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Da ich mich gestern ausführlich mit div. Pizzamehlen auseinandergesetzt habe, gibt's heute Pizza in der Seelenküche.

#vegan Collage aus 2 Fotos. Oben e...

(Leider ohne Mengenangaben, das mach ich immer nach Gefühl)

Urdinkelmehl 630
3g Trockenhefe (von der Mühle)

Tomatensauce Mutti Pizzasauce, mit Knoblauch, Pfeffer gepumpt
Teig mit Hefe, Salz, kaltem Wasser anrühren, mit der
Maschine ca. 5 Minuten kneten, nicht gehen lassen sondern
24-48 Std im Kühlschrank lagern.

Am nächsten Tag 2 Std vorher ins Warme stellen und gehen lassen.
Kugeln formen, nochmals 30 min gehen lassen.
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🚨 Rajasthan High Court landmark ruling:

‘Pizza’, ‘Sandwich’ is ‘Cooked Food’, 'not Bakery product'; Looks at subsequent legislation

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#VAT #food #Pizza #a2ztaxcorpllp #GSTwithBimalJain

Rajasthan HC holds sale of ‘pizza’ and ‘sandwiches’ to be ‘cooked foods’, eligible to exemption from payment of VAT in excess of 5% vide notification dated March 09, 2010;

Perusing Notification and Entry providing for rate of tax @ 14% on goods notified therein, as well as ubsequent amendments to Rate Schedule, HC at the outset clarifies that the sale of ‘pizza’ and ‘sandwich’ would qualify as sale of ‘cooked food’;

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#IndianFood #Pizza #obesity
1. The Indian snacks market size is approx Rs 40,000 crores. Some of the manufacturers of snacks have opted for halal certification keeping in mind the Middle East market. With the advent of home delivery, pizza and burgers are having a field day. ..2. Image
2. The Indian pizza market is approximately $2 billion (Rs16,460 crores).We often find children not eating vegetables and fruits but willingly consuming pizza. They are thus deprived of a balanced diet and are prone to obesity. Among South Indian food, idli and dosa are both ..3.
3. nutritious and has less calories. One idli of 40g has 58 calories and 1 dosa has 234 calories. Our Indian snacks like vada pav and Dabheli(Gujarat) have been popular for a very long time. When it comes to Singara(Samosa of Bengal) versus Samosa, a Bengali will opt for ..4.. Image
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1. Thread on Legend and Teigen - chrissy teigen, john legend... #johnlegend #chrissyteigen #luna Image
2. This is not a deep dive, it will mainly be a series of tweets from Teigen of a pedophilic nature that Chrissy Teigen was allowed to get away with in Twitter 1.0 #chrissyteigen #pedophiletweets Image
3. Chrissy Teigen likes seeing little girls do the splits half naked, knows its wrong but still tweets about it and was allowed to get away with it.... #chrissyteigen Image
Read 81 tweets
#Cult93 #SB2 I am going to share some of the SerialBrain2 images I've managed to find and download. So much of this information seems to be completely gone now, and to me, it is invaluable to understanding what is really going on in this spiritual war. Tag me if u have pieces! Image
2/27 Though an ancient battle that goes back to Cain and Abel, this time around, it all starts with John Dee. #SB2 explains how the Queen of England became possessed by an evil demon who retained control of the countries s(He) through his practices of necromancy. Image
3/27 This particular image was in a series discussing how metaphysical chemtrails were affecting us, but that Trump put a stop to them, and in fact, reversed them to harm the Nephilim rather than the humans Image
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In tutta la diatriba sulle farine di #insetti, i commenti più stupidi e insulsi, ma più #stupidi, sono quelli del tipo:
"Tenetevi gli insetti io continuo a mangiare la #bistecca/#pizza/#pasta/[altri alimenti notoriamente "#tradizionali"]"
Le possibilità sono che:
1 - Hai problemi di logica e comprendonio, perché inserire un nuovo ingrediente nel ventaglio di possibilità non vuol dire che dovrai eliminarne di vecchi. L'epoca buia dei gdr con gli inventari a casellario è fortunatamente alle nostre spalle.
2 - Soffri di disturbo paranoide, ma grave. Il caso è come il precedente ma più grave, pensi che aggiungere un nuovo ingrediente nel ventaglio di possibilità elimini tutti gli altri.
Read 8 tweets
Klein Falls At the end of the pier right before rolling off the end of the pier, Canada is the Answer that solves the puzzle, it saves the person Klein represent IRL now, shown way back then in the birdhouse video ..

Right before the Pier is the shed, Whiskey (Blackened), 🔥 .
Their entire skate part tells A story, the obstacle they’re skating & the truck they’re doing all matter ..

When they’re at the gas station, that represent Biden & his shady dealings with who?
Gas ?

When they get to the bus stop, what does the bus represent?
Read 11 tweets
The purpose of this thread is to establish that pizza restaurants have been used by criminal organizations for various criminal activities. I will also demonstrate that pizza was being used in a sexual/spiritual manner prior to November 2016.… ImageImage
This article from 2015, discusses how the mafia allegedly was buying up restaurants all over Rome to launder money. The article mentions that multiple pizzerias were raided.… ImageImage
This report, linked from the National Criminal Justice Reference Service (NCJRS 1980) is titled “study of organized crime’s infiltration of the pizza and cheese industry”. The second link is the actual pdf document.…… ImageImage
Read 22 tweets
🇷🇺🚩 Il traditore della patria #Russia, Mikhail #Gorbaciov, è morto all'età di 92 anni. Premio #Nobel per la #Pace, consegnò l'#Urss all'#Occidente delle #GuerreUmanitarie, del #caos internazionale, della disgregazione del #Diritto Internazionale, della demolizione del mondo.
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Read 61 tweets
Le stade de France. Pendant que vous regardez un match ou un concert, nous on fait les « Réserves RER » pour vous prendre à la sortie.

Et c’était super cool

Thread⤵️⤵️⤵️ Image
Un stade de France c’est 80.000 personnes.

Et à la fin du spectacle, 80.000 voyageurs potentiels qui doivent prendre trois transports.
La @Ligne13_RATP , le @RERB et le @RERD_SNCF Image
Lors de ces soirées là, la SNCF place 4 ou 5 rames de RER B dans un tirage, prête à sortir.

On était stationné au triage du Bourget à 8 km environ.

On appelle ça des « réserves montées », en gros tu attends sur ta rame la fin du match / concert… ImageImage
Read 17 tweets
Where is #Inflation?

Let's understand this from the #Indian #Customer Perspective.

Like and Retweet this Thread 🧵for wider reach.
⚡️You ordered a #Pizza, but there were previously a handful of Ketchup Packets in the box, but now there are none.
⚡️#Airlines are reducing the number of flight attendants, causing customers to wait much longer for any services.

⚡️#Hotels not providing waiter service and instead rely on customers to self checkout for food services.
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A pizza anecdote.
One time last year I was out with friends celebrating a sword fighting scholarship, and after I got home at 3am I wanted a pizza. So I ordered while in the taxi on the way home, and the 1st said it wouldn't deliver until 4am. This would not do. 🍕
I'd ordered a pepperoni pizza and wings along with a coke but honestly an hour delivery time, at this hour?!? So I cancelled the order and got the confirmation. I then set about ordering from somewhere else when I got home.
Living in London there are loads of late night pizzerias on a Saturday night. So I found one, and in a moment of whimsy ordered some ice cream too, but the time it had taken me to do this meant that this one wouldn't arrive until 3:45, but it was now 3:20 anyway
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Thread, with lots of photos: Commerce Street (between S 21st and 23rd), the heart of #Tacoma's Brewery Blocks, *must* become CAR-FREE. Its potential is incredible!! Without cars, it could quickly become the most exciting, European-feeling corridor in the entire Pacific Northwest!
Here's the Google Street View of the 2100 block of S Commerce St. Would this be a *glorious* car-free block or what? The couple I talked to (previous photo) agreed 100%! They walk their dog all the time, and they can't stand the cars, especially at night, when mischief happens.
The breweries are STUNNING here. And we all know that drinking + driving = disaster. Removing #cars will dramatically increase both safety and urban vibrancy. Imagine the VIEWS from these historic buildings when PEOPLE replace CARS! @CityofTacoma
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A thread on food and cross-pollination
Military research regularly cross-pollinates into consumer innovation - Stainless steel was originally invented for gun barrels, and Microwave ovens invented during research on naval radar systems (the inventor's chocolate bar melted in his pocket when working on radar systems)
The reason so much orange juice is consumed today is thanks to the research of Linda Brewster, who used a debittering enzyme to reduce the bitterness of Limonin in all citrus juices. Without this, the shelf life of orange juice is very short.
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🎧 Thread on @Music_Santhosh @pradeep_1123 tracks 💜 !!


#throwback #Kabali #SanthoshNarayanan #SaNa #Dcuts🍽️


#enakkuloruvan #Siddarth


#kaala #rajini #kannama #PradeepKumar
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a) ich nicht Schlafen kann, und
b) hier nach ca 26 Std Ausfall endlich wieder Internet zugänglich ist,

hole ich ein paar Info-Sendungen in der #TVthek des #ORF nach.

Und wie üblich finde ich was zum Möckern:

#Insomnia #Chemotherapie

Warum werden bei diesen Straßenumfragen bloß immer die "verkehrten" Fragen gestellt. Auch so richtig im Sinne von "leading questions", also da wird bereits eine Denkrichtung unauffällig mitgegeben.

In diesem Beispiel geht es um die Diskussion, inwieweit es OK ist, wenn
Leute durch die #Corona-Impfung Vorteile haben dürfen.

Klar, so löst das gleich einmal einen Neid-Reflex aus!

Die richtige Frage wäre natürlich, ob Leute ohne Impfung Nachteile (wie Zugangsbeschränkungen) erfahren dürfen.
(unter Voraussetzung der Verfügbarkeit der Impfung)
Read 11 tweets
As you may know, I like to do a bit cooking. It takes a while to become good at certain dishes, but once you've mastered them they are dead simple. This will be a thread dedicated to making pizza & to my pal @rawlimark who loves a #pizza, but perhaps not my photography. 🍕 1/8
Italian food is ace. It is usually simply made with good ingredients. There is a tradition of 🇮🇹 food known as "Cucina Povera" it doesn't translate well into English = "poor kitchen" or "peasant food". I think it's better described as good food, simple ingredients.🇮🇹 2/8
So I will start with the dough. It is a simple "Neapolitan dough" of four ingredients. Water, flour, salt & yeast. I like the way this guy does it (uses too much salt though. Putting the water in first makes a big difference. 3/8

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A thread is coming up for the latest tour to #Pakistan in the time of #secondwave of #COVID19
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Vendredi dernier j'ai eu la chance de prendre un "cours" de pizza avec un des papes de la pizza Napolitaine aux USA, Roberto Caporuscio. Je vais partager ce que j'ai appris pour que chacun puisse améliorer ses pizzas maison! #Thread
Alors, pour la pâte (pour 5-6 pizza):

Eau: 1 L
Sel: 50g
Farine Caputo rouge: 1.6 kg
Levure fraiche: 2g
Sucre: 10g (uniquement pour cuire dans four domestique)
Huile d’olive vierge extra: 10g
Note: pour la levure, d'après le chef on peut remplacer par de la levure sèche, en quantité égale. Ceci dit le consensus en ligne est de mettre 50% du poids si on met de la déshydratée. A tester!
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As promised last night - a game changing pizza recipe and cooking method for you today. I made this last night and it was so good I used the last of the dough to make another today for brunch! Chorizo, Roast Butternut Squash and Spring Onion Pizza. This is sublime! #coronacooking
I’ve reworked my dough recipe just a little for this, and I really like it. The crust is wonderful. Ideally use strong white flour. I didn’t have any on this occasion so I used plain flour and it worked really well.
For the dough:
475g strong white flour
7g quick active yeast
25ml olive oil
50ml lukewarm milk
275ml lukewarm water
2tsp salt
1tsp sugar

For the sauce:
300g cherry tomatoes
1tbsp tomato purée
1 shallot
1 clove garlic
A little olive oil
1tbsp honey
Salt & pepper
Read 17 tweets
Es gibt einen Urlaubsthread, weil es heute schon so skurril angefangen hat.
Also: Plan seit letzten Jahres, wir fahren zu zweit mit dem Motorrad durch Italien. Unterkünfte gebucht, alles gepackt, Route gespeichert.
Wir freuen uns wie Bolle. Die Bude ist sauber, alles kontrolliert obs aus ist. Türe zu. Es geht Richtung Autobahn. Diskussion an der Ampel, weil ich die Ziele nicht einzeln im Navi, sondern als Route eingegeben habe.
Gefummel am Navi, ob man die Ziele einzeln aufrufen kann. 🙄 2/
Plötzlich schaltet sich das Navi ohne ersichtlichen Grund ab. Äh? Wir fahren an die Seite (Abgabestelle für Grünabfälle, na toll). Navi ein, Navi schaltet aus. ARGHS. Also gut, fahren wir wieder heim um zu gucken ob Updaten hilft.
#motoflorenz 3/
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@MarinaAbramovlc with #JacobRothschild in front of a very special picture called "Satan summoning his Legions". #QanonArmy says, that the #DeepState is in #PanicInDC.
#JacobRothschild is father of @NatRothschild1. Do you remember the connections? Nat knows #RachelChandler aswell as #GhislaineMaxwell.
#JacobRothschild together with #EvelyneRothschild and #LynnForesterRothschild.
Lynn is the spouse of #Epstein listee Evelyn. Together with Archpaedophile #JimmySavile, #FfionHague and @TheDukeOfYork, Lynn was on the board of Outward Bound where indescribable abuse took place.
Read 229 tweets

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