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Apr 10th 2023
1) Welcome to Part 2 of a new #accredited #tweetorial in our series of educational programs on #hypertrophic #cardiomyopathy #HCM. DOn't miss Part 1, still available for 🆓CE/#CME, at
Now you can learn more, and EARN MORE credit, by following this 🧵!
2) Our expert author is again Sergio Kaiser MD PhD FACC FESC 🇧🇷🇮🇱 @pabeda1, cardiologist 🫀, Professor 🎓 of #InternalMedicine, Rio de Janeiro State University. He brings the general cardiologist's perspective to our #HCM discussions. Read and learn!
#FOAMed #CardioTwitter Image
3) This program is supported by an unrestricted educational grant from Bristol Myers Squibb. Statement of accreditation and faculty disclosures at Credit for #physicians #nursepractitioners #physicianassociates #nurses #pharmacists from @academiccme.
Read 62 tweets
Mar 10th 2023
1/12: Check out our new @NatureNeuro paper! Molecular and network-level mechanisms explaining individual differences in #autism spectrum disorder by @amandambuch with Logan Grosenick and Conor Liston @WeillCornell @nyphospital @WCMPsychiatry… ImageImage
2/12: #Biomarkers have transformed diagnosis and treatment in medicine, but are elusive in neuropsychiatric syndromes such as autism spectrum disorder (ASD), a heterogeneous neurodevelopmental disorder. Image
3/12: Each individual with ASD presents with a different combination of strengths and deficits including a range of difficulties in social interaction/communication, repetitive/ritualistic behaviors, differing levels of intellectual disability and various medical comorbidities. Image
Read 12 tweets
Dec 3rd 2022
Its always difficult to take the first step, its always challenging to dive into a new domain. Happy that all the hard works brought the fruit eventually. Read our work from @RajeshPandeyLab @IGIBSocial @AcSIR_India on #singlecell #multiomics
The story highlights how important it is to understand the effect of #SARSCoV2 even after recovered from #COVID19 and how strength of #MachineLearning can be used for developing #disease #Biomarkers
This was indeed a challenging task, both on #Biology and #Bioinformatics front, but learnt a lot apart from the science part of it, especially #teamwork and #timemanagement.
#AcademicTwitter #AcademicChatter #phdlife
Read 5 tweets
Jul 28th 2022
Thrilled to see this one published in @JAMApsych. Here's a short thread discussing our findings on neurobiological #biomarkers of #depression.…
In a large, bi-centric study (#FOR2107) on depression (n=1809), we quantified the univariate neurobiological differences between healthy subjects and patients with major depression across a number of MRI modalities (#sMRI, task and rest #fMRI, #DTI).
We show that the univariate difference between the two groups is remarkably small for all modalities, all explaining less than 2% of variance.
Read 12 tweets
Mar 12th 2022
1/16 Inspired by #NephMadness, let’s briefly touch on:

💢Role of kidney biomarkers in patients with CHF
💢‘Worsening kidney function’ in heart failure
💢Permissive hypercreatininemia
💢Handling RAASi and SGLT2i in heart failure
#NephTwitter #MedTwitter…
2/16 Let’s have a poll.
Forward failure, characterized by decreased kidney perfusion, is the main determinant of kidney dysfunction in acute decompensated heart failure. Is this true or false?
3/16 That’s false!
◀️“Backward failure” (Kidney congestion, interstitial edema and tubular dysfunction) is believed to play a more vital role compared to “Forward failure”▶️ (decreased kidney perfusion)
Neurohumoral and inflammatory mechanisms also operate
Read 17 tweets
Oct 11th 2021
Intracranial Atherosclerotic Disease #ICAD

#ICAD leads to changes ranging from minor wall thickening to #hemodynamically significant luminal stenosis and is one of the most #common causes of #stroke worldwide…

🧵 Image

✅10% of stroke, based on autopsy studies
✅More prevalent in #African Americans, #Hispanics, and #Asians as compared with whites

Other risk factors in table Image

In postmortem studies
👉degree of luminal #stenosis
👉% of the plaques containing >40% #lipid area
👉prevalence of intraplaque #hemorrhage, #neovasculature and #thrombus,
were higher in those #plaques associated with #infarct
🔹… Image
Read 13 tweets
Aug 23rd 2021
#ClimateChange impacts all species through extreme weather events, #habitatchange & #resourcescarcity, and the #Walrus is no different. Declining ice has particularly challenged the survival of female and young walruses.…

(📸: @UMCES/Lee Cooper) Image
#GlobalWarming has led to a decline in the #SeaIce that walruses use to rest and access clam beds. Therefore, these mammals are being forced to crowd offshore, where clams are scarce, and the risk of stampedes is high!

(📸: Capt. Budd Christman, NOAA Corps) Image
Studying #biomarkers at various #foodchain levels is necessary to understand the role of sea ice in the #foodweb. Since clams are an essential part of the Walrus diet, the more they flourish, the more food walruses will have. Thus, researchers use walrus tissues as biomarkers.
Read 4 tweets
Jun 30th 2021
The Webinar on "Monoclonal gammopathy and its significance for kidneys" is about to begin!
There is still time to test your knowledge by solving the @ISNeducation quiz ➡️
Starting now!
Webinar: "Monoclonal Gammopathy of Renal Significance - Clinical Perspective" with
@arzuvelix and Serhan Tuglular
Welcome Dr @arzuvelix and Dr Serhan Tuglular
Webinar: "Monoclonal Gammopathy of Renal Significance -Clinical Perspective" with

Read 44 tweets
Feb 18th 2021
A more polished thread on #epigenomic #biomarkers for #LiquidBiopsy and #CancerScreening:
Epigenomic biomarkers are becoming more established for #LiquidBiopsy and #CancerScreening, and we have seen the big players positioning themselves in this #epigenomics race recently.
Catching signs of #cancer early is crucially important to the disease management and survival rates, so the question is: how can we find out if there is something wrong going on early enough, ideally in a low-cost assay that can be performed regularly on healthy individuals?
Read 39 tweets
Jan 20th 2021
Our first paper… is now out @CellStemCell! With @ionispharma & the Jamieson Lab @UCSanDiegoDRM, we found that selective #antisense oligonucleotides inhibiting #IRF4 reduce disease burden & #multiplemyeloma #regeneration in #cancer models. @CellPressNews 1/ Image
IRF4 (interferon regulatory factor 4) is a key plasma cell transcription factor that is known to play a critical role in #myeloma progression. It's been shown to activate networks of #cellcycle and cancer regulators, including the notorious #cancer and #stemcell gene, #MYC. 2/ Image
In this new work, the talented @PhoebeMondala & @AshniVora first dug deeper into the IRF4 networks activated in high-risk forms of #myeloma, including #plasmacellleukemia. IRF4 target genes (SLAMF7, BCMA) were widely induced, especially among genes regulating the #cellcycle. 3/ Image
Read 15 tweets
Jan 12th 2021
#COVID19SA #Biomarkers, Chemical Pathology Division Head at Stellenbosch University, Prof Annalise Zemlin, says medical researchers are studying which patients being treated for COVID-19 are at a higher risk for severe illness. KB Image : Damien Schumann. Image
Zemlin “hopefully the findings of the study will show how the levels of the biomarkers or the changes in levels of biomarkers over time,can predict which patients will have a more serious disease progression and possibly allow us to intervene earlier and prevent this progression”
#COVID19SA The research study will identify biochemical, haematological and immunological biomarkers including novel ones not routinely tested but possibly associated with increased risk of severe illness. KB
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Aug 25th 2020
1mo writing, 4mo #PeerReview
Finally! Our invited #publication on #infections in #cirrhosis World Journal of #Hepatology
Update on diagnosis and management of sepsis in cirrhosis
Full paper:
Exhaustive discussions, new stuff..1/4
#livertwitter #MedTwitter Image
...a lot of important defining and prognosis powered scoring systems used in #sepsis 2/4
#MedStudentTwitter Image
...biomarkers new and old for sepsis 3/4
#ScienceTwitter #medicine #biomarkers Image
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Jul 1st 2020
Bird’s-eye view 👁 on what to look out for @WCGIC #WorldGI2020.
Opening remarks on important data 📺 @myESMO - by Dr. Eric Van Cutsem @UZLeuven.
🟩Good to see more #PrecisionMedicine🧬
🟥#Immunotherapy #Immuno-#oncology
🟦TNT & other chemo strategies
@Annals_Oncology #OncoAlert
🆕#ctDNA #liquidbiopsies 🩸🧬
👀 👇🏾at the number of #clinicaltrials cropping up in this space‼️
We have 2🇺🇸studies open. #CRCSM #WorldGI2020
#WORLDGI2020 This is 🆒 ☢️ 32-P EUS-guided implantation in #pancreascancer #PANCSM @myESMO @WCGIC @Annals_Oncology.

Still miles to go. OS median of 16 months pointing again to the systemic nature of disease. Need to piggyback these local approaches to better systemic. #OncoAlert
Read 55 tweets
Apr 12th 2020
Multi-Omic inTegrative Analysis (MOTA): an application of differential network analysis to #multiomics.

✓3 non-TCGA datasets (HCC vs CIRR)
✓explanations for parameters & rgCCA choice
✓good at known cancer drivers recovery
✓consistent across cohorts

#SundayMultiOmics 1/n
[[ Detailed description & comments follow ]]
Figures © by authors, reused under CC-BY 4.0…
Developed @LombardiCancer @gumedcenter (sorry I could not to find authors on Twitter)
["Layman" introduction]: many studies focus on the differences in the abundance of specific biomolecules; while very useful to highlight the obvious #biomarkers, it may not explain complex disease mechanisms & can be very sensitive to cohort differences (e.g. in #metabolomics)
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Dec 5th 2019
Nostalgic to be back at Bay Area Aging Meeting #BAAM. Shortly after moving to the Bay, I remember being blown away that this free, local symposium was of the same caliber as a Keystone meeting. Meeting is bigger than ever, as #agingbiology goes mainstream. #creatingtime.
Great talks by students and postdocs from @BrunetLab, @wysscoray lab, @czbiohub, @RobertoZoncu lab, @VilledaLab, and many more. Other than the keynote by @DMSabatini, everything is focused on giving #trainees a chance to present unpublished work.💚
@BrunetLab @wysscoray @czbiohub @RobertoZoncu @VilledaLab @DMSabatini And @calico is finally giving talks, after lurking at our meeting for several years😄 Scott McIsaac talking about their MAD machine for collecting old yeast cells out of a continuously replicating population. They can get millions of cells for genomics assays.
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Feb 26th 2019
This team successfully identified key factors driving a complex multifactorial disease tied to persistent #infection! (necrotizing colitis)👉 They used a combo of genome-resolved #metagenomics + machine learning approaches to identify #microbial features predictive of the illness
Features considered included genes, #bacterial strain types, eukaryotes, bacteriophages, plasmids + growth rates 👉 ...which allowed the team to “uncover #biomarkers that could lead to early detection of necrotizing enterocolitis and targets for #microbiome-based therapeutics.” ImageImage
Important consideration from study👉 “Bioinformatics techniques can also infer in situ bacterial replication rates directly from #metagenomic data, an important metric, as some #microbiome-related diseases have a signal related to bacterial replication but not relative abundance”
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Jan 21st 2019
announcing this week's topic - #validity of dementia diagnosis, and how does it relate to use of administrative databases for #dementia research!
1/n bit of basic #epidemiology first: Gold standard measures are used to assess the validity of alternative measurement #epitwitter
2/n BUT in #dementia research there is no clear gold standard --> so the question remains - what do we typically ise as the "gold standard" and what does it say about the alternative =administrative dabatases measure? Stay tuned for more!
Read 14 tweets

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