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Uno degli attacchi più pesanti degli ultimi mesi è attualmente in corso contro Kyiv.
Al momento, sembra che l'obbiettivo dell'attacco sia quello di saturare le difese 🇺🇦 con droni e Kinzhal.
Video da civili e telecamere di sicurezza di Kyiv mostrano un enorme volume di fuoco da parte delle batterie contraeree 🇺🇦 (video pubblicati in quanto già circolanti su canali Telegram 🇷🇺).
I detriti dei missili 🇷🇺 intercettati sono caduti in almeno 5 distretti della città.…
Alcuni dei detriti recuperati dai civili 🇺🇦 in giro per la città.
La prima foto mostra un frammento di grosse dimensioni, molto probabilmente appartenente ad un Kinzhal 🇷🇺. ImageImageImageImage
Read 25 tweets
Sehr guter Thread zu dem Drohnenangriff der Ukraine auf den Bahnhof von #Dschankoi /#Krim. Hier soll ein Zug mit #Kalibr Flugkörpern zerstört worden sein.
Das Eisenbahnnetz auf der Krim besteht aus 2 Zugangswegen aus dem Norden (grün) und dem nachträglich gebautem über die Kerch Brücke (rot). Daher ist Dschankoi der zentrale Umschlagsknoten.
Das bedeutet, dass die per Zug transportierten Flugkörper über diesen Bahnhof im Norden der Krim fahren müssen um dann nach Sevastopol weiterfahren zu können.
Read 8 tweets
Mar. 1:
1/ Many #Russian #Warships in #BlackSea

#Crimea report:
New #Russian #Missile #Attack could be #Pinpoint or in #Multiple waves

This was announced by the head of the #Joint ..continued

#UkraineRussiaWar #Warships #Ukraine .@oleksiireznikov…
Mar. 1:
2/ Many #Russian #Warships in #BlackSea

..#JointCoordinatingPressCenter of the #DefenseForces of the #South of #Ukraine, #NataliaHumenyuk on the air of the telethon.

According to her, the #Russian..continued

#UkraineRussiaWar #Ships #Ukraine…
Mar. 1:
3/ Many #Russian #Warships in #BlackSea

.#Russian #Ship #Grouping on #CombatDuty in the #BlackSea continues to be unchanged.

“These are 15 #Russian #Ships, among which there are 5 #Missile #Carriers..continued

#UkraineRussiaWar #Ukraine #War…
Read 10 tweets
Hello There!
everything's (almost) ok this morning...
Take a walk.. have a good day you all!

2/ ok... short debrief to what happened yesterday evening. 'plus de peurs que de mal"
What happened is as i said in S-West #Bakhmut to #TchassivYar it was only scouting & probing and they were destroyed easily.
What happened close to #KrasnaHora area is that stupid #Wagner
3/ went "alone" to try to do something major, just because certainly #Prigozhin gave direct orders... but they were not supported from a joint forces ops with regular Ru army.. so they effing "failed". in Some places they even withdraw..
reminder :
Read 14 tweets
1/17 Own conclusions on @RUSI_org report: #Russia set out to conquer and annex all of #Ukraine and to commit #genocide by murdering #Ukraine government and all those who would resist #russification.
2/17 The plan was based on mistaken assumptions of opinions of #Ukraine population and military, in particular a faulty perception that the majority would not resist a #Russia invasion
3/17 #Ukraine intelligence estimated that instead of the overambitious actual plan the #Russia main effort would be a general attack in #Donbas. While dispersal was mostly done in time, redeployment started too late.
Read 18 tweets
Key points from @RUSI_org report regarding Russian invasion of Ukraine, period Feb - Jul 2022.
1/x. Russia planned to invade Ukraine over a 10-day period and thereafter occupy the country to enable annexation by August 2022.…
3/x The plan was to murder #Ukraine executive branch (president Zelenskyi and the government) and imprison the parliament. Pro-#Russia parliamentarians would form a "Movement for #Peace".
4/x #Nuclear power plants were planned to function as secure bases, depots and command centres, to control #energy in #Ukraine and to threaten #Europe countries with pollution.
Read 104 tweets
Come già @nicolai_lilin ha spiegato nel suo video di ieri sera, i frammenti raccolti sul luogo d’esplosione in #Polonia appartengono al motore #48D6 del missile #5V55 che viene lanciato con il sistema #S300.. Non può essere un missile russo, perché i russi lanciano da molto più ImageImageImage
lontano rispetto al raggio del missile che ha colpito la Polonia, che non può superare 60 km di distanza.. Come, in parte le foto, mostrano i frammenti del missile precipitato in Polonia chiaramente appartengono al missile #5V55 lanciato dal sistema antiaereo #S300.. ImageImageImageImage
La mappa dei bombardamenti missilistici effettuati oggi 15/11/2022 dall’esercito russo contro le infrastrutture critiche energetiche dell’Ucraina.. Image
Read 4 tweets
The massed attacks on #Ukraine today again raises the question about different approaches to managing the long-range ballistic and cruise missile threat. 🧵
I am not claiming to have written the book on the topic, but I did write a chapter with that headline for the Swedish Defence Research Agency (@FOIresearch) a few years ago, so I have given it some thought. The tl;dr version is that it's hard.…
Ballistic missiles (such as #Iskander) are very difficult targets, and only the most high-end systems are able to intercept them and then within a rather limited range. Cruise missiles (#Kalibr) are easier targets, and many systems are able to at least in theory target them.
Read 21 tweets
950/ #Shaheed / #Geran2 UAVs buzzing early this evening over #Odesa #Odessa #Nikolaev #Kherson #Donbas
951/ 1AK artillery / #DPR battalion "Somali" at work. #Donetsk #Donbass #Lugansk
952/ RF Military equipment on the move towards #Donbas #Donbass (13x MSTA-S and 20x MT-LBu). #Kherson #Lugansk #Donetsk
Read 1333 tweets
Will #Russia really start a war and finally finish re-educating the enemy?
A blow was dealt to the #Ukraine infrastructure - without electricity and water, part of the #Dnepropetrovsk, #Kharkov and #Sumy regions, Kremenchug, Pavlograd and other cities.

by victop55
The missile strike was carried out on the most important object: after this flash, the light went out in many regions of #Ukraine, Ukrainian channels transmit.

▪️Poltava region
▪️Sumy region
▪️Kharkiv region
▪️Dnepropetrovsk region
▪️Odessa region
▪️Zaporozhye region
Dergachev city administration reports missile attacks on critical infrastructure. Heating and power out .
Read 38 tweets

EXCLUSIVE UPDATE - 181501Z - 191500Z JULY 22
Following thread will be a breakdown of all Russian Naval Combatants in the following seas


#OSINT #RussiaUkraineWar #RussiaUkraine #russiannavy
0 units operating

Sole MCM - #ValentinPikul770 alongside the port

Single #PJ23040G class hydrographic vessel and #RFNYunarmeetsKryma836 remain in the port

#RFNSuzdalets remains operating in the Kerch strait.
#RFNTsikolon south of strait
#RopuchaLST's #Korolov130,#Yamal156 and #TsezarKunikov158 conduct logistic support missions from #Sevastopol, to #Feodosia and to #Novorossiysk

#Large contingent of surface ships south of Sevastopol. 2 x #KalibrShooters

#RFNIngushetia630 operating off Crimea (#Kalibr)
Read 11 tweets
Pertes #Russes estimées en #Ukraine
on passe la barre des 30k tués (même à 10% près cela reste cela reste symbolique - 3 mois de guerre totale, du tres classique et cela induit plus ds ts les cas 60k/70k troupes formés et "compétentes" HS.)
demain les tableaux de stats MAJ.
2/ Rapport du jour : Les frappes aériennes/missiles RU se sont poursuivies hier et pendant toute la nuit, principalement dans l'Est et le S-E du pays. Karkiv a encore été visé et touché uniquement pour que la vie n'y reprenne ps son cours et pour que les populations fuient
3/ (tirs directs de Belgorod qu'il faudra bien penser à "traiter" si on veut que cela s'arrête), et également tirs de missiles depuis la mer sur #Mykholaiv (il resterait donc bien des variantes #Kalibr ss marin & defenses cotières etc)
L'activité aérienne RU a également augmenté
Read 19 tweets

🎥🛑Imágenes de las consecuencias del ataque en la planta de defensa "Artem" en #Kiev

🔻Esta planta producía misiles antitanques, antibuques y de aviación entre otros.
1️⃣ 🛑#Ucrania ha acumulado 2.000 soldados a lo largo de la frontera con #Transnistria para invadirla con ayuda de la #OTAN en respuesta a los fracasos de sus tropas en el #Donbass Image
Read 155 tweets
Six people were killed and 18 wounded today in #Odessa #Ukraine after #Russian cruise missiles hit the city. A three month old baby was among the dead. A residential high rise was struck and started burning as a result of the strikes.
Photos show the immediate aftermath of what was likely #Kalibr cruise missiles launched from #Russian ships in the Black Sea. #Ukraine air defense in #Odessa shot down at least one missile as it made its final approach into the city. ImageImage
Residents of #Odesaa captured video of a cruise missile as it fell towards its target. This has become a common occurrence since #Ukrainian citizens have learned that they are launched 30 secs apart and once the first one flies overhead they know to start recording w their phone.
Read 4 tweets
Overnight #Russian Missile strikes hit several cities throughout #Ukraine in the early morning today. 🇷🇺 struck the following targets: In Kramatorsk 8 residential buildings were destroyed, civilian infrastructure was damaged and an education facility was badly damaged.
In #Lviv 6 people were killed and 11 were wounded. 40 cars were damaged or destroyed and a hotel was damaged. No apparent military targets were destroyed.
These strikes are likely the result of cruise missile strikes. An alert was sent out overnight after the Strategic Bomber Bear NET went active, which usually precedes these attacks. More footage from the rooftops of #Lviv this morning.
Read 7 tweets
Siinä missä yksi aiemmista kaukovaikuttamiseen keskittyneistä langoistani käsitteli kvasi-ballistista Iskander-ohjusjärjestelmää, keskittyy tämä #Ukraina:ssa havaittuun #Kalibr-tuoteperheeseen. Seuraa siis risteilyohjusten erittäin lyhyt oppimäärä: 👇1/
@Puolustusvoimat määrittelee risteilyohjuksilla tarkoitettavan omalla voimalähteellä aerodynaamisesti lentäviä ja miehittämättömiä ohjusjärjestelmiä. Risteilyohjus voidaan laukaista maasta, mereltä – myös pinnan alta – tai ilmasta. 2/…
Keskeinen ero ballististen ja risteilyohjusten välillä on niiden lentoradassa. Siitähän nimetkin juontavat. Toinen lentää ballistisella radalla, siis kuten vaikkapa ilmaan heitetty kivenmurikka, toinen risteilee kuin mikä tahansa lentolaite. Muitakin eroja tietty on. 3/
Read 16 tweets
New Thread: War in #Ukraine

#Russia Launched Peace Enforcement Operation In Ukraine!
/1 Image
#Russia #Ukraine #RussiaUkraineConflict
On February 24, 2022, Russian military operation in Ukraine officially was launched.

Russian MRLS systems shelling Ukrainian fortified positions in the direction of #Mariupol.
We missed a full day of reporting on the #UkraineRussiaConflict because Twitter locked our account for no reason! Sad Image
Read 397 tweets
1. Volgens Russische media is een artilleriegranaat vanuit #Oekraïne op Russisch grondgebied neergekomen in de regio #Rostov op 1 kilometer van de grens en op 300 meter van een bewoond gebouw in het dorp Mityakinskaya.
2. De Volksrepublieken #Donetsk & #Luhansk gaan over tot algemene mobilisatie van alle strijdbare mannen.
Een Oekraïense soldaat is gesneuveld door artillerievuur van de pro-Russische milities.
3. Volgens de Donetsk Volksrepubliek gaat #Oekraïne de komende dagen volgens dit plan de #Donbass binnenvallen en zullen er etnische zuiveringen plaatsvinden. 31.000 burgers zouden volgens @sputnik_fr al geëvacueerd zijn uit #Lugansk en #Donetsk naar #Rusland. Image
Read 165 tweets

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