Privacy 🔒
Scalability 🌐
These are the three main roadblocks preventing #SmartContracts from reaching mass adoption today
#Chainlink $LINK will play a major role in bringing this space to the next level, making Web3.0 a reality
A thread ⏬

Smart Contracts cannot natively access data outside the blockchain, they need an off-chain Oracle to fetch the data and bring it back on-chain
More details about the connectivity problem below ⏬
Hyperledger Fabric by @IBM
Hyperledger Sawtooth by @intel
Quorum by @JPMorgan
Corda by @inside_r3
If you have read about large institutions leveraging "the blockchain" it was probably one of these

Late last year, @Chainlink acquired @initc3org's Town Crier, a blockchain oracle that leveraged Intel SGX for confidentiality & integrity guarantees for data processed
This is live today

Having the oracle run inside of a TEE means that even the node operator won't know what data is being processed, this privacy extends to the cloud providers on which the nodes operate

Simply put, Town Crier protects data in transit…
This is where, which was also built by @initc3org, comes into play
Deco is a privacy preserving oracle protocol that enables users to prove facts about their web data (TLS) sessions to Oracles

What about more computationally expensive operations? (machine learning, video/image rendering, batch transaction processing)
This can include
@Hyperledger Avalon workers
@maticnetwork plasma chains
@CelerNetwork state channels
@GCPcloud functions
Any network, service, or cloud provider

The end result will be beautiful, all I can is, I'm very excited for 2020

Chainlink nodes aggregate their responses off-chain and make only a single transaction back on-chain, gas use will be extremely minimal