6,000 young cows drowned at sea. SIX THOUSAND🐮
Image the terror .@AustraliaUN
These #cows were exported by #Australia -headquartered #AustralasianGlobalExports, 💀specializes in live #animalexports, aka torture, abuse
#auspol 👎
The #LiveExport 🚢aka #DeathShip departed Napier in #NewZealand w 5,867 #cows passengers
bound for Tangshan, #China
The journey= 17 days no food/water🐮💔

If you're shocked by this incident - maybe it's time to stop supporting it
If you still eat other animals, drink their #milk (#AnimalAgriculture ) THIS is a #RealityCheck
These young #cows were vomiting, deficating in #Terror as they slowly #drowned

I'm not done -
Every government who has their hands bloodied by #AnimalAg has no respect for U
Think about it
Shipping other animals via boat to other countries (no food/water) for weeks👉bc u continue to buy
🔎 #FAO #IPCC #UNEP #Immigrants🐮
👉 cowspiracy.com/facts

In the 21st century #YouShouldKnow that no #GreenNewDeal will save the planet
Not until every #politician speaks the TRUTH -
Not until we end this destructive, horrific, abusive industry👉 #AnimalAg
The #Science is THERE
✔ #WFPB vegan
#6000Cows drowned

Question WHY the #USDA #FDA #CDC #DEFRA keeps #slaughterhouses & slaughter well HIDDEN
➡If you ever saw the intentional killing of what you call " #Food " you would never eat other animals again -
#Vegan bc