Here were the findings (Thread👇)…
#JoeBiden holds a potentially dwindling lead over President Trump, and voters expect the incumbent to win.
Nearly 57% said they would trust the result.…
Democrats expressed much more comfort with #MailInVoting, with more than 3 in 4 saying they would trust the integrity of the outcome.
#JoeBiden is promoting the idea. The poll found that 24.5% oppose the idea, while 12.8% are undecided.…
The #CCPVirus ranked as the 2nd-most-important issue in the #2020Election, topped only by the #Economy and #Jobs, according to the survey.
The poll showed a significant surge for Trump in the 3 days following the #RNC2020.…
When asked, however, who they believe will win the #2020Election in November, an identical percentage of respondents (45 to 41) said Trump will win.
Meanwhile, The Epoch Times/Big Data poll found that support for #BLM is waning as a whole.…
Only 10% had a favorable view. 20% said they have no opinion, and 17% have never heard of it, according to the poll.
Nearly 12% of Democrats bought a gun in the past 3 months, and almost 19% of Republicans did so, the poll showed.…

#ViolentCrime has been on the upswing in recent months in major cities. Murder is up 24% in the country’s 50 largest cities, @WSJ reported.
The lead was built over the 1st wave in polling. The #GOP held a 6-point lead during the 2nd wave.…
“Democrats need a decent edge in the generic poll,” said Stephen Voss, a specialist in #Elections and #Voting behavior.
- 7% said they held a favorable view
- 19% had no opinion
- 11% said they’ve never heard of the CCP…
The July poll found 73% of respondents held unfavorable opinions of the regime, up 7% since the previous poll in March.
With all 5 polling days combined, Trump’s job approval stood at 46.1%.…
28% - #Economy
26.3% - #CCPVirus
15% - #Healthcare
9.3% - #Police and #Crime
6.2% - #Environmental issues
5.5% - #Immigration
5.2% - #NationalSecurity
4% - #Education…
He improved by several points on every issue, particularly on #Immigration and US-#China relations, where he opened roughly a 9-point lead on #Biden.
Over 36% opposed the idea and 19.5% were undecided, the poll, conducted Aug. 26-30 found.…
Opposition to a nationwide shutdown increases with age. Women also support a national lockdown much more than men, the poll found.