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Mar 22nd 2023
Day8⃣ of #100dayswithMachineLearning

Topic - Applications of Machine learning

#Machinelearning is a buzzword for today's #technology it is growing very rapidly day by day. We are using machine learning in our daily life even without knowing it such as @Google Maps, Google assistant, #Alexa, etc. Below are some most trending real-world applications of ML Image
✅ Image Recognition:
It is one of the most common applications of machine learning. It is used to identify objects, persons, places, #digital images, etc. The popular use case of image recognition and face detection is Automatic friend tagging suggestion…
Read 5 tweets
Mar 20th 2023
To understand the magnitude of this whole situation, one must understand all variables, including you

The amount of $MMTLP short interest is DIRECTLY TIED TO $TRCH (now $MMAT) common stock that was short going into the merger back in June of 2021. Image
And to preface this whole thing let's just remember one, very, VERY IMPORTANT FACT!
@nbhydrocarbons is a PRIVATE... non-trading, publicly REPORTING company.

The pandemic caused a lot of O&G tickers to suffer tremendously, including $TRCH after Crude Oil fell off a cliff which at one point hit -$40.32 a barrel.
I'm assuming the shorts were trying to delist $TRCH to scoop up the assets for pennies. Image
Read 38 tweets
Mar 11th 2023
Machine Learning (ML) algorithms have revolutionized spatial analysis, providing new insights into geographic data. Here's a list of popular ML algorithms used in #geospatial #DataScience
#DataScience #MachineLearning #SpatialAnalysis #gischat
K-means clustering is a popular unsupervised ML algorithm used for clustering and segmentation of spatial data. It's used to identify spatial patterns, group similar geographic features, and create thematic maps.
Random Forests is a supervised ML algorithm used for classification and regression tasks in Geospatial Data Science. It's used to predict land use, soil properties, and other geographic variables.
Read 7 tweets
Feb 15th 2023
🧠The term Artificial Intelligence is being used as a catch-all for a number of different disciplines but one particular use case may be more important than others: security.

🧐Here's how we use #AI to improve security

First of all, artificial intelligence just means the simulation of human thought by a computer. When you’re using a calculator, you’re already using a computer to “think for you” and do math.

Now you can use a computer to do things like pattern recognition. 🔳🔲🔳🔲🔳🔲
How? The short version is that if you give the computer a step-by-step explanation about how you look at something, you can run it over, and over, and over while correcting its mistakes along the way. 🔁
Read 14 tweets
Jan 25th 2023
THREAD: Under @elonmusk, Twitter has undergone many positive changes. Important voices have been reinstated and censorship has been largely abolished. However, the new #algorithm and the novel "For You" timeline are a problem, they boost scam posts and hold back good content.🧵⬇️
@elonmusk 2/ Have you also come across this person frequently in your timeline even though you don't follow him? I will explain to you using the example of @healthbyjames why scam accounts are suddenly popping up like mushrooms and why they pose a threat to quality posts.
@elonmusk @healthbyjames 3/ James has been scamming on Twitter for a year now. He averages a tweet every hour, but until the beginning of this year, he only managed to gain a few followers. Since then, he gained almost 70k and became one of the most influential Twitter accounts in the world. But how?
Read 18 tweets
Jan 22nd 2023
‼️ ICT Price Delivery (Fiyat Teslimatı) ‼️

Fiyat şu şekilde teslim edilir:

Genişletme -> Sipariş bloğu
Düzeltme -> Likidite boşluğu / Fvg
Ters çevirme -> Likidite havuzu
Konsolidasyon -> Denge / %50

#ICT #Price #Algorithm

Örnek grafik --> Image
Fiyat şuan hangi hareketi yaptı?
Sıradaki hareket ne?

Size bir tüyo:
Tüm hareketlerin her birine kafanızda bir kodlama yapıp bu kodları kombinleyerek kendinize bir model oluşturabilirsiniz.

Örnek: 2-4-1-3 (boğa) / 3-1-4-2(ayı) 🤪👊

----> ImageImageImageImage
Kütüphaneme kaydettiğim farklı görselleri harmanlayarak hazırladım. Traderların isimlerini hatırlamıyorum. Bilen varsa yorum bırakabilir daha fazla kaynağa ulaşabiliriz.

İçerik devamı için desteklerseniz sevinirim 🖤🥷
Read 3 tweets
Jan 8th 2023
🎯Day -17 on SQL Questions Series📓

▶️Today I Solved the #Olympic Gold Medal

Q17 ) In problem where we need to find player with no of gold medals won by them only for players who won only gold medals.?
📓Code Snippets :
Read 4 tweets
Jan 7th 2023
Day -16 on #Leetcode SQL Questions Series

🎯Today I Take a Question From
@LeetCode Platform 🔥

Q16 ) Write an SQL query to report all customers who never order anything.

Return the result table in any order.
🙌Thankyou @LeetCode for Providing such a great SQL Questions

📓Code Snippets : Image
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Jan 6th 2023
Day -15 on #Leetcode SQL Questions Series

🎯Today I Take a Question From @LeetCode Platform 🔥

Q15) A company's executives are interested in seeing who earns the most money in each of the company's departments. A high earner in a department is an employee who has a salary in the top three unique salaries for that department.
--- Write an SQL query to find the employees who are high earners in each of the departments.
Read 5 tweets
Jan 3rd 2023
Day -12 on #JPMorgan SQL Questions Series

Q12) Write a query that outputs the name of each credit card and the difference in issued amount between the month with the most cards issued, and the least cards issued. Order the results according to the biggest difference.
🫡Thankyou Shri @NickSinghTechSir For Creating Such a Great Platform
@DataLemurHQ For SQL & Data Science Learners

🖍️Code Snippet :
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Jan 2nd 2023
Day -11 on #TikTok SQL Questions Series

Q11) New TikTok users sign up with their emails & each user receives a text confirm to activate their Acc. Assume you r given below tables about email & text

Write query to display the id of the users who didn't confirm on the first day of sign-up but confirmed on the second day
🫡Thankyou Shri @NickSinghTechSir For Creating Such a Great Platform @DataLemurHQ For SQL & Data Science Learners

🖍️Code Snippet :
Read 4 tweets
Jan 2nd 2023
▶️You want to reach an intermediate SQL level inside a week 🔥

💯 I have the recipe for it

Yeah, no kidding. Seriously🫡

Source - Sidharth Kriplani Sir

1⃣Day One:
SQL Bolt (
Data science skill (
2⃣Day Two:
Average post hiatus (
Teams power users (
Cards issued difference (
Read 13 tweets
Jan 1st 2023
Day -🔟 on @facebook SQL Questions Series 🚀🎯

& Extremely sorry guys🙏 from last 2 days I am not posted but now onward i will Continue these series 😃🔥

Q10) Assume you have an events table on app analytics. Write a query to get the app’s click-through rate (CTR %) in 2022. Output the results in percentages rounded to 2 decimal places.
🫡Thankyou Shri @NickSinghTechSir For Creating Such a Great Platform @DataLemurHQ For SQL & Data Science Learners

🖍️Code Snippet : Image
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Nov 21st 2022
Today we announce a first in #TeamOneFist history - #cyber striking an operational #Russian #AI/#ML (#MachineLearning) model, in addition to a #power #grid #SCADA/#ICS!
This is Op.Neutrino, an electrical counterattack against #SPB, #Russia, and now, it's story is here. 1/4
At 17:00 local time, we assumed control over an @EnstoGroup #grid #automation #controller belonging to the DK Port substation. Timing was chosen to match peak usage hours. In addition to controlling power supply, it was supplying data for Rosenergo's FLISR fault #algorithm 2/4
From the controller, we successfully fed bad data into the FLISR #ArtificialIntelligence model, via the connected sensors. Then, we nuked it!
Every attack against #Ukraine will be avenged, every #RU #data model will be corrupted! 🇺🇦☢️👊3/4 #UkraineWillWin #cybersecurity #infosec
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Nov 16th 2022
I was watching the Personalization versus Customization video on the Nielsen Norman Group YouTube channel (). Looking from the lens of social psychology, I think a video on Personalization versus Comparison (Comparative Personalization) would sketch
the future roadmap of digital communication design. This is because I've been thinking about the many ways personalization can be taken advantage of socio-politically at a global level while watching the video 'How short-form video is rotting your brain?'
Read 7 tweets
Oct 21st 2022
A 🧵...cause I'm getting worried...

It's noteworthy that this @Sprott offering, so germane to the current #ESG zeitgeist, was cancelled. Market sentiment + a general lack of knowledge due to institutional collapse threatens us all.

#BatteryMetals Image

The total annihilation of the #MSM lies at the heart of resource ignorance. @RealClearNews makes an effort, but it's difficult to think outside your tribe if you don't already possess general knowledge about natural resources.

🧵 3/7

The average person is informed by #MSM who takes its cue from #politicians who are strong on virtue signalling and weak on policymaking.

Clean air and extra 💸 in your bank account - who wouldn't like that? Sign me up @JustinTrudeau ! 👇

Read 8 tweets
Sep 16th 2022
Here's a list of almost ~all regression models used in machine learning. Make sure to try them out.

A Thread 🧵👇

#MachineLearning #regression #codanics #ArtificialIntelligence #DataScience #analysis #DataAnalytics #model #algorithm #pakdatasci Image
Read 7 tweets
Jul 31st 2022
These are the 23 reasons why #TikTok is problematic in terms of #manipulation, #addiction and #privacy & why #children and #teenagers should be kept away from it:

(for those interested: the full article about the topic, with all relevant links:…)
1- Reduced space for #autonomy and #choice; videos are pushed to the user since 1st use. In a web that respects human dignity, people - especially #children and #teenagers - should get used to choose and think about what they want to be exposed to
2- Increased potential of #manipulation and #exposure of younger and more impressionable audiences, as the content will be pushed to them and they will be hooked by age-inappropriate content (and be recommended more content like this)
Read 25 tweets
Jun 30th 2022
I use engineering methods to analysis stocks such as $GME because the overall behavior is so well controlled that it behaves just like a systemic process.
Manufacturing engineering often uses the below chart to monitor live data. The upper and lower control limit (UCL /LCL) are used for quality controls. These values can be defined by a static value defined by requirement or general distribution of the population. Image
As a very general statement, $GME's"high-low" values appear to be constant despite how the average values ranged from ~$120-$300. If ~$120-$300 is considered the average, the UCL and LCL are static and not relative ratio to the values suggesting a user defined variable. ImageImage
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Jun 29th 2022
Below is an on-going list of DD I have written. Each subject is organized into general topics with more DD tweeted and linked respectively. Any and all of my future analysis and research will be added to this pin.

The DD is never done.

The #Algorithm. The Ouroboros: Characterizing #GameStop share price and reverse engineering #HFT #algos.

10/4/21: Part 1…

11/18/21 Part 2… Image
Read 14 tweets
Jun 16th 2022
✍️ XOR Data News ✍️

A general reflection on how the market works.

The #crypto market is a Darwinian system.

Before the start of new bullish runs for survivors, observed that :

Out of 12,922 #cryptos,

- Over 99% have fallen 70% from their all-time highs.
- Over 98% have fallen 90% from their all-time highs.
- Over 96% have fallen 99% from their all-time highs.

The probability of new bullish runs for the "survivors" is very high.

Our algorithm implements strategies exploiting the strengths of the best players in a Darwinian system and recalculates these "strengths" ("strengths" which mathematically correspond to the probability of the crypto c rising over the next x hours), every hour, night and day.

Read 8 tweets
Jan 9th 2022
1/ Recently a new game called #Wordle from @powerlanguish went viral.

Wordle challenges you to find a random word in 6 tries.

Its fun, simple and addictive. More importantly, it is a good chance for us to teach students about #ComputationalThinking (CT).

🕰 for a 🧵:
2/ CT s a problem solving framework; a systematic way of approaching a problem that can be used in any classroom and with any age of learners.

CT is broken into 4 distinct parts:

- Decomposition 🧩
- Pattern Recognition ⠻
- Abstraction 🧊 > ⬜️
- Algorithm 📍
3/ To learn more about the 4 parts of CT, check out this video from Google:

Or, if you're ready for a dive deep, check out this video from @UCCSEd leader Tim Bell:
Read 14 tweets
Nov 20th 2021
Being an #expert in #SEO means you have to keep track of #Google's updates and algorithms. So, How can you do that? 🧐

A #thread on the #updates to Google's algorithm & how to track them 🔍

#searchengineoptimization #digitalmarketing #marketing #marketingtips Image
First, Google updates its search #Algorithm thousands of times a year. And these changes or updates can either help or hurt you. Keeping #monitoring #tools to track is handy and smart! 😎
Why should you track it? 🔍
If you’re in the profession of optimizing websites and content for #SearchEngenes. It makes sense to keep track of big and important changes that could impact your SEO strategy and tactics. 👌🏻
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