Here's the real problem. You think your slavery was special.
That's why liberation from the shackles of your mind @RealCandaceO and @kanyewest are offering bothers you
And you'd rather feel special than be #FreeThinkers

So when @kanyewest drops that 400 years ago perspective on you, and your mind melts and your ego implodes, maybe it's you, not Kanye that's crazy.
#MAGA #QAnon #Qanon8chan #Kanye #TheGreatAwakening

Today, EACH AND EVERY YEARS, 1.2 million CHILDREN are SOLD INTO SLAVERY around the world for either sex or labor.
Still think your slavery was special?
#PedoGate #PedoGateNews #HumanTrafficking @LizCrokin

#SlaveryIsNotAChoice #QAnon @LizCrokin #PedoGate #QArmy

#FreeThem @RealCandaceO