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What is #Pre-Hospital #CriticalCare? A short đŸ§”:

Also referred to as Pre Hospital Emergency Medicine (PHEM), #PHEM is “that area of medical care required for seriously ill or injured patients before they reach hospital (on-scene) or during emergency transfer to hospital” 1/11 Image
PHEM in Ireland is practiced by a small number of doctors who respond voluntarily to taskings from @AmbulanceNAS to serious illness or injury.

These doctors are supported by charities like @WicklowRR.

Other groups include: @WestCorkRR @EastCorkRR and @CRITICALcharity 2/11 Image
PHEM doctors complement the work of @PHECC practitioners in @AmbulanceNAS @DubFireBrigade and many other emergency agencies.

PHEM doctors can provide additional interventions, medications and decision-making, or simply be the closest resource to a time critical emergency. 3/11 Image
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Wer hĂ€tte Lust und Zeit am 16. Juli an unserem CSD-Stand in Mönchengladbach zu unterstĂŒtzen?

Wie schon letztes Jahr ist auch 2023 unsere Regionalgruppe Mönchengladbach mit einem eigenen Stand auf dem Christopher Street Day in MG-Rheydt vertreten. (1/4) Stand der Tierschutzpartei ...
Wir benötigen hier jedoch dringend noch UnterstĂŒtzung, um mit den Besucher:innen ins GesprĂ€ch zu kommen. Dieses Jahr planen wir auch einige Spiele, um unsere politischen Ziele und Ideen zu vermitteln. HĂ€ttest DU Interesse, Teil unseres bunten Teams zu sein? (2/4)
Dann melde Dich gerne per Direktnachricht in unseren Social-Media-KanĂ€len oder per Mail an - Gerne organisieren wir auch Mitfahrgelegenheiten oder Übernachtungsmöglichkeiten. (3/4)
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Sabias que en nuestro proyecto de mapeo de rutas de transporte en Zitacuaro, MĂ©xico participĂł un grupo de escolares colombianos y otro de jĂłvenes bolivianos?
@leoguti nos lo cuenta!

#OpenStreetMap #MapeoAbierto

SigueđŸ§”mapeador (1/12) ImageImage
đŸ“·Un grupo de estudiantes de Duitama, Colombia, los @duitamamapstars, han colaborado en un proyecto de mapeo de rutas de transporte pĂșblico basado en #OpenStreetMap en ZitĂĄcuaro, MĂ©xico, en un trabajo conjunto con @CodeandoMexico, @TrufiAssoc, @hotosm y @ym_uaemex.

đŸ§”(2/12) Image
đŸ“· El trabajo de campo inicial en ZitĂĄcuaro fue realizado por voluntarios y autoridades locales: @CocotraMich y el ayuntamiento, recogiendo datos de GPS de las rutas de transporte pĂșblico. Este trabajo fue coordinado por @CodeandoMexico.

#TransporteUrbano (3/12) Image
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/10 🚀 "Powering Up Your Tech Startup: Crafting Compelling Pitch Decks"

Navigating the world of #startups?

Your pitch deck can make or break your big break. Let's dive into some effective writing strategies with real-world examples. đŸ§”

#TechStartups #PitchDeck
1. Remember, your pitch deck is a STORY.
2. Talk about the PROBLEM.
3. Then showcase your SOLUTION.
4. Be upfront about your BUSINESS MODEL.
5. Provide a clear MARKETING & SALES STRATEGY.
6. Prove why your TEAM is the best to solve this problem.
7. Your FINANCIALS matter.
8. And finally, ask for the INVESTMENT.
Read 13 tweets
Der Einsatz von #ChatGPT und #KI in deutschen Unternehmen bringt viele Vorteile mit sich, die nicht nur auf nationaler, sondern auch auf globaler Ebene von Bedeutung sind.

In diesem "Mega-Thread" werden wir wichtige Vorteile von KI fĂŒr deutsche Firmen betrachten. đŸ‡©đŸ‡ȘđŸ€–
1. 💡 Effizientere Entscheidungsfindung

Durch den Einsatz von KI können Unternehmen schneller und prÀziser Entscheidungen treffen, was ihnen hilft, ihre WettbewerbsfÀhigkeit zu steigern und effektiver auf VerÀnderungen im Markt zu reagieren. #Innovation #KI
2. 📈 Datenanalyse

KI ermöglicht es, große Mengen an Daten schneller und genauer zu analysieren als je zuvor.

Dies hilft Unternehmen, ihre GeschÀftsstrategien zu optimieren und Wachstumschancen zu identifizieren. #BigData #Analytics
Read 65 tweets
đŸ€–đŸ“ˆ #MachineLearning is changing the game for businesses by providing insights that lead to better decision-making. From predicting customer behavior to optimizing supply chains, ML is a game-changer! #AI #BigData
đŸ§ đŸ‘šâ€đŸ’» With its ability to learn and adapt, #MachineLearning is like having a virtual assistant that's always looking for ways to improve your business processes. Say goodbye to manual data analysis and hello to automated insights! #DigitalTransformation
đŸ€đŸ’» The collaboration between humans and #MachineLearning is the key to unlocking its true potential. We can create more accurate predictions and optimize complex systems by working together. #Teamwork #AI
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🚀 Transformez les #performances de votre Ă©quipe avec le #MindMapping ! Cet outil peut vous aider Ă  dĂ©bloquer la crĂ©ativitĂ©, amĂ©liorer la communication et la productivitĂ©. On parie qu'il peut booster le succĂšs vos projets ? 🌟 #ProductivityHacks #Teamwork
💡 Vous vous ĂȘtes dĂ©jĂ  sentis dĂ©passĂ©s par des projets complexes ? Le #MindMapping vous aide Ă  visualiser et simplifier l'information. Un bon dĂ©but pour la rendre plus facile Ă  comprendre. Le #flux pour mieux agir et sortir du #flou ! 🧠 #Innovation #ProblemSolving
🌐 La collaboration est essentielle... Ok ! Le #MindMapping pousse votre Ă©quipe Ă  partager ses idĂ©es et ses points de vue. Un 1er pas vers une #intelligence #collective en actes. LibĂ©rez le potentiel de votre Ă©quipe. Pensez et rĂ©alisez ensemble ! đŸ€ #Collaboration #TeamSuccess
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NEXT UP: #1 seed Emperor Penguin (Aptenodytes forsteri) vs. #3 seed Wolverine (Gulo gulo) #2023MMM
This battle is a collaboration between @JE_Light, @Mammals_Suck, & myself! #2023MMM
These contenders may be in the #DadBods division, but don't forget it takes 2 to tango! Though male emperor penguins shoulder all egg incubation duties, females return around hatching time to relieve the fasting male & care for the newborn chick. #teamwork #2023MMM Figure 1 from Lormée et al (1999) illustrates parental cont
Read 27 tweets
"The 3 best operating companies I'm aware of are Costco, Kiewit and Glenair

There is nothing remarkable about the product or field for any of these three

But there is something remarkable about the cultures of all three"

-Charlie Munger
1/đŸ§” Costco's corporate culture stands out among large retailers, and its success is built on some key ingredients

Let's dive into the aspects that make Costco's culture remarkable 👇
2/💰 Employee Compensation & Benefits: Costco offers higher wages and better benefits compared to many other retailers

Health insurance, retirement plans, and paid time off lead to higher job satisfaction, lower employee turnover, and better performance #CostcoCulture
Read 10 tweets
'We' place a burden on leaders to be the best at all times, to have all the answers & to be everything to everyone (they aren't and shouldn't have to be of course).

This morning I've been discussing what it means to be a good team member & what rocking up as a good team...

...member looks, sounds and feels like.

I've loads of experience in this area but thought I'd do a quick google to see what came up. I love the simplicity of the 1st post I came across from @TalentbridgeUK

Which I visually represented in the attached image...

... which they blogged about here:

Now it's wonderfully imperfect and provides enough of an insight to us to ask ourselves and our team members how good a team member they are - because, in my experience, a good team member is someone who steps...

Read 7 tweets
@neil_abrams About Torshin who I haven’t yet studied much. 1/
@neil_abrams Wait wut?! This brings some important context to Marsha Blackburn’s blockage of three election security bills in 2020, including one aimed at securing voting machines. Blackburn’s campaign attorney worked w/ Torshin. 👀 3/
Read 43 tweets
1/ BREAKING: Prioritizing discharging patients first rounding style did not result in earlier discharges! Check out our @JHospMed article!
 A đŸ§”
2/ First, a shout out to this incredible team! @kenistonangela @florakisuule @lladymcbeth See pic below for full team
Thx to @AHRQnews for supporting the study! #teamwork @cudivhospmed @hopkinsbayview @DH_Hospitalist
3/We tested the effects of physicians prioritizing discharging patients first compared to usual rounding style
☑3 hospitals
☑Daily surveys of physicians asking about rounding styles, team composition, and #workload
☑Intention-to-treat analysis
☑Outcome: DC order time, LOS
Read 8 tweets
1/15 We are the underdogs. And that's your opportunity on #egld.
An underdog strategy involves a small and, usually, young firm taking on a much larger competitor into a challenge with much bigger opponents in order to break their monopoly. 100% DEFI and DAO on @MultiversX
2/15 That's our promise to you all: FREEDOM not the illusion of freedom. And here it is why and how:
3/15 There is a monopoly on @MultiversX and we are offering a secondary option truly DEFI & DAO where people can choose to earn 50% of anything we do. If the monopoly is Coca-Cola, we are Pepsi - because we love #pepsi more anyway.
Read 16 tweets
Its always difficult to take the first step, its always challenging to dive into a new domain. Happy that all the hard works brought the fruit eventually. Read our work from @RajeshPandeyLab @IGIBSocial @AcSIR_India on #singlecell #multiomics
The story highlights how important it is to understand the effect of #SARSCoV2 even after recovered from #COVID19 and how strength of #MachineLearning can be used for developing #disease #Biomarkers
This was indeed a challenging task, both on #Biology and #Bioinformatics front, but learnt a lot apart from the science part of it, especially #teamwork and #timemanagement.
#AcademicTwitter #AcademicChatter #phdlife
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Started #audiobook on @KukuFMOfficial
It's good experience..... Image
Next Book .... Very new #Prespectice of #Mahabharat .. Image
3. Building Social Business...
Free from #Socialism ... Image
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"Hey, did you know the generator is still running?"

With those words casually spoken in passing by a team member, I was propelled into my first major incident as CTO

A thread on how #storytelling is the secret superpower of great #teamwork. 1/13
After investigating, we discovered a power outage damaged our transfer switch, leaving our data center running on generator power.

For 3 days. During a massive spring snow storm.

The work of an incredibly dedicated team meant our users barely noticed the impact. And yet
I knew this was an opportunity for us to learn and get better.

Great teams learn from their successes and failures by continuously reflecting and refining processes and practices.

Read 13 tweets
@claski dreamt of talking music and medicine on @ABCClassic but maybe @DFTBubbles #DFTB22 is even better.
Just like her medical role, Clare recognises she’s not the best musician. But she can help others shine.

Clare’s approach to medicine is similar to music. She can play almost any instrument to about Grade 2 standard. 😂
Orchestras comfortably play in time at 94-96 bpm. Similar to a primary school child’s heart rate. At other tempos, there is a tendency to slow or quicken.
Read 11 tweets
1/ Envie de savoir comment cette carte a été réalisée en temps record avec mes camarades de @LM_enCartes @PicardFloriane @Vero_Malecot et @Ricccarto...
Suivez le fil
 đŸ§” đŸ—ș #Zaporijia #ZaporizhzhiaNPP
2/ Tout d’abord, comme pour toutes les cartes @LM_enCartes, Ă  l’origine il y a l’actu. DĂšs le dĂ©but du mois de mars, la centrale nuclĂ©aire de Zaporijia, la plus grande d'Europe, est occupĂ©e par l’armĂ©e russe.

3/ A l’époque, c'est la fĂ©brilitĂ© du dĂ©but du conflit, un front qui Ă©volue vite Ă  cartographier (et le reste de l’actu qui n’attend pas : covid, campagne prĂ©sidentielle française etc. etc.) : @LM_enCartes illustre synthĂ©tiquement l’enjeu du nuclĂ©aire en Ukraine

Read 22 tweets
1/ #RDC
Moment d'excellence à l'OVG: naissance d'un réseau sismique 100% congolais résultat de la collaboration entre le département de sismologie et #ParNousPourNous
@VirungaSupersit @JMEsole @NdjokoKarine @PrimatureRDC @Presidence_RDC @PatrickMuyaya
@VirungaSupersit @JMEsole @NdjokoKarine @PrimatureRDC @Presidence_RDC @PatrickMuyaya 2/ Le réseau sismique compte 5 stations qui envoient leurs données en temps réel par des communications sécurisées. Félicitations à l'équipe:

Responsable du réseau: Prof Mavonga.

Directeur Technique: Modeste Etoy.

Techniciens: Niche Mashagiro & Prosper Kamenyenzi.
@VirungaSupersit @JMEsole @NdjokoKarine @PrimatureRDC @Presidence_RDC @PatrickMuyaya 3/ Les senseurs sismiques sont des @nanometricsinc Trillium Compact Posthole (120s) avec des digitizers Centaurs. La télémétrie est compatible avec des modems de différents types (ABB ARG600, Sierra Wireless RV50/RV50X,Digi WR31, etc) et utilise un M2M gateway ARM600 de ABB. ImageImage
Read 15 tweets
Watching A couple friends host A “Fake Skate” Skatebo[A]rd Event ATM . .
If I don’t respond right away to your comms, I Will eventually get there today, promise. .

I know, .@USNavy —I still have so many more to help apart of 72 
 I promise everything will work out.

Every single one of their lives matters to me, I won’t let them burn 

Jack goes in the Pallets, lifting ALL at once, putting out the fires so they can fly again.
The fallen will rise.

I wish more would have chosen to be on the same page YEARS ago instead of kicking the ones down who have been crying out for help. .
It’s going to be A buzzer beater game winning shot, #BANK shot #STATEMENT 

_EST is lifting OTIS right now, heading to
Read 21 tweets
Recording sound on location takes a coordinated team of sound recordists to capture the clearest, quality sound especially for scenarios involving action or high motion. 🎙🔊
Pictured are our Sound Recording & Production students in a collaborative practical with the Cinematogaphy students as they learn teamwork and coordination on set. đŸ‘đŸœâœš

Registration into the EbonyLife Creative Academy’s 3rd intake of 2022 is ongoing.
Please click the link in our bio or visit our website at to register now. đŸ–ŠïžđŸ’»

Read 3 tweets

Those who were thought to be “insane” for knowing the truth, those who were doing the Labeling are the ones who need to find God & FAST ..

The Truth is here & he is here to stay, GOTT FREE’D 

Now It’s Time to Save the children, his/MY family & his people.

Forgiveness means?

You Label Me, I’ll Label you?
#ONE GOLDen Rule?
Treat others the way you would want to be treated?

Do you think all the hate, pot stirring & division was worth it for those who were once #BLIND?
WHAT IF now they see?
Forgive them for they know

Not what they do?

It’s all been so easy to see, everyone has been SHOWING the last 5 years (including the military) & long before Q was known publicly ..

Q existed before anyone knew Q existed, same as 72 ..

The LAST thing put on each post was A “Q”, saving the
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1) Welcome to our new #tweetorial on optimizing #interprofessional & #multidisciplinary care & medical therapy for patients with #DKD. I am Sophia Ambruso DO, @Sophia_kidney, from @CU_kidney.
2) This #accredited #tweetorial series on #kidneydisease #DKD through the lens of #T2D is supported by an independent educational grant from the Boehringer Ingelheim/Lilly Alliance and is intended for healthcare providers. Faculty disclosures are at
3) This activity is accredited for 0.75h credit for #physicians #physicianassociates #nurses #NPs #pharmacists. Past programs still eligible for credit can be found at FOLLOW US for more programs by expert faculty!
Read 41 tweets
I couldn't retrieve this kettle in 2017 after the tide took it away. It has been in the back of my mind since then and today it finally made an appearance. Please take a look through this thread at all the life it has supported and what I was able release. #coastalcleanup Image
The moment I found the kettle again, I thought it was a plastic bag. What I couldn't quite believe was the amount of seaweed attached. I think I've walked past it hundreds of times, sadly. ImageImage
The kettle, heaving with barnacles and some jamming the lid closed Image
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