… #QAnon…
This is a signal.

Another "Let this sink in" moment.
The attempted #COUP and TREASONOUS actions will open the door for things that are WORSE. Think about what's WORSE than #TREASON. Foreign Agents?

25 pluses.
Why do they ALL have foundations?
MANY more to follow.
Looks like they met in a Russian language class-
Looks like the farm needs operatives fluent in the Russian language. Snowden, Ohr, Obamas, THOUSANDS. The AMERICANS? Defeat from within? Cold war really over or a rope a dope?
#QAnon #GreatAwakening
ClA- The Farm- Clowns everywhere.
'The Americans' is real.
How many more- The 'WHO' will shock the world.

Why do 'they' paint us as dangerous?
Why do 'they' paint us as violent?
Why do 'they' paint us as "Nut-Jobs"?
Why are 'they' afraid of people hearing our words?
Why are 'they' trying to destroy something they say is FAKE?
#DeathBlossom - They are afraid of our information

Re-post of D-3077 - warnings of FFs- (US, UK, France, Italy.
Attempted attack on 51 kids in Italy. Children were rescued- Praise Jesus. God answers prayers. Those of you that tune in to #NinjaNews on @PatriotsSoapbox know that I pray for the kids every show. PTL.#QAnon

- At the end of the video, the kids run away from the bus as the smoke begins to billow out. #ThesePeopleAreSick They are fighting for literal survival right now. I pray that Jesus BINDS the evil one & thwarts his plan against us. #QAnon

Weaponizing the government against it's people.


Well lookie here. Camera right of Clinton is George Nader- Mueller 'star' witness. In reality he may very well be the star because D-3124 all but confirmed publicly that the Mueller probe is a white hat op. Far right of Clinton is Tony Podesta. Where's skippy? #QAnon

Wonder why that photo would return that article when the photo is not in the article.
Deputy Chief, Criminal Division (2017)
Special Counsel to FBI Directors Robert S. Mueller III and James B. Comey (2012-2013)
Guantánamo Detainee Review Task Force (2009)
What case was in the SDNY-2016?
#QAnon said see drop 3050- Doc cloud of flight manifests.
I have found no connections yet but I can barely read that dudes handwriting. Unless GM=George Nader- Maybe the M is actually an N?