And the very first word that comes to mind is #Karma.
#Karma is actually a poorly understood term.
Most people think of Karma and might think of punishment and retribution. (1/25)

Karma is rather concerned with #Evolution and #Growth.
@BabaRamDass used to often say, “May be the #Law of #Karma itself is #God” (2/25)

The #Cosmos operates at different levels of #Karma –from Personal Karma to the Karma of entire nations or communities. (3/25)

It is said, in #VedicAstrology that the soul before it is born - chooses one or two dimensions of #Karma to work on – in that incarnation – and chooses to put other dimensions off for other lifetimes. (4/25)

All of us create, what we fundamentally ‘desire’ (5/25)

..that it can pull you back into a series of incarnations –
..where you come back to earth again and again to deal with your unfinished business. (6/25)

A lot of people use the words #Fate and #Destiny – interchangeably
#Karmic #Astrology draws a distinction here. (7/25)

And that is why concepts like #Free #Will are central to the conception of #Karmic Astrology. (8/25)

..but it also points you to the areas – you could use your #FreeWill to find a positive outcome for your Karmic efforts. (9/25)


The placement of the #Moon signifies what you seek to nurture and comfort you. (11/25)

The North Node along with its #Sign Placement, tells you your Soul’s Purpose in this life. (12/25)

The deep patterns you have built over lifetimes – predominantly your visceral and emotional patterns. (13/25)

These themes could be #Will and #Assertion, - mostly led by #Mars #Love or #Enjoyment ( #भोग in #Sanskrit ) mostly led by #Venus. (14/25)

And so on and so forth.
Within these sub-themes also, a soul can resonate powerfully with a certain strand.
Consider #Love for instance. (15/25)

...or it can go on to develop Unconditional Love for everyone.
Western Astrology posits that one never really grows out of his #MoonSign. (16/25)

..and become more conscious of our choices. (17/25)

Some charts will literally show to you how some people can feel overwhelmed, as if literally washed away, by their #Emotions. (18/25)

A watery Moon has the capacity to pulls you into the very depths of emotions - although you may not always betray it to those around you. (19/25)

Some Birth Charts by dint of their Sun’s placements are pretty assertive and dominant
These souls can resist the pull of the Moon. (20/25)

The Unconscious Mind is deemed to a prime mover in Past Life Astrology - as behind the unconscious mind lies the patterns and energies of all our previous lives. (22/25)

And what could be the Past Life Roles you might have played. (25/25)
May #Krishna grant us a true understanding of our Past - to help us script our future.