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Most recents (14)

1/10: 🧵 Welcome to this thread on #regression modeling strategies in #R! We'll discuss key techniques and packages to help you build effective models. Ready to dive in? Let's go! 🚀 #RStats #DataScience #Statistics Source:
2/10: 🌐 Linear Regression: Start with simple & multiple linear regression using 'lm()' function. Check out the 'broom' package for easy-to-use regression output! #RStats…
3/10:🏞️ Polynomial Regression: When data is nonlinear, try polynomial regression! Use 'poly()' to create higher-order terms. Beware of overfitting! #RStats
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Here's a list of almost ~all regression models used in machine learning. Make sure to try them out.

A Thread 🧵👇

#MachineLearning #regression #codanics #ArtificialIntelligence #DataScience #analysis #DataAnalytics #model #algorithm #pakdatasci Image
Read 7 tweets
Types of regression in finance - What are they? How to learn about them? This is your one-stop #Thread to the various types of regression.


#finance #regression #stockmarket #trading #trader #traderlifestyle #career #finance #machinelearning #algotrading
Read 4 tweets
Below is an on-going list of DD I have written. Each subject is organized into general topics with more DD tweeted and linked respectively. Any and all of my future analysis and research will be added to this pin.

The DD is never done.

The #Algorithm. The Ouroboros: Characterizing #GameStop share price and reverse engineering #HFT #algos.

10/4/21: Part 1…

11/18/21 Part 2… Image
Read 14 tweets
✔️ The difference between correlation and regression:…

#Correlation #Regression #Statistics #DataScience
1. Correlation: Correlation is a statistical measure that expresses the linear relation between two variables.
2. Regression: Regression analysis is a mathematical technique used to analyze some data, consisting of a dependent variable and one (or more) independent variables with the aim to find an eventual functional relationship between the dependent variable and the independent ones.
Read 3 tweets
Last Thursday (s. ; or for the full live stream, s. ), @SevimDagdelen from #DieLinke has discussed with @RaniaKhalek & @EugenePuryear esp. the recently decided & billion-dollar rearmament of the German #Bundeswehr... a result of the #RussianFederation's military invasion of #Ukraine, as officially justified by the #GermanFederalGovernment. A recommendable interview! Besides her opposition to such rearmament & the associated fundamental departure...
...from the so-called „#Entspannungspolitik“ established by #WillyBrand & #EgonBahr for #Germany's relationship with the #USSR (& also its territorially largest & politically strongest successor state in the form of the #RussianFederation),...
Read 59 tweets
Paul's Houseboy: A Degressol Story (Part 2): James has always considered himself an exclusive top, but since he's no longer contributing to the household income Paul has had enough of his swagger. #degressol #regression #muscletheft #toptobottom Image
Paul's Houseboy: A Degressol Story (Part 3): James has had his first Degressol shot, but he doesn't feel any different. He figures he's too much of a top to be affected by the drug. #degressol #regression #muscletheft #toptobottom ImageImageImage
Paul's Houseboy: A Degressol Story (Part 4): Feeling as confident and horny as ever after receiving his first Degressol shot, James proceeds to seduce and fuck his doctor. #degressol #regression #muscletheft #toptobottom ImageImageImage
Read 27 tweets
The language of quant crit is in its infancy but the practice has a long legacy dating back to Du Bois and Wells-Barnett.

Let's use #QuantCritSyllabus to feature studies that use critical quantitative methodologies and frameworks. I'll start.
#AcademicTwitter #SocAF #QuantCrit
The Racism-Race Reification Process: A Mesolevel Political Economic Framework for Understanding Racial Health Disparities by @aasewell

#QuantCritSyllabus #HealthDisparities #MortgageMarkets
#MergedDatabases #Multilevel #GeneralizedLinearModels…
Collateral Damage: The Health Effects of Invasive Police Encounters in New York City by @aasewell & Kevin Jefferson

#QuantCritSyllabus #Health #Policing
#NYC #CommunityHealthSurvey #StopQuestionandFrisk #MultilevelModels…
Read 18 tweets
Going to break-down how easy it is to use #autoML and more specifically JADBio AutoML. If you need an account to try it out, head over to and grab a free Basic plan. Ready? #data #ML (1/16)
STEP 1: You start by creating a Project on JADBio and generating all your study #data. That could either be data that has been processed and normalized by a #Bioinformatician, or public data available in the known data repositories (2/16)
If you’re using software for #molecular diagnosis like our Partner’s @QIAGEN OmicSoft Lands platform, your data is ready to be uploaded on JADBio. #ML 3/16
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1/ Excited to share how T cell therapies kill #leukemia!! multi-omics + new #computational #singlecell tools for longitudinal analysis 👉unexpected answer!…

*👏* @elhamazizi! 🙏 @dpeer Cathy Wu @MDAndersonNews @CPRITTexas @ColumbiaBME @sloan_kettering
2/ We studied donor lymphocyte infusion (DLI) - an #Immunotherapy for relapsed #leukemia after #BMT & the #og of #celltherapy. Previously, we showed DLI reversed T cell exhaustion - but didn't know why/how/which T cells were responsible...…
3/ To address these ?'s, we modeled intraleukemic T cell dynamics by integrating longitudinal, multimodal data from ~100K T cells (!) during response (R) or resistance (NR: nonresponder) to DLI.
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A fascinating conversation between Jan-Werner Müller
@Princeton and Rahel Jaeggi @HumboldtUni on what is needed to (re)democratise our #democracies.
These are my key insights on what can be deduced from this for a strong progressive strategy 👇🏽
As progressives, we have to be careful to use the concept of democratic #regression to describe the status quo of democracies. Rather than a regression, we currently witness an inability of democratic institutions to respond to systemic crises such as the climate crisis.
There are two central aspects that constitute this crisis: On the one hand, key social institutions such as central banks, financial markets or schools lack democratic ordering principles and with that democratic legitimacy.
Read 8 tweets
Here's a basic tutorial for how to do simple linear regression in R!

(all in one thread?!)

#regression #Rstats #datascience #tutorial #ecology #Rthread #linearmodel #dataanalysis #statistics

First we are going to load some data. Let's use the built-in "trees" dataset by running:


This dataset is based on 31 black cherry trees trunks: their diameter at breast height (DBH) in inches (girth), height in feet, and wood volume in cubic feet.

Let's first rename the columns for clarity:

names(trees) <- c("DBH_in","height_ft", "volume_ft3")

Read 15 tweets
From last year but wanted to share for those like me who are newcomers to or broadening their skills in #bioinformatics - really easy installation and usage (GitHub link supp). #AcademicTwitter #AcademicChatter #ScienceTwitter…
Also, for me watching #statsquest overview of ridge regression (Part 1) and lasso regression (Part 2) in tandem just made everything click more reading how precision lasso is different from lasso #Statistics #regression
And finally I recommend reviewing this @DataCamp review as well to get a better understanding of why you should use regularized regression (and what type) based on your data. It makes the paper much easier to understand! Plus useful #rstats on the side 😉…
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My answer to Why do you need to use Visual UI regression testing?…
Code related Regression Testing practices can’t be implemented in the same way in Visual UI. The reason being Visual UI are tested through behavioral #Usability Testing methods Qualitatively and Quantitatively. They should not be tested through Opinionated Approach.
There is no absolute way to decide proximity of a UI Element through opinion, on adding a new feature. Qualitative and Quantitative Usability Testing is relative and not absolute. Heuristic Evaluation (thumb rule approach to evaluate a UI by an Expert) is Opinionated
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