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Mar 29th 2023
A 🧵on key findings on the status of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons as of 31 December 2022, published today in the 2022 edition of the Nuclear Weapons Ban Monitor. #TPNW #nuclearban 1/12
At 31.12.2022 #TPNW had 68 states parties+26 signatories that had not yet ratified. Now 27 signatories. Only 4 more signatures/accessions needed for the Treaty to reach 50% of all states. With other supporters, total support is 70.5%. 15 states are undecided, and 43 opposed. 2/12
In 2022, the TPNW gained 9 new states parties, and 5 new signatories. Several of the other supporters have started preparations to join the Treaty. 3/12
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Feb 16th 2023
Der geschätzte Stefan Kornelius schreibt via @SZ über Putins nukleare Drohungen als den "Krieg im Krieg". Er macht den politischen Zwiespalt deutlich und wie schwer politische Entscheidungen in diesem Zusammenhang sind. Was tun? Ein THREAD…
"Eine nukleare Eskalation mit einer sogenannten kleinen Bombe wäre ein Albtraum für die ganze Welt. Nicht minder verheerend wäre aber die Kapitulation vor der Nukleardrohung. Hätte sie Erfolg, wäre ein Geschäftsmodell für alle Nuklear-Despoten der Welt etabliert. " Ich stimme zu
Unterstützung - finanziell, humanitär, diplomatisch, militärisch - für die Ukraine ist also im Sinne aller Staaten, die sich nicht nuklear erpressen lassen wollen. Was können diese Staaten aber tun, um das nukleare Risiko zu senken? Stigmatisieren, Isolieren, Abrüsten!
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Jan 22nd 2023
1. Oggi, due anni fa, entrava in vigore il Trattato per la proibizione delle #arminucleari #TPNW - voluto dalla #societàcivile internazionale - che sancisce l’illegalità delle armi nucleari e ne vieta l’uso, lo sviluppo, i test, la produzione, la fabbricazione, l’acquisizione, >
2. il possesso, l’immagazzinamento, il trasferimento, la ricezione, la minaccia di usare, lo stazionamento, l’installazione o il dispiegamento. Ratificato ad oggi da 68 Stati.
Eppure le #potenzeatomiche continuano a sviluppare, ammodernare, diffondere e brandire la #minaccia >
3. di quest'arma illegale."Non #arma ma #nemico", come la definiva #GüntherAnders.Anche il nostro Paese è complice dell'#illegalità e #targetnucleare nello stesso tempo: complice perché non ha ancora sottoscritto il Trattato, target perché "ospita" testate nucleari statunitensi >
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Aug 27th 2022
Of course Russia is responsible for blocking consensus at #NPTRevCon, but make no mistake, the outcome document was stripped of any meaningful commitments through a joint effort of nuclear armed states and their allies.
The document failed to condemn nuclear threats, and Russia watered down the commitment by NWS to not threaten non-nuclear weapon states to become empty and meaningless. This was of course done so Russia can keep threatening to use nuclear weapons as it wishes.
The document saw the deletion of the call for a moratorium on fissile materials. This was done by China, so it is able to increase its nuclear arsenals.
Read 8 tweets
Aug 26th 2022
🧵1/ #NPT state parties are in the final hours to adopt or not adopt an outcome document for the #10RevCon. Here is what you should know. Image
2/ There are a number of issues that could cause states to break consensus in the final stages of the #NPTRevCon, including disagreements over AUKUS, the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant in Ukraine, the Middle East, and more.
3/ What we know is that, whether they succeed or not, they’re failing -- we have seen the drafts on the table and it’s clear that, no matter what, they are not going to advance their disarmament obligations with the urgency the current security environment requires. #NPTRevCon
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Aug 4th 2022
The Secretary-General of the Agency for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in Latin America and the Caribbean (OPANAL), Ambassador Flávio Roberto Bonzanini, delivered a statement during the General Debate of the #NPTRevCon, where he highlighted…

…the urgency of all the States belonging to the Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zones to agree on the dates for convening the IV #NWFZ Conference and that if it is not held, prior to the start of the work of the NPT, it must not set a precedent…

…a memorandum presented, as requested, by @OPANAL includes information regarding compliance with the #TreatyOfTlatelolco, relations with other NWFZ's, IGO's and the activities regarding Gender and Education for disarmament and non-proliferation 🧵 3/9…
Read 9 tweets
Jul 10th 2022
🧵1/4 In Vienna, history was made 🎉🎉🎉 Here are three highlights from the outcomes of the #TPNW1MSP that explain why it's so revolutionary in its plan to end nuclear weapons. #nuclearban
2/4 Condemning nuclear threats: in response to Russia’s nuclear threats and the increasing dangers of nuclear war, states made clear in the Vienna Declaration that nuclear threats are never acceptable.
3/4 Specific to-dos: States agreed on a 50 point action plan to end nuclear weapons including everything from spreading the word on the #humanitarian harm of nuclear weapons, to assisting survivors of nuclear weapons use and testing and planning a trust fund for affected states.
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Jun 5th 2022
Later this month, Vienna will host the first meeting of #TPNW state-parties and several events focused on the humanitarian consequences of nuclear use. I want to use this chance to put a face to "consequences." 1/6
Meet Dmitrii-a friendly driver of a local equivalent of Uber in Semipalatinsk. Dmitrii was born to a Kazakh mother from Semipalatinsk & a Russian father from Novosibirsk in '76, 13 years after the last Soviet atmospheric test at the Semipalatinsk nuclear test site.. 2/6
...during the period of underground nuclear testing. Dmitrii was diagnosed with a genetic mutation. He has altered skull bones and missing collarbones. 3/6
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Feb 23rd 2022
We have an exciting announcement today here at @nuclearban. We all know that academic & policy research on nuclear weapons is often dominated (and often funded) by supporters of nuclear weapons, and fails to reflect a diversity of perspectives from around the world.
That's why we will provide research grants on issues like nuclear disarmament, public opinion & nuclear weapons, humanitarian & environmental impacts of nuclear weapons, nuclear weapons intersectionality, climate change & nuclear weapons, & international law such as the #TPNW
Research grants will range from 5’000-10’000 CHF, is open to scholars with a range of education and experience and can cover different types of research and publication activities. Read more here:…
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Jan 22nd 2022
🔖 TPNW Facts (1/4)👇 Image
✔️ The Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons #TPNW is the first multilateral nuclear disarmament treaty in more than two decades. (2/4)
The #TPNW currently has 86 signatories and 59 States parties. As per Article 8, paragraph 2, of the Treaty: "the first meeting of States Parties shall be convened by the Secretary- General of the United Nations within one year of the entry into force of this Treaty." (3/4)
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Sep 28th 2021
At the #UNGA High-level plenary for the International Day for the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons, 🇳🇬Nigerian🇳🇬President @MBuhari "congratulate[s] member states on the entry into force of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in January of this year." [1/3]
[2/3] Nigeria was "honored to join other countries in the core group to co-sponsor the resolution that led to the adoption of the [#TPNW]," and calls upon "other member states who have yet to sign and ratify the [#nuclearban] treaty to follow suit".
[3/3] Nigeria "reiterate[s] the need for all the prohibitions identified in the new [#nuclearban] treaty to be observed by all member states of the United Nations." #IDTENW
Read 59 tweets
Sep 27th 2021
🧵1/ The opening for signature of the #CTBT 25 years ago was incredibly important for int'l peace and security after decades of nuclear testing with catastrophic humanitarian consequences. As states meet today at the UN Security Council, they must act to bring it into force‼️
2/ The #CTBT established the first international ban on underground and atmospheric nuclear testing and created an international monitoring system for nuclear tests. It has near universal support and has perpetuated a global moratorium on nuclear testing➡️
3/Survivors of nuclear weapons use and testing have played a key role in achieving both the #CTBT and #nuclearban which complements the CTBT’s ban on testing and includes landmark provisions to assist survivors of nuclear tests and to begin to remediate contaminated environments.
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Sep 15th 2021
Australia’s decision to purchase nuclear powered submarines, part of a broader Australia-United Kingdom-United States (AUKUS) partnership, has many diverse implications. Early days yet, but it ties Australia further into US nuclear warfighting strategies and containment of China.
A big blow to Australia-France relations and President Macron’s “India-Australia-France” alliance. France’s Indo-Pacific strategy has been based in part on arms sales to India, Australia and ASEAN, so the loss of the $90 billion submarine contract with Naval Group will hurt.
From ANZUS to AUKUS: further tying Australia into the Anglosphere leaves Aotearoa more isolated in current strategic thinking. New Zealand’s bi-partisan anti-nuclear policy and ratification of the Treaty on Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons #TPNW will create long-term tensions.
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May 18th 2021
Today, my #book

“The Treaty Prohibiting #NuclearWeapons: how it was achieved and why it matters”

is published by @routledgebooks, written during my 2019-20 sabbatical @KingsCollegeLon

➡️ more information see
#nuclearban #TPNW #HINW
2) I am very proud of and grateful that my book on #TPNW has received such great endorsements from
Mohamed @ElBaradei, Angela Kane @kaneview, Desmond Browne, @JodyWilliams97, Ramesh Thakur, Bill @PotterCNS and @DarylGKimball
The book presents the history of the #HumanitarianInitiative & the process leading to #TPNW from 2010-17.
Having been centrally involved in this process, it is a first-hand account of how the extraordinary cooperation of #states & #civilsociety made the #TPNW happen @nuclearban
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Feb 19th 2021
Amazing news to kick off the weekend: we have not one but TWO ratifications of the #nuclearban treaty, Comoros & the Philippines!đź‘Ź Great show of support, a little under a month since the treaty entered into force. Congratulations to all involved @DFAPHL @MaeciDiplomatie #thread
Next to ratifying the #TPNW, Comoros also ratified the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty #CTBT, highlighting just how strongly they support a world without nuclear weapons & the complementary nature of the treaties. @Azali_officiel @Beit_Salam @MaeciDiplomatie @ctbto_alerts
The Philippines was among the first countries to sign the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons back in 2017. It said then: “If we listen to each other, we will hear the same thing: We have no need for nuclear weapons.”
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Jul 7th 2020
Way to celebrate the 3rd anniversary of the #nuclearban treaty: Fiji has just become the 39th state to ratify the #nuclearban treaty! 👏Congratulations @FijiMissionUN 👏 Fiji’s ratification is all the more important because of its experience of the impacts of nuclear testing.
Between 1957 and 1958, Fijian soldiers participated in 9 UK nuclear weapons tests at Malden and Kiritimati (Christmas) Islands. The Pacific region faced 300+ nuclear tests over half a century, which left a terrible human & environmental legacy.
Even today, the regions where the tests occurred remain unsafe to live, grow food, or go fishing. The tests have permanently displaced people & disconnected them from their traditional way of life.
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Mar 27th 2019
Right, it's time for a serious rant. This has been building for a while, but it's been brought to a head by the debacle at the Conference on Disarmament yesterday ("Creating an Environment for Nuclear Disarmament"). Read on - it's not what you think. #TPNW #CEND 1/n
Required reading to follow this rant:

Chris Ford's presentation to the CD:…

Summary of the subsequent discussion:…

First, credit where it is due: to CD president @USAmbCD for organizing a substantive discussion on nuclear disarmament; to the US for bringing something to the table; and to Russia for responding constructively. #PleasantlySurprised #TPNW #CEND 3/n
Read 17 tweets

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