#BirdFlu detected in Nueva Ecija #quail farm, can affect humans #Philippines
.@WHO said it has not received reports of new cases of human infection with #H5N6 btw January 31 & February 6, 2020
Maybe just maybe STOP EATING OTHER ANIMALS🔥 #Vegan
February 7 update, WHO said a total of 24 lab-confirmed cases of human infection w #H5N6, including 7 deaths reported frm China since 2014
Whenever #AvianInfluenza #virus are circulating in #poultry there is risk for infection due to exposure to infected birds, envir...
#COVIDー19 #genetics of the new virus
#coronavirus group of viruses that cause diseases in mammals & birds
In people coronaviruses cause respiratory infections, inc common cold
🔎 graphics.reuters.com/CHINA-HEALTH-V…
#GISAID #Zoonotic #WashYourHands ✔#StopEatingAnimals