She was one of a few female pilots in #WWII.
She was also an #OSS counterintel officer.

She inherited his love of flying & joined Civilian Pilot Training Program @UofMaryland & worked nights building B-26 bombers.
At 20 years old, Betty was determined to fight in #WWII

Betty wanted to see combat. Her godfather Sir William Stephenson [] was friends w/Gen Donovan & helped her get a new gig w/#OSS

She was sent to London to join 1st group of 5 men & 5 women to be trained by the British in cryptography. With #ENIGMA cipher machine, they could read German field comms.
More on ENIGMA:

Undeterred, Betty convinced an Army Air Corps pilot she was a radio tech needed @ the front. He flew her there, & she rejoined her unit
In 1 month, she & her X-2 colleagues uncovered 27 spies & were soon running several double agents.
Betty also met her future husband, a US Army captain & #OSS CI officer, Ricardo Sicre.
The couple socialized frequently w/people like Ernest Hemingway, Ava Gardner, Grace Kelly & Spanish bullfighters
At the age of 86, Betty still took to the sky piloting her plane. She died in 2017 at her home on the Chesapeake Bay