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#Omena = tiny fish
#Omena = tiny fish eaten by other fish/people
#Omena = tiny fish, swimming in the lake, often destined for the plate, on someone's menu somewhere
Now imagine, some #omena (destined for someone’s plate tomorrow), think other #omena should be eaten (first)? ImageImageImage
Newsflash#1: If you are not wealthy/politically connected in your country, you are #OMENA 📢📢📢
Instead of fighting for all #Omena not to be eaten, instead of fighting for the dignity of all #Omena, you are asking #LGBTQ folks to be eaten first !!
Stupid will finish you
Newsflash #2:
If you are a woman, a black person, an African, a person living with disability, an ethnic or religious minority AND you are not wealthy or politically connected - you are #OMENA - on someone's menu somewhere. Image
Read 6 tweets
🛑🛑Tras la repercusión del tuit de abajo sobre un artículo resumen de los ensayos clínicos más prometedores de 2023 publicado en @Nature y un sondeo positivo sobre resumir o no su contenido, me dispongo a ello.

pd. Aportaré info adicional y actualizando en estos días

Vamos🧵 Image
1º varias notas aclaratorias:

-En la pieza de @Nature le preguntan a 11 investigadores sobre ensayos, de su área de estudio, prometedores o esperados en 2023. Yo resumiré lo que dicen y aportaré información adicional
- es una web donde se registran los ensayos clínicos, se informa de todo lo relacionado con su diseño, objetivos, resultados que se esperan, equipos implicados, fármacos que se van a usar y en qué enfermedad y otras cosas más
Read 121 tweets
Installed headless #Ubuntu on #RaspberryPi using the Raspberry Pi Imager ? Trying to figure out how to change the wifi password? Read the 🧵
The Wifi config is managed by default using networkd and netplan with the config set up by cloud-init during the first boot. Update your password here : Image
Generate and apply: Image
Read 4 tweets
I want to say that God is good & God comes in the form of my residents, students, & trainees. Yesterday, my chest was heavy & I was feeling so discouraged. This morning, I get mail from @ACPinternists stating 1 of my residents nominated me for women in medicine recognition😭😭😭 ImageImage
I call Dr. Green this morning & let her know how much she has filled my heart with encouragement & love. She barely lets me speak as she pours into me how much she & her colleagues love & appreciate my work & tell me to keep doing what I’m doing the way I’m doing it.
She says “I love you, Dr. Opara. We all love you. Thank you for how you show up. We see you. We see that you do what you do with love and that you care. That you speak up for us, for all our communities loudly & not giving a crap. Please never change…
Read 9 tweets
#CryptoEducation Gems [Mega Thread]

A navigational aid for the variety of projects featured in current @gitcoin #GR13:

A curated list of projects that are helping blockchains become an integral part of the world by empowering people with knowledge and education. 🤓🔖💪

🔎 @LearnWeb3DAO / @haardikkk
(education system)

For open-minded individuals, interested in everything they need to know in order to become a #Web3 native.

A very rich resource with a fast-growing userbase of Web3 students.


2/N #GR13
🔎 Odyssey DAO / @odyssey_dao
(Educational DAO / resource)

For #Web3 newcomers interested in high-quality learning material with a variety of learning paths.


3/N #GR13
Read 70 tweets
Open Source Intelligence (#osint) is based on the use of hundreds of open source tools. In my experience, the main problem of good #opensource tools is extremely LOW number of users.

In this thread I will tell how independent developers find their audience (free)🧵🧵⬇️ (1/14)
(2/14) Check how your product runs outside your computer.

For starters, try opening your Github repository at (it's free online #Ubuntu).

This will show what the user will need to install to run
Ex: the Python modules to include in requirements.txt
(3/14) Test your product on different operating systems

Ideally, you should install several virtual machines on your computer. VM images can be found here:

Linux -

Windows (legal, free 90 days) -…

MacOS -…
Read 15 tweets
UBUNTU is a very nice story from Africa. The motivation behind Ubuntu culture in Africa.
An Anthropologist proposed a game to the African tribal children. He placed a basket of sweets near a tree and made the children stand 100 meters away.
The announced that whoever reaches first would get all the sweets in the basket.
When he said “Go”
Do you know what these children did?
They all held each other’s hands, ran together towards the tree, divided the sweets equally among themselves, ate the sweets and enjoyed.
When the Anthropologist asked them why they did so
They answered in unison “Ubuntu”
Which means: How can one be happy when the others are sad?
“I am because we are”
Read 4 tweets
Today I started compiling a list of twitter accounts of online media who write all about #Linux and #opensource.…

In this thread🧵 I will tell you what project is behind each account on this list Image
Learn to use Linux command line, SysAdmin tools, server setup etc with us. Image
Enjoy Linux, Unix, OpenSource, Programming, Sysadmin & DevOps? Follow to make the most of your geeky IT career. Ad-free Patreon content Image
Read 22 tweets
🔷Want to master Command Line but struggling to find where to start ? Then here is the mega thread 🧵for you to start
🔷This thread covers Windows Commands, Power shell Cmdlets, Linux shell commands along side Mac
🔷You will get to know Kernels & Shells

#Windows #Linux #macOS Image
What is KERNEL?
What is Shell ?
What is the Relation ?
Unlike many things, Every Operating System will have KERNEL not just Linux, it's a misconception
#kernel #Shell #DEVCommunity Image
Windows - Regular Command Prompt
Linux - Most of shells like SH, BASH and ZSH
Apple - ZSH shell
#Developer Image
Read 13 tweets
1/🧵🎥 #Delta COVID ALERT‼️

4th wave has Teens phoning parents to say Goodbye. Beds & Staffing are too tight to monitor visitation.
Infxs Dz doc @katieoneallsu told me we’re descending to new lows in a crisis of the #unvaccinated. Listen as she describes a nightmarish reality.
2/🎥 In previous waves, it was adults saying goodbye to kids. Now it’s the other way around. In LA, @ololhealth & other major centers are no longer able to provide quality care because their teams are too overwhelmed.

3/🎥 How do you solve this problem? @katieoneallsu speaks of temporary pseudo-answers: creating “new ICU beds” & staffing them w non-ICU caregivers. “The only way to truly stem the tide is by #Vaccination. We have weeks ahead in which this gridlock will continue to hurt people.”
Read 7 tweets
1/🧵🎥 UBUNTU is an answer to the #COVID question not enough of us are asking:

Who is my neighbor?
Our response to this question will dictate our #PublicHealth decisions.
What is ubuntu? A type of humanism needed #now more than ever. Listen to Nelson Mandela & Desmond Tutu!👏
2/🎥👇 Nelson Mandela on Ubuntu: “A traveler through a country would stop at a village and he didn't have to ask for food or for water. Once he stops, the people give him food and attend him. That is one aspect of Ubuntu, but it will have various aspects.”
3/ Embracing #Ubuntu means it’s not about you, it’s not about me, it’s about us working together as one! Ubuntu is belief in a universal bond of sharing that connects all humanity & transcends barriers, ideologies, cultural diversity and more.
Read 11 tweets
DIRCO Minister, Dr Naledi Pandor is in Zimbabwe, today - Africa Day, 25 May 2021, to officially hand over, on behalf of South Africa, the first consignment of aid that SA is providing to the people of Zimbabwe who were affected by severe flooding in 2019 (Cyclone Idal). ImageImageImage
The consignment is being received by His Excellency, the President of the Republic of Zimbabwe, Emmerson Mnangagwa, on behalf of the people of Zimbabwe at the State House in Harare, Zimbabwe. ImageImageImageImage
In March 2019, South Africa responded to an appeal from the Zimbabwe Government for humanitarian assistance in response to infrastructure destruction and loss of human life caused by severe flooding brought by #CycloneIdai.
Read 5 tweets
#X86 vs #ARM
خب داستان این که چند دهه پیش چندین معماری مختلف برای پردازنده های کامپیوتری اختراع شد که دو مورد از معروفترین های اون RISC و CISC بود. ریسک دستورالعمل های کمی داشت و به همین دلیل سایز پردازنده، مصرف انرژی کمتر و طراحی ساده تری داشت اما نرم افزار باید اون محدودیت
دستورالعمل رو حل می کرد. در طرف دیگه سیسک دستورالعمل های بیشتری رو پشتیبانی می کنه و دست برنامه نویس خیلی بازتر و به دلیل معماری متفاوت توان کار در فرکانس های خیلی بالاتر از ریسک رو داره اما در مقابل مصرف انرژیش خیلی بیشتر و طراحی خود پردازنده خیلی مشکل تر.
تا اونجا که
من شنیدم همین فرکانس کاری بالاتر و دستورالعمل های بیشتر (راحتی برنامه نویسی) باعث شد که از ابتدا معماری سیسک برای کامپیوتر ها استفاده بشه که اینتل و amd تخصص شون این معماری که به x86 هم معروف. در طرف مقابل بخاطر مصرف انرژی کمتر دستگاههای مختلف از بوردهای الکترونیکی تا گوشی و
Read 19 tweets
On now, Dave Perkins of @dialogues360 presenting results of study on 5 #ASMecosystems in #SouthAfrica. #Data variability is a persistent research challenge and also needs coordination across partners in the ecosytem. @DelveASM confirms this as a problem of global scale.
Cost of compliance, lack of access to capital, markets & weakened institutional support to #ASM sector in #SouthAfrica are validated as barriers in this sector. Impact of these factors pale in comparison to the policy/ reg vacuum w/in whichsector operates. Policy schizophrenia.
.@dialogues360 argues, and I concur, that time is of the essence in influencing the new policy process launched by the government of #SouthAfrica on formalizing the #ASM sector, ideally convened by a neutral, honest broker party.
Read 17 tweets
@DrCConnell @sarah_bodell @LecturerMish @anita_atwal 1/ Good question @sarah_bodell
Love that idea @DrCConnell , we could even go to say that positive action is taken & there is always a seat specifically for election for each of those #Diversity groups
Thank you for both your engagement

Another draft idea... (cont.) #BAME
@DrCConnell @sarah_bodell @LecturerMish @anita_atwal 2/ If there is ever an #Equality #Diversity #inclusion (#EDI) officer in the college, then attached to this are @BAMEOTUK network, officially in @theRCOT contributing to the EDI agenda (cont.)

#campaign @BAMEOTUK network officially part of @theRCOT
@DrCConnell @sarah_bodell @LecturerMish @anita_atwal @theRCOT 3/ The aim would be to influence & impact @theRCOT activities & raise the agenda at board level regarding the issues of paying #BAME members across the profession & ...(cont.)

#campaign @BAMEOTUK network officially part of @theRCOT
Read 10 tweets
Two days ago, I was in an interview in which I surprised the interviewers by saying that Kenyans don't have the same political consciousness as Africans in the other settler ex-colonies of South Africa and Zimbabwe.

For instance, South African students campaigned for #feesmustfall and #rhodesmustfall. In SA, students said "our parents fought against apartheid because they wanted us to go to school. So now we want to go to school, whether we have money or not."
Here? Students are ask about skills because that's what employers want. Or ask for leadership. They don't question why they must get into debt to learn. They instead ask for effecient disbursement and merciful repayment terms. Students don't know what is in their own interests.
Read 14 tweets
Para convertir números en Hexadecimal a decimal en el terminal de #Linux:
echo $((0x2F))

o También:

#GNU #bash #shell #Ubuntu #commandline Image
Y al revés. Para convertir números de Decimal a Hexadecimal en el terminal de #Linux:

printf %x 15; printf "\n" Image
Para acabarlo de rematar, mediante la calculadora "bc" podemos realizar conversiones de hexadecimal o de binario a decimal:

echo "ibase=16; 2F" | bc

echo "ibase=2; 100" | bc

echo "ibase=2; 101" | bc Image
Read 3 tweets
Para los talibanes del terminal de #Linux:
Como ver el pronóstico del tiempo desde el terminal:

Como ver el pronóstico de lluvias y temperaturas:

#gnu #shell #bash #Ubuntu #commandline ImageImage
Se me olvidaba, también podéis cotillear el pronóstico de otras ciudades de todo el mundo, ejemplo:
curl ImageImage
Continuando con el hilo: Si queréis ver los datos meteorológicos, pero comprimidos en una línea del terminal de #Linux, hay otro programa en los repositorios de #Ubuntu:
sudo apt install ansiweather

Y lo ejecutamos con la siguiente sintaxis:

ansiweather -u metric -l "Madrid" ImageImage
Read 3 tweets
Segue o #fio de um #historiador sobre o curso Programação Web @metropoledigi @ufrnbr. Ideia dada por @brennovich no dia da #MarchaVirtualpelaCiencia @SBPCnet. Conversas com Brenno, @freireopaulo, @Guimme_ e outros sobre #programacao #Tecnologia #web #Historia #ensino #ti
04/05/2020: Começo da matéria Lógica de #Programação. De cara me lembrei dos livros de #HarukiMurakami que se passam nos anos 1980. Vários personagens aparecem japoneses aprendendo sobre #input e #output nos recém lançados editores de texto e computadores pessoais. #literatura
04/05/2020 Me lembrou conversa com @iberemoreno sobre editores de textos que funcionam com lógica de #programação. Aqueles em que ao invés de tentar reproduzir na tela o que você vê no papel, partem para a o que você "quis dizer" é que vai para o resultado final. 1/3
Read 71 tweets
Então gente, resolvi fazer essa thredding para explicar a importância de ocupar todos os espaços na industria do entretenimento e isso inclui estar atrás das câmeras. Muita gente indignada com a Edição branqueada no ensaio da @thelminha_assis
queria registrar que até na fotografia, e falo tecnicamente, o racismo deixou marcas ceveras. Infelizmente a mudança aconteceu não por que nós mudamos mas por que um outro setor da indústria reivindicou isso. Segue o fio.
Quando surgiram os filmes coloridos, eles foram pensados para pele clara, o que surpreende um total de ZERO pessoas. Com filmes P&B algumas coisas eram super fáceis de se resolver na hora da revelação. Dá para explicar isso com trabalhos de profissonais do passado e do presente.
Read 27 tweets
I started playing #guitar in college. Some of my friends back home played, so I thought I'd learn. It's been years since I kept up with it. With no job and an empty house, I had time. Plus, I could crank up my amp. Ava would have hated it. All the more reason to do it.
Strumming a few chords or playing a riff through a loud amp usually makes me feel better. It's more of a distraction this time. My amp is a little old. Even a #ragpicker might pass on it. "If you're not going to play it, sell it," Ava nagged. Life always got in the way.
Or I got in the way. Not even ten years ago I kept getting sick all the time. Painful stomach cramps would radiate weakness throughout my body. I learned how to wash it away like healing #rainwater. That's when I really started to figure out who I was and what I could do.
Read 1104 tweets
Até a última gota de sangue, negros resistiram para alcançar a liberdade em um sistema, que celebra até hoje seus assassinos. As vozes na senzala e fora dela nunca esqueceram seus verdadeiros heróis, hoje vamos lembrar de dois líderes no RJ: Manoel Congo e Marianna Crioula
O início da história de Manoel não tem data registrada, ele nasceu no Congo mas foi escravizado para viver na cidade que recebeu o título de maior produtora de café do mundo, Vassouras no RJ. Seu dono era um oficial militar Manuel Francisco Xavier.
Manoel tinha um ofício elevado como escravo, era ferreiro. Naquela época criou-se em vassouras uma sociedade para ensinar essa habilidade a alguns escravos. Em algumas sociedades africanas era um trabalho destinado aos reis e outros nobres.
Read 17 tweets

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