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Most recents (11)

May 30th 2023
🧵Strap in your bindings, #crypto community! We're about to carve fresh tracks into a thorough exploration of the transformative #FlareNetworks. If you believed you've seen all the trails in crypto, time for a double take 🤙

This thread is about $FLR and its groundbreaking……
🚨⚠️ Warning: This tweet thread contains high doses of #crypto innovation and disruptive potential. Side effects may include an irresistible urge to ape into $FLR. Proceed with caution and always #DYOR. Let's continue... #FLR #DeFi 🚀🌕
The Flare Network introduces F-assets, a game-changer in the crypto world. F-assets are a truly trustless representation of other cryptocurrencies on the Flare Network, bringing smart contract functionality to coins like $BTC and $XRP. #FLR #Fassets
Read 16 tweets
Mar 29th 2023
Have you ever heard of a Reality Index?
Neither have I until about a week ago.

Today I'm going to dive into an AI network that is combining paradigms of AI, autonomous robotics, and Blockchain, to prompt realities into existence.


👇 Image
Week #1 the core team behind Roko proposed via snapshot and acquired the following node infrastructure.

2 Million $POND tokens for running relays on @MarlinProtocol layer zero relay network.

1034 $TAO for delegating to @bittensor_ validators for decentralized computation
Read 21 tweets
Mar 24th 2023
👀 Un hito muuy importante para #Ethereum

Hoy se lanzó al público la versión alpha de @zksync en mainnet, una tecnología que permite hacer transacciones de activos digitales de forma más rápida, segura y barata.

Desarrolladores, proyectos y usuarios pueden construir ya en zkEVM Image
El anuncio viene luego de intensas pruebas y múltiples auditorías de seguridad, concursos públicos y programas de recompensas por encontrar vulnerabilidades

Además, se han agregado mecanismos de monitoreo y mitigación de riesgos independientes para encontrar actividad sospechosa ImageImage
¿Cómo impacta a los usuarios de #Ethereum?

En reducción de costos transaccionales se logra una disminución de hasta 100x y la velocidad se aumenta hasta 10x en comparación con las cifras actuales.

Eso es escalar #Ethereum
Read 15 tweets
Mar 21st 2023
🚀 Exciting news for developers!
PhalaNetwork is offering
up to $50,000 USD 🤑
in PHA tokens, technical assistance, marketing support, and more through their Builders Program.

Here's how to apply⬇️

#developers #Etherium #smartcontract #PhalaNetwork
1️⃣ Fill out and submit an application form.…
2️⃣ Successful applicants will schedule an introductory call with the team.
3️⃣ Present the technical side of your project to the Phat Contract development team.

#phatcontract #web3 #phamily #crypto
4️⃣ Successful applicants will receive a funding amount, milestone structure, and overall expectations.
5️⃣ Start working towards milestones with support from the Phala dev team.

#devs #funding
Read 4 tweets
Mar 20th 2023
👷‍♂️ Are you a builder, eager to create something amazing?
We understand that feeling and that’s why we’re offering you the Phala Builders Program.

Read the @PhalaNetwork Builder program information below to learn more⬇️ Image
🧑‍💻Join the program and get access to some of the best minds in the blockchain industry to guide your project from conception to deployment and beyond.

#crypto #developers #blockchain #CloudComputing #smartcontracts #eth
🌟 If building is your passion, this program is for you. We offer up to $50,000 in PHA tokens, technical assistance, and marketing support.
🔧 Follow these simple steps to join the program:
1️⃣ Fill out and submit an application form.
Read 5 tweets
Jan 13th 2023
#Nexera is a #trustless, #secure & #extensible protocol that leverages the uniqueness of #NFT properties to create & manage NFT as data containers AKA #MetaNFT. We spoke about #NexeraID,lets speak about #NexeraFi & #NexeraIOracle. for the big picture:
#NexeraFi is an automated on-chain execution layer for DeFi investments
#NexeraFi seamlessly integrates with DeFi protocols and allows anyone to automatically execute and manage their investment solutions & strategies
Read 24 tweets
Dec 10th 2022
@WKahneman 1/ Certainly one of the finest tedious rants I've heard in a long time 😉

But let me add a few more facts to your fantastic thread:
@WKahneman 2/ First and foremost, if you're looking for a quick way to find the first or oldest commit, often known as changes to the repository, ever recorded on XRPLF/rippled, here it is: 👇…
@WKahneman 3/ You can see when the #XRPL was initially built, who was involved in the early stages, what issues were addressed, and what improvements were implemented at what point in time. 🧐
Read 16 tweets
Jul 21st 2022
We are proud to reveal the next evolutionary step for cross-chain bridging.

Welcome #ZKCross, the very first ZK based bridge, built by @thezkcross in collab with #Syscoin.

Some said it couldn't be done.
Syscoin said it can.
We were correct.

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@thezkcross Fact: The industry has seen over $1 Billion lost to bridge hacks over the last 2 years. Fundamental change is in order.

#ZKCross and #Syscoin have solved common cross-chain bridge vulnerabilities with an all-new #trustless scenario.

Safer, more secure, and more performant.

@thezkcross As a non-custodial and ZK-based cross-chain solution, it will offer a state-of-the-art DEX / AMM experience that spans multiple Layer 1 & 2 ecosystems. This is an industry first.

But it doesn't stop there - there is a wide range of possibilities beyond the AMM function.

Read 5 tweets
Feb 1st 2022
Want to be in the top 1%?

Find the blockchain projects 99% aren't looking at.

I've done 1000s of hours of research on some of the best projects and compiled them into educational threads for other citizens to research

Here are some of my deep dives🌊

--Thread of Threads-- Image
My focus is on long-term utility blockchain/ DLT projects⛓

Not short-term meme coins

These threads will cover:

• CBDC's
• IoT + IoV
• Innovation
• Supply chain
• Data protection
• Paperless trade finance
• Cheap payment infrastructure
• Interoperability of DLT ledgers Image
Read 18 tweets
Nov 9th 2021
The case for #interoperability and #ICON’s Blockchain Transmission Protocol (#BTP) $ICX
#cryptocurrency #blockchain #metaverse

A thread! 👇
There are many similarities between the internet and #blockchain in terms of how the #technologies have dawned and evolved. This will, undoubtedly, continue going forward. Much like the dawn of the internet, there are isolated networks operating with their own rules and uses.
Really, this was pre-internet because, initially, the internet was just a connection between similarly isolated networks of computers. But as the #technology was refined and became more desirable and used, this network of networks grew into what we know as the #internet today.
Read 21 tweets
Feb 24th 2020
Imagine blockchain-native finance with the Trustless Staking Token
Fully #trustless, #decentralized #token with guaranteed returns for investors.
Leveraged risk for issuers.
Read 8 tweets

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