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Bagi kalian yang kemarin bilang, halah corona ae kok ditakuti, waktunya mati yah mati, dan bagi kalian yang masih keluyuran dan bilang ANTI PSBB.Buka matamu lebar-lebar, kalau sudah gini siapa yang disalahkan, ayo lah kita tetap dirumah aja.

#terserah #sahur
Ayo rek bantu tenaga medis dengan tetap dirumah aja, jangan sampai tenaga medis menyerah karena ulah kalian yang tidak menaati peraturan dan masih keluyuran.Buka matamu rek, ini penyakit mematikan. Berdoa bersama semoga keadaan cepat pulih.Amin

Video ini saya ambil dari akun instagram @ini_surabaya bukan bermaksud apapun ,tapi disini saya ingin memberitahu kepada sobat semua, supaya tetap dirumah aja dulu untuk sementara waktu sambil menunggu kondisi aman kembali, ayo kita saling mendoakan supaya covid'19 berakhir.
Read 7 tweets
The whole #StayAtHomeAndStaySafe is fine . But there are a few things that need attention from Government & @narendramodi and NOW. Listing a few things, please add more if you want.
1) Clarity in Lockdown rules. Each state seems to be doing things arbitrarily.
2) Some states managed the situation better than others. Is there a way to help/ assist the bad performing states and not shrug it on state’s inefficiency?
3) What is the long term plan at starting Public transport specially Trains/ or within state buses etc?
4) Can we hve clarity in Finacial plans and not just random stimulus? Please make a proper long term plan to help industries and businesses and let those plans be at least for a year. We don’t think 3 month moratorium or the minimal PF break is of great help. @nsitharaman
Read 5 tweets

RM0. Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan Bersyarat (PKPB). Sila rujuk / telegram MKN untuk semak Garis Panduan (SOP) perkhidmatan yang dibenarkan.
RM0. PKP masih dilanjutkan sehingga 12 Mei 2020. Kelonggaran PKPB hanya diberikan kepada sektor perkhidmatan yang dibenarkan dengan perlu mematuhi SOP.
RM0. PKPB - Tindakan undang - undang akan diambil terhadap mereka yang ingkar PKP walaupun bermula 4 Mei hampir semua aktiviti perniagaan dibenarkan beroperasi.
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Welcome to today's session of #HRwithEM, a weekly #TwitterSession #TweetChat to connect, learn and share career development tips and employee experience practices.


#COVID19 #WorkFromHome #StayAtHomeAndStaySafe #interviewtips #HRwithEM
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#COVID19 #WorkFromHome #StayAtHomeAndStaySafe #interviewtips #HRwithEM
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#COVID19 #WorkFromHome #StayAtHomeAndStaySafe #interviewtips #HRwithEM
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On The Recent Rumor of Mass Death in Kano State. #COVID19 #StayAtHomeAndStaySafe
2. Kindly disregard the rumors of having mass deaths recently in Kano metropolis. The State Task Force on #COVID19 has activated community informants structure of the World Health Organization (WHO) #StayingAliveTogether
3. report deaths and cause of deaths and have also deployed officers to all burial grounds to count bodies brought in for burial everyday (the workers would conduct 2 shifts). #StayingAliveTogether
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Welcome to today's session of #HRwithEM, a weekly #TwitterSession #TweetChat to connect, learn and share career development tips and employee experience practices.

@hr_shapers @Gartner_HR @Gartner_inc

#COVID19 #WorkFromHome #StayAtHomeAndStaySafe #HRwithEM
Thank you for joining us this evening.

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@hr_shapers @Gartner_HR @Gartner_inc

#COVID19 #WorkFromHome #StayAtHomeAndStaySafe #HRwithEM
Feel free to tweet your question(s) at me with the hashtag #HRwithEM as the session is going on, and I would respond to all at the end of the session.

@hr_shapers @Gartner_HR @Gartner_inc

#COVID19 #WorkFromHome #StayAtHomeAndStaySafe
Read 27 tweets
I appreciate your time reading this thread. Not many of my followers interact w/my posts, but I feel if I reach just 1 person & it helps, or keeps even just a few people complying with the #StayHome orders issued around the world - I must write this.
I'm a healthcare worker. I work at a hospital in the epicenter of the #CoronavirusOutbreak in the #NewYorkCity area. Today I have symptoms of having contracted #COVIDー19. It was inevitable. My hospital has dozens of patients & staff that are positive & that I've been exposed to.
I am terrified. I am immunocompromised. I have no ability to fight this. I am an #EssentialWorker - a state employee - and was advised by my doctors very early on to stay home because of the severe impact this virus could have on me. I did not heed the advice. Here is why:
Read 12 tweets
I really like seeing this: March 26 vs March 30
Most US cities #COVID19 hit are flattening the slope of their fatality curves and increasing deaths doubling time…
I wouldn't have predicted this yesterday from @jburnmurdoch's graph, when each US hotspot region (NY, MI, NJ, FL, LA, CA, WA) was steep. That's changing now. Look forward to today's @FT update to confirm.
It's encouraging. We still need a national lockdown to amplify this signal
The @FT update today (March 30th) confirms the flattening for many US cities death curve slopes, particularly MI, FL, NJ, WA (albeit NY still steep).
Yes, this is encouraging and independent confirmation of a good US trend. Graph by @jburnmurdoch
Read 4 tweets
(3/n) Day 1 to Day 7 - Both asymptomatic with home Quarantine measures.

Day 7-I developed mild sore throat.No fever or red flag signs(Stayed cautious)

Day 8-Wife develops rhinorrhea, intermittent cough,mild discomfort while breathing (mild wheeze) past H/o Wheeze+
(4/n) Being a Medico myself, though it was probably just some allergic bronchitis which did improve after Inhaled bronchodilator, we discuss, decide to take no chances and went to get tested (H/O Travel +)
Difficult decision nonetheless safest one!
(5/n) Visited the Rajiv Gandhi Chest Institute, Bengaluru today morning (29.03.2020) for testing.

Testing procedure is pretty simple.

Gate 1 Desk: Basic demographic details taken and a form filled.

Registration counter: Got an OPD file

Gate 2 Desk: Consultation by Pulmo PG
Read 14 tweets
(1) Thread: Who am I? 🥝🇳🇿🇺🇸💃

Just updated my Twitter bio, again.

People are still placing party politics ahead of saving lives.

Saving my life. Saving your life.

There must be #NoPoliticsOnTheBoat at all.

#COVID19nz #StayHomeNZ #StayAtHomeAndStaySafe
(2) I say #NoPoliticsOnTheBoat because this Houston woman made a Facebook post in 2017 during the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey. Around the same time I decided to identify as a Hurricane Watcher bc emergencies expose policy strengths & weaknesses & I am a policy wonk.
(3) If you're new to... me... then you'll need this info.

As a child, I wanted to be a policy analyst. It's my calling, my vocation. I achieved my goal & worked in Wellington, NZ for many years.

Unfortunately I had to "medically retire" just as my career was taking off.
Read 27 tweets
Trump said this afternoon that he's "considering an enforceable quarantine" in NY, NJ & CT. He'll decide later today.
Gov Cuomo said he doesn't see this as legally enforceable.
It's probably the best option for this area, tho. #StayAtHomeAndStaySafe…
2-"Trump's comments left local officials puzzled over what an "enforceable quarantine" would include, as many states have already implemented restrictions, and it appeared that the president had not discussed the idea with governors of the impacted states before floating the idea
3-"New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo said that although he talked to Trump Saturday morning just moments before Trump's announcement, the possibility of a federally mandated quarantine was not addressed.
Read 5 tweets
Nothing shows our backwardness as a country than the ridiculous fact that some people want us to celebrate recent photos of Buhari and accept them as proof of his leadership capacity. It shows how primitive we are as a people. It portrays us as a very sick country. #BuhariResign
A President who has been in hiding is forced to make a momentary appearance with select officials, and some people are salivating about it as if Nigeria has just found the cure for COVID-19.

Is this what we have reduced leadership and governance to in Nigeria? #BuhariResign.
The same Buhari that begged and cried to be president on four occasions now sees his continued stay in office as a favour to Nigerians. Is Buhari doing us a favour by remaining in office despite his universally recognised incompetence?

#BuhariResign #StayAtHomeAndStaySafe
Read 4 tweets
Die Zahlen des Tages: Deutschland mit einem neuen Negativrekord bei den Neuinfektionen, knapp 7.000 an einem Tag! Die USA als erstes Land mit über 100.000 Infizierten und auch Italien ist nun deutlich vor China! THREAD (1/6) #CoronaVirus #CoronaChart #StayAtHomeAndStaySafe
Deutschland nun mit 50.000 Infizierten. Wir verdoppeln momentan alle 5,2 Tage, werden also nächste Woche wohl deutlich über 100.000 Infizierte haben. Zumindest, wenn die Maßnahmen das Wachstum nicht bald senken. Der 3-Tage-Trend deutet jedoch eher nicht darauf hin. 🤷🏼‍♂️ (2/6)
Die USA erreichen nicht nur als erstes Land die 100.000 Marke. Sie haben noch immer ein beträchtliches Wachstum von 27% tgl. und verdoppeln alle 2,9 Tage! Italien hat trotz der katastrophalen Zustände noch immer ein Wachstum von tgl. 9,1% und verdoppelt alle 8 Tage! (3/6)
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Welcome to today's session of #HRwithEM, a weekly #TwitterSession #TweetChat to connect, learn and share career development tips and employee experience practices.

Image credit: @tameday


#COVID19 #StayAtHomeAndStaySafe #HRwithEM
Thank you for joining us this evening.

Please identify yourself and the location you are joining from, so we can acknowledge you properly.

@tameday @Talmetrix

#COVID19 #StayAtHomeAndStaySafe #HRwithEM
Feel free to tweet your question(s) at me with the hashtag #HRwithEM as the session is going on, and I would respond to all at the end of the session.

@tameday @Talmetrix

#COVID19 #StayAtHomeAndStaySafe
Read 25 tweets
Yela instead of kita sedih business tak jalan, sales drop, kedai tak boleh buka.
Meh saya share apa yang kita boleh apply tatkala covid-19 melanda Malaysia

For those yang sebelum ni focus pada offline platform , saya rasa you guys dah boleh start belajar dan apply untuk business anda. saya share What to learn , How and Where to get all the knowledge. semua saya dah sediakan. Tinggal you guys nak study je.

Kenapa nak belajar Digital Marketing?

+) Kos Rendah High Engagement
+) Mudah Diakses
+) Mudah untuk belajar(secara online)
+) Hanya perlukan pc atau phone dan internet access
+ Strategy dan Technical sudah disediakan oleh sifu2 diluar sana
Read 23 tweets
No matter how great a "deal" a company is offering right now, if they're advertising it, they're profiting from it. And that means they are putting the people who make their business possible at risk, knowingly, for money.

The responsible (non-essential) companies are shutting down for the benefit of their customers and staff.

The rest are trying to stick it out until your stimulus check shows up.

There are loans and grants and bailouts available to them. They do not need your money right now.

They just want it.

END/ #COVID19 #CoronaLockdown #StayAtHomeAndStaySafe #StayHome #CARESAct #stimulusbill
Read 3 tweets
In 1962, John F Kennedy visited NASA. Amongst the room of scientists, he noticed a janitor mopping the floor.

When he introduced himself, and asked the man what he was doing, the reply came:

“Well, Mr President, I’m helping put a man on the moon.”

Why do we bring this up? 👇
We’ll get to that, just hold on.

These are concerning times for all of us, but there ARE positives to take from the current situation.

Firstly, institutions like our @NHSuk are finally getting the recognition they deserve for the care they give #clapforNHS #clapforourcarers
The outpouring of love for the NHS has been wonderful to watch, and got us thinking.

It’s time for us to shout-out our very OWN unsung heroes – the people who are still working flat-out to make sure people in Doncaster can live in safety.
Read 11 tweets
Tried the #EggChallenge with Max and Bruno today. They are such good boys! They’re being very gentle and they don’t want to give up their eggs! 🥚🐶 #QuarantineLife #StayAtHomeAndStaySafe ImageImage
Read 3 tweets
Tennis Holidays Croatia - message from our CEO regarding the Coronavirus pandemic:

Dear tennis friends, we hope you are safe and well in this time of crisis.


#StayHome #StayAtHomeAndStaySafe #CoronaLockdown #Covid19 #CoronaVirus
Here in Croatia the situation is mostly under control, the number of people infected with Coronavirus is still relatively low.

Unfortunately, a devastating earthquake hit our capital of Zagreb on Sunday.
It was a terrible sight, especially since the historic buildings have taken the biggest hit. But, we have also witnessed amazing acts of kindness and the unbreakable spirit of humanity, which gives us hope. A lot of hope.
Read 7 tweets
Nigeria Companies That Are Involved in the Fight Against The Spread of COVID-19


#StaySafeNigeria #StayAtHomeAndStaySafe #CovidNGR
Quite a few Nigerian companies have offered to help in the fight against the COVID-19. Here are what some them are doing;

#StaysafeNigeria #Covidngr
@JumiaNigeria Cashless Help

In a bid to discourage the use of cash which can increase the spread of COVID-19, Jumia announced a reduction of charges for making payments on its digital platform, JumiaPay.

#staysafenigeria #CovidNGR
Read 12 tweets
Online museum archives thread 🧵 for self isolation.

AMAZING MUSEUMS all around the world 🌍🌎🌏 have web resources you can access 24 hours for FREE: #archaeology, #history, & #museum Twitter, let's find and share as many as we can!


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Thanks to @northbird_ellen, we also know about the FREE, online website for all Norwegian university museums. It's UNBELIEVABLY GOOD. You'll need a wee bit of Norwegian, but Ellen has that covered! 🎩tip: @slewisimpson


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Amis, ♥️ we now take you virtually from 🇳🇴 to 🇫🇷 and the wonderful #Roman #archaeology from the Chiragan villa, brought to you by the superb @MSR_Tlse. In French, but most browsers will have a translation option:

➡️ Image
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