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May 8th 2023
BF publie une nouvelle enquête sur les effets mortels des contrôles frontaliers au Niger. Nous avons enquêté sur la relation entre les pratiques frontalières, l’évolution des routes migratoires et les dangers de la traversée du désert.
Un fil 🧵
En 2015, avec le soutien des États et des agences européennes, le #Niger a adopté une loi sur le trafic illicite de migrants. La loi 2015-36 établit de nouvelles formes de #contrôle des frontières pour contenir les migrations vers la Libye. Image
La loi 2015-36 n'a pas mis fin à la #mobilité des migrants dans la région, au contraire elle a poussé leurs trajectoires vers des zones encore plus reculées du #désert, créant ainsi des situations encore plus dangereuses et souvent fatales. Image
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May 8th 2023
Today, BF launches a new investigation on the deadly effects of border control in Niger. Over the past year we investigated the relation between bordering practices, spatial shifts in migrant trajectories and increased danger of crossing Niger’s Saharan desert.

A thread 🧵
In 2015, with the support of the European states and agencies, #Niger adopted a new Law on illegal trafficking of migrants. Law 2015-36 establishes new forms of #border control with the aim of thwarting #migration across Northern Niger to Libya. Image
Law 2015-36 has not stopped migrants' #mobility in the region but rather forced trajectories into more remote areas of the #desert, creating dangerous and often fatal conditions. Image
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May 3rd 2023
यह खेजड़ी का पेड़ है जो रेगिस्तान का कल्पवृक्ष के रूप में भी जानते हैं।पश्चिमी राजस्थान में यह बहुतायत में पाया जाता है यह मरुस्थलीय वनस्पति का हिस्सा है।इसका वानस्पतिक नाम Prosopis cineraria है।इस पेड़ पर फूल आते है उसे स्थानीय भाषा में #मिंझर या मिमझर कहते है,
कई बार मिंझर पर मिश्री जैसे मीठे शक्कर के दानों जैसे दानें भी देखने को मिलते है जो बहुत स्वादिष्ट व मीठे होते जिसे #मेहरी कहते है।खेजड़ी पर जो फल आते है उन्हें #सांगरी कहते है जो एक सौ प्रतिशत ऑर्गेनिक सब्जी होती है सांगरी की सब्जी बहुत ही लजीज होती है जो बड़े
चाव से खाई जाती है।राजस्थान की प्रसिद्ध सब्जी #पचकुटा का एक हिस्सा सांगरी होती है।सांगरी जब पेड़ पर ही पक जाती है तो उसे #खोखा कहते है जो हरे व सूखे दोनों रूप में खाये जाते है लोगों द्वारा।यह खोखे पशुओं को भी खिलाये जाते है।खेजड़ी के पत्तो को #लुंक कहते है जो मुख्यतः
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Nov 14th 2022
The Kiss of Death

26 years have passed since the bizarre incident but it is still afresh in the memory. In the blistering heat of May 99, in the middle of Kargil War, Lance Dafedar Hari Ram of Indian Army’s Armoured Corps was forward deployed somewhere in d mighty Thar Desert+
Thar Desert of Rajasthan. Hari Ram’s Sentry duty was till 12 o’clock, midnight. Those days, every soldier in the Desert carried a Desi water bottle made of thick cotton cloth – locally known as “मशक”. It kept the water cool. As the Sun set, the desert began to cool, Hari Ram and+
Hari Ram & the rest of the soldiers were joking & chit-chatting almost till midnight. Hari Ram’s “मशक” was hanging on the branch of a Khajri tree.

Laughing in the middle of a typical ‘Fauji Joke’ Hari Ram took the “मशक”, sipped a bit of water +
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Jan 3rd 2022
Perfect weather for a sunset camel tour 🐪🐪🐪🐪🐪🐪🧡🌅

Sunset Camel tours in Silverton 🌅🐪🐪🐪🐪🐪🐪🧡#silvertonnsw #brokenhill #visitnsw #camels #camelride #reddesert #destinationnsw #ourhillisnotbroken #farwest #farwestproud #farwestnewsouthwales #newsouthwales #desert
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Aug 20th 2020
Mr Salman Rashid’s Forthcoming Book “ Mithi : Whispers in the Sand”

By @odysseuslahori

#Tharparkar #Sindh #Desert #Pakistan #History #People #Culture Image
Mr Salman Rashid’s Forthcoming Book “ Mithi : Whispers in the Sand”

By @odysseuslahori his archive at Dawn 👉… & Express Tribune… The News on Sunday… |

#Tharparkar #Sindh #Desert #Pakistan #History #Culture Image
RT @odysseuslahori Gentlemano! I have been very busy over the last two years. The book on Mithi will be preceded by this one. As a UNESCO project, my name is not permitted on the title. But the front inside flap has intro penned by Shahid Kamal who admirable editor of this work. Image
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Jan 4th 2020

So if it comes to a invasion of #Iran there are several things to see and know. The #Geography is on the side of Iran. The #West is protected by a massiv #Chain of #mountains wich would be easy to #defend even with a weaker #army they could try to keep there a defend line
The north is not able to reach for the #US troops and the #caspiansee is #landlocked by many #nations. A inportant @NATO allie if the defens act works would be #Turkey wich would be forced to send troops against #Iran and a area mainly owned by #Kurds in #Iran.
the east has a little lower mountain chain and a bigger desert in the south west the #Dasht-e #Lut and is coverd by huge #rocks and the area of #Namak-#Zar inside Dasht-e Lut is the #hotest place on #earth actual. And the border area to #Pakistan is also coverd by a dry #desert
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