-159th Day at a Trump Golf Club
-210th Day at a Trump Property
-Sz Gen Mattis "Sort of a Democrat"
-Adding More Campaign Locations
-SA Threatens Sanction Retaliation
-14th Mass Shooting in Oct Kills Four
-#60Minutes Interview Off the Rails

Day 588 of NO EVIDENCE produced by Trump that his phones were tapped by Obama.
The FISA warrant Trump referenced targeted Carter Page. #TrumpLies

Day 378 since the deadliest mass shooting on U.S soil in Las Vegas that killed 58, injured 546 and Congress has taken NO action to prevent future mass shootings. #NeverForget #NeverAgain #EnoughIsEnough

Four dead in Texas after a mass shooting happened at a toddler's birthday party:
The U.S. has seen 14 mass shootings in the 14 completed days of October, bringing this year's total to 285.
January: 22
February: 14
March: 17
April: 25
May: 28
June: 51
July: 46
August: 34
September: 34
October: 14
Reminder: The Trump administration is systematically locking up thousands of children at unheard of rates - now a staggering 12,800.
The government classifies these children as "unaccompanied"
North Korea warns it may cancel summit with Trump if it has to give up nukes: If the Trump administration pressures Pyongyang “unilaterally” to abandon its nuclear weapon, NK would have to reconsider the summit, vice foreign minister Kim Kye… dlvr.it/QnKhy8
Trump baselessly, repeatedly claims "we were going to war with North Korea" before he took office. No pushback from @LesleyRStahl.
STAHL: You said you "fell in love" with Kim Jong-un. This is a guy who presides over gulags, starving his own people, & public executions. Why?
TRUMP: Look... I get along with him, okay?
S: He's a bad guy!
T: I have a good energy with him.
Pool: "While pool was waiting in the van, a poster was leaned against the entrance sign to the golf club that said: 'Already Golfed More Than Obama.' Two women were holding signs, one said 'Lock Him Up' and the other was rainbow colors but pool couldn’t read the wording."
On his way to his Virginia golf course just, Trump tweeted about British royalty and defended against criticism of his Ohio speech, which mixed talk of seeking African American votes with praise for Confederate general.
While Trump entertains Kid Rock, Kanye West, campaigns and goes golfing, it's appropriate we ask:
WHY isn’t FEMA getting supplies to people who need them?
Hatice Cengiz, Khashoggi's fiancée: "If the allegations are true, and Jamal has been murdered by the errand boys of Mohammed bin Salman, he is already a martyr. His loss is not just mine but that of every person with a conscience and moral compass." nytimes.com/2018/10/13/opi…
U.K./France/Germany joint statement: "There needs to be a credible investigation to establish the truth about what happened, and — if relevant — to identify those bearing responsibility for the disappearance of Jamal Khashoggi, and ensure that they are held to account."
John Brennan on Khashoggi: "Their denials ring hollow … it would be inconceivable that such an operation would be run by the Saudis without the knowledge of the day-to-day decision-maker of Saudi Arabia. That's Crown Prince Mohammad Bin Salman." nbcnews.com/meet-the-press…
Saudi Arabia is running out of time to explain to Trump admin what happened to journalist Jamal Khashoggi within its consulate in Turkey.
Pompeo and Bolton told Saudi ambassador to return to U.S. with answers—by Tuesday.
VIDEO: Trump has said Saudi Arabia could be behind the disappearance of missing journalist Jamal #Khashoggi and warned Washington would inflict 'severe punishment' if he was murdered
Saudi Arabia warns it will retaliate against any sanctions imposed on the oil-rich kingdom over the disappearance of journalist Jamal #Khashoggi, as the Riyadh stock market suffers its worst plunge in years u.afp.com/oR87
U.S. Rep. Kevin McCarthy’s brother-in-law has won more than $7 million in military contracts in McCarthy’s district by claiming that he’s one-eighth Cherokee.
Spoiler alert: He... is not Cherokee.
Will Trump give him a nickname?
Ryan Zinke has reportedly been leaving meetings with lobbyists, like the NRA's top brass, and mining execs, off of his official calendar. The calendar omissions date to his very first day in office.
Members of a far-right men's group violently beat up protesters and weren't arrested. BuzzFeed reports that New York Police won't say why. buzzfeednews.com/article/juliar…
Andrew Cuomo has asked the New York State Police and the FBI to assist the NYPD in its investigation of the incident between the far-right group the Proud Boys and protesters. wamc.org/post/cuomo-bla…
In parts of Trump Country, candidates like PA’s Lou Barletta who were drafted to run statewide and ride Trump’s coattails are instead floundering, @michaelscherer & @costareports report
Trump on Princess Eugenie after royal wedding: She has "come out a total winner!" hill.cm/Q4pmjrP

Trump appeared on #60Minutes tonight. As expected, Trump went off the rails.
Below are a few excerpts from the interview:
Trump on if he still thinks climate change is a hoax: "I think something is happening & it will change back again...I don't know if it's man-made...I'm not denying climate change, but could very well go back... scientists have a political agenda."
Defying basic rules of economics, Trump denies American consumers will pay more for goods as a result of his trade war.
STAHL: You have also slapped tariffs on our allies.
TRUMP: What's an ally? Nobody treats us worse than the European Union.
S: Mattis says the reason for NATO is to prevent WW3.
T: I know more about it than General Mattis does.
Pressed on why he never publicly criticizes Putin, Trump suggests he in fact had tough words for him during their recent secret meeting in Europe.
Trump then pushes a false equivalency between Russian meddling and purported Chinese meddling.
In his @60Minutes interview tonight, Trump says, “Do you really think I’d ask Russia to help me with an election? Give me a break!”
Here's video of Trump literally asking Russia to help him by hacking Hillary’s emails.
Trump repeatedly refuses to pledge he won't end the active criminal investigation into his own campaign.
STAHL: Do you have any regrets about anything over your first nearly 2 years in office?
TRUMP: "I regret that the press treats me so badly."
Trump falsely claims his family separation policy is "the same thing" as Obama's policy.
"There are consequences from coming into a country -- namely our country -- illegally," he adds.
TRUMP: "Nobody's been able to do what I've been able to do. Remember that... actually, most people didn't even try because they knew they didn't have the ability to do it." #egomanic
STAHL: Is it possible that Mattis will no longer be Defense Secretary soon?
TRUMP: "It could be that he is -- I think he's sort of a Democrat, if you want to know the truth... he may leave. I mean, at some point, everybody leaves."
TRUMP: "I'm not a baby. This is a tough business. This is a vicious place -- Washington DC is a vicious, vicious place. The attacks, the badmouthing, the speaking behind your back. You know, in my way I feel very comfortable here."
Trump on whether he thinks mocking a sexual assault survivor was respectful: “I'm not going to get into it because we won. It doesn't matter. We won.”
And there’s this: Trump to @LesleyRStahl when she challenges him: “In the meantime I’m the President and you’re not” #60Minutes
Week 100 had an unusually high number of important stories that got lost on topics that captured our attention.
Stories like Trump curbing protests and possibly reintroducing separating migrant families. Please read the list this week! @Amy_Siskind
23 Days until midterm elections.
We've got great candidates, great energy, and great issues. Take nothing for granted -- we can't let up.
To power a 🌊 this November, make SURE you're registered, help others register & vote early!
In case you missed yesterday's thread:
Saudi Arabia--in the midst of a PR crisis--threatens 5-year jail, 3 million fine for "rumormongers." Notice also use of the term "fake news" Thanks @BazziNYU for pointing this out. bit.ly/2CIuQsC
Hurricane Michael flattened the electric system in northwest Florida so badly that some towns will be without power for weeks.
Trump went golfing today. nyti.ms/2yzlVVW