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Ricordate la questione del #metoo nella pubblicità di cui avevo scritto giorni fa? (nel caso, seguite il link). Tra le cose più odiose emerse, c’era la notizia di un’agenzia con una chat in cui 80 maschi riempivano di insulti sessuali le colleghe.

Ora si sa chi sono. (segue)
È stato uno dei 3 soci dell’agenzia a confermare la voce che già girava da un po’ tra gli addetti ai lavori: l’agenzia della chat odiosa (e quella del file Excel con la classifica della scopabilità delle colleghe) è We Are Social (la sede italiana). (segue)
Finalmente qualcuno ha avuto il coraggio di parlarne apertamente e, grazie all’intervista di un ex dipendente, sappiamo qualcosa di più.
A quanto pare la chat è andata avanti per anni e vi partecipavano *tutti* i maschi di We Are Social. Tutti.…

Read 19 tweets
Stood at a booth for 4 days this week teaching people how to intervene when witnessing street harassment. GIANT anti-harassment messaging on the booth.

Lots of amazing conversations, AHA! moments and commiseration.

But here is a sampling of whacky shit men said to me :
- "Since #MeToo, Every time I talk to women at bars, they say it's harassment. HOW IS THAT FAIR?!"

My dude, the issue isn't #MeToo. It's your lack of rizz.
- Man INSISTED that if a woman dresses "scantily clad" that means she is harassing HIM because "she's turning me on and that's harassment."

He then later said he doesn't intervene for women because women get turned on by sexual harassment.

Me : Image
Read 8 tweets
Heute soll bei #imzentrum nicht über #Rammstein gesprochen werden, weil total gemeine Anwaltys, die dann teure Dinge tun und deswegen ist das Thema allgemeiner gehalten:

Drogen, Sex und Machtmissbrauch - Starkult mit Abgründen?

Ich erwarte großartiges, schau ma mal.
Thread 1/x. Image
2/x Guter Anfang: Tarek Leitner macht gleich das Thema direkt auf und sagt, es geht um Rammstein. Also kein Gerede vor vorgehaltener Hand. Bericht aus Bern, heute keine Demonstration, gestern schon 150 Leute. Image
3/x Es gibt auch keine Row Zero und After-Partys. Dazu patroullieren "Care-Teams", was natürlich kompletter Schwachsinn ist, weil die Gefahr geht ja nicht vom Publikum aus. Image
Read 42 tweets
Responsabilizar a las feministas del auge de la derecha o de que los machistas con comportamiento delincuencial (sic) continúen siendo machistas es perverso.
El feminismo es un llamado a la corresponsabilidad e interdependencia.
Hombres, también podéis ser feministas.🧶
Sorprenden este planteamiento. Se asume que existe una mayoría de hombres jóvenes cabreados con el feminismo que han preferido otras opciones. Se insinúa que el resultado electoral es culpa de las feministas. El machismo se cabrea, hay demasiado feminismo (ergo veto el feminismo)
Esto debería reflejarse en los datos con una clara tendencia de voto de hombres jóvenes a VOX. El CIS de ayer sobre municipales y elecciones no dice eso: ImageImage
Read 25 tweets
Gestern erzählte Marie Kreutzer beim Filmpreis von einem Schauspieler der in der Maske onaniert hat. Bei #3AmRundenTisch gefragt was dagegen gemacht wurde meint Eva Spreitzhofer, die Maskenbildnerin wurde durch eine ersetzt die besser damit umgehen könne.

Einfach WTF.

Spreitzhofer führt weiter aus, das erschreckendste für sie war, dass später niemand gefragt hat, wer das sein könnte, weil das alle genau wussten.
Zudem seien alle Akteure auf die sich die Anekdoten bezogen weiterhin im Geschäft.
Read 3 tweets
Das was @Shelbys69666 mit Till #Lindemann erlebt habe, das sei nur die „Spitze des Eisbergs“, sagt sie im Interview mit @NDRrecherche und @SZ_Investigativ . #metoo
Sie spricht auch von einem großen Verlust, denn … ein Thread 1/9 Image
„Rammstein war ein großer Teil meines Lebens!“ Und von vielen anderen Menschen auch. Das werde nun Vielen weg genommen, sagt Shelby Lynn. „Ich habe keine Angst, aber mein Herz ist gebrochen wegen all der anderen, denen viel Schlimmeres passiert ist.“ 2/9
Unser Treffen mit der Frau, die den #metoo Skandal um #Rammstein ins Rollen gebracht hat, senden wir heute Abend um 23:05 in @DasErste bei Titel Thesen Temperamente (ttt) von @sepikow @ElenaKuch Bettina Lehnert @danieldrepper 3/9
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Liebe Männer,

wenn ihr euch zum Thema Gewalt an Frauen, Missbrauch, #MeToo, #Lindemannn etc. äußert und uns wissen lasst: "Ich schäme mich für meine Geschlechtsgenossen. Ich verurteile das sehr", ist das nett gemeint, aber schlecht gemacht.

Es ist nicht genug!

Wir brauchen kein Mitleid.

Wir brauchen eine Veränderung.

Wir brauchen euren Trost nicht.

Wir brauchen eure Stimmen. Laut und deutlich.

Wann immer Missbrauch stattfindet, sexualisierte Gewalt stattfindet, sexuelle Belästigung stattfindet: Seid laut! Seid deutlich!

Wir brauchen eure Rache nicht.

Wir brauchen eurer Beispiel.

Behandelt Frauen mit Respekt. Immer. Die anziehenden. Die für euch unattraktiven. Die selbstbewussten. Die schüchternen. Und, natürlich, gerade die naiven. Egal.

Achtet unsere Grenzen.Und, bitte,denkt über eure

Read 8 tweets
good morning☀️happy Sunday! Today on #Insiders are Guardian Aus exec editor Lenore Taylor, murdoch political editor Samantha Maiden and AFR senior corro Jacob Greber. The interview is with Aged Care minister Anika Wells.
opening spiel: the economy slows to a crawl and fears of a recession. Interest rates up. These are cited as independent events, which is false. #Insiders
Speers then launches into the murdoch campaign against anyone who supports rape victims. He calls this “the opposition”, omitting the fact that the Liberals are trailing along behind the murdoch outlets. #Insiders
Read 42 tweets
This is a threaded version of Chapter 23, titled,

“Prenatal Politics, Generationally Speaking”

of the book, *Psychology of Apocalypse:

*Ecopsychology, Activism, & the Prenatal Roots of Humanicide*

by Michael Adzema

READ BOOK…… #psychology

PA 23/1 ImageImage
Chapter 23 is subtitled...

“Panicky Electorate, Biting the Feeding Hand,

“Perinatally Oblivious Right-Wing “Hate Groups,” the Tea Party, & the Fifties Generation...

“Perinatal Access of Millennials”

READ BOOK… #politics #FBR #psychology #BLM

PA 23/2 Image
“[*Quotes/highlights:*] “Can anyone at this point still maintain that the politics of the last few decades had anything at all to do with ideology or issues?” []

READ/DW BOOK…… #politics #FBR #psychology #BLM #history #Millennials #MAGAts #BigLie

PA 23/3
Read 149 tweets
Als ich in der 5./6. Klasse war, hatten wir diesen Lehrer. Sport/Englisch. Es gingen Gerüchte um, dass er im Sportunterricht gerne Hilfestellungen leistet, die über das erforderliche Maß hinausgingen. Alles sprach darüber, nichts passierte.

Im Englischunterricht war ich sein
Liebling. Natürlich wegen meiner guten Leistung. Nicht etwa, weil ich aus einem desolaten Elternhaus stammte und das perfekte Missbrauchsopfer war:

Von den Eltern nicht gut behandelt, arm, von den anderen Schülern nicht gemocht, weil seltsam angezogen und
auch sonst eher nerdig, war ich dankbar für seine Aufmerksamkeit. Kleine, am Rande des Geschehens zugeworfene Bemerkungen, über mein souveränes Englisch, meine Intelligenz, meine schöne Schrift. Atem in meinem Ohr, wenn er sichergehen wollte, dass ich auch alles verstanden habe.
Read 6 tweets

For 30 years, grotesque Brextremist billionaire Tory donor Crispin Odey has reigned over London’s hedge fund scene. He was briefly married to Murdoch's eldest daughter. 13 women have accused him of harassment, abuse & fostering a toxic workplace.…
Odey Asset Management, his firm, was once one of Europe’s largest hedge fund companies and Odey, the man, a character from a bygone era of finance. An imposing figure at over 6ft tall, he cultivated an image as an unapologetically posh gentleman rebel.
He used his wealth & influence to boost the Conservative party, back Brexit & cultivate a friendship with Boris Johnson.

Although Odey’s assets under management have fallen from their $13.3bn peak, he's maintained his reputation as one of London’s last hedge fund mavericks. Image
Read 163 tweets
The @FT throwing down the gauntlet at Crispin Odey again. “The Octopus” “20 stone toddler” his utterly boorish assaults on his receptionist staff and others so well known they would be warned, on being given their passwords, not to take the lift with him.
The so-called “Odey Girls” gained a reputation, she said, for having good legs because they “always took the stairs”.

He was known for hiring “earls and girls”.
Most are adamant that everyone — from junior staff to senior partners — knew how vulnerable they were to unwanted attention from Odey. “I think you’d have to have been under a rock if you didn’t,” said one. “Literally under a rock.”
Read 39 tweets
I would like to congratulate the fellow faculty who weathered Dick Cockring's quite literal tantrum in yesterday's meeting. Such professionalism in the doughy face of a spoiled child in full meltdown is the mark of maturity. As Twain said: "Never argue w/ an idiot...." Great job! Image
2/ A rundown: his normally-pasty face carrion red, Dick ejaculated vitriol at a dB level rivaling the nearby airport. Displaying the Stoic leadership such as his throwback heroes bought to their Fora, Dick spittled most about (wait for it) the will of the ppl, and AT the 1
3/ Leading from the front, his rhetoric and brilliance the exemplar incarnate of why soft white appointees should be entrusted with leadership over a quorum of experts who work for a living, Dick screamed at our one woman and labeled men moving elsewhere, assholes. Yes, really.
Read 25 tweets
CN Rape

Okay, wisst ihr was? Ich rede einmal über #Rammstein und das ganze Konzept der Rape Culture. Denn sehen wir es, wie es ist: Die Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass das ganze rechtliche Konsequenzen nach sich zieht, ist gering. Denn wenn uns #MeToo eins gezeigt hat, dann /
dass gerade diejenigen, die ohnehin schon Macht und Geld haben, häufig nicht zur Rechenschaft gezogen werde. Nicht wirklich. Vielleicht zahlen sie in außergerichtlichen Einigungen ein wenig Geld und bekommen davon von ihren Überlebenden ein NDA. Das wars. /
Das Problem, was ich mit der Diskussion habe - und immer schon hatte - ist, dass über Vergewaltigung immer in Bezug auf Sex gesprochen wird. Und ja, das spielt durchaus auch eine Rolle. Aber es wird nicht genug darum gesprochen, wie Vergewaltigungen vor allem um Macht gehen. /
Read 23 tweets
CN Gewalt

Ich habe mich von meinem damaligen Freund, einem nicht unbekannten Musiker sofort getrennt, als ich herausfand dass er mich zur "Heiligen" machte um dann auf Aftershow Parties wo ich nicht teilnahm, mit gefühlt Kilos an Koks minderjährige Groupies zu missbrauchen.
In der Nacht als das rauskam und ich sofort meine Koffer packte, schmiss er mich zum Dank die Treppe unseres gemeinsam bewohnten Hauses hinunter. Ich habe ihn angezeigt aber es stand Aussage gegen Aussage, andere Mädchen beschimpften mich, weil ich ihren Helden mit meiner Aussage
"beschmutzte", ich war so bedient, ich habe die Stadt verlassen. Ein paar Jahre zuvor war ich in meiner eigenen Wohnung von einem von mir abgewiesenen Mann unter KO-Tropfen gesetzt und über 1,5 Tage lang vergewaltigt geworden. In dem Fall kam es tatsächlich zu einer sehr seltenen
Read 10 tweets
So, now I'm going to check for all the media luvvies who are going to push the #MeToo angle
Lucy Siegle is credited by friend and colleague Livia Firth with devising the Green Carpet Challenge (now run by Firth and her Eco Age brand)

Livia was married to Colin Firth

Read 4 tweets
Now, both the FT and GNM are coming under scrutiny for what some are describing as a cover-up.…
"But with the latest revelations, it seems the industry is being forced to reckon with ideas of sexual harassment, violence against women, and the wider #MeToo movement – which began to spread virally in 2017 as a response to allegations against  Harvey Weinstein." 🍿
Y'all know that when they start to talk about #MeToo they're covering for something else, right?

Read 9 tweets
2 arguments have come up from the RW ecosystem, to counter crisis.
#WrestlersProtest. Put @MrsGandhi's argument in the corporate context.
Imagine, you're a bright woman. The management spots potential. Sponsors your skill development programs. You perform. You get bonus & Image
promotion. But the moment you accept these, you basically surrender your right to say "No" or resist advances from sexual predators.
That's what you were implying, right @MrsGandhi?
Now, let's come to the #TrainAccident. According to #MeToo accused @Suhelseth, the
+ Image
Railway Minister has an outstanding CV. So it's "foolish" to demand for his registration for what's probably the worst disaster. Would your management give you a lifeline for a failure that your department is responsible for? Because you've a strong CV?
Read 4 tweets
Exklusiv: Mehrere Frauen erheben neue Vorwürfe gegen Till Lindemann. Gegenüber @NDRrecherche und @SZ_Investigativ beschreiben sie, wie junge Frauen offenbar zahlreich und gezielt rekrutiert werden, um mit dem #Rammstein-Sänger Sex zu haben.… #RowZero 1/5
Zwei Frauen berichten uns zudem von mutmaßlichen sexuellen Handlungen, denen sie nicht zugestimmt hätten. Die Frauen äußern sich anonym vor der Kamera und versichern ihre Aussagen an Eides statt. Insgesamt hat mehr als ein Dutzend Frauen mit uns gesprochen. 2/5 #MeToo
Den Reporterinnen und Reportern liegen weitere Aussagen von Zeuginnen an Eides statt sowie zahlreiche Chat-Protokolle vor, die Teile der Vorwürfe unterstreichen. Fragen von NDR und SZ zu konkreten Vorwürfen ließen sowohl Lindemann als auch die Band inhaltlich unbeantwortet. 3/5
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1/ Happy to see that a defamation suit brought by Peruvian archaeologist (and former culture minister) Luis Jame Castillo Butters against @theNASciences and its president @Marcia4Science has been dismissed by the federal judge in the case. See:…
2/ Castillo was kicked out of the NAS in October 2021 after an internal investigation confirmed longstanding allegations of sexual #harassment by Castillo. However, the NAS never said publicly this was the reason for his ejection, only telling NAS members that he had…
3/ violate the NAS Code of Conduct. Indeed, it was Castillo himself, not NAS, who made public the allegations of sexual harassment, when he filed his lawsuit against the academy. Thus the defendants’ argument that Castillo had, in legalese, “failed to state a claim” was…
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I just watched the [uncensored] Part 2 of the #PumpRules S10 reunion and my #MediaStudies brain is on 🔥! These reunions could easily be in a series in and of themselves. Special shoutout to the editors for that. 1/

An abbreviated reaction to Part 1:
I will be watching both reunion episodes again later, as there is much to unpack, esp. in terms of the liminal space between "reality" and the real lives presented. What an excellent study for TV fans & scholars alike! 2/
As w/Part 1, James is still on 🔥. Unpopular opinion: His "bathroom breaks" actually reflect a move toward maturity in him trying to take himself out of the picture when overwhelmed. He truly is a highlight of the season & Part 2 of the reunion develops that beautifully. 3/
Read 13 tweets
Tara Reade was such a good barometer for where folks were re solidarity with survivors.

Whatever the real story was, libs who loved #MeToo    as a bludgeon against Trump jumped so fast when it came to saying, actually when it's my guy, I don't have to believe women.
Plenty of shady stuff about Reade has come out since, and would have come out if Dems had lived up to their espoused values around sexual misconduct and convened a process to hear and evaluate her claims.

But instead, most people just "my guy would never"-ed it.

And btw, I have at least as much contempt for the Bernie loyalists who ignored survivor stories (including mine) of misconduct within the 2016 campaign--or worse, called us liars-- but then became full Team Tara the moment an allegation benefited them.
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In light of the new Tara Reade story, reupping my coverage of the case at the time. Other reporters followed and the result was that her story did not hold up. I could not say that conclusively, with the resources I had. Thus the very careful tone.…
Also, I was subjected to a lot of abuse from a certain crowd of too-online people at the time. But I voted for Sanders, not Biden, in the 2020 primary, so claims I was caping are simply wrong.
Though for most of that certain crowd, it was less about Sanders than it was about discrediting the #MeToo movement. A lot of faux-socialist types share the right's false view that victims were being believed without vetting. They should watch "She Said" to see how false that is.
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🚨 "Wrestlers' Protests"

In Jan 2023, 3 wrestlers staged a protest in JANTAR MANTAR, demanded to sack Brij Bhushan Singh (BBS) from WFI President post by making sexual harassment charge against him.

What their claim & panels findings? Toolkit for 2024?
🧵 1/n #WrestlerProtests Image
Later the Sports ministry formed the 5 member panel on 23rd Jan 2023, headed by legendary boxer Mary Kom.

The time given for the panel to submit it's findings is within one month. 2/n
Followed by that the period to submit the report was extended by two weeks and added sixth member Babita Phogat in the panel.

Then the panel submitted it's report in First week of April to Sports Ministry. 3/n
Read 30 tweets

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