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Feb 4th 2023
Le prix du #diesel va peu à peu augmenter et présentera à terme un risque de pénurie, mettant dans une situation économique et sociale catastrophique une large partie de ce que l'on appelle la "France périphérique" tout en contribuant à accroître l'#inflation.

C'est la conséquence des nouvelles sanctions de l'#UE contre la #Russie

Le 5 février, c'est l'entrée en vigueur du #CapPrice sur les produits pétroliers transformés (issu de raffineries) venant de #Russie, en particulier le diesel.
Il est fixé à un maximum de 100$ par barril.
A partir du dimanche 5 février AUCUN pays de l'#UE n'aura plus le droit d'importer directement du diesel russe par voie maritime.

Sauf exception (Hongrie) qui pourra importer par oléoduc du pétrole brut pour quelques mois (interdit dans le reste de l'#UE depuis le 5 décembre)
Read 10 tweets
Jan 27th 2023
🧵 December #sanctions targeting Russian fossil fuels ban #EU vessels, insurers & others from facilitating 🇷🇺 crude #oil trades internationally - unless purchased within a #pricecap set by the west.
The west has “hamstrung its plan’s chances of success”, some analysts say, pointing to the absence of major buyers China, India and Turkey in the price cap. Another flaw is that the price cap – set at $60 per barrel – is above the average price for Russian crude 📈
With exports now price-capped for global buyers 🛢️, traders have to prove purchases are #legal: The system is “unenforceable” and “allows European companies to facilitate a trade that is funding the war in Ukraine,” @Global_Witness say.
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Dec 19th 2022
Today, EU energy ministers are gathering in Brussels for a (last?🙏) #Energy Council with a very busy agenda 👇
They must reach a deal on the TTF gas #priceCap (so-called ‘market correction mechanism’)
"I sincerely hope that this is definitely the last energy council under the 🇨🇿Presidency. We have to agree on a mechanism which would prevent the European households and businesses from high gas price spikes as we have seen during last summer", says @JozefSikela at his arrival
@JozefSikela "I think the European households and the businesses expect from us to act and I do not see any reason not to be able to agree today", he adds
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Dec 8th 2022
#Rosja #ropa #pricecap
Price controls nigdy nie zadziałały w historii. Zawsze za to wybuchały z wielkim hukiem. 60$ price cap jest żartem, co już kiedyś pisałem...

bo rosyjska ropa chodziła za 50 a nawet ciut poniżej. A skoro koszta wydobycia
surowca mają Rosjanie na poziomie 20-25 usd a zaplanowane wpływy budżetowe przyjęte w oparciu o cenę 45-46$ to... przykro mi. Nie wierzę że zadławi to Rosję jej własną ropą. Nie widzę także wyniszczającego zagrożenia płynącego ze strony powstałego deficytu budżetowego FR.
Kto deficytu nie ma, niech pierwszy rzuci kamieniem. A do innych spraw wrócę dalszej części. Tymczasem dalej ropa:

Rosja stwierdza prosto – price cap? Odetniemy was zatem od naszych dostaw. Jeśli chodzi o kontrakty na ropę, to kraje producenckie są "kute na 4 kopyta".
Read 23 tweets
Dec 4th 2022
Valà che con il #pos manco più il caffè ...

Plafonnement du prix du pétrole russe : La Russie cessera de livrer du pétrole aux pays européens… via @Réseau International

Quello che accadrà con questo price cap è molto, molto semplice: la Russia ha annunciato che non venderà più un grammo di petrolio ai paesi che hanno firmato questo accordo sul price cap. 
E allo stesso tempo la Russia ha acquistato un gran numero di petroliere

E allo stesso tempo la Russia ha acquistato un gran numero di petroliere registrate sotto bandiera di comodo (come del resto la maggior parte delle navi di tutti i paesi del mondo) per poter consegnare "con discrezione" ai paesi amici (India, Cina , ecc.).

Read 7 tweets
Nov 15th 2022
Qui le mie considerazioni sulle potenziali misure relative al price cap! Grazie a #rienergia #staffettaonline per avermi invitato!… #natgas #ttf #henryhub Image
Considerazioni di natura teorica, di microstruttura dei mercati, di relazioni mercati fisici/finanziari, di applicabilità dello stesso…#ttf #pricecap #henryhub #futures #curvaforward #contango #backwardation #lng #gas #naturalgas #cap #nopricecap
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Oct 17th 2022
🧵Nella proposta di Regolamento che domani la @EU_Commission presenterà domani al Consiglio, due articoli sono dedicati al #pricecap sul #gas. E’ una vittoria italiana? Vediamo

👇👇👇… 1/n
Dal punto di vista politico e della comunicazione, gli articoli 23 e 24 della proposta sono senza dubbio una significativa apertura all’Italia. Il governo #Draghi chiede da mesi un tetto al #Ttf. Per la prima volta questa richiesta trova parziale accoglimento 2/n
Finora, l’idea del #pricecap sembrava non avere reali chance. E’ vero che quindici Stati membri, guidati dall’Italia, ne avevano chiesto l’introduzione…… 3/n
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Sep 7th 2022
#BREAKING EU proposes five billion euros in financial aid to Ukraine: von der Leyen
#UPDATE The European Commission has proposed €5 billion in financial aid to Ukraine, in the latest instalment of a promised nine-billion-euro rescue package agreed by EU leaders in May.

📸 Ukraine PM Denys Schmyhal (left) and European Commission chief Ursula Von der Leyen
#BREAKING EU chief proposes cap on price of Russian gas
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Sep 7th 2022
📆 Day 1 in office, and our new PM needs to hit the ground running. The govt has wasted weeks as the country walks into a catastrophic #costoflivingcrisis.

@Trussliz must set out her plan to protect people against rising bills and shore up the economy.

It should include:

1️⃣ Freezing the #pricecap for the next 6 months while she puts in place a new system of free basic energy with rising tariffs for higher energy use: Short term relief that will protect people against high bills for the long term.

2️⃣ Implementing a #GreatHomesUpgrade to insulate millions of homes and lower bills and emissions.

3️⃣ Increasing the #windfalltax on #fossilfuel giants: Using this to give families a £750 cost of living allowance, alongside a permanent boost to benefits.

Read 4 tweets
Sep 2nd 2022
I am having fun with this story folks! Probably I should write a comic book about it!
#Russia #Oil #EU #Biden #US #PriceCap Image
The Biden administration and the EU want to put a cap on the price of imported Russian oil.
#Russia #Oil #EU #Biden #US #PriceCap Image
Read 15 tweets
Aug 28th 2022
With only 3.5 days until submissions to the @Comisiwn close, we want to help good #sundayvibes for all of #Wales and put our previously published template responses into a 🧵.

You might like this, @NevilleSouthall - makes responding as easy as copy, paste, submit.

Here goes:
so in order to help move Cymru forward, you'll need to go to this web address (keeping in mind that we've got your back & we've got the answers in this thread).
[And if you want to see all our template responses in one place (that's away from Twitter) then you can see them all grouped here (but q.7 & 8 are grouped together).]…
Read 31 tweets
Aug 26th 2022
EXCLUSIVE: As @ofgem announce another huge rise to the #energy #pricecap we reveal the scale of the ‘revolving door’ between major energy firms and key government posts.…
Among those given key roles in UK energy policy are a former British Gas director who is now responsible for setting the energy price cap at Ofgem, the UK’s energy regulator, and a non-executive director at the business department who remains a board chairman at energy giant BP.
At least 10 other senior officials have been recruited to top roles at the Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) from the oil and energy sectors.
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Aug 10th 2022
🧵Thread on the #PriceCap as today's projections got worse, yet again. Many households face energy bills this winter 4x last winter, with many still in debt from last winter. Yet @ilkehomes we are creating homes with ZERO energy bills in partnership with @OctopusEnergy 1/15
I've found two main sources for price cap projections who regularly update their forecasts - @CornwallInsight and #Auxilione (on LinkedIn). Both have updated this week to reflect OFGEM rule changes which increased bills further this winter: 2/15
The "price cap" isn't a cap, OFGEM limits unit rates (p/kWh) and standing charges on default tariffs. So if you use more energy, you will see a higher bill. This chart adds the #Auxilione projected rates with high usage (75% - green line) and low usage (25% - blue line). 3/15
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Jun 22nd 2022
Cosa s'intende con #pricecap sul gas?

non è chiaro
perché chi lo propone non lo ha mai spiegato

Certo è invece che si andrebbe a ripercuotere a cascata sulle altre fonti

"incognite e certezze di un intervento a gamba tesa sui mercati" di Alberto Clò

se con price cap si intende la fissazione di un livello massimo di prezzo di importazione

significa in pratica la richiesta di uno #sconto ai venditori

non solo a #Gazprom, ma anche gli altri che stiamo corteggiando

Una mossa che potrebbe incontrare il rifiuto della controparte (tanto più in un "mercato del venditore")

e che non rafforza la nostra #affidabilità di acquirenti, essendo al di fuori delle normali clausole contrattuali

Read 11 tweets
May 2nd 2022
Gas, petrolio, carbone
la scelta dell’#embargo è politicamente chiara

ma chiare devono anche essere ai #cittadini le sue implicazioni

per poi fidarsi del loro senso di #responsabilità già mostrato durante la pandemia

di Alberto Clò

Da inizio guerra, l’import di #greggio e prodotti raffinati dalla #Russia resta invariato su livelli molto elevati

1,5 mil. bbl/g il petrolio
1,4 mil. bbl/g i prodotti

le possibilità di rimpiazzarlo sono alquanto ridotte, specie il #gasolio

#Gas: è possibile ignorare la clausola #takeorpay o ci troveremo a pagare più del doppio?

#PriceCap: perché i paesi esportatori dovrebbero fare sconti all’Europa?

Italia: esiste un piano di #razionamento?

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Mar 25th 2022
It took @ZelenskyyUa’s extraordinary moral clarity to call out Orban’s shameful cozying up to Putin

This is exactly why we are fighting our hearts out to unseat him. Hungary deserves so much better than the lone protector of a war criminal in the EU

Orban & his mouthpieces attacked Zelensky, saying “have you no shame.” Orban is “protecting Hungary’s interests,”“peace in our country” and “low energy prices”— they aregue.

None of it is true. His actions serve Putin’s interests, not Hungary’s. Here’s why👇
How could it be in Hungary’s interest to totally isolate ourselves in the EU and NATO? To head to Vucic (Putin’s last friend in Europe) instead of joining Central European PMs to Kyiv?
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Mar 15th 2019
#BritishGas has been throwing their consumers money into the #moneypit by propping up failing #fracking company #Cuadrilla. Yesterday once again their shares took a tumble continuing an ongoing trend.

@BoycottCentrica #referral #uswitch #energy
Here's how #BritishGas consumers are paying for the UK #fracking industry whilst raising their consumers energy bills in spite of the #pricecap in #energyprice bills are due to go up again 10% on the 01/04/219.
#boycottbritishgas @BoycottCentrica…
There is also very poor confidence in A J Lucas the parent company of Cuadrilla. Read the report from Simply Wall Street. 👇…

#banfracking #ponzi #ajlucas #cuadrilla #market #fracking
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