This is a very short overview of what the #UKAuthorities have done in the case.
#PraiseTheLORD #PraiseGod #Borisjohnson #Downingstreet #PritiPatel #UKParliament #Dailymail

In 2006, my home was raided & my business was stopped. They said the CDs I was selling were in breach of copyright.
#TheGuardian #TheTimes #Dailymirror

#UKSupremeCourt #UKParliament
#Metpolice #ScotlandYard #UKCops #BritishPolice #UKPolice #London #Londonisopen #LBC
#Metpolice #ScotlandYard #UKCops #BritishPolice #UKPolice #London #Londonisopen #LBC
#Channel4 #ITV #Dailyexpress #Whistleblower #Cityhall #LondonAssembly

14 years later, Cressida Dick and Scotland Yard remain silent.
#England #Britain #Euronews #TargetedIndividuals

We then received a witness statement from @Surelock_ which falsely stated that my mum and I had been selling counterfeit clothing.
#Farnborough #UK

The "counterfeit" clothing was eventually returned back to us.
#UKNews #TradingStandards #Surrey #Kent

Surelock Global Private Investigators have never provided an explanation. They have remained silent ever since which is a common theme in this report.

I then gave notice of my intention to commence legal action against the Met Police and Richmond Council for the frame ups and falsification of paperwork.
I had no idea that they were lying.
#Talkradio #Radio5Live #r4today #LBC #Manchester

#Talkradio #Radio5Live #r4today #LBC #Manchester

#Talkradio #Radio5Live #r4today #LBC #Manchester

We refused to leave as we had an appointment & it is not against the law to hand in a form.
#Talkradio #Radio5Live #r4today #LBC #Manchester

#Talkradio #Radio5Live #r4today #LBC #Manchester

The arrest sheet confirms that we were arrested because the Crown Prosecution Service refused to accept a Data Protection Act form.
#Talkradio #Radio5Live #r4today #LBC #Manchester

The CPS are another public body like the #Metpolice who must be fair, open and transparent as the public are led to believe.
In this case, they have been silent & unaccountable since 2006.
#c4news #5news

#Lawsociety #Accesstojustice #Probono #UKLaw

#Skynews #BBCNews #Skypapers #BBCBreakfast #UKSupremeCourt
#Skynews #BBCNews #Skypapers #BBCBreakfast #UKSupremeCourt

Instead of putting things right, the #UKAuthorities commenced a targeted operation to try to sweep all the above under the carpet
#Birmingham #Leicester #Brighton #Southampton #Liverpool

And they continued to try to take away our liberty.
#DowningStreet #WhereisBorisJohnson

#UKParliament #HouseofCommons #Channel4
The bad news is that they too have never been accountable for their actions. They shouldn't be allowed to frame innocent people who are simply fighting to justice.
#PritiPatel #Channel4news #BBCBreakfast #London


#RichmondUponThames #Twickenham #Teddington #Mortlake #TheGuardian
The good news is that it also went totally wrong for #LBRUT and they were forced to return thousands of pounds.
They have also never explained their actions.
#WestLondon #GreaterLondon #TheTimes #StrawberryHill #EastSheen #Richmond #Barnes

#Manchester #Liverpool
#Brighton #Bournemouth #Southampton #Exeter #Plymouth #Cornwall

According to #Directline and the @fos we had lost our accident claim
Years later, we found out that Direct Line and the FOS were lying. We had actually won the claim
#Brighton #Bournemouth #Southampton #Exeter #Plymouth #Cornwall

#DLG and the FOS have never explained their actions.
The monies Direct Line pocketed years earlier was unexpectedly returned to us through the grace of God.
#Norwich #Reading #Maidenhead #Surrey #Leicester #London #Skypapers #5news
#Middlesex #Cornwall #Cheshire #Yorkshire #Sussex #TheGuardian
Instead she experienced repeated attempts to try to remove her from #JSA.
#Businessnews #FCA #Edinburgh

#LoveWhatYouDo #TimesUp #Futureofwork #CEOForOneMonth #Whistleblowers
And Adecco didn't want her to have the note at all costs. Without the note she would lose Job Seekers Allowance.
#Leadership #Breaking #TheTelegraph

This was a pivotal moment as without the note my mum would not be only lose #JSA but would most likely lose her house
#WorldNews #EuroNews

#FoxNews #CNN #NYTimes #WashingtonPost

Adecco silent whilst over 10,000 Adecco caught out & silent T-Shirt #Competitions have since come and gone.
#BostonGlobe #LATimes
#MartinLewis #LloydsBank #Lloyds #FCA #UK

#Halifax #HalifaxBank #Mortgages #UnitedKingdom #FCA #UK

They did not succeed in repossessing the home and all the fees #HalifaxBank unlawfully overcharged us, were returned to us in full years later without us even asking for it.
They too have never explained their actions.
#BorisJohnson #DowningStreet

A prime example is #BritishGas whom we never had a problem with for over 35 years until the UK Authorities started their operation.
#London #Liverpool #Manchester

#London #Liverpool #Manchester
#London #Liverpool #Manchester
#London #Liverpool #Manchester
#London #Liverpool #Manchester

#London #Liverpool #Manchester
It's because British Gas wanted to proceed with their unlawful enforcement
And as with every party involved, they were given a notice of publication for their right of reply & British Gas remained silent.
#London #Liverpool #Manchester

#WhereisBorisJohnson #BorisJohnson #UKParliament #LBC

And the short answer is that because everything in this case went completely wrong for the #UKAuthorities, they have been abusing their powers to make it go away.
The harassment is done to antagonise the target with the intention that they retaliate.
#HighStreet #Supermarket #London

#HighStreet #Supermarket #London

#HighStreet #Supermarket #London

#Asda #HighStreet #Supermarket #London
Asda should not be playing with peoples lives.
#HighStreet #Supermarket #London
#Asda have since apologised.
#HighStreet #Supermarket #London
#UKRetail #BBCBreakfast #JohnLewis #Waitrose

A dress was being returned with a broken zip. Even a 3 year old knows when a zip is broken but the John Lewis manager started to play games refusing to acknowledge that the zip was broken #UKRetail #BBCBreakfast #Waitrose

#UKRetail #BBCBreakfast #Waitrose
#UKRetail #BBCBreakfast #JohnLewis #Waitrose
They couldn't understand what he was playing at, but we knew what he was doing because of what we have experienced in our fight for #justice.
#UKRetail #BBCBreakfast

He panicked and legged it. He ran away.
#UKRetail #BBCBreakfast #Waitrose #Dailymail #BBCNews #Skynews #Channel4

#UKRetail #BBCBreakfast #Waitrose #Dailymail #BBCNews #Skynews #Channel4

#UKRetail #BBCBreakfast #Waitrose #Dailymail #BBCNews #Skynews #Channel4

#TheBodyShop #BodyShop #retail
#Businessnews #retail
#TheBodyShop #BodyShop
#TheBodyShop have since apologised.
#Bodyshop #Leadership #Leadershipmatters
#UKRetail #BBCBreakfast
#UKRetail #BBCBreakfast #GMB #ThisMorning
#UKRetail #BBCBreakfast #GMB #ThisMorning

#UKRetail #BBCBreakfast #GMB #ThisMorning
#UKRetail #BBCBreakfast #GMB #ThisMorning
#Dailymail #Talkradio #Radio5Live #TheGuardian
Wickes caught out & silent.
#Dailymail #Talkradio #Radio5Live #TheGuardian

A carer went to great lengths to antagonise my mum into an altercation, whilst secretly recording her to use as evidence, but through the grace of God, it was the #carer who lost the plot
#NHS #Oxford #Brighton

All these parties are happy to be complicit with this operation to silence us but when it goes wrong, the ironic part of it is that they respond with silence.
#WhereIsBorisJohnson #LBC

The #MetPolice spoke to my mum for over an hour without even taking her name.
#Hove #Crawley #Battersea #Catford #WestWickham

This means worse than drunks, drug dealers, rapists, thugs etc.
#WhereIsBorisJohnson #wheresBoris

#WhereIsBoris #BorisJohnson #PritiPatel #UKParliament


#Worldnews #Euronews #GMB