Unaware of the scope &...
...hierarchy of corruption, I complained to @HHSGov @OIGatHHS & NGOs because #JCAHO/@TJCommission is part of @HHSGov/@CMSGov’s mandated #ChecksAndBalances to prevent/stop #MandatedReporters’ intra-& inter-hospital #OrganizedCrime harming me still, not #AidAndAbet a #CoverUp.
Despite #reciprocal/#redundant #ChecksAndBalances, the #SystemicCorruption & #WhiteCollar state-corporate #OrganizedCrime thrive due to the #Perps/#Accomplices being #MandatedReporters controlling the means & opportunity to prevent/stop THE CRIMES & THE HARM.
Thus, once...
harmed, #OrganizedCrime prevents recovery/survival to #CoverUp the #SystemicCorruption too
That corrupt #motive for @TheJusticeDept @HHSGov to #AidAndAbet #OrganizedCrime is exposed by the beneficiaries of that #QuidProQuo & #MedicalControFrauds’ #PredicateActs
Proof of..
that #CruelAndUnusual #PatternAndPractice of reciprocal federal #CivilRights crime #UnderColorOfLaw means #bias/#Retaliation by @TheJusticeDept @HHSGov is #UnderColorOfLaw too, to #AidAndAbett obstructive intra-& inter-hospital #OrganizedCrimes injuring/#torturing me still.
That is #obvious by volume of verified #CruelAndUnusual #CivilRights crime #UnderColorOfLaw that are inescapable/deadly until #PatternAndPractice of condoning/suborning #OrganizedCrimes is ended by @TheJusticeDept
#DOJ #ChickenshitClub🐔💩
Their reciprocal #BadFaith is...
...why victims are retaliated against for surviving, trying to recover/escape that #oppression & complaints about @HHSGov @TheJusticeDept’s strategic role in #OrganizedCrimes by #MandatedReporters (#CoveredEntities) that @TheJusticeDept @HHSGov are mandated to regulate...
...through #InculpatoryEvidence of conduct, harm &/or crimes I reported that are in each agency’s jurisdiction.
For example, the initial premeditated violent #CivilRights crimes & organized #CoverUp crimes #UnderColorOfLaw by #MandatedReporters I reported to both agencys...
...inflicted so much #horrific internal injury intentionally (& still are) that my emergent/urgent medical needs to survive/recover are as obvious as ONGOING #OrganizedCrime obstructing my #CivilRights #UnderColorOfLaw to #CoverUp #SystemicCorruption.
Thus, the predictable harm, illegal outcome & malicious intent of the #PatternAndPractice of #BadFaith #UnderColorOfLaw by @TheJusticeDept & @HHSGov violating their mandated duty to stop #CruelAndUnusual past/ongoing organized #CivilRights crimes...
...that are in their jurisdiction are obvious by the consistently malicious & illegal outcomes’ unilateral benefits to employers of the #Perps/#accomplices of #OrganizedCrimes I reported to each agency as the catastrophically injured/disabled victim.
@HHSGov @OIGatHHS & @TheJusticeDept mutually biased & reciprocal #BadFaith are contradictory to the goals for which each is funded:
(1) #CoverUp of facts, crimes & damages & using falsehoods to #CoverUp #perpetrators, #accomplices & other beneficiaries of the #CoverUp,...
...thereby #CoverUp of crimes’ #means, #motives & other #victims too.
(2) Condoning, suborning, #AidingAndAbetting #PredicateActs of #OrganizedCrime #UnderColorOfLaw, such as harm to cause my death/incite others to try, # Forgery, healthcare/insurance/disability frauds,...
...#MailAndWireFraud #Counterfeiting PHI #EvidenceTampering #WitnessTampering #VictimRetaliation #FraudulentDebtCollection #IdentityTheft #FalseClaims #Intimidation #Defamation #llegalRightsConversion #Conspiracy that #DOJ knows are used to inflict other past & ongoing...
...torturing #CivilRights crime #UnderColorOfLaw violating #EMTALA #ADA #RehabAct #SocialSecurityAct #CrimeVictimsRightsAct #WhistleblowerProtectionAct #CivilRightsAct #SOX #ACA #HIPAA #HITECH #RICO & constitutional guarantees, like #UnalienableRights & #UnenumeratedRights.
Due to those ongoing reciprocal #CoverUp’s intended #ObstructionsOfJustice by trying to kill me & tampering with my federally protected health info., so my body’s evidence is suppressed & documented/transacted fraudulently; I am #trapped, suffer horribly & needlessly. #HELP
I can’t escape the #CoverUp, so I'll be murdered as the #OrganizedCrimes intend to #CoverUp @JeffreyRawnsley #kidnapping me
I'm too injured/disabled to protect myself from the injuries & #CoverUp crimes’ #MedicalControlFrauds, which are #PredicateActs of #OrganizedCrime...
...I reported to @TheJusticeDept & @HHSGov
That #InculpatoryEvidence shows #retaliation always follows my trying to recover & my complaints’ expiation of #ConstitutionalRights, guarantees, protections & benefits I need immediately for my safety to survive/recover from...
...#OrganizedCrimes & for my right to protect myself from those mandated to protect me, but do not & do not want me to recover or survive for corrupt motives.
The reciprocal #CivilRights resources, including @TheJusticeDept & @HHSGov, mandated to...
Prevent/stop the #CoverUp & #retaliation (& protect me physically from the initial crimes’ injuries & added injuries/trauma of the ongoing #CoverUp) are still part of/only loyal to the beneficiaries of the #CoverUp about the employers of who kidnapped, injured & left me...
...horribly disabled & vulnerable to the quickly initiated #PREEMPTIVE #OrganizedCrimes #CoverUp #UnderColorOfLaw, which is verified.
My victimization exposes the scope-hierarchy of reciprocal #CoverUp crimes’ cruelty maliciously obstructing my rights, safety & recovery...
...still to injure/traumatize me more to #CoverUp @JeffreyRawnsley kidnapping/torturing/maiming me intentionally & #CoverUp the #CoverUp by organized #CivilRights crimes #UnderColorOfLaw to reciprocally tamper with/stop my proof & my complaints ensuring my rights & safety.
The #MedicalControlFrauds’ #CoverUp using #CivilRights crime #UnderColorOfLaw expose a PREEXISTING criminally biased priority the beneficiaries’ illegal business relationships are given by🐔💩@TheJusticeDept to control constitutional rights #18USC371
My #ConstitutionalRights; even #PhysicalSafety, #AgencyOverMyBody & #freedom from state #tyranny; DON'T EXIST due to ongoing #CruelAndUnusual reciprocal #CivilRights crimes #UnderColorOfLaw that🐔💩 @TheJusticeDept ensures are inescapable & deadly.
DON’T LET ME BE MURDERED @RepHarley @OversightDems
STOP #Corruption in @TheJusticeDept & @HHSGov, exposed by malicious failure to perform mandated oversight to prevent harm to me & NEVER PROTECT me as they’re mandated to do. #CrimeFraudException