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It's day 11 of #acquitmas. On deck for today is 2 hours of talking points by the house mangers and 2 hours of closing arguments by Team Trump then a break and nonstop bloviating by 100 senators until 4:00pm Wednesday (I won't cover that part) So, let's begin
No surprise the senators are a little late. It seems that the 11:00am start time is just a little early for them

Opens with prayer. Thankful to God that it's over.

Pledge of allegiance
Mitch says up to four hours

Break after house mangers are done.

House managers get to open and close the argument.

Shifty and Jerry are going to fight for the last word again aren't they?🤔🤔
House Dems are up first.

Crowman opens up warning about a civil war if Trump isn't impeached🙄🙄🙄
Crowman continues to argue fear of 🍊 bad man if the senators don't impeach.

Says duty demands they impeach 🍊 man because he is bad and above the law🙄🙄🙄.
If we allow 🍊 man to remain in office he will be above the law🙄🙄🙄

Someone should tell the Dems they aren't the law...😏😏

Crowman brings up Nixon, the golden age of liberalism where they could overturn an election at will.
Crowman is done.

Now up Old Val, I am woman hear me roar.

You must impeach because 🍊 man had a scheme and then covered it up...(even though we presented no evidence of this narrative 😏😏)
We caught 🍊 man before he did anything and then he covered it up without us finding any evidence of it😏😏

You all must impeach 🍊 man.

Can I get an amen!!
And that Rudy needs impeached too....😏😏😏.

Russia propaganda 😏😏

Election interference that we have no evidence for tell us we must impeach 🍊 man

Can I get an amen!
We would have caught 🍊 man if not for those meddling kids
It was a grand conspiracy that we have no evidence for instead we used the well known procedure of 6 degrees from Kevin bacon to figure out all this scheme and create our narrative

Can I get an amen!
If you don't believe me let me scream it a little louder!!

old Val is up on the soapbox preaching the good word....can I get an amen😏😏😏

Orange man is bad.

Say it with me. ,😏😏😏
Old Val is going over the entire narrative and hatched story, with no evidence, that we have heard 2,000 times over the last 11 days.

Can I get an amen!
Old Val is still going she has the power flowing through her. Almost talking in tongues now.

Orange man is bad damnit

She almost stumbled over that tough math problem but she landed it.

Can I get an amen!
Old Val is still rambling on she has the bit in her mouth now, no stopping her.

Says we don't need to hear from no stinking whistleblower. 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄

We don't need no evidence, we all know orange man is bad.

Orange man is using conspiracy theories...

Can I get an amen!🙄🙄
The non-evidence based narrative presented to you tells you how bad orange man is. 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄

Orange man is very very very bad. 😏😏
Random thoughts

I wonder how much the Superbowl ad about criminal justice and it's success went into Schifty schiff's decision to allow old Val to preach the narrative gospel today?
You would think at some point they would run out of lies bit then you would be wrong.

Old Val giving it her all.

🍊 man is bad.

She's running out of juice. (Hopefully) 😏😏

Can I get an amen!
🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄how bad is 🍊 man? He is real bad per Old Val.

Then that man wouldn't help us impeach him. Can you imagine the nerve of that man!
Old Val started strong screaming to the heavens bit finished weak mumbling and stumbling away.

Can I get an amen. She should have had a bowl of Wheaties. Would have kept her sugar up.

Lurch is up now. Oh boy that means we have big Mac Naddy and schifty still to go.
Not sure what Lurch is talking about....hold on ...oh yeah...he is saying 🍊 man is bad and Rudy returned to the scene of the crime 😂😂😂

Something about world leaders 🙄🙄🙄
Lurch digs up the corpse of John McCain and wraps the impeachment in his shroud. 🤕🤕🤕
No shit. Lurch's entire argument is orange man is bad and we have to impeach to save our worldwide reputation and to appease the ghost of John McCain. ,🙄🙄🙄🙄
Shitty is now up. Lurch lurched through his speech

Shitty is making people that worked on the narrative impeachmant.

We should probably write these names down to know when the next lie is produced. 😏😏😏😥
Shitty quotes the Cummings. Hopefully, he will end his time after this. I doubt he will end it....and yep he is still talking.

They have another hour or so but I think they will leave some time on the table to rebut team Trump.

Shitty still going quoting Lincoln now.
Shorty urges them to convict and remove from office because if not orange man will be bad.

Schiff is done.

30 min recess then team Trump's turn
Dems still have an hour after Team Trump is done. So looking to go until about 4:00 if both sides use all their time.
Okay I'll be honest here. When the Dems introduced a math problem, I thought they lost most of their base & I wasn't sure there for a couple seconds that Old Val would get the correct answer. She stumbled there for a second or two. After all 2+2 is complex & a social construct,😏
Random thoughts.

The Trump team could just play memes for the next two hours and win the case on merits after that poor showing by the house Dems.
Important point.

When the Dems say that Trump is not above the law, you have to understand in the dems' and elites minds, they are the law. So what the Dems are really saying is that Trump is not above them and he must listen to them not the people or even the written law.
Random thoughts

How can you tell that DC is 12 sq miles surrounded by reality?

Their 30 minute lunch breaks are really about an hour break or whenever they decide to come back.
In other news.

Dow has rebounded some from Friday's sell off. Still fear of the China virus should be what controls the market over the next week or so.
Okay we are back.

Mr. Pat is up first for Team Trump.

He says the only thing you can do is acquit and let the voters decise.

Kenny star is up.

Those bastards didn't kill Kenny.
Kenny is talking about a song. Okay...🤔🤔🤔🤔... I'm sure this is going somewhere.

Nope he switched to MLK speech

Oh okay he is talking about freedom and justice.

Moral arc of the this has to be killing the left.mmmthsts their talking
Rules are rules.

Kenny asks if the rules were followed. If not you must acquit.

(Attacking the kangaroo court of the house)

Asks a question. Have rhe dsxrs presented proven trustworthy? Full and fair disclosure? Fundamental fairness?
Kenny brings up puma's question.

They didn't tell you that,why not?

Says just because you have the power you can't use it without rules.
Kenny says the house said time after time they didn't have to to follow rhe rules.

They broke the rules to get to a goal that's not justice nor fairness.

Kenny says basically impeachment is a political process and the house failed to persuade on the political arguments
Kenny says partisanship should be outside these walls today. There are no crimes and this doesn't rise to high crimes and toy are giving middle finger to the american people if you don't acquit. Its not fairness nor justice.

He ends, puma up now.
Puma, puma, puma!

Going to be brief.

Number of reasons these articles must fail.

Core issues

1. POTUS did not condition aid nor meeting on call. Vindman said it was a policy difference,

2. Zelinsky and advisors felt no pressure per their own words.
3. Zelinsky did not learn of the call until month after the call when politico article was published. Only raised it at Warsaw with pence after the article. Everyone main player testified to this and it wasn't brought up I high level meetings until Warsaw.
Underlyings knew nothing about what was going on just something was going on.

4. None of house witness testify that Trump told them that there was a connection. In fact Trump told them there wasn't one. Including Senator Johnson.

Mulveney clarification is read
5. Security aid was released once Trump's concerns were addressed. Reason for pause was burden sharing and corruption.
Puma now taking apart the meeting narrative. Explains Warsaw and hurricane scheduling issue then then the UN meet. Trump strengthened Ukraine relationship.
Puma reading volker op-ed saying the relationship is stronger than ever and the partisan impeachment benefitting Putin. So basically the Dems are helping Putin
Puma destroyes the dems case and the Undertaker takes the stage.
Undertaker explains that the House is not above the law.

Subpoenas were a joke.

Queen Nancy never called a vote just gave a press conference.

Didn't follow procedures

Schiff worked with whistleblower.

President didn't fet due process so has rights and respknded as such.
President didn't obstruct Congress, he upheld the rights of the office of the President. It was a blanket hit house didn't attempt to accommodate. Straight to impeachment do not pass go.
House said they had no time to follow the rules.

Undertaker calls bullshit on that one.
Undertaker says the house saying only the guilty use constitutional rights goes against everything this cojntrt was founded on.
Undertaker says the house argument is that the house considers Congess is supreme and there is no separation of power. It's whatever Congress says it is.

Poppycock the undertaker says.

Tje house was upset Trump didn't sit there and take it so they impeached.

Purely partisan
Undertaker basically saying tje entire impeachment was a political process to railroad an impeachment for Christmas.

Professor Jay now up. Will he hulk out?

Jay explaining thenlast three years have brought us to this time, this time. Quotes wapo article of jan 20,2017 saying ImpeachBSment jas begun.
😂😂😂 Plays video of the house dems saying they wanted impeachment over the last 3 years.
Jay just hulked out
Reads tweet from whistleblower attorney.

Dems Cheapened impeachmant

Urges senate to acquit for sake of nation. Reckless impeachment processing . No due process. Managers even claimed thet rushed it and needed more witnesses
No crimes let allow high crimes in the articles. You must acquit. Damn autocorrect is kicking ot today.

Bottom line the Dems don't like 🍊 man nor his policies. So they impeached him.

The real issue is policy disputes. The answer is elections not impeachment.
Presidentnis sole authority in foreign affairs per scotus.

Article one is policy not a crimes.

Article two Trump released the damn transcript how is that obstruction?

SCOTUS says exerting privilege is constitutional not obstruction
House broke their own rules.

House barred president counsel from hearing.

POTUS responded the house rushed to impeach.
Senate has to stop the house from this path of abuse of power.

House attempted to usurp the president. And disrespected checks and balances, violated the constitution.

Puny house
Jay plays video of Dems and Trump working together for the benefit of the country passinf laws. 😂😂😂

In their own words the Dems say 🍊 man is not bad.

Jay asks the Senate tonstand firm and protect the country from this bullshit. Justice demands an Acquittal.
Jay calmed down and now Mr. Pat is up.

Giving thanks to his team and thanks Senate for listening
Sorry missed most of Mr. Pat's speech.

Team Trump rested.

The Dems bring up the big woman with the bad hairdo to bring it home.

She says crimes? We don't need no stinking crimes to impeach.
The big woman with the bad hairdo just bloviating about not needing a crime to impeach 🍊 man. We thinking he is bad, is reason enough.
Big woman with bad hairdo still lecturing is peons that 🍊 man is bad throws in Russia, cheat election, orange man must be removed damn it. ,🙄🙄😏😏😏😏😏
Big woman with bad hairdo is done.

Next up Glenn Close's clone.

Explains that American people will have to live with 🍊 man if they don't impeach. (their greatest fear) ,🤕🤕

Throws in some faith based talking points.
Glenn Close's clone said orange man is so bad he pierced our hearts. 😪😪😪😪😪

ABC's of bad behaviors.
Saus shw grew up picking cotton. 🙄🙄🙄. I guess that matters somehow because orange man is bad.

Speaks Spanish. Or was that in tongues?

She went somewhere. Basically her argument was why am I here.

Crowman is up next.
Crowman might just be the worst the Dems have. Freshman Dem from Denver in a tight district is the only reason he is here.

To quote big Mac Naddy "His argument is nonsense."
Crowman explaining to his kids why he is here. Has nothing to do with impeachment but sure why not. 🙄🙄🙄

Old Val is up next. Can I get an amen!
On the plus side Shifty Schiff is not talking much today. Must not want his face to be seen

Old Val now talking about her father.

Again has nothing to do with Impeachment but sure what the hell 🙄🙄🙄
Old Val making a campaign speech

Can I get an amen!
Old Val you will send a terrible message to the nation if you acquit Orange man.🙄🙄🙄🙄

Wonder if old Val knows Lincoln was a Republican? Doubtful
Lurch is back up to mumble something stupid. Hold on this might be the exception......nope same stupid shit. 😏🤕🤕
Random thoughts

Not much time for random thoughts today..that's probably a good thing....maybe not..who knows. Oh Lurch is still talking. I should pay attention ....🤔🤔
Lurch is explaining we are in the wilderness because orange man is bad.

Throws in some random faith talking points.

Walk by faith,😥
Well shifty Schiff is up.

Says it's midnight in Washington....(it's midday just saying)

Oh no run away it's story time with pencil neck
It's midnight in DC but once Trump is acquitted....The sun will come out tomorrow...
Pencil neck just making up crap. Blah, blah blah... 🍊 man is bad...I hate him but I just can't quit him. 🤕🤕🤕
Shitty says that Trump is going to offer Alaska to Russia 🙄🙄🙄
Schiff is like that guy you talk to and he gets like every third word and when he repeats what you said it has absolutely no comparison to what you just said.

🍊 Man is guilty as sin we can't let the voters to decide because we don't trust the voters those damn Russians.
You can't trust 🍊 man to not brainwash those voters. We must impeach his ass.

Schiff brings up Trump tower in Moscow, sc process crimes. Mueller. 🙄🙄🙄

This guy is a few bricks short of a full load.
Now shitty is calling Barr a crook. 🍊 man is bad. We can't beat must impeach.... whining

Rudy is bad.....danger will not recede
🍊 man is bad he will be so bad if you don't impeach.
Schifty still crying about how bad 🍊 man is.
Random thought

I wonder if Trump bought Greenland would the Dems consider that an impeachable offense?
Shitty is saying orange man was shocked that we were so weak he could just walk all over us🙄🙄🙄🙄
I'm not sure shitty calling the senators a bunch of cowards is the best play here. 🤔🤔😥😥
Schiff's closing arguments. You meanies....
Hey schiff
Schiff jist explained why they impeached Trump. They really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really hate 🍊 man.

The entire impeachment was about TDS.

Mitch adjourns this farce. Now senators will blovaite for the next two days and vote on Wednesday at 4:00pm
I'll happily end the thread here
As always thanks for following along and the comments. I'll be back on Wednesday at 3:00 ish for the 12th day of #acquitmas when we get the acquittal that lasts forever.
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