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Nov 13th 2022
2022 #Midterms Simulation: #ArtoftheGerrymander

A Republican House win will be built on gerrymanders (TX/GA/FL/TN/LA, etc.)

To illustrate the need for fair maps, I'm calculating the results using the 2022 votes, but if every state had a Democratic gerrymander. #ElectionTwitter ImageImageImageImage

I’ll apply the difference in Presidential margin to the House result. Thanks @davesredist @mikemathieu @vest_team + @DKElections @PoliticsWolf

Keen to see how my maps perform over the decade; tried to comply with state law if partisan intent were allowed to stand.
#ArtoftheGerrymander: #Alabama
Trump 62.0% - Biden 36.6%
Real delegation: 6R-1D
Gerrymandered: 5R-2D
Δ Share of D seats: 14% => 28%
Easy Democratic pick-up of a safe new African American seat.… ImageImageImage
Read 111 tweets
Dec 12th 2021
NEW List of Dem candidates running for Congress in 2022 against GOP incumbents! Please take a minute and follow them! It’s the least we can do to show our support for the folks who are literally trying to save our democracy! RESISTERS RESIST #VoteThemAllOut2022
@abbybroyles vs Stephanie Bice House #OK05 electoral objector
@adammgentle vs Mario Diaz Balart House #FL25 electoral objector
@AlishaKShelton vs Don Bacon House #NE02
@AndreaRSalinas House #OR06
@AngieNixon vs Scott Franklin House #FL14 electoral objector
@AnnieAndrewsMD vs Nancy Mace House #SC01
@anthonyjtristan vs Michael Cloud House #TX27 electoral objector
@ashley_ehasz vs Brian Fitzpatrick House #PA01
@AramisAyalaFL House #FL10
@atticaforky House #KY03
@baxterstapleton vs Michael Turner House #OH10
Read 38 tweets
Nov 5th 2020
hello! While we're waiting for more presidential results, I thought I'd give you an update on the House. @DecisionDeskHQ projects that Republicans have won back 5 seats on net so far. Rs flipped 7 seats and Dems won back 2 thanks to redistricting in NC…
Seats projected to flip D to R, per @DecisionDeskHQ

#IA01 ( Finkenauer)
#FL26 (Mucarsel-Powell)
#FL27 (Shalala)
#MN07 (Peterson)
#NM02 (Torres Small)
#OK05 ( Horn)
#SC01 (Cunningham)

Others to keep an eye on as more votes are counted: #CA21, #CA39, #NY11, #NY22, #UT04
Democrats have also fallen short on many of their offensive targets to flip R-held seats: their most promising pickup opportunity is #GA07, where @DecisionDesk HQ has not projected a winner and we should (hopefully!) get more clarity today as more votes are counted/reported
Read 4 tweets
Sep 21st 2020
Every state has big stakes on the ballot — it's just some are facing a perfect storm where so much that matters is competitive at once.

So I'm starting this ongoing thread of states, to encapsulate as many stakes as I can within 280 characters. (Let's do roughly one a day!)
1️⃣ North Carolina really is it:

—Could decide WH
—Could decide U.S. Senate majority
—Ds may gain at least 2 House seats. More?
—Can Ds keep governorship (& veto power)?
—Can Ds pick-up a legislative chamber?
—3 Supreme Court seats!👀
—AG, LG (if Gov vacancy...), SoS competitive
2️⃣ Montana is up there too:
—Could decide Senate majority!
—Open Gov race. Would be GOP's first win since 2000, likely give them trifecta. And it's Gianforte on the ballot.
—Open SoS & AG races
—An open, tight House race
—An intriguing Supreme Court race
—Gun control referendum
Read 40 tweets
Aug 5th 2020
4th term #MO02 Republican Rep. Ann Wagner will face Democrat Jill Schupp in November general election. Both were unopposed for their party's nomination. Wagner last won reelection to eastern Missouri House seat in a competitive race in 2018 with 51.2% of the vote.
DCCC Chair Bustos on #MO02 House race: "This suburban, highly educated district is primed for Democrats to flip it in November and I look forward to seeing Jill Schupp serve Missourians in Congress come 2021.”
NRCC Chair Emmer: "Jill Schupp’s record of supporting socialist wish list items like banning private and employer-provided health insurance in favor of socialized medicine will be toxic to voters, and I have no doubt Ann will be victorious in November.”
Read 3 tweets
Mar 27th 2020
NEW at @CookPolitical: 10 rating changes (7 towards Ds, 3 towards Rs) as Democrats' edge in the battle for the House grows...
Basically, #COVID19 has all but frozen House recruitment & severely curtailed fundraising. That's an advantage for incumbents & bad news for upstates.

At end of 2019, median House D in a Trump district had $1.8 million cash on hand while median leading R challenger had $247,000.
Today, we've moved four freshman Dems out of Toss Up based on the weakness of their GOP opposition:

#IL14 Lauren Underwood (D) - Toss Up to Lean D
#MI08 Elissa Slotkin (D) - Toss Up to Lean D
#NY19 Antonio Delgado (D) - Toss Up to Lean D
#UT04 Ben McAdams (D) - Toss Up to Lean D
Read 6 tweets
Aug 19th 2018
Here’s a THREAD all your Democratic Candidates for #Midterms2018!
with Photos, Twitter & Websites.
AND Voter Info links to Registration, Absentee, Voter ID, Poll Worker
#MO01 #MO02 #MO03 #MO04 #MO05 #MO06 #MO07 #MO08
#VoteBlueMO #VoteBlue
Where to Vote:…
Application here:…
Request an application be mailed to you here:…
Election authority addresses:…
Democratic Candidate U.S. SENATOR #Missouri #MO
Dem Incumbent Claire McCaskill

vs Josh Hawley
#MO01 #MO02 #MO03 #MO04 #MO05 #MO06 #MO07 #MO08
#VoteBlueMO #Midterms2018
Read 15 tweets
Aug 8th 2018

#OH12 left us with a cliffhanger. We all worked so hard to give @dannyoconnor1 an outright win. Yes it's a steep climb, but it could still happen. Either way, we did good!

But let's not overlook the OTHER good House news from last night.
In "Toss-up" #MI08 Democratic primary voters OUT-VOTED Republican primary voters.

Democrat Elissa Slotkin (@ElissaSlotkin) is going to FLIP this seat right out from under incumbent GOP Rep. Mike Bishop.

But only if we help her right now.

Register. Vote. DONATE. Volunteer.
In "Toss-up" open seat #MI11, Democratic primary voters OUT-VOTED Republican primary voters.

But Democrat Haley Stevens (@HaleyLive) needs to hit the ground running if we want to FLIP this seat.

So let's get started.

Register. Vote. DONATE. Volunteer.
Read 8 tweets
Jul 27th 2018
Yesterday, you took @BlueWaveCS🌊 candidate @PaulDavisKS from 7.9k to 8.4k followers! 🤯 Y'all are AMAZING!

#FridayFeeling's #COTD @cortvo running in #MO02.

He's at 8.2k followers.
Think we can get him to 8.5k?❤️
"I'm proud to be endorsed by @StopBigMoney, an org that believes voters, not corporate money, should decide elections."
#FridayFeeling #COTD #MO02 #FridayMotivation

RT & FOLLOW: ➡️@cortvo
Read 3 tweets
Jul 14th 2018
Hey #Missouri!
#PrimaryElection on AUGUST 7th!
Here's a THREAD of all your Democratic Candidates
and Voter Info
With Photos & Links!
#MO01 #MO02 #MO03 #MO04 #MO05 #MO06 #MO07 #MO08
Missouri Candidates List…
Districts Map:…
Dem Candidates SENATOR #Missouri #MO
Incumbent Claire McCaskill
Angelica Earl
David Faust
Travis Gonzalez
John Hogan
Leonard Steinman
Carla "Coffee" Wright
Democratic Candidates #Missouri #MO01

Incumbent Lacy Clay

Cori Bush

Joshua Shipp

Read 16 tweets

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