révélées.

Cela permettra de débloquer de nouveaux cas d'utilisation comme des prêts confidentiels, des prêts sous-collatéralisés et des #DEX confidentielles.
Read 12 tweets
Not a single day passes without the @OasisProtocol team bringing us great news🚀

Let’s summarize the main events of the #OasisNetwork in November⤵️
1⃣2⃣ Announcement of a partnership #Oasis &
(#DeFi derivatives protocol that will bring #DeFi 2.0 to Oasis #EmeraldParaTime) ➡️
1⃣1⃣ @nftbmarket integrates with the Oasis which will allow creators to release their #NFT projects in the NFTb directly on #Oasis.
The integration will make NFTbMarket & Oasis one of the first multi-chain NFT marketplaces ➡️
Read 13 tweets
It’s #Monday, I’m boozing it up at a 4 seat bar, the #barkeep is a long pourer, and I’m all fucking set if I get something stuck between my teeth.👇🙃 #RandomThoughts #drinking #OutAndAbout
Shooting the shit with a friend, she’s proud to be doing well with her plants - unusual for her.

The key was a #video explaining the benefits of pruning.

She needs REASONS. She got them.

Apparently, pruning in a particular manner stimulates growth hormones.
Of course, this led to me initiating a discussion about the #movie I just watched on Hulu, called “The German Doctor.”

The main character was Josef Mengele. #ThisHappened

People, this is why I’m known in my circles as “The Black Hole Of Conversation.” SMTH
Read 239 tweets

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