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Erinnert ihr euch noch an die Mitteilung von @klausholetschek zu den massiv steigenden Zahlen zum Thema #Cannabis und Psychosen? Diese Mitteilung habe ich zum Anlass genommen und habe Kontakt zum bayrischen Staatsministerium für Gesundheit aufgenommen. Ein Thread 1/x
Mich hat im Besonderen Interessiert, wie die Daten erhoben wurden und wie es zu diesen Zahlen kommen soll. Wie die Daten erhoben worden könnt ihr folgendem Bild entnehmen. Es ist ein Screenshot der Antwortmail. 2/x Image
In diesem Zusammenhang ist wichtig zu wissen, dass nicht einzelne Personen, sondern die Behandlungsfälle betrachtet wurden. Ein Behandlungsfall steht im festen Zusammenhang aus Patient, Praxis und Krankenkasse. (Vgl. § 21 Abs. 1, Bundesmantelvertrag-Ärzte (BMV-Ä)) 3/x
Read 16 tweets
#NPS - #NationalPensionSystem

Voluntary #retirement scheme.
Managed by #PFRDA (Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority).
Anyone from 18 to 65 yrs of age can invest.

For New NPS Registration:
For NPS Contribution:
Type of Accounts:
Tier I : Retirement A/c. Mandatory. Cannot withdraw until retirement. Initial Contr - ₹500
Tier II : No restrictions. Anytime withdrawal. Tier II can be opened only if you have a Tier I account. Initial Contr - ₹1000

Annual Min Contr : I - ₹1000, II - ₹250
Market linked returns. Invests in 3 diff funds with a mix of the following asset classes.
Equity (E): Stocks
Corporate Debt (C): PSU Bonds, PFIs, Infra comp and Money Market
Government Securities (G)
Alternative Investment Funds (A): CMBS, REITS, AIFs, etc
Read 9 tweets
Debate on the Old Pension Scheme (OPS) vs New Pension Scheme is very hot😲

The financial impact is very complex to understand🤔

I've researched for 10+ hrs, so you don't have to🥂

A thread🧵👇
In this thread, we'll cover:

[1] How is pension calculated?
[2] How much does it cost to the centre & state govts?
[3] What part of Budget goes towards pensions?
[4] What if we bring back OPS and how sustainable it is?
[5] If no, then what else can be done?
Please read this with an open mind as I'm not biased:

🔶 My Grandfather received pension and it used to be his pride

🔶 My father has been a pvt sector employee all his life

🔶 I am a young guy, and I've been equally close to both ideologies - Pensioner and Pvt Sector employee
Read 17 tweets
It’s National Invasive Species Awareness Week and today we're highlighting one invasive species in the Everglades that some people might not be too familiar with.

Photo by Kevin Sunderland A white bird standing in so...
The Asian swamp eel (Monopterus spp.) is a drought-resistant fish which was first found in Florida in 1997 and a population found in a canal in Homestead Florida in 1999.
By 2007, the species had spread from the canal system into the southern Taylor Slough area of the park.

Photo by USFWS/John Galvez  A researcher holds an inva...
Read 10 tweets
Attention! We want your input. But act soon, the public comment period closes in a few days.

NPS Photo by M. Collier

#Everglades #EvergladesNationalPark #NPS #FindYourPark #EncuentraTuParque A light brown building and ...
We wanted to remind everyone that the Environmental Assessment (EA) for the Gulf Coast site of Everglades National Park is available for review and comment through Feb. 26 at…
Learn more and submit comments directly on the project website. Select “Open For Comment” from the left column.
Read 9 tweets
NPS vs APY vs PPF : Where should you invest for your retirement?🤔

We've made it simple by using the following 7 parameters:

- Aim
- How does it work?
- Withdrawal
- Eligibility
- Risk appetite
- Income Tax Benefit
- Liquidity

#retirementplanning #personalfinances #finance
1⃣ NPS - National Pension scheme

Provide regular income to citizens when they stop working.
How does it work?

All you need to do is deposit an amount regularly and get the benefits of compounding on the returns.
Read 22 tweets
THIS IS BIG - IF #MSCI decides to cut the weight or Remove #AdaniGroup Stocks then, the entire house of cards will fall Down !!

Refer to my tweet below …. POINT 2
Let me explain the time line …. As LIC KEPT BUYING #AdaniEnterprises given the low free float, the stock kept going up and hence #AdaniEnterprises entered the following indices
(1) FTSE
(2) MSCI - the BIG DEAL
(3) NIFTY50 - All your @socialepfo, @LICIndiaForever and #NPS money
Read 11 tweets
1) Welcome to a new #accredited #tweetorial on #Bronchiectasis (#NCFB or #bronchiectasis) & its management, by Christina Thornton MD (@Cthornton32), respirologist & clinician scientist in Calgary 🇨🇦. Follow along and earn 0.75h CE/#CME #physicians #nurses #NPs #PAs #pharmacists!
2) I am very excited to be among the founding faculty in this initiative! FOLLOW US for awesome expert-led education #pulmtwitter!
👍@BronchiectasisR @COPDFoundation @EMBARCnetwork @ELF @profJDchalmers @sunjayMD @DrHollyKeir @becleartoday @ephesians_1_7 @NTMinfo @AlibertiStefano
3) This program is supported by an educational grant from Insmed & is intended for healthcare professionals. Statement of accreditation and faculty disclosures at CE/#CME credit from @academiccme.
Read 60 tweets
1) Welcome to our #accredited #tweetorial on clinical trial results and emerging data for treatment of Diabetes and CKD #DM in #CKD. I am Brian Rifkin MD, @brian_rifkin, from the Hattiesburg Clinic. #Nephtwitter #Medtwitter #FOAMed
2) This #accredited #tweetorial series on #kidneydisease #CKD is supported by an independent educational grant from the Boehringer Ingelheim/Lilly Alliance. It is not intended for US- or UK-based HCPs. Accreditation statement & faculty disclosures at
3) This activity is accredited for #physicians #physicianassociates #nurses #NPs #pharmacists. Prior programs in this series, still eligible for CE/#CME, can be accessed at FOLLOW US to learn from expert faculty!
Read 41 tweets
I was reading an article on #OPS & #NPS.

1) In 1990-91, Central government's pension bill was ₹3,272 crores.
The total of all state governments' pension bill was ₹3,131 cr.

By 2020-21, center's bill became ₹1,90,886 cr (58 times).
States: ₹3,86,001 cr (125 times)!!
2) Some states are already overburdened with pension obligations.

Himachal Pradesh needs 79.93% of its state revenue just for paying pension.
Bihar 58.9%.
Punjab 34.24%
Rajasthan 30.38%
Chhattisgarh 24.1%.

With the old scheme, their finances would be crippled.

3) Right now, the central government has 34,70,000 direct workers and 48,00,000 Pension holders.

For 2022-23 the central government is spending ₹2,68,000 crores for salaries and ₹2,07,000 cr for pension.

In five years pension payments might overtake salaries!

Read 4 tweets
1a) Welcome to a new #accredited #tweetorial on a very challenging topic: managing #ICH in a patient taking anti-FXa #DOACs! Your expert authors are both #neurointensivists: Richard Choi, DO @rkchoi @christianacare and Casey Albin, MD @caseyalbin @EmoryNeuroCrit ImageImage
1b) #Physicians #Nurses #Pharmacists #physicianassociate #NPs earn 0.5h CE/#CME from @academiccme for following this 🧵 Image
2) This program is supported by an educational grant from AstraZeneca and is intended for #HCPs. Accreditation statement and faculty disclosures at Prior (& future) programs in this space, available for 🆓CE/#CME credit, at….
Read 52 tweets
1) Welcome to our new #accredited #tweetorial on the Pathophysiology of #DKD in #T2D: Traditional Teaching and New Insights. Our expert author is Hans-Joachim Anders, MD, @hjanders_hans from @LMU_Uniklinikum of @LMU_Muenchen
2) This #accredited #tweetorial series on the foundations of #kidneydisease #DKD through the lens of #T2D is supported by an independent educational grant from the Boehringer Ingelheim/Lilly Alliance and is intended for healthcare providers.
3) This activity is accredited for #physicians #physicianassociates #nurses #NPs #pharmacists. Past programs still eligible for credit can be found at Faculty disclosures & accreditation statement are at FOLLOW US!
Read 48 tweets
Most CS undergrads go through four years without learning how to prepare for jobs in #Cloud Dev firms.

They learn OS, DBs, languages like #Javascript, #C++, #python, etc. but little on Cloud-related topics.

Colleges/Universities should consider incorporating these 10 topics.👇
1.History and evolution of Distributed Computing to Cloud computing
-#Grid computing
-#Parallel computing
-#Cluster computing
-Utility computing
-Service orientation
while talking about performance, robustness, high availability, delivering SLAs
2. Why Cloud Apps?
- Types of Cloud (Public, Private, VPC, Hybrid, Multi-Cloud)
- Types of offerings (IaaS, PaaS, SaaS)
- Service level objectives (SLOs) and Service Level Agreements (SLAs)
- Regulatory issues, Sovereign Clouds, Cloud Security
Read 11 tweets
1) Welcome to our new #accredited #tweetorial which is Part 2 of a 2-part "highlights" program on new #SGLT2i & #DKD data presented at @ERAkidney #ERA22. #Physicians #nurses #pharmacists #PAs and #NPs can all earn 0.5h CE/#CME by following this 🧵!
2a) @ERAkidney #ERA22 is a primary international scientific symposium for interaction and exchange among basic scientists and clinicians working in #Nephrology. Our expert author is Dr. Clara García Carro (@ClaraGCarro) from San Carlos Clinical Hospital (Madrid, Spain).
2b) Be sure to check out the first half of this #ERA22 recap from my colleague @shbermejo, and get MORE 🆓CE/#CME at Join me in following @ckd_ce for the BEST in #cardiorenal education delivered entirely by #tweetorial!
Read 48 tweets
1) Welcome to our new #accredited #tweetorial which is Part 1 of a 2-part "highlights" program on new #SGLT2i & #DKD data presented at @ERAkidney #ERA22. #Physicians #nurses #pharmacists #PAs and #NPs can all earn 0.5h CE/#CME by following this thread!
2) @ERAkidney #ERA22 is a primary international scientific symposium for interaction and exchange among basic scientists and clinicians working in #Nephrology. It was held in May. Our expert author is Dr. Sheila Bermejo (@shbermejo) from @vallhebron in Barcelona, Spain.
3) This program is #accredited for CE/#CME & is supported by an independent educational grant from the Boehringer Ingelheim/Lilly Alliance. It is not intended for US- or UK-based based HCPs. Accreditation statement & faculty disclosures at
Read 43 tweets

முன்ன எல்லாம் மத்திய அரசாங்க பணிகள்ள வேலை கிடைக்கும் போது எல்லாரும் சொன்னது அவனுக்கு என்னப்பா வேலை விட்டு போகும் போது PF காசு வரும். கூடவே பென்சன் மாசம் மாசம் வரும் அப்படினு தான் சொல்லுவாங்க ராஜ வாழ்கை அப்படி சொல்லுவாங்க. யார் கண்ணுப்பட்டுச்சோ பென்சன் தரத நிறுத்துனாங்க
அதுக்கு அப்புறம் மத்திய அரசாங்கமே #national_pension_scheme அப்படினு ஒரு திட்டம் கொண்டு வந்தாங்க. இது முதல்ல மத்திய அரசாங்க ஊழியர்கள் மட்டும் பயன்படுத்தும் விதமா இருந்துச்சி. அதுக்கு அப்புறம் இப்ப நம்மை போன்ற சாதாரண மக்களும் பயன்படுத்தும் விதமா மாத்தி இருக்காங்க
இதன் மூலமா நாமளும் வாங்கலாம் பென்சன். இதுக்கு தேவையானது எல்லாம் மொத்தம் 4 விசயம் தான்

1. உங்க ஆதார் கார்ட்
2. உங்க பேன் கார்ட்
3. Cancelled cheque leaf ஒண்ணு
4. மாசம் மாசம் கொஞ்சம் காசு

என்னது காசா அப்படினு கேட்டா மத்திய அரசும் சம்பளத்துல புடிச்சி தான்யா பென்சன் குடுத்தான்
Read 19 tweets
1) Welcome to a new #accredited #tweetorial on optimizing the role of the pharmacist in managing cardiometabolic disease! Accredited for 0.50 hr for #physicians #nurses #pharmacists! Expert faculty is Snehal Bhatt PharmD @SnayCardsPharmD of @BIDMChealth. Image
2a) This educational activity is supported by grants from Bayer, Otsuka, & Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals Inc. and Eli Lilly Company. See archived programs, all by expert authors, still available for credit at
2b) Accreditation statement and faculty disclosures are at We are your ONLY source for accredited education in CKD and #cardiorenal disease delivered wholly on Twitter. FOLLOW US!
Read 24 tweets
1) Welcome to a new #accredited #tweetorial on Clinical and Laboratory Manifestations of #DKD in #T2D: From Early Identification to Monitoring Management. Your expert author is @edgarvlermamd.
2a) This activity is supported by an independent educational grant from the Boehringer Ingelheim/Lilly Alliance and is intended for healthcare providers. It is accredited for #physicians #physicianassistants #nurses #NPs #pharmacists. Check out @cardiomet_ce for more🆓CE/#CME.
Read 45 tweets
Ex-President Truman displays his taste in summer shoes at 1956 Democratic convention: #Getty
Summer street shoes from Harry Truman's collection, Independence, Missouri: #NPS
One of Harry Truman’s ties:
Read 4 tweets
केंद्र/राज्य सरकार के वे कर्मचारी जिनका भर्ती विज्ञापन #NPS से पहले निकला और उस विज्ञापन में NPS की शर्तें लागू नहीं थी परंतु उक्त कार्मिकों की नियुक्ति NPS लागू होने के बाद होने पर सरकारी कमी के फलस्वरूप उन पर NPS थोप दी गई थी ऐसे कार्मिकों ने सुप्रीम कोर्ट से जीत हासिल की.. 1/1
पुरानी पेंशन बहाली के आदेश केंद्र सरकार से करवा लिए,उक्त कार्मिकों का #NPS में जमा धन #GPF में लौटाया जा रहा है
जब उनका पैसा वापस आ सकता है तो राजस्थान के कर्मचारियों का ₹39000 करोड क्यों नहीं आ सकता?
@FinMinIndia @NSDL_Depository @DoPTGoI @DOPPW_India @PIBPersMin @PFRDAOfficial
#PFRDA_Act में कहीं भी राज्य सरकार द्वारा एनपीएस योजना बंद करने पर प्रक्रिया गत कोई बात नहीं है, अंशदान लौटाने अथवा नहीं लौटाने का कोई जिक्र नहीं। #NSDL का गठन 2008 में हुआ था और 2010 में NSDL के साथ राजस्थान सरकार का करार हुआ,2011 में NSDL को पहली बार राजस्थान सरकार के कार्मिकों
Read 4 tweets
1) Welcome to our new #accredited #tweetorial on the Pathophysiology of #DKD in #T2D: Traditional Teaching and New Insights. Our expert author is Hans-Joachim Anders, MD, @hjanders_hans from @LMU_Uniklinikum of @LMU_Muenchen
2) This #accredited #tweetorial series on the foundations of #kidneydisease #DKD through the lens of #T2D is supported by an independent educational grant from the Boehringer Ingelheim/Lilly Alliance and is intended for healthcare providers.
3) This activity is accredited for #physicians #physicianassociates #nurses #NPs #pharmacists 🇺🇸🇪🇺🇬🇧🇨🇦. Past programs still eligible for credit are at Faculty disclosures are at FOLLOW US for regular programs by expert faculty!
Read 48 tweets
1) Welcome to a new #accredited #tweetorial on Cardiorenal Disease in T2D & the Impact of Blocking the MR in Patients w/DKD, another CE/#CME program by one of the @GoggleDocs, this time our friend @AmarPut, Diabetes & Endocrine Consultant in the West Midlands 🇬🇧. #CaReMe #FOAMed Image
2) This program is supported by an educational grant from Bayer & is intended for #healthcare providers. Author disclosures can be found at Prior programs, still available for CE/#CME credit, are at CE/#CME credit 🇬🇧🇪🇺🇨🇦🇺🇸
3) So first – the ‘triple threat’ . . . We know of the link between the 🫀 and the kidneys and the ‘#cardiorenal’ syndrome, but what about in the setting of #diabetes?
Read 55 tweets
1) Welcome to a new #accredited #tweetorial about an important complication of #pulmonaryembolism (#PE): chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension #CTEPH. Follow this thread to earn 0.75h CE/#CME #physicians #physicianassociates #NPs #nurses #pharmacists.
2) I am Jason Weatherald @AlbertaPHdoc of @UAlberta and you may recall my previous tweetorial in this feed. It's still available for credit at @cardiomet_CE is your ONLY home for earning CE/#CME entirely on Twitter! Howdy to @vic_tapson @lauralynndonah1 Image
3) This program is intended for #healthcare providers and is supported by educational grants from Actelion, Bayer, Chiesi, & AstraZeneca. Faculty disclosures are listed at Prior programs, still available for credit, are at
Read 49 tweets
1) Welcome to our new #tweetorial on optimizing #interprofessional & #multidisciplinary care & medical therapy for patients with #DKD. I am Sophia Ambruso DO, @Sophia_kidney, from @CU_kidney.
2) This #accredited #tweetorial series on #kidneydisease #DKD through the lens of #T2D is supported by an independent educational grant from the Boehringer Ingelheim/Lilly Alliance and is intended for healthcare providers. Faculty disclosures are at
3) This activity is accredited for 0.75h credit for #physicians #physicianassociates #nurses #NPs #pharmacists. Past programs still eligible for credit can be found at FOLLOW US for more programs by expert faculty!
Read 41 tweets

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