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Dec 28th 2020
A mob led by local Muslim clerics destroyed a Hindu temple in Southern Pakhtunkhawa Karak, Pakistan. #Hindus & #Christians persecuted in Pakistan & #JoeBiden gives money to #Pakistan

#MAGA #StopTheSteaI2020 #Trump #BeijingBiden #GOP #BidenCheated2020 #FightForTrump #Bhagavadgita
This temple burnt today was built in 1919. Closed by locals in 1947. Was restored in 2015 on orders of Supreme Court of Pakistan

Entire #Pakistan only has 30 functional #Temples

No place for #Hindus & #Christians

@HinduAmericans @BharadwajSpeaks @OpIndia_com #bhagavadgita4all
Read 60 tweets
Dec 17th 2020
FLASH: Georgia To Conduct Statewide ‘Signature Match Review’ Of Absentee Ballots after weeks of pressure from @realDonaldTrump and his campaign

#BidenWillNeverBePresident #MAGA #SteveBannon #StopTheSteaI2020 #WarRoomPandemic #Trump2020 #HunterBiden #CCP…
GEORGIA:The @GaSecofState said in the press release announcing the signature match audit that they’re working to “secure the vote in the Peach State”

#BidenCheatedAndGotCaught #HunterBiden #Trump2020 #MAGA #SteveBannon #WarRoomPandemic #StopTheSteaI2020… ImageImageImage
Justice Caught Admitting Why He Really Refused Election Fraud Case

#SCOTUS scared of riots

"Truth is God and God is Truth - #Bhagavadgita".

Can anybody defeat God

#BidenWillNeverBePresident #MAGA #SteveBannon #StopTheSteaI2020 #WarRoomPandemic #Trump2020 #HunterBiden #CCP
Read 32 tweets
Dec 12th 2020
ProudBoys and White Nationalist, America first movement, is calling for a 2nd #MillionMAGAMarch tomorrow in #DC. Nazis are already showing to #BLM Plaza, yelling "white pride", calling them coons and other slurs, ready to fight. #MillionMAGAMarch
(Non-racist)Portland Proud Boys are promoting flyers for #DCProtests tomorrow with white nationalist Nick Fuentes and Vincent James on it. The #MillionMAGAMarch twitter account (40k followers) is mainly videos of Fascists at rallies. Its probably ran by nazis. #MillionMAGAMarch
The same guys that encircled and threatened indie journalists multiple times at the 1st #MillionMAGAMarch are back again.
Read 5 tweets
Dec 10th 2020
VIDEO THREAD: A coalition of anti-communist Asian-Americans, conservatives, and Trump supporters gathered Thursday afternoon in front of the United States Capitol to demand congress designate the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) as a "Transnational Criminal Organization."
"CCP is eradicating our culture, religion, and our very own existence," said Arif, a member of the Uyghur community.

"Today hundreds of thousands of Uyghurs and other Turkic people are being used as slaves by CCP," he said.
Prime Minister of East Turkistan Government in Exile @ETExileGov (a body representing the nation that would be East Turkistan, which China considers part of itself) @SalihHudayar said that China is a "threat to the entire world" and cited the "CCP virus" (COVID) as an example.
Read 9 tweets
Nov 15th 2020
PHOTO THREAD: In addition to video, I also captured photos during and after yesterday's #MillionMAGAMarch.

As the event began, counter-protesters were confronted by Trump supporters, and policed stepped in between the two sides.

All photos available to license.
Thousands including Alex Jones surrounded by the Proud Boys marched from Freedom Plaza to the Capitol.
At the Supreme Court, Trump supporters were counter-protested by antifa activists who held a banner reading "Punch MAGA in the face."

Police faced riot shields toward the antifascists and for the most part kept the two sides seperate.
Read 4 tweets
Nov 15th 2020
VIDEO THREAD: Earlier tonight, about 8:15pm or so, I arrived toward the tail-end of a fight between the Proud Boys and their opponents. Mace was in the air when I arrived.

One person appeared knocked out, taking about a minute to get up. Unclear which side.
"All commies are bastards!" chanted the Proud Boys.

Another fight broke out, but the person sparring with a Proud Boy ran away.

As some began chasing the man, another tried to stop them yelling, "No! It's a bad look!"

The fight didn't continue after a block-long chase.
As Proud Boys and Trump supporters marched on, antifascists did stand in their path, but police swiftly moved between the two sides, rendering violence between them basically impossible.

Proud Boys diverted and marched away chanting "fuck antifa!"
Read 14 tweets
Nov 14th 2020
Dude I met getting tacos in DC. @PressSec #MillionMAGAMarch
Jovial, if a bit crass, crowd of Trump supporters in DC today.
Enthusiastic Trump supporters post-rally.
Read 8 tweets
Nov 14th 2020
THREAD: When the #MillionMAGAMarch reached the Supreme Court this afternoon, antifascist activists were already there to confront them with shields and a banner that read "PUNCH MAGA IN THE FACE."

"Fuck antifa!" chanted the Trump supporters.
While no violence had occurred, riot police moved in between the two sides, facing toward the antifa side.

"Back the blue!" chanted the Trump side. "Trump! Trump! Trump!"

"Antifa f****ts! Fucking homos!" yelled one Trump supporter.
I got around to the antifa side of the fence to film there, and some of the left retreated a bit.

Police took advantage of the retreat to push forward and create a wider gap between the two sides.
Read 6 tweets
Nov 14th 2020
VIDEO THREAD: Today thousands of Trump supporters including Proud Boys gathered in Washington DC to advocate that President Trump not concede the election.

"Fuck antifa!" was a common chant along with "Stop the steal!"
Here's footage from the walk as thousands marched from Freedom Plaza to the Supreme Court.
"Joe Biden is a communist Chinese agent and a compromised pedophile with the rest of his satanic family," yelled Alex Jones as he marched with Proud Boys protection.

"Joe Biden's going to prison, he's not going to the White House," he said.

"Arrest Joe Biden!" chanted the crowd
Read 5 tweets
Nov 14th 2020
HD Video: Earlier today at the #MillionMAGAMarch, violence broke out when members of @RefuseFascism tried to counter-protest and were physically pushed away.
Here's what some of the beginning of that confrontation looked like. I have a fully uncut (18 minutes long) video of the entire situation uploading now.
Mike Dunn @realmikedunn is a "Boogaloo Boy" who actually fought *against* the Proud Boys during that fight.

Mike says "I can't stand commies" but he felt he had to protect their right to speak.

He adds that the Proud Boys "hit like a bunch of wooses."
Read 4 tweets
Nov 14th 2020
It occurs to me that most people haven’t got any concept of how large a crowd of one million people actually is. They haven’t the faintest idea what it looks like
Here’s the crowd in Freedom Plaza. It’s about 1.6hectares, including the roads. This isn’t a super dense. You cld walk thru most parts. At one person per sq meter (tight enough to hit people all round if you spin with bent elbows), it’s abt 16,000 ppl
This is Queen at Knebworth, 1986. This is a big crowd. It’s 120,000 people
Read 5 tweets
Nov 14th 2020
My take on today’s #MillionMAGAMarch has much more to do with American media and our own social movements for justice than the alt-right. Okay here we go.
I’m starting to see more posts on social media from friends sharing the loss of friends and love ones to #COVID19 and it’s heartbreaking. Eight months later and here we are again and with even more significance.
Sometime this morning, a quarter million Americans will have now perished from #COVID-19 in just eight months. This includes the deaths of at least 1 out of every 875 Black people in the United States according to @apmreports.
Read 13 tweets
Nov 14th 2020
At #MillionMAGAMarch and first person on bullhorn is a nazi. Talking about opposing homosexual and Jews
Jovi Val is the Nazi and about 100 plus white nationalist Groypers surrounding
America Gaurd present
Sean Perez up front (has swastika on chest)
Read 28 tweets
Nov 14th 2020
We’d love to hit our goal of $5,502 while the #MillionMAGAMarch is ending! It will help us get our first ads up in Georgia since Election Day. Let’s win the Senate!…
Here is our first ad supporting Reverend Warnock against corrupt Kelly Loeffler. Our focus: healthcare.

Donate here to help us get the ad running in Georgia NOW—$3,815 until we are at our goal!…
Here is our healthcare ad supporting Ossoff! Donate here to help us get it running in Georgia—$3,269 until we meet our goal:…
Read 4 tweets
Nov 14th 2020
At Supreme Court, antifa activists, some of its riot shields, are here with a banner reading “Punch MAGA in the face.”

Police are keeping the sides separate, no violence so far.
Riot police come out to confront antifa side.
Stand-off continues, police face antifa with riot shields, hundreds of Trump supporters behind barricade.

“We won!” chant antifa.
Read 6 tweets
Nov 14th 2020
As crowd realizes how massive rally is jokes start flying about how media will claim that there are a few thousand people here.
Read 26 tweets
Nov 14th 2020
Since the #ProudBoys are trending. Here is. Proud boys founder White Nationalist Gavin McInnes Plugs Himself with a butt plug to prove he is not homophobic and not gay “To Own The Libs”
Trivia: he also co-founded @VICE . yep
Since the #ProudBoys are trending. Here is. Proud boys founder White Nationalist Gavin McInnes Plugs Himself with a butt plug to prove he is not homophobic and not gay “To Own The Libs”
This guy above A Canadian import.
#canada failed us twice.
Read 4 tweets
Nov 14th 2020
#MillionMAGAMarch now on its way to the Capitol.
“Groypers! Groypers!” some chant as march approaches Capitol.

To be fair, it seemed a lot of people in the crowd didn’t participate in / understand this chant.
March is entering Capitol Hill and heading up to Supreme Court.
Read 3 tweets
Nov 14th 2020
Thousands of #Trump supporters are gathering in downtown Washington DC this morning #Election2020 #BidenTransition
#Trump drove around Freedom Plaza in Washington DC earlier en route to his golf course. Thousands of his supporters have gathered in downtown Washington
#Trump supporters are continuing to stream into downtown Washington DC, many holding signs alleging the election has been “stolen” #Election2020 #BidenTransition
Read 9 tweets
Nov 14th 2020
The TikTok kids are posting pictures of pancakes to overwhelm the #MillionMAGAMarch hashtag. I made scallion pancakes this morning, so here’s my Chinese American contribution!

2 cups flour (I prefer bread flour)
1 tsp salt
3/4 cup boiling water
1/4 cup cold water
4 scallions, chopped
6 tbsp vegetable oil (I use peanut but canola is fine)
2 tbsp toasted sesame oil

Mix together flour and salt. Add boiling water and mix until dough is shaggy. Add 1/4 cup cold water and bring dough together. Knead on floured surface around 3 minutes until smooth and elastic. Place in bowl and cover with damp towel for 30 minutes. Mix together vegetable oil...
Read 7 tweets
Nov 14th 2020
Reporting for Duty!
Awaiting further instructions from @tiktok_us 🥞 😝#MAGAMillionMarch
If you insist! 😋
Mmmmmmm Pancakes
Read 5 tweets
Nov 13th 2020
"We want Trump! We want Trump!"

Supporters of the president are already gathering in Washington DC outside the White House for tomorrow's #MillionMAGAMarch," an event meant to encourage Trump not to concede the election.

Trump has said he may "stop by" at the event.
I was out there for a couple hours today and didn't see any serious violence, but there were some scuffles and tense moments like this one when a Trump supporter grabbed a sign away that was put near his face and got called a "bitch" to which he replied, "What are you, a retard?"
I asked this guy to explain his sign which reads (verbatim) "Bydon's Laptop Matters, Castrate Michelle Obaman Now!"
Read 12 tweets

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