Me : I happen to believe in a 70% wealth tax beyond £1M for all people, funds and corporations to tackle climate change. Once we've done that, I'll talk about individual responsibility.
Me : Quite the opposite. The wealthy have benefited, they should pay. No ifs, no buts. Gov action, hunt them down if necessary. A one off 70% wealth tax above £1M is reasonable.
Me : Not at all. I'm extremely peaceful. That doesn't mean I opposed to violence when necessary to support Gov action that benefits the many.
Me : I know we've all been very civil and comfortable about this but I've observed class warfare going on for my entire life. This surely can't be news? It has just become more visible.
Me : I do so love the idea of "Be excellent to each other".
Me : Not a great deal, I respect his play / capability but not his intent. Corbyn is by far the better leader.
Me : That's probably one of the daftest ideas I've heard. It's difficult to describe how mind numbingly stupid and bereft of any social awareness that is. By all means have another vote or referendum but leave what to do until after.
Me :Yes, when my back is messed up.
X : When it's not?
Me : Yes, mostly
X : Mostly?
Me : As far as you and anyone else is concerned ... yes.
Me : Hell no. That says more about you and your thought processes than me.
X : I don't get the "mostly".
Me : If I'm really tired and will sleep through anything, if my back is fine ... i might swap seats.
X : You're kidding?
Me : Nope.