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Most recents (21)

Jun 29th 2020
Did analysis of #COVID when we crossed 1/2,1,2,3, 4,5,6,8 million cases
As we cross 10 million

Summary of findings from Johns Hopkins data
on global & #India trends
Stay home, stay safe!

#coronavirusindia #CoronaUpdatesInIndia #COVID19India #Covid_19

Global #COVID2019 cases has increased to over 10 million (1 crore): 1,01,45,791 as of 28 June

We see from log chart ie. rate of increase in confirmed cases is steady
but accelerating in June

#coronavirusindia #CoronaUpdatesInIndia #COVID19India #Covid_19 ImageImage
Global daily new cases seem to be range bound
around 80,000-100,000/day for the last 2 month
Spiked to 1.2-1.4 lakh/day & now almost 2 lakh/day-- 1.92L on 26 June

#coronavirusindia #CoronaUpdatesInIndia #COVID19India #Covid_19 #coronavirus #COVID2019india #coronaupdatesindia Image
Read 16 tweets
Jun 17th 2020
யாரும் அச்சப்பட வேண்டாம்!!
ஆனால் விழிப்புணர்வோடு இருப்போம்...

”மதுரையில் செயல்படும் பிரபலமான தனியார் மருத்துவமனையின் கொரோனா வார்டில் படுக்கைகள் நிரம்பிவிட்டன” என்று அதிகாலையிலேயே நண்பர் ஒருவர் சற்றே பதறிய குரலில் தொலைபேசியில் கூறினார்.
”அப்படியா?” என்று கேட்டேன்.

”ஐந்து லட்சம் கொடுத்து ட்ரீட்மெண்ட் எடுக்கத் தயாராக இருப்பவர்களுக்கே படுக்கையில்லையா?” என்று திரும்பவும் கேட்டார்.

அவருக்கான பதிலை சொல்லிவிட்டேன். ஆனால் அந்தக் கேள்வி பகிரப்பட வேண்டிய ஒன்று என்று தோன்றியதால் அதனை இங்கே பதிவுசெய்கிறேன்.
சிறிது நேரத்தில் இன்னொரு நண்பர் பேசினார், ”சிவகங்கை அரசுப் பொது மருத்துவமனையில் கொரோனா வார்டில் படுக்கைகள் நிறைவுபெறும் நிலையில் உள்ளன” என்றார்.

இன்றைய காலை இப்படித்தான் விடிந்தது.
Read 4 tweets
Jun 16th 2020
Did analysis of #COVID when we crossed 1/2,1,2,3, 4,5,6 million cases
As we cross 8 million
Summary of findings from Johns Hopkins data
on global & #India trends
Stay home, stay safe!
#coronavirusindia #CoronaUpdatesInIndia #Covid_19india #COVID__19

Global #COVID2019 cases has increased to over 8 million (80 lakh): 80,34,461 as of 16 June

We see from log chart ie. rate of increase in confirmed cases is steady
but accelerating last week

#coronavirusindia #CoronaUpdatesInIndia #Covid_19india #COVID__19 ImageImage
Global daily new cases seem to be range bound
around 80,000-100,000/day for the last 2 month
Spiked to 1.2-1.4 lakh/day now!
record 1.38 lakh infections 11 June!

#coronavirusindia #CoronaUpdatesInIndia #Covid_19india #COVID__19 #coronavirus #COVID2019india #coronaupdatesindia Image
Read 14 tweets
Jun 9th 2020
Barring 1or 2 States in India, every State has fcuked up with #COVID19 tackling due to unplanned lockdown, messy implementation, inadequate funds, no consideration for poor
+ our Cent. Govt is fcuking up with the sinking economy.
+ our neighbours are scaring the sh*t out of us.
+ Modi govt is continuing with its theatrics and propaganda rubbing salt & mirchmasala on our wounds.

We are a fcuked up nation.
We will expose ourselves with our rising covid cases soon.

#EconomicCrisis #CoronaUpdatesInIndia
What can we expect from a PM who propagated the foolish theory of thali banging in the midst of 12 hour Janta curfew on 22/3 when we had not even started our covid battle. Whose efforts were we applauding at that stage?
What did we bang our thalis for?
What were we celebrating?
Read 5 tweets
May 17th 2020
Sanatan Dharma and our ancient hindu texts are an epitome of knowledge. We shall not be sharing facts today but will rather do scientific analysis. This will show progressive and highly advance nature of society and our Sanatan Dharma.(1/18) Image
There will not be any chronology but basic facts from history and their scientific analysis.
Before starting we will remember the fact that anything which is not seen cannot be imagined.(2/18)
Lets take for an example the space, less than 0.1% of the population has been to space but most of us can easily imagine how it looks like. Then you may ask we have not seen the space how can we imagine it as per the premise.(3/18)
Read 22 tweets
May 15th 2020
Finance Minister @nsitharaman begins her third press conference this week on the next set of announcement related to #COVID19 economic package. #COVID2019india #CoronaUpdatesInIndia #COVID19India
PM had spoken about supply chain reforms and how technology-driven systems should work and how demography has to benefit from it. Deriving from all this, the third tranche of economic package is focusing on agriculture and allied activities: FM
Large part of our population still dependent on agriculture. 85% holding is by small and marginal farmers. Inspite all adversities, farmers have stood up and helped India reach certain global benchmark. India is largest milk, jute and pulses producer in the world: FM
Read 20 tweets
May 10th 2020
@amitsurg @CestMoiz @ArvindKejriwal @OfficeofUT @KanchanGupta @NiteshNRane @Dev_Fadnavis @suchetadalal @PMOIndia @drharshvardhan @DrHVoffice @AmitShah @muglikar_ @MandarSawant184 I know . But signs of it getting worse. We have this month before the rains start to pour, to build additional bed capacity, get required Protective equipments and enforce one final stage of lockdown through central forces.
@amitsurg @CestMoiz @ArvindKejriwal @OfficeofUT @KanchanGupta @NiteshNRane @Dev_Fadnavis @suchetadalal @PMOIndia @drharshvardhan @DrHVoffice @AmitShah @muglikar_ @MandarSawant184 Endorsing the mismanagement. Sion hospital dean and BMC commissioner Praveen Pardeshi have been made scapegoats. But is that going to solve the huge issue at hand? With rains and onset of other seasonal flus what will the situation be?
@amitsurg @CestMoiz @OfficeofUT @KanchanGupta @NiteshNRane @Dev_Fadnavis @suchetadalal @PMOIndia @drharshvardhan @DrHVoffice @AmitShah @MandarSawant184 Arey ka vaat lavtay Maharashtrachi 😠😡. Ajun kiti gardi jama karnar lockdown madhye. Aadhich hospital beds kami, tyaat he asa gondhal. What the hell is going on? #BestCMOfTheWorld #MaharashtraPolice #CoronaUpdatesInIndia
Read 12 tweets
Apr 12th 2020
@DIPPGOI writes to MHA proposing unclocking industrial activity in many sectors like heavy electricals, steel, cement, defence etc.

Also suggests allowing ALL transport vehicles of all sizes, inter-State, intra-State, intra-city, empty/full without Q's.

DIPP seeks free movement of all vehicles, manpower for continuing activities permitted so far by MHA.
"We are facing a lot of problems on this and very clear reiteration of the MHA stand to allow free movement of vehicles and manpower in these sectors needs to be done": @DIPPGOI
@DIPPGOI to MHA: Big companies with proper sanitation and distancing norms in place in sectors such as textiles, automobiles and electronic manufacturing (20% to 25% capacity in single shift may be considered to start with).
Read 4 tweets
Apr 7th 2020
Migrant workers: #SupremeCourt begins hearing petition by Harsh Mander and Anjali Bhardwaj concerning payment of wages to migrant workers amid lockdown due to #Covid_19.

Matter is taken up for hearing via video conferencing.

Advocate Prashant Bhushan tells the Court that lakhs of migrant workers are placed in shelter homes and this will make #SocialDistancing difficult; adds that if one person contracts the virus, it puts everyone in the shelter home at risk.

"They should be allowed to go home"
Bhushan says wages should be released because the migrant workers rely on wages for their meals.

CJI SA Bobde asks why wages are required when meals are being provided by the govt.

Bhushan points out meals given in shelter homes; not all migrant workers are in shelters
Read 8 tweets
Apr 5th 2020
UPDATED: 05 Apr 19:30 IST
4k+ cases, 100+ deaths
- Tablighi, Dharavi super-spreaders key for rise
- TN, AP doubling every 2-3 days
- Central, South India = 70% of total cases
- MH, KL same till D20, MH rising, KL flattening

@covid19indiaorg #COVID2019india #IndiaFightsCorona
Delhi: 500+ cases
Mumbai: 400+ cases
Kasargod: ~150 cases
Indore, Pune, Chennai, Jaipur: ~100 cases
Thane: ~75 cases
Noida, Ahmadabad, Bengaluru, Kurnool, Kannur: ~50+ cases
India's death toll slope steeper than US at same stage⚠️

Things to note:
- Deaths reported only from hospitals. Many deaths occur whose cause being covid-19 is identified later.
- Watch for general trends. Focus on slopes, not specifics.

@jburnmurdoch @IndianExpress
Read 7 tweets
Mar 23rd 2020
#TamilNadu issues a detailed 12-page notification regarding the measures taken to control #COVID19outbreak in the state. The first four pages of the order in the first tweet. Go through the entire thread for all details. #coronaupdatesindia | @DeccanHerald
Read 3 tweets
Mar 22nd 2020
Step 1. Modi gave a 29 minute speech on #coronavirus pandemic.
Step 2. Modi urged people to express gratitude thru #ThaliBajao.
Step 3. WA messages started making rounds correlating thalibajaoing to spiritual, cosmic, heavenly angles invoking religion, civilization,science/1
Step 4. Godi media started getting orgasms about Modi's 14 hour #JantaCurfew killing all '12 hour old' #coronavirus in India.
Step 5. WA messages of Modi's masterstroke in full swing urging all to make the event a huge success.
Step 6. Strict Curfew took place during the day.
Step 7. Celebrities, industrialists, BJP leaders, police officials took part in #ThaliBajao event which was broadcasted all over.
Step 8. The whole of India went into a frenzy, a celebration, group gatherings on streets as #Social_Distancing went for a toss.
Read 6 tweets
Mar 22nd 2020
So the clanging begins.
I’m noting down everyone in my Colony who’s making a ruckus.
Till now both Sanghi Brahmin families.

And one Ghanti from somewhere I can’t quite see.
One of the Sanghi Grandpas is now hitting on his metal gate with a stick.
A dog has now started yowling joining in the cacophony.

And two more plate bangers. Intermittently.
Apparently it’s tiring work.
Read 9 tweets
Mar 22nd 2020
Thank you Chennai for staying indoors and helping in preventing the spread of #CoronavirusPandemic.

Let's take some time to salute the Sanitary workers & the public health staff , the #RealHeroes who were working on this day also to ensure that the city remains safe.
This team is working on disinfecting bus stops at LB road, Adayar in our effort to #StopCoronaTN using a Corpn owned Jet Rodding Machine.

And this team is working on disinfecting various points on the OMR using Jet Rodding machines deputed from @CHN_Metro_Water.
Metro Water has deputed around 70 vehicles to GCC for the disinfection purposes.
@prabhusean7 @srkias2012
Read 6 tweets
Mar 22nd 2020
From March 23 i.e. Monday, bank branches in India will be open only for essential services:

Cash deposits and withdrawals
Clearing of cheques
Government transactions

All non-essential services suspended. #COVID19outbreak #Covid19India #CoronaUpdatesInIndia Image
Also, in today's @bsindia: How banks have braced up for downing shutters on some of its branches and working with reduced staff. Headquarter operations have been split. SBI giving its employees money to buy hand sanitizers, masks, etc.…
Punjab National Bank has sent messages to its customers this morning saying use of currency notes may spread #Covid19 #coronavirus. Image
Read 3 tweets
Mar 22nd 2020
हमारे शरीर में जब वायरस को लगता है शरीर उसके किसी काम का नहीं रहा तब वो दूसरा स्वस्थ्य शरीर ढूंढने लगता है.इस प्रक्रिया को कहते हैं शेडिंग. #CoronaVirus अपने symptoms दिखाने से पहले भी shedding कर सकता है.यानी symptom न दिखने पर संपर्क में आया व्यक्ति संक्रमित हो सकता है (1/7)
#CoronaVirus के संक्रमण को symptom में बदलने में 14 दिन का समय लगता है. लेकिन symptom दिखने के भी 20 दिन बाद तक ये वायरस शरीर में रह सकता है. यानी किसी के स्वस्थ्य हो जाने के बावजूद वायरस शरीर में हो ऐसा हो सकता है. (2/7)
#CoronaVirus से ज्यादा जानलेवा बीमारी थी #MERS पर वो #Pandemic क्यों नहीं बन पाई? क्योंकि MERS में वायरस हमारे RESPIRATORY TRACT में काफी नीचे जाकर बस जाता है. लेकिन #COVID19 ऊपरी हिस्से में ही रह जाता है जो खांसी या छींक के जरिए जल्दी बाहर निकलकर फैलने लगता है (3/7)
Read 7 tweets
Mar 22nd 2020
1.After reading @ManMundra @bhootnath with others collecting monies for #Ventilators, got reminded of my medicine days of crisis, complexity & cost for ventilators.

This HACK-THREAD wil b bout mitigating d cost, finding hacks and simple solutions,

@PMOIndia @drharshvardhan
2. So according to feasibility study published in 2006 (…) we can use ONE VENTILATOR in minimum 4 patients , in conditions like India we can also use it for as many as 9 patients. In 2017 Las Vegas shooting this technique was used.
3. #Ventilator is complex machine used for a very simple process of breathing
A patient is given mouth to mouth resuscitation & bag n mask ventilation for survival. If #India goes in a phase like #ITALY we won't suffice Ventilators. We will have to think of simple hacks (thread)
Read 11 tweets
Mar 22nd 2020
NEED VOLUNTEERS IN ALL THE MAJOR CITIES: Considering, we may run out of #ventilators pretty quickly, we need to work on a 4-way #splitter solution to save lives.
Splitter solution will be truly fast & cost-efficient way of saving 1,000s of lives.
Following are the 2 solutions that have been conceptualized:1.… 2.…

I am targeting #3D printed prototyping and testing completed by Wednesday in #Jaipur. Need volunteers who could do the same in all the major cities
Plz call 3D printers in ur city, get the prototypes & test with local hospitals.

Collect the feedback (cross-contamination, dimensions, tidal volume, tubing length, material needed etc) & share with the community.

Fill this sheet for collab:…

Read 8 tweets
Mar 21st 2020
I prepared this from the data released by MoHF. You can see, since the 1st community transmission recorded on 3rd March, the Positive cases increased manifold. Within the last 7 days, the Positive cases increased 3 fold.
#covidindia This Table is prepared from...This Table is prepared from...
Today (21-3-2020) at 2.20pm the total confirmed #COVIDー19 cases in #India was 256, within 8 hours at 10.30pm the number raised to 315!!!
Read 4 tweets
Mar 20th 2020
This thread is documentation of #viral, #PseudoScience & #irrational information circulating around in the midst of #CoronavirusOutbreakindia.
Starting from @AltNews report debunking uniform latitudes of places where #Corona came.…

Coronavirus: Is drinking cow urine any help?
By Reality Check team @BBCNEWSIndia1…
China culled around 18,000 chickens in Shaoyang city in the southern province of Hunan as a result of a flu outbreak. Rumours in India started circulating, that broiler chicken has been infected with Coronavirus and people should avoid consuming it.…
Read 39 tweets
Jan 7th 2020
Read 200 tweets

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