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Australia's latest labour force numbers paint a glowing picture, with employment and hours worked at record highs

But this doesn't give the full picture of workforce realities

Looking closer, it's Healthcare & Social Assistance fuelling this job growth

#ausecon #economy #jobs
This is unsurprising, given we're in a pandemic.

But it's worrying, because we know workers in this industry are being pushed to the brink.

Soaring growth in Healthcare & Social Assistance jobs includes almost 12,000 more workers who are now clocking up 50+ hours weekly
Shortfalls in the workforce capacity of Australia's Healthcare & Social Assistance sector is illustrated in job vacancy numbers.

The sector is currently battling a pandemic with 60,000 unfilled vacancies.

That's more than double pre-pandemic levels.

#COVID19Au #ausecon #auspol
Read 6 tweets
appears jane halton head of #covid19💉cepi, which was founded in switzerland's davos by people & groups incl jewish & freemasons & incl grp helped in the genocides of wwi & wwii & who are now calling for the #covid19 great reset, is adviser to australia gov & is para-military
appears gov of switzerland organized the swiss banking secrecy act come into effect on 1 3 (1935)

13 is the🔼alpha &🔽omega✡️

13 is same as the esoteric masonic royal arch freemason's alchemical emblem 🔼 &🔽✡️

leader? duke of kent-🔼alpha variant
appears 1935 was a leap year with adar I & adar II on jewish calendar

1 3 1935 was 26th of adar I

1933 on the 2nd of adar (28 2) adolf hitler declared 'state of emergency'

the month of adar is when the jewish purim genocide was carried out & its celebration held #covid19vic
Read 37 tweets
Just had a lovely long chat with my bestie in California. She works ICU in Central CA, & I thought I'd share her most recent war stories in a Thread: #COVID19Aus #COVID19Vic #Covid19NSW
1: She works in a 22 bed ICU - but that has been expanded to cope with more COVID patients /2
2: Last year, most of their COVID patients were migrant workers, most with significant co-morbidities. But this year, it's across the population demographics, & co-morbidities aren't as big a factor;
3: Patients are only admitted to ICU for ventilation; #Covid19AU #COVID19Vic /3
They have a 40 bed HDU for people who aren't intubated, but need other intensive forms of respiratory support.
4: Most of the ICU patients spend 6-8 weeks ventilated via tracheostomy;
5: And then they DIE. Yes, they die: Since March 2020, this ICU .. #COVID19Aus #Covid19NSW
Read 13 tweets
1) Now learning about #GESARA and #NESARA. Starting to look like #Trump might have actually prepared the way for their implementation. A crucial step is getting nation off debt based system controlled by central banks and reclaiming control with gold-backed currency.
2) That's why I'm looking at ScoMo's much derided use of phrase "#goldstandard" in a new light. Remember that he made this comment about #NSWpol's handling of #COVID19AU back in September, saying "that is where we have to get everybody to":
3) ScoMo used phrase several times. In clip below (Dec): "NSW Govt's testing and tracing capabilities are #goldstandard not just in this country but anywhere around the world." So, local and global reference. #NESARA is USA, #GESARA is global.
Read 13 tweets
Sehr guter Hinweis (cc @corinnamilborn und @neuwirthe). (Bewusste?) Falschmeldung(en) verstellen den Blick auf die Lage bei #covid19a. Der neue #Coronavirus verlangt Medien und Öffentlichkeit einiges ab. Deshalb ein kleiner Faden aus Anlass dieses Posts. 1/n
Maßzahlen helfen uns ein Phänomen mess- und vergleichbar zu machen. Im 500 g Joghurt sind 16 g Fett, die 250 g Butter hat 217,5 g Fett. Der Hausverstand sagt: die Butter hat mehr Fett als Joghurt. Die Mathematik ist Hausverstand mit mehr Zahlen 2/n
Daher werden die Werte *standardisiert*. Einigen wir uns auf einen höheren Wert, 1 kg, und weisen wir die Fettwerte dafür aus. Das ist einfacher Dreisatz. (Statistik beruht auf einfacher Arithmetik und Algebra) Ergebnis: 1 kg Joghurt hat 32 g, 1 kg Butter 870g Fett.
Read 16 tweets
1) I think this is #DictatorDan's actual testimony. Still weird as, but. He looks skinnier, paler, way younger. And his hands look large in comparison to his body. I suspect tech heads could explain weirdness as result of Skype or similar software with low resolution.
2) But it's not remotely batshit to wonder what is going on here. Look at insane stuff going in #Victoria lately. To say it seems surreal (zif dystopian satire) is yuge understatement. Also, many #MSM glitches involving pollies esp those linked to Cabal, Dems (as Dan is).
3) Check out this "glitch in the matrix" featuring #HillaryClinton.
Read 42 tweets
Morning @ayrestim ask @AlboMP why he’s not wearing a mask? School yard bully Albo at HSU when my young daughter wasn’t wearing a mask at reception. Since then she’s been given the shaft from a $68,000 job down to $54 for her 1st welfare payment - how great is hypocrisy!
@ayrestim Sinead bent over backwards volunteering for Labor & she’s shafted from a job after @AlboMP visit to HSU because of her disability & not being the ideal receptionist. Everyone deserves a well paid job! 🤬#auspol #nswpol #lnpfail
Nobody from ‘old rorting Kathy Jackson’ Union bothered to even ring Sinead to see how her mental health was after suddenly making her redundant without warning that she wasn’t doing her job which was bollocks! How great is Compassion in the yr of #COVID19au ! 🤬@AlboMP @ayrestim
Read 9 tweets
🤝Want to help support workers affected by COVID-19?
😍 Love sex worker storytelling?
🥳Join us and celebrate Sex Worker Pride on Monday 14th September for this Online Sex Worker Fundraiser!
☂️Don't miss this amazing line up of Sex Worker Storytellers and Performers!
1/3 Sex Worker Pride Fundraiser on Monday 14th September on LIVE
💸Buy your household a front-row seat to this Sex Worker Pride Party. 100% of funds raised go to the Emergency Relief Fund for Sex Workers during #covid19au 💸Buy a $10/$20/$50/$100 + bf ticket for your household to listen & watch the show.
🔖Tickets & Storytellers Bios at:…
Read 4 tweets
Wow! Today's #DanAndrews Press Conference was quite a ride. It started out as normal, current COVID update etc.

Then out came the #MSM they pushed him, spoke over him, ignored answered questions, went with the classic ask the same question different ways until you get an answer
that suits, they were gouging for a hateful headline. They behaved like a pack of school yard bullies, or Twitter Bot Trolls. And STILL, he handled them beautifully. They couldn't break him.

He completely ignores and dismisses the #LNP MP's trolling him constantly. Exactly as
an elected Member of the Australian Parliament should behave.

Dan Andrews played along, let the media mob go until they wore themselves out and really started to sound like a bunch of media hacks and really embarrassed themselves.

When they first went for him, and it was really
Read 6 tweets
This is the roided-up-Russian-Olympic-team level rhetorical gymnastics on #elimination by our CMO. #COVID19Aus #auspol
Why zero community transmission nick? It’s not sustainable! We have to live with the virus!

So much bullshit.
National experts: #Elimination is not possible”
“We might reach elimination through suppression anyway” #COVID19au #auspol
Read 3 tweets
While the Gov talks big on sovereign capabilities and local manufacturing @MonashUni scientists are frustrated that they will have to go off shore to manufacture if their vaccine is successful. Which will only see Australians put further down the queue to actually get a vaccine.
The @Science_Academy has been warning us that countries that can manufacture vaccines are likely to prioritise their own populations. Australia, only has one facility to support end-to-end manufacturing of protein vaccines.
Read 4 tweets
When Vic gets things under control- & we will- we must hear why #masks for hospital staff/patients/visitors were advised/implemented so late.

HUNDREDS of staff are in quarantine, not reported publicly.

It’s keeping patients safe. But was avoidable #COVID19Au #covidvic #auspol ImageImage
This email was sent on Thursday. Word was that the directive came on Monday. Why did it take so long to filter down? And why wasn’t this happening the week prior when we already had infected staff at 4 hospitals?
Also, How helpful is it that when DHHS is getting SLAMMED with cases that we had yet more unhelpful/non existant advice on masks from AHPPC ? Help a brother out!!!
Read 3 tweets
1/ Thank goodness. “Professor Sutton said the health department was still working on a communication strategy for masks but signalled advice would likely be for settings where social distancing is harder to maintain, such as on public transport and food markets.” #COVID19au Image
2/ I’m v glad to see that they are formulating a communication strategy. Because despite what a lot of big names are saying, widespread, improper use of masks by people is a nonsense reason to scrap them as a strategy completely. People can be educated. After all,
3/There are improper ways to wash hands and wear seatbelts. We don’t talk about risks of false reassurance here like we do with masks. Yes there might be some risk compensation. But a biologically plausible intervention is surely worth coupling with an education campaign. So:
Read 6 tweets
#Myartsdegree changed the course of my life. My father dying in my final year of school coupled with my dyslexia led to me failing my HSC in spectacular fashion. After working in sales and in factories I gained entry to @UNSW to study industrial relations and politics. 1/
The fee hikes are shortsighted, illogical, won’t achieve their stated purpose and are unfair for those students looking to commence their studies. But they are only the beginning. 2/
Higher education, whether it be in the arts STEM, law, business, the professions or any other area is valuable. But it’s not valued. Our sector was in a mess years before COVID hit. 3/
Read 11 tweets
A renewed focus on skills is welcome news. Australia does not properly recognise or resource vocational pathways. Finland provides a leading example of how to do it well

2/ Australia needs to achieve a better balance between vocational and academic learning, like Finland - where people can and do switch between the two - within a policy which recognises each as 'equal but different' #auspol #covid19au >
3/ Further, “[Finland] follows the principle of ‘equal but different’ by producing both a skilled vocational labour force and a high-quality academic labour force.
Read 5 tweets
Get this @centrelink disaster.

Wife redundant Feb. OK severance payout.

Me redundant Mar. No payout, just final pay.

Wife puts in Jobseeker application, approved, assistance starts. OMG we might get through this.


#australia #centrelink #auspol .@ServicesGovAU #jobseeker
My Jobseeker application gets processed end April. Because we're a couple all finances are shared, which means wife's Feb severance also gets associated with me. Because my application is new, that means the association between me and wife's Feb severance is new.

That means it gets flagged as new income right now, which means I get denied for assistance until at least end of July.

That's not the bad bit.

Read 6 tweets
1/7: Hang on a minute, I have misunderstood something important. In my blog post I wrote of Tracetogether "Whenever you're within Bluetooth range of a person, you send them your ID, encrypted with the public key of the Singaporean authorities."
Is that what everyone else thought?
2/7: But their whitepaper actually says: "TempIDs are cryp-tographically generated by the backend service."…
Those encrypted IDs you send out all the time are AES encryptions, generated for you by a central server, using a key you don't know.
3/7: The public-key-based system I thought they were using is described as an alternative that isn't implemented because of its computational burden. They add that this allows health authority monitoring by "logging the issuance of daily batches of TempIDs." Daily is a key word.
Read 7 tweets
Important news for Australia:
The London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine estimates that R is already below 1, following the shutdown (right graph).

It is much better than the numbers used by the government's modelling (1.69-1.9).
#COVID19au 1/2… Image
Explainer: R is the effective reproduction number: it is, on average, how many people an infected person will infect. When R is below 1 the epidemic progressively dies down. When it is above 1, it keeps growing.

Read 3 tweets
Thread. I spent last night looking at Australia's #COVIDー19 testing data🦉Especially after we heard the PM say Australia has one of the highest testing rates in the world. True? 1/10
#COVID19au #covid19australia #coronavirusau #auspol
I pulled some testing data from other countries. There are a stack of caveats here b/c of the different ways countries test and report, but here's what I found ... 2/10
We all know South Korea (blue line) is the gold standard - expansive and consistent. Germany (brown line) is another leader now. And the USA (green line) has a lot of patchy data but is in the midst of a massive push. (UK is lower - more on that another time). 3/10
Read 11 tweets
Today, with over 70 national, state and territory disability organisations, people with #disability across Australia are once again calling for urgent action to keep us safe during the current #COVID19au pandemic. (1/3) navy blue graphic with text...
We have come together to urge the National Cabinet to take the urgent action we need to keep people with disability free of the COVID-19 virus. We have an open letter to the National Cabinet, with the ten vital points for action. (2/3)
You can read the full media release as well as the open letter here:…

The plain english and easy english versions of the letter have been linked as well. (3/3)
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Thread. 1/12. Let’s talk about transmission sources. The growth of #COVID19 in Australia appears to have slowed with fewer confirmed cases announced for the last 3 days (yes, let's talk testing and 3-day averages soon).

#COVID19au #Covid_19australia
2/12. Today was just over 2 weeks since the fed govt announced travellers arriving in Aus had to self-isolate for 14 days. And it was about 1.5 weeks since borders closed to non-residents and non-citizens. So we’re probably seeing these policies start to bite. #auspol
3/12. So the question is - how many of the new confirmed cases each day are linked to OS-travel, and how many are community transmissions?
Read 17 tweets
The Morrison Government has today announced $150 million to boost programs to combat domestic violence - including counseling, 1800 RESPECT, Mensline and a new communications campaign to ensure people know where they can seek help. 1/
Extra investment is desperately needed to increase the capacity of specialist services to support women's safety at this time - so this funding boost is a positive development.

BUT today's announcement is nowhere near what's needed. 2/
Experts have already told the Morrison government that even *just* for safe at home programs, $180 million is needed to meet demand.


Today's commitment appears to be $150 million spread across at least 6 different service areas. 3/
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People from around the world are joining #InMyPower, a movement using the language of #SelfManagedAbortion to increase awareness about medical abortion. For some countries like Australia it can be prescribed via telehealth consultation, for others it is less accessible. #Thread A teal background with white text: Abortion is Normal and the hashtag In My Power.
In Australia, as movement decreases due to isolation measures, access to medical abortion via telehealth will be critical to the prevention of unsafe abortion. #InMyPower. Read more at:…
In Australia, it’s #InMyPower to access abortion via telehealth in every jurisdiction but South Australia. In order to enable National access to abortion throughout the pandemic, South Australia will need to remove barriers to telehealth provision. @SA_AAC ⚡️
Read 14 tweets
#COVID19au Yesterday Federation sought a response to a series of contradictory statements including: 👇🏻
• the need to observe social distancing protocols which are impossible to implement in classrooms, corridors and most school playgrounds;
• statements that children are low-risk agents for the virus at school but suddenly become high-risk agents in shopping centres and public playgrounds, while also ignoring the fact that tens of thousands are travelling on trains and buses each morning and afternoon;
Read 8 tweets

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