#mentoring #mentorship #mentee #mentor

#mentoring #mentorship #HRwithEM
#mentoring #mentorship #mentee #mentor
#mentoring #mentorship #mentee #mentor #HRwithEM
#mentoring #mentorship #mentee #mentor #HRwithEM

#mentoring #mentorship #mentee #mentor #HRwithEM

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2. LIKE This Post
3. RETWEET This Post
4. REPLY This Post stating WHY you deserve to win.
*5. The REPLY with the highest RETWEET wins!*
Some followed the rules while others didn't.
#Giveaways #MyHRStoryBook #HRwithEM
1. @faluyikayode (105 retweets)
2. @ndibe_emmanuel (65 retweets)
3. @Nerlls (25 retweets)
Please send me a DM to arrange how to pick up your specially autographed copy of the book.
#mentoring #mentorship #mentee #mentor #HRwithEM
Your reason for wanting the book caught my attention. Send me a DM to arrange a one-on-one mentoring session to gain clarity on your career goals.
#mentoring #mentorship #mentee #mentor #HRwithEM

#mentoring #mentorship #mentee #mentor #HRwithEM

1. Planning for mentoring
2. Building relationship/negotiating agreement
3. Developing #mentee/maintaining momentum
4. Ending formal relationship
At this stage the #mentor and #mentee think about themselves and what they want to give and receive in this important relationship.
Questions addressed are: where you've come from, where you are now, and where you want to go next. #HRwithEM
#mentoring #mentorship #mentee #mentor #HRwithEM
#mentoring #mentorship #mentee #mentor #HRwithEM
The first part of this phase is getting to know one another in order to build trust. It's important to take plenty of time required to develop a strong relationship.
#mentoring #mentorship #mentee #mentor #HRwithEM
#mentoring #mentorship #mentee #mentor #HRwithEM
SCHEDULE - discuss the probable length of your formal partnership.
MEETING LOGISTICS - decide when and where you will meet.
#mentoring #mentorship #mentee #mentor #HRwithEM
#mentoring #mentorship #mentee #mentor #HRwithEM
#mentoring #mentorship #mentee #mentor #HRwithEM
#mentoring #mentorship #mentee #mentor #HRwithEM
#mentoring #mentorship #mentee #mentor #HRwithEM
This is the longest phase of the mentoring relationship. Work with your mentee to choose a maximum of three (3) goals/objectives at a time to work on in your relationship.
#mentoring #mentorship #mentee #mentor #HRwithEM
#mentoring #mentorship #mentee #mentor #HRwithEM
#mentoring #mentorship #mentee #mentor #HRwithEM
Rather than letting a relationship continue and have no focus or letting it disintegrate from lack of attention, a formal ending will help both of you with this important transition.
#mentoring #mentorship #mentee #mentor #HRwithEM
You can have a conversation like this: "We only have three months in our formal mentoring partnership. What else do we need to accomplish?"
#mentoring #mentorship #mentee #mentor #HRwithEM
What you've accomplished
What this experience has meant to both of you
What and whom your #mentee needs next in order to continue developing
What each of you would like next for this relationship.
#mentoring #mentorship #HRwithEM
Continue the formal arrangement (see if your program allows it);
Change to informal mentoring (discuss your expectations);
#mentoring #mentorship #mentee #mentor #HRwithEM
Celebrate, express appreciation, and part company with no future contact plans.
#mentoring #mentorship #mentee #mentor #HRwithEM
You could schedule a closing lunch or dinner.
You could write an encouraging note summarising what you've observed and expressing your appreciation.
#mentoring #mentorship #mentee #mentor #HRwithEM
Make a choice that would make the partnership a memorable one for both of you.
#mentoring #mentorship #mentee #mentor #HRwithEM
#mentoring #mentorship #mentee #mentor #HRwithEM
Thank you for your participation and valuable contribution in making this #TwitterSession a success.
#mentoring #mentorship #mentee #mentor #HRwithEM
Have a beautiful weekend!
#mentoring #mentorship #mentee #mentor #HRwithEM