To be more precise, the poem came to mind while watching the shameful behavior of the #DemocraticParty leadership and members of the #CongressionalBlackCaucus.
The poem came to mind while watching Rep. Luis Gutierrez .@RepGutierrez, Democrat representing 4th District of Illinois and member of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus walk out of #SOTU.
He walked out while #POTUS was paying respect to the nation's capitol: ''this living monument. This monument to the American people.''
He can be seen walking out at the .27-.28 second marker.
The poem came to mind while watching as the Democratic Black Caucus refused to stand, applaud or even smile while @POTUS was announcing historical, record-low #unemployment figures for the #AfricanAmerican and #Hispanic communities.
What came to mind was the famous poem 'The Hollow Men' by T.S. Eliot. Perhaps best known for the scene with Marlon Brando (as Coronel Kurtz) reading it near the end of Francis Coppola's film 'Apocalypse Now.'
#MAGA @POTUS #LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder
The film, with its 1979 theatrical release, is based loosely on the novel 'Heart of Darkness' by Joseph Conrad.
#MAGA .@POTUS #marlonbrando
Though the poem had been difficult for me to understand, that changed last night as I watched how utterly despicable the #Democrats, #CongressionalBlackCaucus, the #Resistence and other member of the #LunaticLeft 'behaved.’
Watching those who purport to represent the interest of the African-American & Hispanic communities refuse to stand, or even applaud, upon hearing historically positive news for their constituents.
When it's more important to .@MaxineWaters to boycott the #SOTU, or to walk out during it, like .@RepGutierrez, than it is to remain seated and show your respect, not to .@realDonaldTrump if you take issue with him, but for the Country, its Institutions and its People.
When the #Democrats, eager to find a port-of-entry to start booing .@POTUS begin when he's honoring the parents who have suffered the loss of their two daughters, only to stop after realizing the bad optics it presents.…
Unlike .@POTUS' unifying and uplifting message behind the #SOTU, #patriotic Americans saw what the #LunaticLeft stand for, which is nothing. They have been brutally exposed; the curtain has pulled for all to see. And then T.S. Eliot's The Hollow Men began:

The poem, presented in its entirety as part of a TransMedia project by <jungahre> and hosted by Michigan State University.