Drop 2844
📁- Tweet tying together the @paulsperry_ tweet about McCabe claiming [RR] Tried to boot @DevinNunes from the Capitol SCIF during a Gang of 8 briefing, Re: Trump Investigation to D-643

What security level must exist in order to gain entry? Top Secret
Can non-security-level person(s) be invited to participate?- Not supposed to.
Do logs record time in/time out/who in/who out?- Supposed to.
Ability to enter (arrange) w/o paper trail?- Not without breaking the rules and corruption of the process.
SCIF logs can be 'very' revealing.- Shows what clans are gathering (connections), the contractors (operatives) and timeline construction
Define 'Renegade'.
1. a person who deserts and betrays an organization, country, or set of principles.
synonyms: traitor, defector, deserter, turncoat, betrayer
What is happening in the UK government. Think about that and let it sink in.
With EVERYTHING we are witnessing here at home, the transformation in the UK is bigger

📁- Another example of #QAnon hitting the mainstream TV shows. Some neutral, mostly bad- look for this to change in the next couple of months to way more inQuisitive positive.
Eyes on increasing +each day.- Patriots searching for TRUTH, People who are curious to know more, AND shill TROLLS.

This is rare. #QAnon goes back in time and pulls intel from a drop without any real prompting or major breaking story drawing it out.
Q re-posts D-113 Re: Child health risks from floor chemicals.
You have more than you know.
5:5?- Understood?

miamiherald.com/news/state/flo…📁Judge Marra has determined that the Epstein Plea deal violated federal law. While it is not likely for THAT sentence to be overturned, this CERTAINLY speaks to not only the corruption of the past, but also the NEW day- Equal Justice.
HATE HOAX by [SMOLLETT] [FF designed to pass anti-lynching law] gets wall-to-wall FAKE NEWS coverage?- LOOK HERE 👀
REAL HATE [REAL VIOLENCE] [& FASCISM] carried out by members of ANTIFA gets ZERO coverage?- Have you even heard about it? Today:
1=1?- Hellz no- 9:1
When will the FBI conclude their investigation into ANTIFA?- Umm #QAnon, they won't tell me, will you? It will be before the end of 2019.
What happens if the phone records of SMOLLETT leak?- We will see POL careers end quickly.

Political forces @ work?- Dual purpose, push legislation and attack @POTUS supporters.
ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE.- #FakeNews #Traitors #DeepState
foxnews.com/us/jussie-smol…📁- WOW- Accountability and Justice NOW.
Notice a TREND by LIBERALS + D's?- Hate, TDS, when real events don't support the #FakeNarrative, they fake the events.

📁- Congrats to follower @cleveburgher8 for being Q'd!!! You deserve it! #MemeWar

forbes.com/sites/thomasde…📁- Top 4 attached
They know what's best for our Country?- What a joke
Pelosi > CA rep since 1987
Waters > CA rep since 1991
Schiff > CA rep since 2001
Feinstein > CA rep since 1992
Harris?- >Political Prostitute
Lieu?- > For Sale

If you can't fix your own home state, what makes you think you can fix the Country?- It is all relative- In their eyes, they HAVE fixed their state. Their goal is total socialism and gov't control.
North Carolina’s elections board on Thursday unanimously ordered a new election for a U.S. House seat after officials said corruption surrounding absentee ballots tainted the results of last November’s vote.
[Soft Push of New Narrative - Example]- Summary- Mueller report would mark the end of the beginning, not the beginning of the end.
What happened to the Mueller will take down POTUS threats [@JohnBrennan]?- Duck/Cover

[TRAITORS]- Get a rope
Why are *new* investigations by [AS] being started, if, as he's stated for almost (2) years, 'evidence' exists that ties POTUS to Russia?- Insurance renewal.
If they had evidence, would they be backing away (playing down) the Mueller report about to be released?- No way
First they pushed for a SC.- Played
Now they claim the SC didn't look deep enough?- #FakeNews
Are *new* investigations designed to be an 'insurance' extension?- Policy renewal.
Evidence to support?-No
Evidence presented?- Conjecture from the fake Buzzfeed article- Sound familiar?
Does [SDNY] report to AG BARR?- YES.
Retain the 'insurance' policy?- See above
Retain the narrative?- Attempt.
Retain D_base outrage?- Of course.
Retain D_base obstruction?- Of course
If you know your opponents move, what advantages that does present?- You are 5 moves ahead. 5D Chess.
If you have the TRUTH on your side, what advantages does that present?- The TRUTH is irrefutable when all the BS is gone.
If you have complete AUTH TO DECLAS, what advantages does that present?- TRUMP card- GAME OVER! DECLAS BRINGS DOWN THE HOUSE (2).
God bless each and every one of you.- All who are participating in this fight.
Pepe is proud and has never been more popular.- Pepe is the frog mascot of our movement.
You attack those who threaten you the most.- Think sports- what player does the coach game plan against? The most effective player, that's who!
The Deal of a Lifetime?- Getting a SC justiceship vs 'suicide'? Definitely the deal of a lifetime.
[Tarmac] meeting not planned according to [LL] & [BC]?- #FakeNews
Security reports indicate USSS (sec detail [BC] & FBI (sec detail [LL]) planned for meeting?- Security Logs.

What actions did [JC] take days after?- see below
Less than a week after the tarmac meeting, [JC] announced that the FBI would not recommend an indictment against [HRC]?- YUP
Just another coincidence we dropped [LL] was offered a SC seat on Feb 6th and backed up by POTUS on April 15th.- Check out what @maga_swaga thinks about this proof:
Enjoy the show!