A pastry chef is suing Trump's Mar-a-Lago club, alleging he was laid off in retaliation for trying to stop managers from sexually harassing women in the kitchen. apnews.com/7d36b60d7b5e45…
Jerome Corsi told @jaketapper: “It's my recollection that Roger mentioned that this Billy Bush was coming, and he wanted to know if Assange could begin dropping e-mails.”
Day 696 of NO EVIDENCE produced by Trump that his phones were tapped by Obama.
The FISA warrant Trump referenced targeted Carter Page. #TrumpLies

Day 484 since the deadliest mass shooting on U.S soil in Las Vegas that killed 58, injuring 546.
Although a bump stock ban takes effect in 48 days, Congress must take action to prevent future mass shootings. #NeverForget #NeverAgain #EnoughIsEnough

As of last night, the United States has witnessed 2,000+ gun injuries in the new year — an approximate average of 68 per day.
There have been 4,000+ incidents of gun violence/crime, 1,000+ gun deaths, and 2,000+ gun injuries in the first 30 days of 2019.
This is a national emergency!
UCF student arrested, had fully-automatic AR-15 in car at campus dorm, police say
Below is video of UCF police test-firing the AR-15 that prompted the arrest of student Max Bennett Chambers yesterday, first in its standard format and then modified to fire fully-automatic.
"I think God calls all of us to fill different roles at different times and I think that he wanted Donald Trump to become president, and that's why he's there," Sarah Sanders told CBN.
Weird that God didn't help him win the popular vote 🙄
FYI: The Trump admin has quietly resumed separating immigrant families at the border.
At one agency, the children were put into temporary foster care and shelters with little or no indication that they arrived at the border with their parents: propub.li/2QcsPvY
Reminder: The Trump administration is systematically locking up thousands of children at unheard of rates - now almost 15,000 are in U.S. custody.
The government classifies these children as "unaccompanied"
Thousands more kids may have been separated from their parents at the border under the Trump administration than was previously thought, according to an internal government report.
U.S. preps cash escrow 'package' to encourage Kim Jong-un to denuclearize.
Will the same Republicans who called for Obama's impeachment for returning Iranian funds now call for Trump’s impeachment?
Michael Cohen is willing to answer questions from the Intel Committees about what he's told Mueller.
Cohen is "more open to answering questions" about Trump Tower Moscow and other Russia-related issues due to the private setting.
TRUMP "rejected" a subpoena to testify at a March trial about protesters who were roughed up by his security outside Trump Tower in 2015.
The protesters' lawyers say Trump is responsible, citing his rhetoric. They're trying to force him to appear.
CPJ will hold a press conference to deliver #JusticeForJamal messages and demand the W.H. take action on behalf of Jamal Khashoggi in DC Feb 7, one day ahead of the deadline for the Trump admin to deliver a report to the Senate on Khashoggi’s murder
“UN member states should be demanding accountability, individual sanctions, prosecutions - real prosecutions instead of sham trials intended to cover up the involvement of senior Saudi leaders" ow.ly/e5yU30nvNsv
17 Days remain until the temporary bill providing fiscal appropriations through February 15, 2019 expires.
If Congress & Trump do not agree on a fiscal year spending bill, government agencies will again be shut down.

No Republican senators have signed onto a bill to give federal contractors backpay after the #TrumpShutdown.
House Republicans have blocked passage of an anti-shutdown resolution.
This resolution failed 249-163. It needed two-thirds of the House supporting it.
Just 21 Republicans joined with all House Democrats in supporting the resolution.
Trump’s intel heads contradicted his rhetoric on Iran, ISIS, North Korea and climate change. That should be a huge scandal. His response is to attack them.
Reminder: As Trump mocks his intelligence chiefs on Twitter, not once did they, in hours of discussion of security threats, mention the need for a wall along the southern border, which Trump has portrayed as the single most pressing need facing the country.
Did Trump get his border talking points from a movie?
@maddow says Trump's repeated claim about women being bound with tape and transported across the border, is featured, among other Trump stories, in the movie 'Sicario: Day of the Soldado'. msnbc.com/rachel-maddow-…
Senior intelligence officials have said that it's extremely difficult to convince Trump he is wrong about something, no matter how much evidence they can put in front of him. He believes what he believes.
For years, the Department of Homeland Security has operated a fake university in the Detroit suburbs as part of an undercover operation to lure undocumented immigrants seeking to obtain student visas. thedailybeast.com/ice-ran-fake-c…
Eric Trump tells WaPo the Trump Org. plans to institute E-Verify at its properties.
It is the 1st acknowledgment that Trump's private biz failed to fully check the work status of all its employees, despite claims he used E-Verify at properties.
Victorina Morales, an undocumented worker who was fired from Trump's Bedminster golf club after she publicly disclosed her immigration status, will attend Trump's State of the Union address as a guest of Rep. Bonnie Watson Coleman, a NJ Democrat. washingtonpost.com/politics/undoc…
From the outside, Texas looks like potential 2020 trouble for Trump because of the steady climb in Hispanic voters.
But, the state's leftward drift is a byproduct of opposition to Trump in white suburbia.
GOP Sen. Tim Scott is doubling down on his opposition to Thomas Farr's nomination to be a federal judge. Slamming conservatives who urged him to reconsider, he said, "they've not spent as much time on true racial reconciliation efforts." thestate.com/news/politics-…
The Trump/Scott Walker touted Wisconsin Foxconn manufacturing plant? It won’t be a factory after all.
The company, who initially said it expected to employ 13,000 people, said that figure now looks likely to be closer to 1,000 workers.
Former Bush speechwriter Michael Gerson: "Trump is a fraud."
On Senate floor Mitch McConnell rips a federal holiday for Election Day as part of a “power grab” by Democrats to win elections.
Here's video of Mitch McConnell mocking the idea put forth by Democrats of making Election Day a paid holiday. "This is the Democrat plan to restore democracy?" Via CSPAN
Trump interviewed Heidi Cruz for the job of World Bank president but Treasury’s David Malpass remains the clear front-runner for the job, sources say.
Christopher Burnham, a former executive at Deutsche Bank and member of Trump's transition team was announced as a new board member of a company owned by Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska as soon as the Treasury Department lifted sanctions
Senate Judiciary Cmte Chairman @LindseyGrahamSC sends letter to FBI Dir Wray questioning the tactics used to arrest Roger Stone, and asking whether the arrest was leaked to CNN:

Mueller's team says that discovery materials shared with defense attorneys associated with Concord Management (Co. owned by Putin's Chef) appeared online in October in an apparent "disinformation campaign" to discredit the Russia investigation bit.ly/2TlQuYr
Mueller and his team have likely already had access to the House Intel Committee's transcripts of Russia witnesses.
But Mueller can't follow leads until the Committee votes to authorize their release to him.
Schiff has promised to do this.
Russian Troll Farm Has New Meta-Trolling Propaganda Campaign thebea.st/2Ph9LML?source… via @thedailybeast
Ex-NRA president David Keene hoped to win access to Putin on a trip to Moscow, according to an email from one of the trip's organizers.
The email, sent Nov 2015 & reviewed by Daily Beast, came just months before the Kremlin's election meddling.
The NRA is trying to create distance between CEO Wayne LaPierre and the NRA officers who traveled to Moscow in 2015 at the invite of criminal Russian influence agent Maria Butina and Alexander Torshin, when NRA members met with top Putin officials.
Wait. What?
Trump Energy Dept secretly shipped radioactive plutonium to Nevada hill.cm/Am6NfV3
Rep. Ted Lieu and Sen. Ed Markey have announced that they'll reintroduce a bill that would stop the president from being able to launch a first strike nuclear attack without first having congressional approval. bit.ly/2MHseNP
Democratic Rep. Joe Neguse, a freshman member of the House Judiciary Committee, told constituents last week that the panel will "likely" investigate perjury claims against Brett Kavanaugh and may move to impeach him depending on their findings.
Mitt Romney slated to speak before *closed-door* meeting of drug industry CEOs. bit.ly/2RXT1LR
@purduepharma, the makers of OxyContin, once explored expanding into the “attractive market” of opioid addiction treatment — for the very drugs they were selling.
Out-Of-Work Appalachian Coal Miners Train As Beekeepers To Earn Extra Cash.
Didn't these folks get upset when Hillary sought to help them gain green energy jobs?
NEW YORK (AP) — The steady loss of local newspapers and journalists across the country contributes to the nation’s political polarization, a new study has found.
In case you missed yesterday's thread: