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DIGITAL SERVICES ACT: l'arma della UE per controllare l'informazione e #censurare il dissenso

"La censura la esige e la esercita il potente, che non vuole essere ostacolato nei propri piani o attività da obiezioni e proteste, bensì essere soltanto obbedito" (J. W. Goethe)

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Il centro di comunicazione strategico NATO #StratCom viene presentato al pubblico come un think tank con mandato formale di "comprendere e utilizzare metodi che affrontano le sfide nell'ambiente informativo" che i paesi NATO dovrebbero adottare.

Ad inaugurare StratCom, presenti i presidenti di Lituania, Lettonia e il senatore americano John #McCain.

Tuttavia, ammette lo staff di Stratcom, che il loro obiettivo principale sia la guerra dell'informazione... (e che) StratCom non sia peró una stazione di spionaggio.

3/23 Image
Read 25 tweets
1/ A little thread on this week's @techpolicypress offerings.

The week started with a discussion on the so-called Twitter Files with @David_Ingram and @mmasnick.

Scrutinizing “The Twitter Files”…
2/ On Monday, @JJaursch shared ideas on how to overcome barriers to the effective enforcement of Europe's #DigitalServicesAct #DSA

Barriers to Strong DSA Enforcement – and How to Overcome Them…
3/ Tuesday, @christelletono and @SonjaSolomun took us through weaknesses in Canada's proposed legislation to regulate AI.

How To Fix Canada’s Proposed Artificial Intelligence Act…
Read 8 tweets
Recital 8 of the proposed #EMFA #MediaFreedomAct contains very surprising statements, particularly the fact that VSPs may actually be media services, based on the role they play in the "content organisation". Image
If that was true, it would introduce a complete change from the current conceptual framework established by the eCommerce Directive, the case law of the ECJ and even the #DigitalServicesAct .
Funny thing, however, is that such conclusion does not have a clear consequence or reflect when we look into the articles of the proposal.
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1/5 @Europarl_EN approved the #DigitalServicesAct with 539 votes in favour. EDRi welcomes DSA’s attempt to enable a real transformation of online advertising industry, away from cheating & spying on users & towards a safer, privacy-respecting ad ecosystem.…
2/5 “The DSA offers the much-needed tools to enforce platform accountability, but we will continue to call and work for regulatory alternatives to address the currently dominant surveillance business model,” says @edri's @sebabecks.…
3/5 This is the result of continuous advocacy & campaigning efforts by the @EDRi network & many partners to push for stronger #DigitalRights rules.

🎉BIG thanks to EDRi members & allies for their work that has brought us one step closer to inclusive & equitable online spaces.
Read 5 tweets
Remember when they sneered at Geocities pages for being an unusable eyesore? True, they had some, uh, *idiosyncratic* design choices, but at least they reflected a real person's exuberant ideas about what looked and worked well. Today's web is an unusable eyesore *by design*. 1/ A GDPR consent dialog with ...
If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this thread to read or share, here's a link to it on, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:… 2/
Start with those fucking "sign up for our newsletter" interruptors. Email is the last federated protocol, publishers are desperate to get you to sign up to their newsletter, which nominally bypasses Big Tech's chokepoint on communications between creators and audiences. 3/
Read 49 tweets
"[T]he whole world’s inexcusable mistake. We could have avoided so many deaths if a Basic Income had been introduced to the world. UBI will reduce humanity’s aggression and destroy the economic, political, and psychological causes of war."--Irina Soloveva…
Can Alondra Nelson Remake the Government's Approach to Science and Tech? - POLITICO…
#OfficeOfScienceAndTechnologyPolicy, #InstitutionalLeadership, #OrganizationDesign, #DepoliticizationOfScience
Read 13 tweets
The internet has ushered in an era of unprecedented invasive surveillance. Commercial operators large and small spy on us in every way and sell and give away and leak our data to criminals, cops, spies, advertisers and stalkers. 1/ A row of newspaper boxes on...
This isn't because you're not paying for "the product," which makes *you* the product. Companies that *can* abuse you *do*. 2/
John Deere will sell you a $800,000 tractor and then lock you out of getting it fixed so they can charge you a fortune for repairs. You're paying for the product, but you're still the product.… 3/
Read 31 tweets
My op-ed this morning in @IrishTimes:
Ireland blew its chance to lead EU in online safety.
#DigitalServicesAct #DSA

There are stories within this story...
The first story is about the Digital Services Act, which is weak on the algorithmic recommender systems that promote hate. Facebook’s internal studies found that these systems amplify unlawful material at enormous scale, and pushed people toward extremism.…
When an algorithm is designed to probe your darkest instincts and serve you a diet of poison, it should not come preinstalled and switched on by default.
See image: the DSA could have switched them off by default. That would have instantly slowed the torrent of unlawful material.
Read 10 tweets
Last Friday, the #DigitalServicesAct deal was agreed. The #DSA is a gamechanger for our lives, society & the internet. It's incredibly important for regulating digital services, in particular the very big online platforms. But what does the deal mean & what's in it? Long 🧵
Clear rules for illegal content: In future, orders by judicial and administrative authorities of the Member States against illegal content (Article 8) and orders for information (Article 9). #DigitalServicesAct
All online services must have a contact point or legal representative in the EU. This also applies to services like Telegram. No one can operate on the market in Europe without complying with European law. #DigitalServicesAct
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My 2c on #ElonMusk #TwitterTakeover: If Musk implements his announcements, it means that Twitter can pack up here in Europe.
With free speech absolutism, he underestimates the consequences for our democracy and will clash with obligations under the EU's #DigitalServicesAct.
#ElonMusk will soon be confronted with the #DigitalServicesAct: content moderation in the EU must meet high standards & respect all fundamental rights. The #DSA contains many strict rules for the biggest platforms - and Twitter will very likely fall in the VLOPs category.
The #DigitalServicesAct means that Twitter has to invest in human content moderators, it has to comply with due diligence obligations, such as risk assessments of its service & algorithms for society. If he doesn't comply: there will be heavy fines!
Read 4 tweets
L'Europa approva il #DigitalServicesAct storica riforma per regolare il lavoro delle piattaforme social @Meta @MetaNewsroom @Twitter @Google contro disinformazione e intolleranza
Nel thread, a cura @LuissDataLab @IDMO_it , ecco di che cosa si tratta 1/
Le piattaforme social non potranno più mirare a utenti minorenni con pubblicità online dirette. Sono vietate le manipolazioni occulte di algoritmi per indirizzare i cittadini verso certi contenuti, scelti dalle piattaforme per lucro, soprattutto se basati su sesso, 2/
identità etnica o sessuale, età, religione, aree politiche. Le piattaforme dovranno comunicare, in trasparenza, come combattono la disinformazione, a fatti e non slogan, e la propaganda bellica, attiva e senza controlli soprattutto dopo la guerra in #Ucraina. 3/
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Heute findet in Brüssel die entscheidende Verhandlungsrunde zum neuen #DigitalServicesAct statt. Die Europäische Union kann mit diesem Regelwerk Maßstäbe bei der Regulierung digitaler Plattformen setzen und gleichzeitig die Bürgerrechte und die Demokratie besser schützen 🧵. #DSA
Obwohl der DSA in 🇩🇪 das problematische Regime des NetzDG ablösen wird, dient er primär nicht der Verfolgung bereits begangener Rechtsverletzungen. Der DSA reduziert vielmehr die strukturelle Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass auf großen Plattformen Rechtsverletzungen begangen werden.
Dazu sollen den Plattformen bestimmte Sorgfalts- und Rechenschaftspflichten auferlegt werden. Ein förmlicheres Verfahren soll sicher stellen, dass Overblocking vermieden und die Grundrechte geschützt werden.
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1/4 🚨Times of crisis must NOT be an excuse for undermining human rights!

In the closed-door #DigitalServicesAct negotiations, the @EU_Commission proposed a “crisis response mechanism” that would give itself the powers to unilaterally declare an EU-wide state of emergency. "DSA: Politicans introduce last-minute 'crisis response
2/4 In that state of emergency, the Commission would be able to force online platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to interfere with the right to free expression and the dissemination of information online. Hardly any checks and balances, no time limits.
3/4 At a minimum, the mechanism must:
🗣️require ex-post consent by @Europarl_EN
⏳include time limits for emergency powers
✋limit its use to serious threats to the EU only, not localised emergencies
⚖️ensure transparency of process when deciding any crisis mitigation measures
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🇩🇪 Riesenerfolge und Rückschläge nach der Abstimmung zum #DigitalServicesAct. Beispiel: Ein #RechtaufAnonymität kommt, aber auch eine Identifizierungspflicht für Uploader auf Erwachsenenplattformen.

Wer wie über eure Digitale Rechte abgestimmt hat, erfahrt ihr im Thread 🧵⬇
Immer wieder werden persönliche Infos v. EU-Bürgern gehackt & geleakt. Eine Steilvorlage für Cyberkriminelle.

Gegen CDU & FDP konnten wir jetzt eine Mehrheit für das Recht auf anonyme Nutzung & Bezahlung digitaler Dienste im #DigitalServicesAct erringen!
#Erfolg #PiratenWirken
Internetkonzerne verwenden unzuverlässige #Uploadfilter gegen vermeintlich illegale Inhalte – mit vielen Kollateralschäden. Doch CDU und FDP wollen die Zensurmaschinen nicht einmal auf offensichtlich und kontextunabhängig illegale Inhalte begrenzen! Keine Mehrheit...
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🇬🇧 Huge successes and major setbacks after the vote on the #DigitalServicesAct. We won backing for a right to use services anonymously, but there will be mandatory 📱number registration for adult content creators.

Find out who supported and who opposed your digital rights 🧵⬇
Personal information of millions of EU citizens is hacked and leaked again and again, fuelling cybercrime.

We were now able to secure a majority for a right to use and pay for digital services anonymously in the #DigitalServicesAct!
Internet corporations use unreliable #uploadfilters against supposedly illegal content - with much collateral damage. The majority won‘t even limit automated censorship to content that is manifestly illegal irrespective of its context.
Read 11 tweets
Helft uns dabei, den #DigitalServicesAct zu einem Befreiungsschlag für unsere Rechte im Netz zu machen! Am Donnerstag wird im EU-Parlament über die folgenden Änderungsanträge des Innenausschusses abgestimmt.

Wendet euch an eure Europaabgeordneten!

Hier erfahrt ihr mehr 🧵⬇
Jedes Jahr erhalten Cyberkriminelle durch Datenlecks persönliche Infos von Millionen EU-Bürgern.

Wir wollen ein Recht auf anonyme Nutzung und Bezahlung von Diensten im #DigitalServicesAct verankern, um eure Privatsphäre zu schützen und Datenlecks zu verhindern!

#FixtheDSA Image
Immer mehr Regierungen missbrauchen ihre Befugnisse, um Bürger auszuspionieren.

Der #DigitalServicesAct sollte sicherstellen, dass eure Daten nur auf richterliche Anordnung und bei schweren Verbrechen oder Gefahrenlagen abgegriffen werden dürfen!

#FixTheDSA Image
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Help make the EU #DigitalServicesAct a game-changer for our digital rights! Thursday, the Civil Liberties Committee‘s proposals to #FixTheDSA will be voted in the European Parliament.

Reach out to your MEPs!

Find out more 🧵⬇
Every year, data leaks expose millions of EU citizens' data to cyber-criminals.

We plan to enshrine the right to use and pay for services anonymous-ly in the #DigitalServicesAct, to protect citizens privacy, and reduce the impact of data leaks.

#FixTheDSA Image
More and more governments have been abusing their powers to spy on citizens.

The #DigitalServicesAct should ensure your data can only be handed over following a court order to investigate & prosecute serious crime or threats to public security.

#FixTheDSA Image
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Splošni pristop glede zakonodajnega predloga Akta o digitalnih storitvah (#DSA), ki so ga minuli teden sprejeli ministri za gospodarstvo na zasedanju Sveta za konkurenčnost (@EUCouncil | #COMPET), odraža neambicioznost članic EU pri zaščiti pravic evropskih državljanov na spletu.
Oba zakonodajna dokumenta, poleg #DSA še Akt o digitalnih trgih (#DMA), sta pomembna za enotni digitalni trg. Čeprav splošni pristop, ki ga je sprejel @EUCouncil, predstavlja določen napredek, pa še zdaleč ne zagotavlja ustrezne ravni varstva evropskih državljanov in potrošnikov.
Pripravo splošnega pristopa zaključuje tudi Odbor Evropskega parlamenta za notranji trg in varstvo potrošnikov (@EP_SingleMarket | #IMCO). S tem bo tlakovana pot, da Svet EU (@EUCouncil) in Evropski parlament (@Europarl_EN) prihodnje leto pripravita končno besedilo #DSA.
Read 12 tweets
Ampelkoalitionsvertrag super zu
Gefährlich zu
Demokratiefeindlich durch
😡#Sperrklausel zur Europawahl

Analyse im #Thread 👎
👍Deutschland gegen EU-Pläne zur #Chatkontrolle aller Privatnachrichten!
Koalitionsvertrag: "Maßnahmen zum Scannen privater Kommunikation ... lehnen wir ab."
Das "Recht auf #Verschlüsselung" wird festgeschrieben.
Die von der Leyen-Kommission muss ihre Pläne jetzt stoppen!
👍Deutschland fordert: "Biometrische Erkennung im öffentlichen Raum ... sind europarechtlich auszuschließen". Rückendeckung für #ReclaimYourFace beim geplanten KI-Gesetz der EU!
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Erster Eindruck: Ampel hat keinen Bock auf #Urheberrecht. Nur Evaluierung, keine Gesetzesvorhaben im #Koalitionsvertrag, dabei bräuchten wir die dringend, zB beim #Zensurheberrecht. Ob Bibliotheken E-Books künftig wie physische Bücher verleihen dürfen, bleibt unklar. #BuchistBuch Image
Etwas besser ist der Abschnitt zu Forschung, wissenschaftsfreundliches #Urheberrecht klingt gut, aber es fehlen Details. Ich würde mir da zB wünschen: Ausweitung des Zweitveröffentlichungsrechts für Urheber*innen aller wissenschaftl Publikationen, unabhängig vom Finanzierungsweg! Image
Der medienpolitische Teil zu #DSA/#DMA liest sich schlimmstenfalls als Unterstützung der Idee, dass Plattformen nicht nur #Leistungsschutzrecht für Presseartikel zahlen sollen, sondern auch gezwungen werden, diese anzuzeigen. Das behindert Vorgehen gegen Desinformation! #LSR Image
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The #EU regulation for online Platforms, the #DigitalServicesAct (#DSA), plans in the article 31 to allow « access to platforms data for vetted researchers ». Unpopular opinion: it is a bad idea…
Some approved experts would be allowed under certain condition, access to some inside data from the platforms.What can go wrong ? Let’s ask the annoying quetion : what kind of access, what is "data" and how do we plan to organise the "vetting"
"access" does not means a "right to publish". Data, used, stored, accessed or published are governed by General Data Protection Regulation. #GDPR is highly protective of users, but, platforms like to use GDPR to shut down researchers accessing their data (like @algorithmwatch)
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Last year, the EU introduced the #DigitalServicesAct as part of a package of anti-monopoly measures aimed at US-based Big Tech. EU regulators could lead here, since - unlike US regulators - they don't have to worry about Big Tech as a source of national "soft power." 1/ The EU flag, backed by a maze of circuit-board traces.
If you'd like an unrolled version of this thread to read or share, here's a link to it on, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:…

That's why the EU gave us the #GDPR, a serious and far-reaching privacy law. 2/
Unfortunately, the GDPR has been hamstrung by its enforcement problems. Under the GDPR, enforcement is delegated to each country's Information Commissioner's Office (ICO). 3/
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"Researchers developed a method to deliver a Facebook ad campaign to just one person out of 1.5 billion" "based only on the user’s interests", so on personal data (despite authors claiming otherwise!) . Ultra- targeting. #GDPR #ePrivacy #DigitalServicesAct…
Such precision is totally identifying and singling out individuals. This is highly privacy invasive. I'm SHOCKED that the researchers and the press describe it as 'without personal data'. Not true! #GDPR #ePrivacy
"4 rarest interests of a user make them unique within a user base in the same order of magnitude as the worldwide population". Such result means that such targeting is bound by regulations. This is shocking! Imressive result. Cost of targeting: 0.12€ #GDPR #ePrivacy
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NEW: our case study, described today by @FT @madhumita29, shows that Facebook pushes anxiety-fuelling ads at a young mother worried about her toddler’s health, even after she disabled all health-related interests in ad settings.


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Together with @sapiezynski we analysed over 2,000 ads she saw over 2 months. 1 in 5 was related to health, often in parenting context (terminally ill kids, fertility problems). Facebook attributed 21 health-related interests to her, e.g. oncology, genetic disorder, neoplasm. 2/6
It turns out that Facebook’s ad control tools are useless: even though the user had disabled all sensitive interests, the platform *continued* to push disturbing ads at her, and to infer *new* health-related traits (e.g. MRI, intensive care unit).

3/6 Image
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