Title of thread: Anon (Q): It's on, don't panic
Link: godlikeproductions.com/forum1/message…
#QAnon #TrumpTrain

Memes are Mind Viruses, not diagrams and flow charts.
Memes have to be simple, or they're not memes.
Crooke Hillary
Little Marco
Lyin' Ted
Low Energy Jeb
They are all memes. Very well thought out, very simple but very powerful.
We do not need complicated flow charts about who runs North Korea, or who funded Obama through Harvard.
KISS - keep it simple.
#QAnon #TrumpTrain
It totally flips the paradigm.
But look at the circle jerking autists on the chans. Finding esoteric hidden meanings. Who cares?
#QAnon #TrumpTrain
The key is that Hillary is guilty of everything she accuses Trump of.
Trump is a master. He tweets for a reason. He keeps showing up the hypocrisy of the left. Lavar Ball is a prime example.
#QAnon #TrumpTrain
It's tough if people are always reading NYT and watching CNN. They're in an artificial bubble, based on a PSYOP, that Trump is deranged and Dems are the saviours of all humanity.
#QAnon #TrumpTrain
Everything that Fox News is focusing on will spill over into other channels.
#QAnon #TrumpTrain
#QAnon #TrumpTrain
And there are some on Twitter doing a fine job.
Trump needs ALL his supporters to join the fight.
#QAnon #TrumpTrain
But nobody, and I really mean nobody, has called it out for what it is - a PSYOP.
#QAnon #TrumpTrain
And Pieczenik is the self-declared expert of psyops.
It was designed to box in Trump and his supporters and potentially ignite a civil war.
#QAnon #TrumpTrain
"unroll" please @threadreaderapp
#QAnon #TrumpTrain