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There is no concept of Engagement in Islam :A Thread🧵 Image
Engagement is the time between acceptance of the marriage proposal (khitba) and the marriage ceremony (‘aqd). Once the proposal is accepted, the man and the woman are known as “engaged to be married or simply “engaged”. Engagement has no recognition in Islamic laws Image
Who Proposes?

#Traditionally in all #cultures, it is the man who proposes to the woman; and it is done either directly by the man himself or on his behalf by his family. In the
West, even now man is expected to get down on his one knee to propose to the woman he wants to marry Image
Read 10 tweets
@BCNagesh_bjp has lost his reelection campaign. It's a relief. Why? Watch this documentary by @DeutscheWelle: & read this thread to appreciate implications were Nagesh back in power.
@BCNagesh_bjp @DeutscheWelle As a core member of @BJP4India & @RSSorg, & more particularly as the Education Minister of Karnataka under @BSBommai as @CMofKarnataka, Nagesh piloted one of the most devastating attacks on history, culture & literature in the state.
@BCNagesh_bjp @DeutscheWelle @BJP4India @RSSorg @BSBommai @CMofKarnataka He aggressively manipulated school texts and forced kids to read RSS trash. He was essentially pushing to place several books that are found in a bookstore next to my office. Image
Read 11 tweets
ಸನ್ಮಾನ್ಯ @PriyankKharge ಅವರ ಮಾತುಗಳನ್ನ ಕೇಳ್ದೆ, ಅಲ್ಲೆ ಕೆಳಗಿನ ಟ್ವೀಟಲ್ಲಿ ನಮ್ಮ ಪ್ರಧಾನಿಯವರು ಇವತ್ತು ಮಾತಾಡಿರೋದನ್ನ ಕೇಳ್ದೆ.
ರಾಜಕಾರಣಿಗೆ ವಿದ್ಯಾಭ್ಯಾಸ ಯಾಕೆ ಮುಖ್ಯ ಅಂತ ನಂಗೆ ಅಲ್ಲೇ ಗೊತ್ತಾಯ್ತು.
ಮಕ್ಕಳಿಗೆ ಬೇಕಿರುವುದು ಓದು, ಕೆಲಸ, ಸಂಬಳ, ನೆಮ್ಮದಿಯ ಜೀವನ.
2014 ರಿಂದ ಇಲ್ಲಿಯವರೆಗೂ ದೇಶದ ಜನರ ಭಾವನೆಗಳಿಗೆ ಬೆಂಕಿಯಿಟ್ಟುಕೊಂಡು ಬಂದಿರೋ ಪಕ್ಷವನ್ನ ನಾವು ಗೆಲ್ಲಿಸಿದ್ರೆ ನಮ್ಮ ಆತ್ಮಕ್ಕೆ ನಾವೇ ದ್ರೋಹ ಬಗೆದಂತೆ.
ಕರ್ನಾಟಕವನ್ನ ಮಾರಿ, ಮಕ್ಕಳ ಕೈಲಿ ಚೂರಿ ಕೊಟ್ಟು, ಹೆಗಲ ಮೇಲೆ ಕೇಸರಿ ಶಾಲು ಹೊದಿಸಿ, ಕೊನೆಗೆ ತಮ್ಮ ಚುನಾವಣೆಗಳು ಮುಗಿದ ಮೇಲೆ ಅವರನ್ನು ಬೀದಿಗೆ ತಳ್ಳುತ್ತಾರೆ. ಎಚ್ಚರವಿರಲಿ !! 2/n
ನಾವು ಯಾವುದನ್ನೂ ಮರೆಯಬಾರದು,
- ನೋಟುಗಳ ಬ್ಯಾನ್‌ - ಅದ್ರಿಂದ ಆರ್ಥಿಕ ಪರಿಸ್ಥಿತಿ ಸರಿಯಾಯಿತೆ?
5 ವರ್ಷ ಕಮ್ಮಿ ಅಂತ ಹೇಳಿಕೊಂಡು 2019ರಲ್ಲಿ ಮತ್ತೆ ಬಂದಿರಲ್ಲ ಸ್ವಾಮಿ. ಎಲ್ಲಿ ದೇಶದ ಆರ್ಥ ವ್ಯವಸ್ಥೆಯ ಸುಧಾರಣೆ? ತೋರಿಸಿ.
- #COVID19 ದೇಶದ ಜನರು ಊರುಗಳಿಗೆ ನಡೆದು, ವ್ಯವಸ್ಥೆಗಳಿಲ್ಲದೆ ಸತ್ತರಲ್ಲ. ಆವಾಗ ಎಲ್ಲಿದ್ರಿ? 3/n
Read 13 tweets
En #Belgique, depuis des années, le parti @Ecolo est accusé d'entretenir des liens étroits et privilégiés avec l'#islamisme, en particulier les #FrèresMusulmans.
1⃣ En septembre 2021, @ladh publie une interview explosive de Josy DUBIÉ, ex-sénateur et figure historique de @Ecolo.

L’ancien cadre du parti accuse Rajae MAOUANE, actuelle co-présidente, de faire partie de la dérive communautariste de @Ecolo. Image
2⃣ En mai 2021, Rajae MAOUANE avait été accusée d’#antisémitisme, après avoir publié une photo d'un combatant #palestinien, accompagné d’une chanson de Julia BOUTROS, réputée proche du #Hezbollah, qui incite à la lutte armée contre les “fils de Sion”.…
Read 61 tweets
Le profil troublant du nouveau Premier ministre écossais, #HumzaYousaf. De père #pakistanais, Humza Yousaf était auparavant le porte-parole des médias pour #IslamicReliefWorldwide, une organisation accusée d'avoir des liens avec les réseaux terroristes et les #FrèresMusulmans.
Son cousin #OsamaSaeed (ou #OussamaSaïd) qui dirige la Fondation islamique écossaise (#SIF) serait également lié aux Frères musulmans. Saeed a fait carrière à #AlJazeera au Qatar. En 2005, il aurait appelé au rétablissement du califat 🤨
En 2010, la Fondation Quilliam, une organisation de lutte contre l'extrémisme dirigée par des musulmans (aujourd'hui disparue), a préparé une liste pour les responsables de la sécurité britanniques avertissant que le SIF était un groupe islamiste
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🛑 L’université de #FrancheComté organise le 30 mars prochain 1 conférence sur « la #laicite et les jeunes: l’exemple de Coexister »
➡️ Problème : l’association #Coexister entretient des liens avec de nombreuses associations islamistes et défend 1 vision dévoyée de la laïcité 1/7
Un article du Point rappelle notamment les accointances de #Coexister avec des associations de la mouvance des Frères musulmans comme l’#UOIF, l’#EMF, #Lallab et même l’ex #CCIF, dissous pour #islamisme. 2/7…
Le Point évoque ainsi des prises de positions problématiques : « Discours ambigus, proximité plus ou moins assumée avec les réseaux des Frères musulmans, alignement sur le discours victimaire d’organisations communautaires, promotion du #hijab… » 3/7…
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In an unverified letter attributed to the Craftsmen& Shopkeepers Chamber of #Parwan, the #women's hair salons in the province are directed to consider some Islamic regulations during their work.
The letter is from CSC but some of its contents seem to be from the Vice& Virtue Dep.
"1. Hairdressers should do their job according to the principles of Islam.
2. They should #pray inside the shop after closing the door of the shop during prayer times.
3. Inside the salons, ethical& Islamic issues including observing #Hijab, should be considered.
4. Customers ...
...should make ablution before applying make-up.
5. As far as possible, do not use cosmetics that make ablution invalid.
6. It is strictly forbidden to sell the cut hair of customers.
9. Inside the salons, there should be a suitable place for customers to make ablution.
Read 4 tweets
#Hijab #HijabBan in educational institutions, the #Courts and #G20 What's the link?
A short thread.
@LiveLawIndia reported that the Supreme Court will look at the Hijab Ban case soon
When the Judges look at it again, I would submit that they should consider it solely on the basis of individual rights based on personal choice in the matter of dress and attire where the choice poses neither threat noor risk of harm to any third person.…
To bring religion into the question before the Court would be to conflate the matter beyond logic. It is not the Court's role in a secular democracy to decide matters of religion or religious practice - questions that are best left in the private domain for individuals to decide.
Read 8 tweets
Massenvergiftungen von Schülerinnen im #Iran, ein #Thread:
Die Zahl der vergifteten Schulmädchen übersteigt inzwischen die Tausendergrenze. Die Vergiftungen dauern seit drei Monaten an. Man kann sie nicht mehr zählen. Das Ausmaß deutet auf eine wohl organisierte Gruppe hin.👇🏾
Das Bildungs- sowie das Gesundheitsministerium haben implizit angedeutet, dass eine „eigenwillig, extremistische“ Gruppe, die Frauen von Bildung abhalten möchte, dahinter stecke.
Der Sicherheitsapparat hingegen haben sich bisher nicht geäußert, es hat keine Festnahmen gegeben.👇🏾
In sozialen Medien machen viele Regime-kritische Persönlichkeiten den Staat und dessen Anhänger für die Angriffe verantwortlich.
Auch Eltern vergifteter Schülerinnen sehen es so. Heute riefen sie auf einer Versammlung: „Tod der Islamischen Republik.“ 👇🏾
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FGN approves use of hijab for female students in federal schools

The Federal Government of Nigeria (FGN) has approved the use of the Hijab for female Muslim students across the country.


This is probably the only achievement of Adamu Adamu as the Minister of Education for 8 years. And this action is long overdue as the Supreme Court has ruled against the Lagos State government to allow female Muslim students to wear the #Hijab in schools.
And I think it is high time that some non-Muslims desist from promoting the agenda of Western hegemony of fighting against the #Hijab. There is no Islamic institution that the genocidal imperialist barbarians of the West hate like the Hijab.
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Celebrata come vittoria dei manifestanti, raccontata addirittura come inizio della fine della Repubblica Islamica, la propagandata disgregazione della "polizia morale" è invece lo stratagemma tattico con cui il regime tenta di sedare le proteste in #Iran.
Nella speranza di insinuare dubbi nella classe media, forse addirittura di far cessare il sostegno internazionale alle proteste, nella consapevolezza che i soli giovani non basteranno a scardinare il sistema di potere, #Tehran "vende" ai moderati del Paese la parvenza di un
risultato: "Accontentatevi", sembra dire, "togliamo di strada gli uccisori di #MahsaAmini. Fine dei giochi, l'#hijab resta".
La scommessa è che gli uomini che da giorni abbassano le saracinesche dei loro negozi, le madri preoccupate di trovarsi a dover piangere la morte dei
Read 11 tweets
#Thread 🛑⚡️

#islam #hijab #voile #musulmans Image
Le voile a toujours été combattu par les ennemis de l’islam. L’apogée de cette hostilté se situe lors de l’épopée coloniale : ce sont alors les dictateurs formés par et pour l’Occident qui tentèrent de DÉVOILER de force les musulmanes. Image
Le seul documentaire (au monde) produit sur la persécution des musulmanes voilées est sur HISTISLAM, n’hésitez pas à le visionner et le partager.

Read 18 tweets
1⃣Le calendrier du Commissariat des Armées, qui a été dénoncé, à juste titre, dévoile plus qu'il en voile. Au-delà du #Hijab affiché à l'horizon de janvier 2024, il invite à s'intéresser à l'agenda des islamistes au sein des Armées françaises. Ci-après un thread interrogatif :
2⃣ D'abord, il n'est pas inutile de rappeler que les islamistes, en particulier les Frères musulmans, ont toujours œuvré pour infiltrer, sur un temps long, les armées des états où ils préparaient la prise du pouvoir et le #Tamkine. C'est vrai pour le Soudan, l'Egypte, la Syrie...
3⃣ La France n'étant pas un pays musulman, "pas encore" dirait-on, les islamistes n'en font pas une exception. Depuis au moins les années 2000, ils travaillent cette institution profitant des faiblesses et naïvetés de certains, des complaisances et compromissions d'autres...
Read 31 tweets
How to Avoid Mistakes in Designing Hijabi Muslim Characters (1/4)
#art #artidn #hijab #ArtistOnTwitter #characterdesign #arttutorial #islam #muslim Image
(2/4) ImageImageImage
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#right·o | The Dead Reckoning:
16th Dec 1971, 93000 Xenophobic West Pakistani Armed Forces Eastern Command & co-perpetrators; Jamat e Islami, Razakars, Al-Shams & Al-Badr were set loose under the "pākistānēr atmasamarpaṇēr dalil" but never faced trial @IntlCrimCourt (1/9)
Maal e Ghanimat/Ghanimoter Maal: U.S, U.K, China, Iran, SaudiArabia & SriLanka supported Pakistans war, while 'Genocidal Rape' of over 2,00,000 #bengali #women was unleashed with the blessings of Pakistan's Islamist clerics declaring #Bengali & #Hindu #women "War Booty" (2/9) ImageImage
#HindusUnderAttack: Pakistani elites believed all rumors that #Hindutva was driving force in the Bangladeshi Revolt & as soon as a solution was found to the "Hindu problem" the conflict would be resolved. For Pakistanis, violence against #Hindus is a strategic policy. (3/9) Image
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🧵 Thread on Supreme Court's Justice Hemant Gupta who upheld the Karnataka HC order of #hijab ban in educational institutions.

The CJAR had in 2017 accused Justice Hemant Gupta of having the backing of the ruling government as he “comes from an influential RSS background”. (1/n)
Justice Gupta was also accused of money laundering, acquiring assets through illegal means, possessing disproportionate assets, and seeking to influence the ED officer who was investigating these charges. (2/n)
From the link given below you can download the letter written by CJAR to the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court on 3 March 2017 along with Annexures for constituting an 'in-house inquiry' into the allegations against Hemant Gupta. (3/n)…
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All the Petitioners want is to wear a hijab! Is it too much to ask in a democracy? How is it against public order, morality or health? or even decency or against any other provision of Part III of the Constitution: Justice Dhulia
#Hijab #HijabVerdict
"Under our Constitutional scheme, wearing a hijab should be simply a matter of choice. It may or may not be a matter of essential religious practice, but it still is, a matter of conscience, belief & expression," Justice Sudhanshu Dhulia. #HijabVerdict #Hijab
"If she wants to wear hijab, even inside her classroom, she cannot be stopped, if it is worn as a matter of her choice, as it may be the only way her conservative family will permit her to go to school & in those cases, her hijab is her ticket to education," Justice Dhulia #Hijab
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"Before a student goes for higher studies in colleges, she should not grow with a specific identity, but under the umbrella of equality guaranteed under Article 14 transcending the group identity": Justice Hemant Gupta in #Hijab judgment #SupremeCourt
"A student cannot claim the right to wear a headscarf to a secular school as a matter of right": Justice Gupta #Hijab
Justice Gupta on foreign judgments cited: "....Judgments of other countries having different social structure and polity would not provide a reasonable basis to determine the question of religious practices in such a wide and varied country like ours" #Hijab #SupremeCourt
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#SupremeCourt to shortly deliver judgement on petitions challenging the Karnataka High Court verdict dismissing a batch of petitions filed by Muslim girls studying in pre-university colleges seeking right to wear hijab in classrooms

#Hijab #HijabBan
Karnataka HC had upheld an order of the State government which suggested that wearing #hijab can be restricted in government colleges where uniforms are prescribed, and ruled that such curbs under norms for college uniforms are “constitutionally permissible”.
Read who argued what before Justices Hemant Gupta and Sudhanshu Dhulia: #SupremeCourt #Hijab…
Read 12 tweets
Reuters - Menteri Dalam Negeri Italia - Jika Perawan Suci Maria selalu berhijab seperti di lukisannya, bagaimana Anda meminta saya untuk menandatangani undang-undang yang mengkriminalisasi dan melarang hijab!!?*
Menteri Dalam Negeri Italia Giuliano Amato mengumumkan bahwa dia tidak dapat menentang pemakaian hijab oleh wanita Muslim di negaranya, untuk alasan yang jelas dan sederhana, yaitu bahwa Perawan Suci Maria, ibunda Nabi Isa as, juga memakai hijab/kerudung di kepalanya.
Segala sesuatu di dunia ini ada hijabnya;

1. Bumi ada hijab (atmosfer).

2. Buah yang segar selalu berada di bawah hijabnya (kulit ari nya).

3. Ketajaman pedang dapat terjaga di dalam hijabnya (sarungnya).

4. Apel yg sudah tak berhijab (dikupas kulitnya) akan cepat rusak.
Read 14 tweets
I have had the privilege of reading
the thread authored by @tweetsfromstar but I
differ on following reasonings & add some observations on
the maintainability of my standpoint.
#Integration is a subjective matter. Every society & religion has their own integration standards.
You can't integrate a #Woman wearing a #bikini 👙 in #Afghanistan🇦🇫 or #Pakistan🇵🇰?
Attaching sufferance to #Hijab while pressing #burka or #niqab as an oppression is a sanctimony towards hijab on your part.
It's the same to assert that #Kalashnikov can be integrated but the #G3 cannot be integrated despite the fact that both are destructive and pose threat.
Neither #Hijab nor #burka is a choice, both are enforced through coercion, fear or at least to say childhood indoctrination.
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Das #Kopftuch (als Teil des #Hijab, also der islamischen Kleiderordnung) ist nach der islamischen Revolution im #Iran zur Pflicht für alle Frauen erklärt worden (auch für Nicht-Musliminnen)#MahsaAmini #مهسا_امینی LONGTHREAD👇(1/18)
Hunderttausende vor allem Frauen aber auch Männern haben 1979 gegen die Einführung der #Zwangsverschleierung protestiert. Gerade in der konservativ-religiösen Bevölkerung wurde auch vorher verschleiert. Mit der islamistischen Bewegung wurde das Kopftuch jedoch zum... (2/18)
kulturpolitischen Kampfsymbol. Der Hijab-Zwang ist also keine "kulturelle Tradition" des Iran, sondern ein Instrument der #Unterdrückung & Geschlechter-Apartheid des #islamischenRegimes, das mit brutaler Gewalt und Terroratttacken eingeführt wurde. So wurde Frauen, die ...(3/18)
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Bislang wirkt es in den Medien so, als ginge es bei den Protesten im #Iran nur um die Anliegen der iranischen Bevölkerung. Das ist ein katastrophales Missverständnis.#MahsaAmini #مهسا_امینی LONG THREAD 👇(1/12)
Man muss sich vor Augen halten, dass der #Iran die zweitgrössten #Erdgas-Reserven nach #Russland und die zweitgrössten Erdöl-Reserven nach #Saudiarabien hat. Man stelle sich vor, was es hiesse, wenn dort heute eine demokratisch-freiheitliche Regierung am Werk wäre.(2/12)
Im Iran geht es heute ebenso um uns alle, wie in der #Ukraine. Es geht um die Zukunft demokratisch, freiheitlicher, säkularer Gesellschaften weltweit. Dazu muss man wissen, dass das iranische Regime seit der Revolution 1979 auf einer Mission ist. (3/12)
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For all the Indian Muzlim men saying #Hijab is a choice of dress for women, & brainwashing Indian Muzlim women into thinking that hijab and burqa are their own choices, here’s what can be done.

The Hijab Series: What If, by photographer Boushra Almutawakel
Hijab was never a choice. It’s a religious dictate that will be implemented on all once Izlamists take control.
Any indian man or woman saying it’s a choice is fooling people. Period.
For smart Alecks who want to write hijab is a choice for M women & I shdnt comment :-
it’s choice as long as India is H!ndu majority. It’s will NOT be a choice under Izlamic rule 👇🏼

(ref to Akbar’s dictates on unveiled women : Muntakhab-ut-táwaríkh by ʽAbd al-Qadir Badayuni).
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