Discover and read the best of Twitter Threads about #DISCORD

Most recents (24)

As we begin to wrap up for another academic year @edinburghcoll , we are delighted to share our Annual Impact Report 2022-23.

Read the full report at or continue on this 🧵for our Top Ten from the year that was!
Our Breakfast Club has helped serve almost 20,000 breakfasts to students across the 4 campuses, operating 8.30am to 9.30am, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays
2/12🧵 Image
We had 226 nominations submitted for 109 individual staff members in our Big Student Thank You Awards, recognising the incredible work of teaching and support staff across the College…
3/12🧵 Image
Read 12 tweets
Thread ✍🏾: Les puants pédophile d’internat on ban all le serveur « end internat » et ils ont volé l’URL du serveur pour nous induire en erreur

La suite :

#internat #discord Image
donc je disais précédemment les trois cerbères pédophile ainsi que leur armée de suceur de bite on ban all le serveur de @iipzye et lui on volé son url pour manipuler la commu de Twitter : ImageImage
lorsque nous rejoignons le serveur en question qui se nomme « Internat explication », nous y voyons un long texte « explicatif où il explique clairement rien, je vous laisse le lire : ImageImageImage
Read 7 tweets
«Госслужащих и банкиров будут штрафовать за рабочее общение в иностранных мессенджерах»¹ — депутаты Госдумы приняли в 1-мчтении поправки в КоАП. Соавтор инициативы — конечно Горелкин.


Горелкину простительно не знать российского законодательства ↓
и правоприменительной практики… Он депутат — не читатель, а писатель. От него ждёшь откровений! Так и вышло. Законодатель перечислил недозволенные на работе мессенджеры, чем ввёл офисных в иллюзию безопасности.
Клерки вот-вот вообразят, что в одних мессенджерах рассказывать рабочие секреты «нельзя», значит в остальных«можно»? Это не так. Тоже нельзя. Сядем все! Карать ВСЕХ за ВСЕ потусторонние средства связи на работе, включая русскую связь — решил Конституционный суд РФ в 2017 году.
Read 16 tweets
If you're looking to engage with our research off Twitter you can! Here's a thread of our alternative social accounts🧵
You can find us on Mastodon
We're on the new #bluesky ! Our username is
Read 7 tweets
Here's a thread on how to complete testnet actions and be eligible for airdrop rewards.

Limited time & slot.

Don't #fade.
What's LuckyBid?

@luckybid_xyz is the first omnichain NFT lottery platform that gives everyone the chance to own bluechip NFTs with minimal investments and affordable gas fees.
For years, there's been a massive interest and investment in the NFT space which has seen to it expanding massively and attracting investors.

Making it omnichain is another massive thing coming for the nfts sector.
Read 8 tweets
🧵Update: #FBI Ermittler konnten den Verdächtigen #PentagonLeak|er Jack #Teixeira mithilfe von Rechnungen einer Internetplattform identifizieren. Teixeira wurde heute an das Gericht im Bundesstaat #Massachusetts überstellt und die Anklage gegen ihn wurde eröffnet. 1/x #FBI Ermittler konnten den ...
2/x Der Verdächtige in der Affäre um das massive Datenleck von US-Geheimdokumenten hatte eine offizielle Erlaubnis, streng geheime Regierungsunterlagen einzusehen. Das geht aus Unterlagen des Gerichts im Bundesstaat Massachusetts hervor,
3/x vor dem der 21 Jahre alte Militärmitarbeiter am Freitag erstmals erscheinen musste. Jack Teixeira muss sich unter anderem wegen unbefugter Aufbewahrung und Weitergabe von nationalen Verteidigungsinformationen verantworten.
Read 18 tweets
#US guardsman appears in court over leak of highly classified mil docs | Apr 14
- Jack #Teixeira, 21, was arrested by heavily armed #FBI agents on Thursday following a week-long criminal investigation into the disclosure of highly sensitive govt records.…
Suspected leaker of secret #Pentagon documents arraigned in #Massachusett | Apr 14
- “I commend the rapid action taken by law enforcement to investigate and respond to the recent dissemination of #classified U.S. government documents,” #Biden said… ImageImage
#PennBidenGate #GarageGate:
Thread | Jan 10,2023 • 41 tweets
Start: #Biden ignores question on why #classified documents were found at his think tank | Jan 10
Stop: #WhiteHouse Chief of Staff Ron #Klain to Step Down | Jan 21
Read 10 tweets
🧵#PentagonLeaks: Wie erwartbar: Die extreme Rechte feiert den #Pentagon-Leaker Jack #Teixeira als Nationalhelden. #Green #Carlson #FoxNews 1/x #PentagonLeaks: Wie erwartb...PentagonLeaks: Wie erwartba...
2/x Angeführt von der rechtsextremen Republikanerin, der Abgeordneten Marjorie Taylor #Greene und dem Moderator von Fox News, Tucker #Carlson, feiert die extreme Rechte den 21-jährigen Air National Guardsman,
3/x der angeblich streng geheime Pentagon-Dokumente durchsickern ließ, als Nationalhelden. Jack Teixeira wurde am Donnerstagnachmittag von #FBI-Agenten „ohne Zwischenfälle“ in seinem Elternhaus in North #Dighton, #Massachusetts, festgenommen,
Read 23 tweets
#JackTexeira, el oficial de inteligencia de la Guardia Nacional Aérea, que está presuntamente vinculado a la mayor filtración de documentos confidenciales del Departamento de Defensa desde la publicación de #Wikileaks, fue arrestado esta tarde en Massachussets. (1/7) 🧵👇 Image
▪Merrick Garland, procurador general de #EstadosUnidos, comunicó que la detención se realizó “en conexión con una investigación sobre una supuesta apropiación, retención y transmisión de información calificada sobre defensa nacional”. (2/7)
▪ Los fiscales del caso creen que Texeira, de 21 años, era el responsable del grupo de #Discord (plataforma de Internet utilizada en mayor medida por usuarios de videojuegos) en el que aparecieron fotografías de los documentos confidenciales físicos del #Pentágono. (3/7)
Read 7 tweets
🔴🕵️‍♂️Was zeigen die #PentagonLeaks? Ein paar Gedanken zu einem der größten Datenlecks in der Geschichte der US-#Geheimdienste. 🧵⬇️ | #Pentagon_Leaks
Seit Jahresanfang hat offenbar jemand auf #Discord-Servern geheime und streng geheime Dokumente aus dem US-Verteidigungsressort veröffentlicht. Sie enthalten Lagebilder zur #Ukraine, aber auch diverse Informationen der Geheimdienste #CIA, #DIA & Co.:…
Erstaunlich ist, dass US-Behörden nicht schon früher auf die geleakten Geheimpapiere aufmerksam geworden sind. Erst als pro-russische Blogger offenbar eines der Dokumente verfälschten und verbreiteten, wurde man darauf aufmerksam. Es gibt also wohl Bereiche des Internets...
Read 13 tweets
Anfang April 2023: auf #Twitter und #Telegram drehen angebliche Geheimdienst-Unterlagen der #USA zum Thema #Ukraine die Runde. Teile davon sind allerdings offenkundig manipuliert, um pro-russische Narrative zu stützen. /MS…
Schnell wird klar: die Dokumente sind über einen sehr bizarren Weg geleakt - zuerst tauchten sie öffentlich nachvollziehbar auf einem Discord-Server über das Thema Minecraft und den Youtuber #WowMao aus den #Philippinen auf. /MS…
Und das sind keine Kleinigkeiten, die da geleakt wurden: Informationen über Waffenlieferungen anderer Länder, Belege dafür, dass die USA wie gewohnt alles und jeden ausspionieren inklusive Verbündeter wie #Israel... /MS…
Read 5 tweets
🧵#PentagonLeaks: Ein junger Waffennarr, Rassist & Antisemit, soll für das leaken der geheimen #Pentagon-Dokumenten verantwortlich sein, der auf einer Militärbasis arbeitete, um zwei Dutzend Mitglieder einer Chat-Gruppe auf #Discord zu beeindrucken. 1/x…
3/x Laut dem von der W-Post befragten jugendlichen Mitglied der Gruppe hatte OG „eine düstere Sicht auf die Regierung“ und stellte die Regierung und insbesondere die Strafverfolgungsbehörden und die Geheimdienste als repressive Kraft dar. Er schimpfte über „Regierungsübergriffe“.
Read 45 tweets
Deciphering the Pentagon Leak

Is Chelsea Manning Leaking again?
the user CXWfLHRB:
C (Chelsea)
X (Manning)
WfL (Workflow)
HRB (error RGB)
since Wikileaks is out of the question, Manning begins to leak these files "bragging" to a handful of Discord users the same way she bragged to Adrien Lamo:
Pentagon claims correctly this is Russia behind the leak --
in July 22 Manning confesses privately with me that she's intimately involved with the President of Russia, Vladimir Putin;
i tweet to president Obama on 08.02.22
Read 22 tweets

nodejs api


#ChatGPT #OpenAI #OpenAIChatGPT #wechatbot #Discord #Telegram
只需要npm i -g ichaty 即可安装
chaty login <your-openai-key>
chaty run command
alias cc="chaty run command"
Read 7 tweets
🧵#Thread and #GIVEAWAY🎁
We have decided to offer you 5 #WL spots before the release of our #whitepaper :

You have to :
✅ Follow @PrometheusArbi
✅ RT + Like
✅Tag 2 Frens
✅Enable Notifications 🛎️

But first what is PROMETHEUS FINANCE ? 🧵🧵👇


#Arbitrum #Whitelist
Prometheus is an Auto-compound protocol with NFT ecosystem on #Arbitrum with many features : Dex, Loans, launchpad, P2E, Bets and DAO.

Phase 1⃣
- Prometheus provides a decentralized financial asset that pays users with a fixed compound interest sustainable formula

We focus on long-term sustainability, opting for a viable model with more modest returns rather than typical protocols that promise higher returns but will inevitably collapse.

Prometheus gives $PRMTS automatic staking and compounding features with interesting APY and daily ROI.
Read 18 tweets
I've written the last 5 or 6 tweets about @discord so hopefully this will be the last one, I will put everything I've been trying to report (CP/pedophilia warning) and how they're not doing anything about it.

You've let me down, Discord. #discord…
If Discord responds to this tweet, then I just want to make something clear... I don't want anything from you. I've been trying to be cooperative and keep this internalized, but you've been sitting on this for over a month with nothing being done or communicated. So embarrassing.
Your platform is clearly not safe to be on if you're going to let this issue of CP/pedophilia run for over a month. I can't emphasize the "over a month" enough. Why is it taking this long to deal with a single user?
Read 6 tweets
1/Dev Docs for Cross-Chain Transfer Protocol are officially here 🔥

#CCTP eliminates the need for conventional "lock-and-mint" bridges that fragment liquidity & allows devs to provide users a more capital efficient way to transfer $USDC

So how does it work? 👇
2/ Burn $USDC on the source chain:

User initiates transfer of #USDC through an app from one chain to another, and specifies the recipient wallet address on the destination chain. The app facilitates a burn of USDC on the source chain.
3/ Fetch attestation from Circle:

Circle observes and attests to the burn event on the source chain. The app requests a signed attestation from Circle, which provides authorization to mint the specified amount of #USDC on the destination chain.
Read 10 tweets
In an Invited Editorial in @JAMAOnc today, my colleagues & I call for health systems to develop “Comprehensive #Pandemic Support Programs” for their most vulnerable patients.

These are our Top 10 Tips!

THREAD 🧵… JAMA Oncology article, "Variability in COVID-19 Vaccine
Tip #1: Health systems should explain to all patients that #COVIDisAirborne and is best avoided through multi-layered mitigation. Swiss Cheese model of COVID mitigation
Tip #2: Health systems should prioritize getting the most vulnerable patients vaccinated & boosted.

Offer #vaccines on-site w/the SAFEST options.

Vulnerable patients want highly-ventilated or outdoor options & high-quality (e.g., N95) masks for safety. Make it happen. Vaccination given while clinician wears an N95 outdoors
Read 15 tweets
Hi #Songbird Community,

Since our launch, the #Senators have been actively discussing TSO ethics and It is time to build Songbird's first TSO #ethics scoring system.

Recently we have seen TSOs openly discuss collusion, TSO best practices, and the costs of running one. 1/🧵
@ftso_au, one of the very first TSOs on Songbird providing data since September 2021, who has also brough @flaremetrics to the #Songbird ecosystem; shed light on how expensive running a TSO can be.

@flareoracle_io, another OG TSO on Songbird who brought $sFORT to Songbird 2/🧵
-offered to look after smaller, more ethical TSOs by delegating to them. A few other TSOs joined the initiative.👏

@TsoAtlas, brought up the ethics discussions among TSOs and challenged complacency in our ecosystem.

@HugoPhilion mentioned that @FlareNetworks has planned 3/🧵
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A robust & sustainable fee distribution system is an integral part of any #DeFi protocol 🐸

There exist a few different models, but the two most well-regarded ones are the LP fee model (as adopted by @Uniswap ) & the Vote-escrow model (pioneered by @CurveFinance ) 🧵🔽 Image
🟢The LP fee model (LPs provide liquidity & are issued LP tokens to earn rewards from txn fees generated on the protocol)

✅PROS: Highly sustainable in the long-run.

❌CONS: The native token (e.g. $UNI) has no real utility, & mcap is usually not indicative of protocol usage.
🟢The veToken Model (Token holders lock up tokens (e.g. CRV) to receive vote escrowed tokens in return (e.g. veCRV); holders of these earn a significant portion of protocol fees)

✅PROS: Rewards long term holders w/ the majority of governance power & passive income from proto-
Read 5 tweets
Huge news from @discord about the launch of server subscriptions that will impact #creators for a variety of reasons.

Let’s explore! 🧵

#CreatorEconomy #CreatorEconomyLaw #discord #DiscordServer
👉 When an audience becomes a customer, it can dramatically change the relationship. Creators, and their mod teams, need to ensure they understand how to manage customer relations.
This subscription offering may be different to manage than that of other platform subscriptions or purchases, such as on YT or Twitch, and more akin to Patreon.
Read 11 tweets
#NFTs Case Study: Digital-to-Physical (ft.
@Ledger )

Have you heard of this concept in #Web3?

If not, here's the experience from our founder's (@JonathanHessing ) perspective....
Step 1: Purchased [ #Ledger ] Market Pass - Genesis Edition

Reasons for buying:

- Strong company behind the release (
@Ledger )

- Engaged community

- Interesting utility

After the #NFT was purchased...
Step 2: Follow the creator/brand (Ledger) on #discord and #twitter for project announcements

...and, Boom! An announcement arrived for their #NFTCommunity

View announcment here:

Read 9 tweets
(1/6) Dün kurucularımızla gerçekleştirdiğimiz soru-cevap etkinliğinde #ProfitSharing 2.0 Kapalı Beta Lansmanımızı duyurduk! 📅
Bugün #PS2.0 evriminin son aşamasındaki 7⃣.güncelleme ile karşınızdayız.📢 Image
(2/6) Elçilere ve eski kullanıcılara erişim sağladık ve bekleme listesinden kullanıcıları seçmeye başladık. Bekleme listesine kaydolan ilgili ve kalabalık kitleye de ayrıca teşekkürler🤯
PS 2.0'ı deneyimleme istek ve arzularıyla duydukları güven için hepsine teşekkür ederiz! 💪
(3/6) Hafta boyunca hizmetlerin PS 1'den PS2.0'a geçişi için gerekli iç süreçleri tanımladık ve taşıma işlemlerini başlattık.

Halen dahili testlerimiz sürüyor✨Pek yakında hizmetlerini #ProfitSharing 2.0'a taşımak üzere trader'larla koordinasyon için iletişime geçeceğiz⌚️
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(1/6) We announced our Private Beta Launch of #ProfitSharing 2.0 in AMA yesterday! 📅

Hello #everyone; this is the seventh update on this final stage of the evolution of #PS2.0. Last week we announced Closed Beta & have continued moving in the same direction this week. 📢 Image
(2/6) We gave ambassadors and veteran users access, and we have started selecting users from the waiting list. It is amazing how many users have signed up for the waiting list. 🤯

From #Zignaly, we want to thank all of them for their confidence and interest in using PS 2.0! 💪
(3/6) During this week, we have been able to define the internal processes to start the migration of services from PS 1 to PS2.0.

We are already doing internal tests. ✨ Soon, we will contact the first traders to coordinate migrating their services to #ProfitSharing 2.0. ⌚
Read 6 tweets

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