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Apr 2nd 2023
President Ronald Reagan and First Lady Nancy Reagan welcome Billy Graham to the 1981 National Prayer Breakfast.…

In East Berlin Graham was hosted by Walter B. Smith II - officer of the US Foreign Service
In Walter B. Smith II's long career he was in
East Berlin, Germany (1979-1983)

Liberalization of U.S. trade restrictions
Ambassador Bolen
Poland’s Solidarity crisis
Local situation
Ambassador Ridgeway
"In 1977 , President Jimmy Carter named Dave Bolen as the ambassador to East Germany, the first African-American to serve as ambassador to a nation behind the Iron Curtain ...While in that role Bolen helped to lay the groundwork for the destruction of the Berlin Wall" 🤔
Read 33 tweets
Mar 29th 2023
Die "Kammer zur Beilegung von Streitigkeiten" der #FIFA hat den 1. FC Köln zu einer Transfersperre von zwei Transferperioden verurteilt.


- Worum geht es?
- Was wird dem #effzeh vorgeworfen?
- Wer hat das entschieden?
- Kann man da noch was machen? Image
Es geht um Jaka Cuber Potocnik. Ein Spieler aus Slowenien, geboren am 17.06.2005, der beim 1. FC Köln in der U19 spielt. Potocnik hatte laut FIFA einen Vertrag bei ŠD NK Olimpija Ljubljana vom 01.06.2021 bis 30.06.2024.
Die Mutter unterschrieb den Vertrag des damals 16-Jährigen demnach mit und beschwerte sich am 23.01.2022 über nicht eingehaltene Zusagen wie bspw. Training mit der ersten Mannschaft und individuelle Förderung.
Read 25 tweets
Mar 7th 2023
1/ Huge news for both the #blockchain and #gaming industries: @avalancheavax is partnering with one of the largest esports organizations in the world, @TSM.

2/This partnership marks a significant milestone for both industries and is a major win for #AVAX as a blockchain technology. #TSM is an absolute titan in the #esports world, with a massive following and a long list of achievements across various esports titles.
3/ For context: LSC is the 3rd most popular professional sports league in the US, behind the NFL and NBA. TSM's audience in 2021 reached approximately 105k peak concurrent viewers on Twitch with a whopping total of 201M hours watched.
Read 9 tweets
Mar 2nd 2023
1/8 Russian Oligarch Files: Roman #Abramovich

A morally #corrupt high-profile Russian billionaires because of the success of football club Chelsea FC, Roman Abramovich was sanctioned later than some others, because he is less obviously influential than other #Putin allies. Image
2/8 His influence in the Kremlin is limited, he is more #Putin ‘s bitch than his friend, but is tolerated by Mr Putin (as long as he pays). Abramovich has made corrupted money out of the relationship, through #putin awarding him contracts for the #FIFA 2018 World Cup in Russia. Image
3/8 #Abramovich denies having close ties to Mr Putin or the Kremlin, but the UK portion of his estimated $12.4bn fortune is now frozen. At the start of the war he was forced to put Chelsea up for sale for £3bn. and his £150m house in London's Kensington Palace Gardens in London. Image
Read 11 tweets
Feb 15th 2023

*Golden Visas

*Golden opportunity for OCG's, spooks, middle-men, dodgy lawyers = Online payment processing 🌐

*Gold standard for fraud = offshore

*Gold smuggling/laundering

*Golden characters!


Brinks Mat ⏩️ Wirecard

@FD @mrneilforsyth
There's a #Diamond geezer pioneer;

Crime, Money Laundering ⏩️ Payment processing fraud ⏩️ Crypto...

Patrick Diamond #Gold

See also;
*Gordon Parry
*Shaun P Murphy
*Michael Levine
*Mossack Fonseca
*Christopher Samuelson (Valmet/⚽️/Oligarchs/OCG)

Crime - Middle Men - Money
Read 15 tweets
Jan 25th 2023
.@FIFAcom have come out with their Qatar World Cup audience numbers. And they are quite eye-opening:🧵👇
- Let's start with the big one - 5 billion people engaged with the world cup in some way. It's not clear how they come to that number but they suggest it's across all platforms and devices across the 'media universe'.
- They generated 262bn cumulative reach on social (owned and earned). They produced almost 6bn engagements

- 811m engaged with FIFA's social channels, up 50% to last W/C

- 3.4m cumulative attendance of matches in stadiums
Read 8 tweets
Jan 2nd 2023
🔴 #DIRECT - Le #Bresil 🇧🇷 fait ses adieux au légendaire #Pele ce lundi, quatre jours après sa mort, lors d'une veillée publique de 24 heures au stade de la ville de #Santos…
Les premiers fans de #Pelé sont entrés dans le stade de la ville de #Santos 🇧🇷. Beaucoup de #Brésiliens ont passé la nuit dans la queue pour s'assurer de faire partie des premiers à rendre hommage au "roi", explique @cedferreira, envoyé spécial
@cedferreira Gianni #Infantino, le président de la #FIFA, a fait son entrée au stade de #Santos 🇧🇷, pour rendre hommage à #Pelé.

D'autres personnalités du football, dont #Neymar, sont également attendues
Read 7 tweets
Dec 24th 2022
MUCH AWAITED THREAD🚨:How Georgina Rodiguez is an undercover Argentine agent paid by Messi Image
2016:Georgina works at Gucci
2016:Messi wears Gucci
🧐🧐🧐🧐🧐 ImageImage
2017: Ronaldo meets Georgina at Gucci store Image
Read 42 tweets
Dec 19th 2022
For the football fans among you who watched the #WorldCup
#Argentina just won #FIFAWorldCup for the 3rd time.

I started watching the men's tournament in 1978, when Argentina hosted and won its 1st title.

#Qatar2022 was the 1st men's #WorldCup I have not watched in the 44 years since.

I had 6,500 reasons why.…
I was 12yo when I watched #Argentina lift its 1st #WorldCup and I did not know then of sportswashing that made that 1978 tournament possible. I am sure #FIFA did.

That 1978 World Cup was held in a country ruled by a military dictatorship.… h/t @s_mcguirk
Read 13 tweets
Dec 19th 2022
🔴 #RussianUkrainianWar

Le message discret de #Biden à #Poutine

Une bombe de presse a été délibérément ratée pour envoyer un signal de bonne volonté des #USA à la #Russie.

Le New York Times 🗞️ a récemment publié un vaste documentaire sur la guerre en #Ukraine. 🔽
Étrangement, très bien cachée dans cet épais matériau se trouve une bombe de presse qui aurait mérité un bien meilleur sort et une couverture médiatique exceptionnelle, à la hauteur du contenu.

Plusieurs responsables américains cités par le NYT affirment que les forces 🔽
armées et les services de renseignement de #Kiev ont tenté d'assassiner le général Valery Gherasimov, chef d'état-major général et officier militaire le plus haut gradé de #Russie.

Un aspect intéressant révélé par l'article est que la partie américaine aurait tenté en vain 🔽
Read 31 tweets
Dec 18th 2022
This men’s #WorldCup represents the apotheosis of #Fifa fuckery. The more we let Fifa get away with, the lower it dragged our moral bar with it until we arrived here, the Qatar World cup, the apotheosis of fuckery and the nadir of a moral standard. #FIFAWorldCupFinal
Authoritarianism: check. Misogyny: check. Homophobia: check. And yes all that checked for the 2018 World Cup in Russia. I am guilty of playing along with sportswashing. I claim no higher moral ground here.

But.… #WorldCupFinal
Qatar WC took that fuckery & plunged further into that nadir because even for those who play whataboutery game, for whom no country is free of sin, the 6,500 migrant workers who died while making this WC possible was our loudest moral alarm bell & collectively we failed the test.
Read 10 tweets
Dec 16th 2022
Welcome to the daily thread on Friday 16 December, Day 296 of #Russia's war on #Ukraine.

In case you need a catch-up on anything you may have missed on Thursday, click and scroll this link:

#StopRussia #StandWithUkraine

First a story causing concern in #Ukraine where rumours abound that President #Zelenskyy's entourage is so worried by the popularity of the Armed Forces Commander-in-Chief Valeriy Zaluzhny, they want to replace him.

Original report paywalled @TheEconomist…
#Bakhmut holds...

But it must be among the most scary places on Earth right now.

#DonbasIsUkraine #StopRussia
Read 25 tweets
Dec 15th 2022
I read AG Rantos' #SuperLeague Opinion (available at…) for you and here are my main takeaways 🧵🧵🧵

#Sportslaw #EUlaw #BosmanDay #FIFA #UEFA
It opens with some drama, "the very existence of the organisational structure of the modern game" and "the the future of European football" are at play. (§2)
The first really interesting part of the Opinion concerns the AG's assessment of the relevance of Article 165 TFEU and the European Sports Model in the case (§§27-42).
Read 36 tweets
Dec 15th 2022
1. Where #France once again stops the Arab (#Moroccan) Invasion of Europe

It turns out to be the fate of France to stop Morocco from winning #FIFA World Cup 2022.

More than 1200 years ago too, it was France which stopped the Umayyad (Islamic) invasion of Europe. This is how. Image
2. After the death of the Prophet, under the leadership of Caliph Umar, the Arab armies had broken upon Persia, Byzantium, Egypt and then continued conquering and converting new countries to #Islam until Morocco. But they were not to stop there.
3. In 711 the Muslim armies invaded and conquered the Iberian peninsula comprising Spain and Portugal within seven years. The march of Islam seemed unstoppable. They had not just taken northern Africa and Western Asia, but had conquered a huge kingdom of Europe. Image
Read 10 tweets
Dec 10th 2022
1. #FIFA and the Arab Conquest of Iberia

Four days ago, when #Morocco achieved a shock win over #Spain in penalty shoot-out, the myth of ‘local Islam’ was busted. Muslims of Spain, just like anywhere else, came out on streets all over Spain to celebrate Morocco’s victory. Image
2. This is because Islam does not recognize national boundaries. Geographical barriers are for non-Muslims.

For Muslims, the only true boundary is Muslims vs. non-Muslims. A non-Muslim next door is an enemy. A Muslim ten thousand kilometers away is a friend.
3. For them the division is between Dar-ul Harb (the land of non-Muslims) and Dar-ul Islam (the land of Muslims). It is the sacred duty of Muslims to convert Dar-ul Harb into Dar-ul Islam. Those Muslims who live in other countries firmly believe in this quest.
Read 10 tweets
Dec 7th 2022
Well, well, well,
Look who was right.
I’ll be ready to accept apologies from the #algo apologists.
Don’t thank me, thank @AlgoFoundation who’s kept dumping more supply on the market
#Algorand #Algo #Algofam
Read 9 tweets
Dec 6th 2022
🚨 @cryptocom has partnered with @CocaCola to launch a collection of non-fungible tokens (NFTs) called "Piece of Magic" NFTs. Approximately 10,000 NFTs will be hosted on @cryptocom's blockchain 🚨

Read more below 🧵

#WorldCup #WorldCupNFT #FIFA #CRO $CRO #NFT #NFTs
1/ The NFTs are themed around the 2022 FIFA World Cup and were created using player heatmaps from the tournament. @CocaCola and digital artist @gmunk worked together to produce the NFTs.
2/ To be eligible to win one of the NFTs, potential buyers must register for an account on @cryptocom's NFT platform and sign up on the Coca-Cola fan zone website.
Read 6 tweets
Dec 5th 2022
Open Question: I'm going to show a set of images and I'll ask the question at the end.
#Algorand #Algo #Algofam
% gain from 12/31/2020
- Market Cap: 36.41% [white]
- Token price: +32.67% [purple]
- Difference: Market Cap +3.74%
% gain [loss] since 12/30/2020
- Market Cap: -25.66%
- Token Price: -26.97%
Difference: MC + 0.5% (negligible)
Read 13 tweets
Dec 2nd 2022
🔴 L'hypocrisie de l'#Allemagne entre LGBT, le football et le gaz du #Qatar

Le gouvernement allemand et l'ensemble de la classe politique ont pris feu suite à l’interdiction par la #FIFA des bannières pro-LGBT lors de la #CoupeDuMondeFIFA pour ne pas heurter la sensibilité 🔽
des hôtes musulmans.
Le vice-chancelier Robert Habeck a exhorté les joueurs de son équipe nationale à se révolter : à briser la restriction et à porter quand même la bannière One Love. En signe de protestation, la ministre de l'Intérieur Nancy Faeser a porté le brassard 🔽
lors du match d'ouverture.
L'équipe de football allemande s'est photographiée sur le terrain, les mains couvrant la bouche, pour protester contre l'interdiction et les violations des droits de l'homme au #Qatar.
Quelques jours seulement après le scandale qui a enflammé 🔽
Read 6 tweets
Dec 2nd 2022
Vediamo di mettere un po’ d’ordine nel caso #Juventus, perché altrimenti sembra che sia un fatto di tifo o qualche astruso metodo da “ambienti dell’alta finanza”, mentre è tutto molto più semplice: 1/n
Anzitutto, i bilanci sono l’unico documento ufficiale che può garantire la credibilità di qualunque azienda: per questo la #Juve, che ci chiede di prestarle soldi sui mercati finanziari (azioni e altri strumenti) ha l’obbligo di pubblicare il proprio bilancio. 2/n
Che può essere bello o brutto, perché a tutti capita la sfiga o una temporanea cattiva gestione, ma deve essere vero: se ci racconti bugie stai ingannando “il mercato”, cioè quelli che dovrebbero darti i soldi sulla fiducia e in cambio di un pezzo di carta (le azioni)… 3/n
Read 12 tweets
Nov 29th 2022
The now totally corrupt sports scene is deeply embedded with the global bribery/blackmail network

and y'all know who that is

Sportswashing the World Cup from Geneva…
"Qatar chose Geneva to launch a massive public relations campaign in a bid to secure the World Cup and impose its narrative on sports. From there, the emirate could access FIFA, United Nations institutions, heads of state and diplomats. SWI investigated"
Read 35 tweets
Nov 27th 2022
🛑 La #CoupeDuMonde au #Qatar suscite de nombreuses controverses (corruption, désastre écologique, ouvriers morts pour construire les stades…)
➡️ Mais 1 sujet n’est pratiquement jamais abordé: l’idéologie islamiste véhiculée par le 🇶🇦, y compris lors du tournoi.
1 thread ⤵️
2/ De nombreux articles se sont faits l’écho de ces controverses (exemple ici avec Le Monde). Mais presque aucun média n’a évoqué un autre sujet problématique : l’adhésion du #Qatar à l’idéologie des Frères musulmans et sa promotion de l’#islamisme.…
3/ L’une des rares à dénoncer cette situation a été @CarolineFourest. L’essayiste a ainsi revélé sur @LCI que des tentes sont installées aux abords des stades pour convertir les supporters à l’islam et que le #Qatar a formé 2000 personnes dans ce but.
Read 26 tweets
Nov 25th 2022
OK, so how many people actually looked into KERING?

François-Henri Pinault - th husband of Salma Hayek - is the CEO of the company that owns BALENCIAGA
Since 2003, Pinault has been the President of Groupe Artémis, , the parent company of Kering, and owner of the winery Château Latour, the auction house Christie's, and the football team Stade Rennais FC

Groupe Artémis acquired the Palazzo Grassi in Venice in 2005 Image
Read 21 tweets
Nov 25th 2022
우리나라 Jung씨들은
주기적으로 '융'씨로 변한다는 슬픈 전설이 있어

“이건 그냥 사랑이자너😌”
조규성, 20분 뛰고
스페인어권에서만 10만 마음 뒤흔들어

Read 4 tweets

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