The dirty money trail never runs cold. Tom Barrack is a cohort of Jared in Saudi slimey money, nuclear power deals, slumlord with no scruples evicting the poor.
Why is he involved with national security? $, Saudis, Qatar & tЯump!…
If you ever believed there is a limit to greed, look again at tЯump. Sociopathic need to undermine our society at all levels is unbounded. They attack the Constitution, funding calls for a convention. 15 states have already done so.…
Book Club Reminder:
@craigunger has the goods on 35 years of tЯump/ Russian graft.
His August 2018 NYT Bestseller #HouseofTrump House of Putin lays out the goods.…
2017 expose by CNN on tЯump's money laundering casinos.…
tЯump used casino for 20 years to launder money.
Stern facts asks why this was allowed to continue.…
Grant Stern posits Felix Slater has something to do with tЯump's consistent avoidance of the repercussions of the law. Report from 2017.…
tЯump abused non-profit charity, was caught & punished. not criminally of course. tЯump then claimed the $2 million fine was a donation. of course.…
#BoneSpurs tЯump raised $2,800,000 for 🇺🇸Veterans, then stole it for his election campaign. Convicted of this crime, tЯump then brags about the $2,000,000 fine. #VeteransDayParade #Veterans…
tЯump's Mussolini like hold over his supporters was recently enhanced with the RW evangelical crowd.
tЯump's use of tax dollars to pay huckster & fear monger Paula White for an invented WH job is designed to keep RW loyal to the delusion.…
Eric tЯump puffs up about massive "profits" from the DC hotel, saying they may sell the lease which would, hold on, make it more profitable. (They've already hired the firm to do it). Well scamming investors for $500 million requires hype.…
Jr tЯump hypes his own book but doesn't realize bulk buys are flagged, undercutting credibility. The RNC is giving copies away to donors, while Jr may have used tЯump company money to inflate sales (and his deflating ego).
The clock is ticking on how long tЯump can continue to hide his corrupt tax situation. Blake's Stache enumerates courtroom game of "Twisted®", as performed by tЯump's DOJ coverup lawyers (lawyers paid to hide facts by us, the 🇺🇸taxpayers)
From DM44: DC Hotel lease is for sale at an astronomical price. Eric is chartered to make the sale. tRump's other businesses must be drowning, and they see that #impeachment freight train heading their way. Hype & sell while they can.
Finding hidden examples of abusing our tax system to benefit #BigOil & 1% and starve our form of government. Gulf oil royalties are normal but hidden in this report is a plan to giveaway tax revenue from pockets of the American taxpayer.…
We are so used to the sellout of GOP* politicians.
We barely note their willingness to regularly abase themselves for the 1% controlling our society.
GOP* call decent social programs "socialism" while simultaneously & hypocritically stuff their pockets with American tax dollars.
GOP* abuse of 'campaign funds' -wink wink say no more squire say no more- somehow just doesn't make it into the criminal category.
How surprising!
Unethical, unsmethical!
When Facebook & GOP* became financially intertwined. FB broke internal rules to avoid a public emotional meltdown orchestrated by tRump campaign.Threats by politicians against private companies? How is that pro-business? The Swamp business!
How many of the 1% are smug in silent support of the corrupt tЯump?
With literally billions handed to them by tЯump, for doing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, why bother to speak out against caged babies, Russian #kompromat, #KurdsBetrayed , #Ukraine ?…
So many connections between GOP* and Russians, it's mind-numbing. Here the puffed up Sheriff David Clarke (he of the fake flair pins) took a field trip to Mother Russia, using funds from a now convicted spy. Nothing slimy about that, right?…
A Ghost?: Reported in 2017, Christian Advocates Serving Evangelism misused charity funds. Run by tRump attorney #Sekulow, reports evaporate. Runs American Center for Law and Justice. Over $200,000,000 taken for 'charity'?…
The hits keep coming - now Feds are investigating Rudy Giuliani for money laundering, campaign finance violations, and a whole lot more.
FBI: Rudy says he's upset, okay? He's so confused. #Ukraine…
Another opening (for graft), another show (of 1% power over politicians)
These direct political 2020 contributions are just the tip of a massive Super Pac iceberg.
GOP* voters support the graft behind all of this #dirtymoney. They refuse to accept overwhelming evidence through purposeful ignorance & "whataboutism".
They really just hate government & liberals, so justify thievery, attacks on allies etc.
Another tRUmp tax scam brought to light. Local/state tax thefts aren't easily caught by IRS - wonder if tRump's lawyers pushed back state audits by pointing to active IRS audits. tRUmp Tower also has 2 sets of books - like other properties.…
In case you are still wondering - yes Russia stokes world-wide corruption to launder stolen money - oligarchs need assets outside Motherland. Having the full power of Russian state behind those makes it that much easier.…
tЯump's dependency on Russians to finance his money obsession is an open book. GOP* ignores this, seeing #moneylaundering as some balance of (illegal) trade opportunity. Sept 2017 article quotes tЯump's brag how Russia is all over his biz.…
A little more on Jr's mini-grifting book deal. 9 GOP* orgs bought thousands of copies to give away, boosting perceived sales. Like most of tЯump' grifting, obvious fake sales, except to the propaganda fed #fauxatarians.
"#Resistance: GOP* is also a Comedy Trope".
Twitter drags Jr. for his whiney, self-pity book sales mini-grift. Hilarious comments - today's brief respite from pardoned war criminals & Putin's puppet.
Be sure to leave Jr. a note too.
tЯump depends on Russian connected money. This 2018 article shows some of their massive interlinked financial network, which funnels money to this day into our politics.…
Criminal abuse of campaign funds is a heavily GOP* thing. #DuncanHunter pleads out to Federal crimes.
Anyone holding their breath jail time is included? We'll know tomorrow to what charges he pleads guilty, but not sentencing. #whitecollared…
$1,500,000,000,000 tax giveaway to 1% follows normal pattern. Greedy rich stuff the free money deeper in their pocket (corporate socialism), while #GOP whine about 'socialism' (cut govt costs by cutting food stamps to 500,000 poor children.)…
Using food as a weapon is about as low down and dirty one can get. Claiming feeding poor peoples keeps them from working defies rational thought.…
tЯump falsely claims his job is costing him billions, and 'phony' emoluments clause therefore means nothing to the 'rich'.
tЯump's disdain of our Constitution collides with Founder's vision of POTUS working for our Country, not himself.…
In addition to pressuring our Federal Reserve on interest rates, tЯump now turns to pressuring the World Bank & Сhina. Unable to force China into a trade agreement, tЯump somehow thinks he alone controls the world economy.…
Farm subsidies are used to ascend to the WH. (Bush Jr famously restarted such.) tЯump's China trade war disaster has required massive farm tax supports - vast majority of money helping big farms. Small farm bankruptcy & suicides up.…
More detail on tax giveaway to Big Oil. Royalties ignored, leases granted, industry foxes in charge of the hen house. Oh...and oil spill regulations weakened.
Would you like a little bit of polluted swamp to go with that money sandwich?…
Ah yes dirty secret PAC money is hard at work creating misinformation and distraction ads to protect massive tax giveaways under tЯump. Telling Fox viewers to protest call their Representatives, these 1% like pulling strings in secret.…
Robert Mercer, Cambridge Analytica, and Information warfare. Click through this @Heidi_Cuda set of threads pulls together how RW billionaires and Russian billionaires share a common hobby: playing power politics in plain sight.
GOP* leaders are trying to outdo each other with sheer disregard of law & ethics. AP investigated @SenJoniErnst and share their findings of clear corruption.…
Kochland - released August 2019, 600 pages, 7 years effort - exposes Koch Brothers grimy way -stealing oil, undercutting renewables, massive lobbying federal & state. Somehow author Leonard finds slimy Charles sympathetic, not a sociopath!?…
tЯump's trade war has cost American taxpayers billions in new far. Farmers lost China exports, receive a small stipend -except for 1% richest who received huge payouts. Democrat #IA04 contender @JDScholten calls out GOP* hypocrisy.
tЯump & GOP* hang on to power by bribing 1% with massive tax giveaways- part of RW historical trend to cut government services, while enriching donor class oligarchs. Nytimes shows destructive burden-top tiers pay less..and less..and less.…
This story is one of many thousands, how the 1% and their minions on Wall Street screw over whoever they can, destroying along the way. Occupy called them out, and focused 🇺🇸on how BOTH parties suck up to $$$ over people.…
Dirty money is dark money. Our political, moral, social & information systems are tainted with $ corruption. Kochs & other fossil fuel oligarchs fund disinformation campaigns. Citizens United created secret underground economy of paid liars.…
Fundraising for re-election achieves a new low. tЯump trots out convicted military war criminals for $$. Their own squads had testified to their crimes. tЯump can't understand damage done when he pardoned them. Now they owe him loyalty, see?…
Is it news? Another quarter proving there is nothing behind GOP* lies. $1.2 trillion yearly deficit.
$Trillion tax giveaways to the 1% & Big Corp. Weakening government & economy. Ignore children thrown off food stamps, that's socialism!…
@GOP: One question: Who else?
(article from April 2017)…
I am so certain tЯump had $2,000,000 in spare change sitting around to pay this fine. (tЯump paid $25,000,000 in fines over tЯump U)…
tЯump's stunted brain costs 🇺🇸real money. His disastrous #TradeWar will always fail. China trade war cost Americans
$7.9 Billion in TAXES in just Oct 2019. Jobs lost and businesses closed are not included. This is just the increased taxes.…
Methane is an effectively unregulated, disastrous #greenhouse gas that is rapidly increasing in our atmosphere due to #fracking. Our culture's addiction to cheap energy, coupled with cheaply bought politicians, is poisoning our planet.…
Money laundering is the universal language, the lingua franca of international criminals. tRUmp's business with these big players shows he is one front, there are many more.…
Just another article about money laundering suspect tЯump. (from June 2018)…
tЯump's tax returns that were obtained by @nytimes showed $1,000,000,000+ loss in the 1984-1995 period. His bankruptcy meant tЯump AND lending banks both took tax deductions on the same loss.…
After 3 years, another delay in access to tЯump's tax returns. 3 cases converge at SCOTUS for March hearing date. All lower court decisions in public's right to know favor. Watch for tЯump motions to postpone until after our free elections.…
Rudy Giuliani received money from Ukrainian Parnas who received money from Russia. Rudy now running around spewing Russian conspiracy nonsense.…
Mega churches & Money? With #Mormon Church, Mega isn't a big enough word. Now a WB complaint alleges $100,000,000,000 donations languishes in 1% type investments, never used as required for charitable purposes.
(Yes, tRUmp IS an amateur.)…
Mega Corporations and Money? Is anyone paying taxes around here?…
The depth of tЯump's corruption keeps on getting more clear. Here our Sect of Energy Rick Perry steered a contract to his oil buddies. Now #Ukraine tries to toss the corruption out the window by shedding daylight on the deal.…
Rick Gates dodges prison. International white collar criminal turned state's evidence. Gets expected slap on the wrist. At least Gates offered up the facts to the FBI.…
Paul Manafort is imprisoned for 7 years, believed tЯump would pardon him. Won't be released til almost 2025. Today Manafort suffered a heart attack. Manafort colluded with corrupt Ukrainians to help Russia.…
Short term gain, long term pain.
Selling counterfeit goods to the US government.
Ripping off taxpayer, not providing American jobs.
Con games end up creating convicts - in prison.…
2016: SCOTUS weakened bribery laws, requiring official act to prove bribe was illegal. Political pressure on others is not considered a bribe, even when receiving $125,000, 'gifts' & 'loans' just before Governor told staff to act.…
Why would a Ukrainian American, with ties to a corrupt oligarch, give a free jet ride to #RudyColludy ?
Why wouldn't he? #AgeofTrump means corruption in the open. #Ukraine…
Just another example of GOP* deluding themselves by following tRump. Borrowing trillions from the 1%, with interest, to cover lost tax revenue given to the 1%. And 1% did nothing to deserve it.…
@SethAbramson causally links 25+ tweets connecting tЯump, Mulvaney, Manafort, Giuliani, Parnas, Firtash, with Putin disinformation campaign. In 2017. 2017. Before Manafort took over campaign. Before Zelensky was PM. #Ukraine shakedown.
Crew has catalogued 2762 conflicts of interest as tЯump uses federal tax dollars to subsidize his apparently failing businesses. Hotel room rentals, business promotions, foreign trademarks - on & on all ignored by GOP* ignoramuses.…
In 2005, tЯump claimed $17,000,000 in hurricane damage on his Mar-a-Lago insurance, only no repair permits pulled, no substantial damage seen. Just a little tЯump insurance scam. AP Article from 2016.…
Check out all the GOP* Red states depending heavily on Federal vs State & Local money. GOP* decrys power of Federal government, but happily depending on shared Fed dollars to run their states. #MoscowMitch Kentucky #5 on dependency list.…
Trump Tax Cuts Have Failed To Deliver (unless you are rich):
NPR: Two years after Trump’s tax cut, analysis finds more than 60% of tax savings went to top 20% of incomes — AND cuts "have not come anywhere close to paying for themselves."…
Questions remain about SCOTUS, Justice Kennedy, Kennedy's surprise resignation, tRUmp, & Kavanaugh's appt.. This 2017 article links tRUmp & Kennedy families through, surprise, a leveraged real estate deal that needed serious big money help.…
CREW has its work cut out for it. GOP* continues it's decent into the ethical black hole surrounding tRUmp WH. Hatch Act violations must be punished, but GOP* just shrugs off regular abuse of position.…
Top 1% just keep on getting richer, folks. GOP* complicit with unbounded greed, rolled back basic taxes on 1%. That's their "secret" agenda.…
WashPo calls out $1.4 trillion budget as written to benefit upper middle class, and a failure for working poor.…
Bloomberg says "Merry Christmas" to the 0.1%.
Top 500 see wealth rise 25% in one year. 25%. one year.
oh except Bezos' divorce caused his wealth to drop.…
Where the IRS commissioner is in tRUmp's pocket.
While the rich get richer, the poor get poorer. Cuts to food stamps & #Medicaid is the GOP* answer to massive American increases in poverty.…
Another grifter working in our Federal Government. When tasked with the power of Federal office, don't use it for personal gain or the appearance of same. Barr is derelict in his duty and complicit in failing to enforce corruption laws.
Whistleblowers called out Nuclear Energy ripoff by tRump and Saudi Arabia. 50 page House report lays out the $$$ money behind this disaster. SA can't protect our nuclear technology (US can't protect its own Middle Eastern embassies)…
Another tRUmp hotel/condo/money laundering scam. Caught in the act, tRUmp backed away from the illegality, leaving his partner (grandson of Brazilian dictator Figueiredo) to do the time. tRUmp sure collects a lot of despots as 'friends'.…
Public Universities sell out their claim for independent thought when they allow the Kochs and others to determine who can teach there.…