Before the arrival of Islam, there had never been any bloodshed in the name of Dharma in this hallowed land of #SanatanDharma
Do #Hindu know that #Nehru invited trouble by ‘importing’ the alien concept of SECULARISM from Europe?
After the 4th & before the 18th century, the function of the European States was not only to control the worldly life of its subjects, but also to secure salvation in the other🌎, key to which was in Church’s possession!
The Church excommunicated those who violated rules,👇🏻
& closed gates of heaven for him.
It was State’s duty then to burn him alive/torture to death!
Jews were deprived of all citizenship rights & stigmatized as
KILLERS of Christ!
State was termed as
‘SECULAR ARM’ of Church,
State admitted its main function was to serve Church!
The Church gave absolute liberty to the kings to expand their territories in the name of Christianity using sword-slaughtering or other means!
By the end of 15th century, the whole of Europe was Christianized,
& the kings no more needed the Church to augment their power.
Revolts broke out in the 16th century against the Church
Christianity fragmented into many sects.
Terrible carnage took place in the name of religion all over Europe because of the reformist Christianity’s intolerance!

the European thinkers revolted against Christianity.
It accelerated with the #FrenchRevolution in the 18th century & the State got liberated from stronghold of Church in every country in Europe.
Freed from the Church, the State was thus called #SecularState
#Hindu society has never used State power for spreading #Hinduism neither displayed religious fanaticism.
#Secularism has no meaning in any Indian languages, nor does it mean
धर्मनिरपेक्षता/ सर्वधर्म समभाव !!
Mullahs & missionaries were showered with privilages in the Constitution of🇮🇳 were given complte freedom to propagate & spread their cults.
This sducidal policy,dear #Hindus
was advertized as
Perverted Securalism vs #Communal Hindu??