Woah..that was freaky but familiar. Was lying down & decided to get up to take pain meds for #endometriosis and #fibroids and it felt as painful to get up as the day after surgery. In kitchen, sweating, lightheaded. Quickly squatted to avoid passing out holding onto fridge door
..which swung open..but I did not fall. Then once head feeling better, stood up long enough to take meds...then walked, wobbly and lightheaded to chair. I can't quite feel my palms but that will come back. This probably gets to be called 10/10 pain..but maybe really an 8/10
Great..and a migraine too..scotoma.. taking a migraine med and lying down. Man, when it rains it pours.
Mother Nature is such a misogynist.
SO glad I did not decide to rent a car and try to go Finger Lakes this weekend to see peak foliage.
Wow...I've got some great friends. I'll be ok. I know the drill. This happens sometimes. I always have my meds. Drank water. had a few bites to eat. Drank more water. I'm in a doorman building so if anything worsens I'll call down. My phone is more than half charged and charging.
One of my best friends has what should be debilitating illness. She combines self care with powering thru certain times. The key is she runs her own business and controls her own deliverables, delegates what she needs to. I've learned a lot from her on self care + accomplishing
This is 💯% true
The antifragile & resilient mindsets/skills developed when cannot rely on own body
Prepared for anything
not fazed by sudden crisis
“Dealing with health concerns can prepare you for the ups and downs of business ownership”
Am hoping to go back to sleep. But since my tweets resulted in at least one concerned call, documenting that I am ok.
Appreciate the care/concern/check ins! 🥰
When one feels terrible physically, the relief from pain or return of normal senses is such a relief, blessing, generates incredible gratitude. I admit I went thru a few years with anger at limitations from pain and such. Now grateful for the good days. practicalpainmanagement.com/treatments/psy…
Many non-pharma practices are ridiculed by certain folks in mainstream medicine
That said, we have had an opioid crisis destroying so many lives
Yes, I do deep breathing and positive imagery along with the strongest non-opioid NSAIDs available to cope
The toxic shaming in #healthcare culture - wrongly telling workers that taking a day off is “lacking professionalism” or “not caring” enough about patients or “dumping on” colleagues, is, in fact, unsafe.
It is one of myriad ways “professionalism” and those whose job it is to define & enforce it make #healthcare & #hospitals unsafe for patients and staff alike. It is why I have become increasingly outspoken on weaponized professionalism.
Recently submitted these:
In med school, I never was at risk of passing out in the OR, but I often almost passed out on long rounds in not air conditioned public wards in Pakistan (blood pooling in dilated vessels my legs and not making it to my brain).
To the extreme, this outcome, when
1-the system resources are overwhelmed
2-impossible load is put on an individual doc
3-when monitoring self/health or asking for help is shamed
The way professionalism taught, often anti-#mentalhealth & pushes to this
We have to stop toxicity actively taught within #MedEd#medicine
Nurses & doctors are human. We are safer & offer higher quality care when allowed to admit to being human. Smiling, dancing, taking a sick day: all ok & healthy
When holding behavior police accountable to their own standards, can be seen or called “bullying”...but if enforce it on others, same can be done to you 🤷🏻♀️
if non-clinicians make “cases” of practicing clinicians, w/out consent
= “case” of “professionalism” & “ethics” as harm
I have held multiple clinical leadership positions with disciplinary authority over fellow clinicians, from Chair of state “Provider Review Committee” to Chief Medical Officer. I have gone out of my way to only take an action if there is credible evidence based on a standard.
There are myriad reasons I am in b-school, not least is that this is not acceptable - it is not only unsafe for patients & clinicians, is unsustainable as a business model.
When people can’t do their jobs (boards, CEOs), I get above them
Yes, some of my @LinkedIn posts get >12K views. But the ones on physician suicide? ~200
How effective are we being on #SoMe or with @NEJM perspectives?
Are decision makers listening?
I’ve felt as powerless to prevent harm as #NYC physician leader Dr. Breen who died of suicide
Thing is, my chronic illnesses have been a blessing to protect against the God complex many doctors have. Had to admit am human. I have had to accept there are some things I cannot accomplish myself & times I will “fail” - I have gotten over being shamed
Yes, have moments of extreme pain. I have exited clinical medicine. I have been shamed for my self care choices by fellow physicians. Have fought hard to protect my & others’ ability to work vs wrong definitions of professionalism as @_HarryPaul_ describes explorethespaceshow.com/podcasting/har…
Yes, I identified non-factual, unverified “professionalism” policing by @USC@KeckMedUSC faculty @sarah_mojarad vs a Black male trainee
This non-factual hit piece written as retaliation by faculty “obsessed” with her “narrative” - “evidence” from 2013?
In the hit piece on me by @USCViterbi@USC faculty @Sarah_mojarad, I was misquoted on boundaries just like someone else’s actions in 2013 was part “evidence” used vs me
This is what I have to say on boundaries: break those gendered behavior police impose #WomenInSTEM
Am curious why schools like @usc@USCViterbi - my father’s alma mater - engage in the same repeated online #SciComm behavior against minority physicians as above
Do schools intend to use non-licensed clinicians to start witch hunts vs licensed clinicians
Am I really the enemy?
I can’t tell you how many such messages I get in private from doctors & nurses
Gossip & innuendo harm individuals & the system when clinicians leave
For years, I hid illnesses
I proudly touted stats: I trained pre-work hour restrictions, admitted 22 patients + crossover with no team or night float. All me💪🏽
Or: LP on no sleep x 1 week, hand shaking but got it 💪🏽
Really? 💪🏽?
Things to brag about?
Yes, if ableist culture
Given how outspoken I am in identifying fellow faculty (ones building career on image & “professionalism”)are not factual & use no standards
even taking on these part of healthcare that gets doctors & nurses fired for exactly what I am doing
yes, lots of attempted retaliation
The infamous #Medbikini study used med students & residents reviewers, including ones who were minority
in same way that compliance is full of women, often policing other women based on rules written by men
This remains true. The system needs to either be dismantled or thoroughly reformed.
The results we have are a logical result of resource allocation, systems, incentives, processes.
Let’s obsess less over what “people say”
Let’d not teach “optics” to the next generation of doctors or #STEM
Let’s not craft “narratives” to avoid accountability on harm.
Let’s start to care about real things like life, death, harm, waste
Let’s admit when we fail to improve
But I am lying flat to avoid a repeat of last night.
I am awake and have been for many hours.
I keep hoping if I keep trying to fit the puzzle pieces together I will figure it out.
I don’t feel as much pain when I focus on problem solving.
A bit afraid to try getting up. I am okay when horizontal. But I have SO much to do!!! The “firehose” does not shut off just cuz one has an #endometriosis flare @MITSloanFellows@MITSloan@mit
If you are an ally making changes at a system level you are then changing resource allocation, asking quality for 💰spent
you may make enemies, not get trophies
Please notice how painstakingly this #blackexcellence doctor explains how polite he was & his compliance with expected “manners” while he is doing work that public officials should be doing for marginalized
Should “manners” really be most important thing?
Why is it “his side”? These are verifiable facts documented in video
Why must #blackexcellence defend self against non-factual assumptions?
I place responsibility on the city that a police officer could not recognize #pandemic necessary #publichealth by a licensed professional
It is not okay
This, repeatedly done, harms
It breaks spirits
It makes people afraid
Licenses can be terminated if one is arrested or has a charge
As a Chief Medical Officer I had this up on my wall. My only art on walls was made by patients @ArtLifting to be uplifted by their strengths, not get into any “savior” mindset. I was open that I am a doctor & a patient. I love this #blackqueen expanding past boundaries of picture
Over & over, maters most for making a sustainable difference is 💰💰💰
like how @ArtLifting does not just use “poverty porn” (stolen pics without consent)
to get money itself
but it gives artists living with medical conditions jobs selling own art
The only lawsuit I was named in was where family did not recall I existed but lawyer named every physician who signed any order
(I was an overnight doc)
I was dropped from case, no payments made
Will always still have to report it tho
it has been taking years to re-educate myself and I often still misstep or identify a gap and have to commit more time and effort to learning. I am grateful for #blacktwitter
I often quote tweet @DrOmolara who has courage to identify as having chronic illness as a #blackqueen
I let myself get driven out by this anxiety & stress
yes, flares my illnesses
felt easy prey for professionalism policing
afraid of losing a perfect record, I’ve left clinical
Agree. There is a lot more to unpack and there are not simple policy or regulatory fixes. If you think the feds coming down hard on what the population uses to connect and communicate, you’re not a student of history, sociology, psychology, etc.
I hear all the old, harmful ideas repeated by many who should be at cutting edge of technology. Whereas what @DrvanTilburg describes, if merely digitized to “control” social media, will not work, will harm #SoMe#AI#SciComm#professionalism
From the #healthcare lens there are these potential issues of #AI and #bias including as relates to #COVID19. Yet 30% of business are now using #ArtificialIntelligence in some form. Horse out the barn.
In the marketplace of ideas, lack of women o BIPOC in a space, what is the metric of too much/little? A recent thread on leadership coaching specific to #WIM: importance of having manners if one wants a seat at the table
I'm successful as an advocate, having been a Health Advocate of the Year in 2012 by @Drsforamerica in 2012. Part of being an advocate is bringing issues to the forefront that may not be the priority of decision makers. One communicates on it (albeit, at times, relentlessly)
Women in medicine have choices on how to consume attention and airtime. If women wish to be counter sexist stereotypes that depict us as petty, maybe the causes we care about and invest the most time and attention in should reflect well on our priorities and values.
Outrage is easy to manufacture. Is the level of outrage matched to the issue?
As some have tweeted, don’t like a company? Don’t buy their products. The market will take care of @wearfigs whose advertising ridicules both women & DOs. Ridiculing customers is a bad business move.
The market is not a factor that will address these issues. With most physicians employed, other clinicians also employed, penetration of Wall St & PE into healthcare, and evidence of higher mortality rates for Black and minoritized populations, many things to be outraged over
I know some doctors like to say “don’t confuse your google search with my degree” -personally, given errors made by peer review, from Wakefield to #MedBikini (cyberstalking = scholarship?), I don’t consider a patient’s Google search something to ridicule news.bloomberglaw.com/pharma-and-lif…
In fact, I prefer to “Don’t confuse...”
“...your ivory tower ignorance...”
or “...your PhD in leadership....”
“....with my actual experience”
like of being a CMO of a $100m 14-Center FQHC in neighborhoods where a Black woman is 12x more likely to die of maternal mortality
I am not interested in how many books you have read or written or leadership programs you started at non-diverse institutions
until you show me you have done the work & have immersed yourself in the settings you study...
..with TRUE partnership and humility, not just photo ops
Absolutely true @askdrstephanie - in fact, I have seen that seeking fairness, accountability, accuracy can even result in a vicious backlash if the other person is will be willing to manipulate a narrative and play the victim to distract from harm to others or exploitation.
Anyone who talks about "optics" or "reputation" or deletes a lot of things is already signaling they care about image, popularity, and what others think. That often is a barrier to ethics, fairness, accountability, or accuracy. We can't solve messy problems by being prissy.
That's honestly why I am so glad I am moving out of #MedTwitter spaces and the actual hospital spaces represented by them into #STEM and #hackathon spaces. Instead of judging people and gossip, roll up your sleeves and get 💩 done, whether with high school students or retirees.
Please start to do this. If you find something not factual, take the time to highlight, cross out, write notes on the image. We are highly visual creatures and the red X will communicate much better than your facts or words.
Further, think of unintended consequences. Will what you put out there take a life if its own?
I have seen too many of those paid to instruct #STEM professionals on #SciComm & #MedTwitter professionalism
fail to understand this aspect of #SciComm - how will others repurpose?
How often in re-sharing a conspiracy theory post are you merely driving traffic to that site or person? It is a numbers game. In your “OMG look at this!!!!” are you contributing to this?
Please stay away from those who share a new “look how bad” example