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#WHO has not said that "#bacteriological #weapons" are produced in #UkraineImage
‘Reuters also, quoting #UN officials, writes that #WHO, in its work with #Ukraine, "is not aware of any activity in the country that would violate international treaties 'including #chemical or #biological #weapons'".
Therefore, there is no evidence that the health #laboratories referred to by #WHO in its note to the #Ukrainian government are used to produce #biological #weapons, as erroneously claimed in the post under analysis.
Read 9 tweets
“Get It”?

MIRRORS (whole building = one giant mirror) ARE POWERFUL TOOLS.

It would upset me for the longest time thinking about all who have done all they have in time not able to receive the love & appreciation for all they have done to preserve what evil has been trying
So hard to erase from everyones lives …
Most knew from the time they started helping it was “ALL FOR A 🦌 BUCK” …

They had to trust what it was they were doing would be translated to the world in A way for the world to see with their eyes wide open ..

Layer has been pretty much put together the way Wrestling is—All scripted predetermined outcomes ..
If evil was scripting staged world changing attacks upon the world to push the masses into A specific direction that benefited evil, good had to counter evil somehow.
Read 41 tweets
Dancing is not a crime. Misinformation networking should be.

“To counteract the infodemic and false information, governments should monitor false information, expose networks of false information & consider holding publishers of false information liable @TasLiberal
🧵 ImageImageImageImage
Deceived, gaslit, and encouraged into accepting mass infection, the situation is dire. Time is running out to prevent disease progression in countless infected Tasmanians. #politas ImageImageImage
“panel of 386 academic, health, non-governmental organization, government and other experts in COVID-19 response from 112 countries and territories to recommend specific actions to end this persistent global threat to public health”

Read 7 tweets
Ist "»Demokratie« tatsächlich noch zur Beschreibung »unserer Politik und unseres polit. Systems« angemessen… oder handelts es "sich bei der Verwendung dieses Begriffs lediglich »um eine zynische Geste« …, »mit der eine zutiefst manipulative Politik getarnt werden soll«
Wolin Image
Kein neuer Diktat-Frieden von Stralsund!

Ukraine-Krieg: Friedensgespräche im Rathaus? Die spinnen, die Stadtverordneten der Hansestadt. Dank kritischer Medienberichte muss man sich um die Demokratie wirklich nicht die geringste Sorge machen. Eine…
Give Peace a Chance

Kein Ende des Tötens und Zerstörens im Ukraine-Krieg: Wie bestimmte Narrative Friedensverhandlungen…
Read 34 tweets
Let’s say I’m some super rich elite (I’m not & just using myself as an example), I come up with A group call the “The Illusionati” & recruit MILLIONS of people to be apart of “Illusionati” …
Those MILLIONS of people consist of Production companies, Music/Record labels, judges,
Lawyers, letter agencies, Government (both parties), Entertainment, talk radio, police, sports, Medical/Pharma, all Technology companies, Small businesses, Big corporations, Oil, Lumber, construction companies, TABLOIDS, MSM & whatever/whoever else that chooses to accept being A
Puppet Following whatever script they’re given from their producers, executive producer or directors —I would then plan out the next 47 years & give that script out to those who are trustworthy enough who would then hand it down to whoever else they chose to Cary on with the
Read 34 tweets
@euphoniYum @spriter99880 1/3. There is a #Power called "#Evolution" and the #Survival of the best "#Fit".
To #Unite many #Different views into 1 and giving up one's OWN desires for that of the GROUP, Homo Sapiens Sapiens developed #DNA-caused "#Group #Thinking", to change from #Many views to #ONE.
@euphoniYum @spriter99880 2/3. >>But these #Genetics are #Predictable and can be #Manipulated by the #Few.
Mass-Psychologists, in #Think #Tanks of the ruling class in the West, Oligarchs, developed "#NLP" or "#Neuro-#Linguistic #Programming", known as "Marketing", Brain Washing and yes... Propaganda.
@euphoniYum @spriter99880 3/3. >>Key is the presence of "#Fear", "#Uncertainty" & "#Chaos".
An article about this Geopolitical tool used by the #Empire from #SouthFront, blocked by Twitter.
The URL is in the top of the page. That will work.
scroll👇1st page
SouthFront👉👈via Archive
Read 4 tweets
This is a list of #Democratic candidates that are running in 2022 against #GOP incumbents. Please follow and support them.
All these candidates are working hard to #SaveOurDemocracy
Let’s #unite and #VoteBlue2022
@1marcolopez Governor AZ
@aaron4az Governor AZ
@Abby4Iowa vs Chuck Grassley Senate IA
@abbybroyles vs Stephanie Bice House OK electoral objector
@adammgentle vs Mario Diaz Balart House FL electoral objector
@AlexLasryWI vs Ron Johnson
@AlishaKShelton vs Don Bacon House NE
@AllenBGlines vs Mike Lee Senate UT
@AllenforMA Charlie Baker Governor MA
@AllenLEllison vs Marco Rubio Senate FL
@Amaro_Lionheart vs Ron DeSantis Governor FL
@Annette_Taddeo vs Ron DeSantis Governor FL
@AnnieAndrewsMD vs Nancy Mace House SC
Read 32 tweets
Not being funny but perhaps everyone who previously labelled benefits claimants as scroungers, malingerers and far worse, could recognise the difficulties involved.
Maybe imagine also trying to live on a 5th of their income, with #disabilities on top 》》…
Almost everyone learned these past 18mths how being unable to earn their own money feels & the #depression that causes; the instability & #stress that brings to a home, family & relationships.

Maybe remember too that whilst able bodied, you were helped during the #pandemic 》》
While I fully understand that losing that help now is a huge blow (trust me I know), it should be understood that the most #vulnerable received precisely zero help. In a period where delivery slots were taken by able bodied people & buses were a no-go, our costs skyrocketed 》》
Read 10 tweets
THREAD: If you’re still unsure whether or not Trump planned and #Incited the #Insurrection with his #BigLie about the election being stolen, failure to concede, and committing to peaceful transfer of power. Let’s agree to disagree.


2/ We must not ignore what Trump failed to do. Once the mob overran the Capitol PD, broke into the Capitol bldg, and the #Insurrection was underway, Trump REFUSED to call off the #Insurgents awaiting HIS instruction. He even told them he’d be w/them.

3/ Trump’s Campaign planned the rally and invited the mob. D.C. Mayor Bowser was ready on December 31st. The #Insurgents said Trump took care of the Nat Guard for THEM. They KNEW the Nat’l Guard wouldn’t be on site and the ~2,000 Capitol PD force could be easily overrun. —>>
Read 5 tweets
Some funny goings on in #Liverpool under the stewardship of #JoeAnderson 👀

My current viewpoint might be influenced by some of the TV shows I watched during lockdown #Subura #Gomorrah #GangsOfLondon #LineOfDuty

But, it has a whiff of a Mafia fiefdom🤯…
- Merseyside Police investigating City Council
- Lancashire Police - #OperationSheridan
- Serious Fraud Office, North West Serious Crimes Unit & GMP investigating property scams
- Council finances not being signed off by an auditor for the last 5 years

Something smells fishy🐟👀
Now, I realise it sounds bonkers to link TV shows about the Italian Mafia and how they infiltrate local councils and municipalities - I mean, that wouldn't happen in Lancashire or Merseyside... would it!?

Well, ye. It would...

Have a look 👀…
Read 35 tweets
"The CWC notes that internal party issues cannot be deliberated through the #media or public fora. CWC urges and advises all concerned to raise such issues only in party fora," states KC Venugopal, #CWC member while addressing the media. Image
I believe Shri Rahul Gandhi should take over the #Congress party Chief: Randeep Singh Surjewala (@rssurjewala) at the #CWC media briefing.
"I do not hold any ill will against any #Congress members, however hurtful the remarks," said Sonia Gandhi at the party virtual meet today, as per #CWC briefing.
Read 4 tweets
I hear Birds. And it’s 7:18 am on [ 🦊 ] I’m not Q << no Comms > outside LOL 😂 yaw BUTT HURT over [ AS ] << so What. #IAMQ TOO. WE FAM STILL. NO DIVISION JUST BIENG HONEST. ARE WE NOT ALL A LITTLE Q.uestionable ! Lol. #WhenDoBirdsSing
Does 7:18 am = Qdrop 781. Going through the military q op. program. I was like am I under something or can I justbfake news. I mean you do see all the crumbs holding into 🍞 being dished out back 2the mass 2bconsumed the way it is. We know some1 was singing like a canary
When I was watching the news and I heard the birds chirp I looked at the clock and I was like my eyes are wide open. 🦅 song >>?? Who knows. But the dominoes are falling in the map is lining up. 🚢 🚢 🚢 Titanic events are occurring
Read 93 tweets
WE THE ]#PEOPLE[ Have to Pick Up Where Our #Founders Left Off. Protect The #Nation Protect the #Family, [Protect the #Children] living in our Great #UnitedStates of #AMERICA..


This is for the like #minds, and everyday #thinkers who do right and care for the future of our nation. IF you just found out #WELCOME!! #America Needs you!, We need you!

We #communicate, post, #network and RESEARCH #RESEARCH @WhiteHouse
RESEARCH, #INFORM REPEAT...(and #joke poke & prodd #ideas/people minus the hate of course(sometimes) (we get it)). get the #word out!! If 💩 hits the fan! Just know WE r HERE& #TRUST we R #UNITED! Please #Guide and #Teach like mind who will add @NSAGov
Read 41 tweets
#Rational thinking is the ability to consider the #Relevant variables of a situation and to access, organize, and analyze #Relevant information to arrive at a #Sound conclusion. Confine oneself to the facts as they are. Do not add to it with your #Bias.
@TulsiGabbard was referring to this one incident only: at a fundraiser in New York on Tuesday night June 18, 2019, Biden tried to back up his claim that one of his greatest strengths was to “bring people together.” 1/
Biden then used an extreme example of people with whom he had major disagreements but still “#GotThingsDone” within the Senate. But today DEM and GOP Become enemies. 2/
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Good to see joint union action by @BirminghamUCU, @BhamUniUnison, #UNITE & #GMB in their joint demands to the #UniversityofBirmingham on pay, equality, casualisation, and workload as per the nationally agreed framework. 1/4
Their report is well worth a read for those interested in the relationship between national and local negotiation targets; and, especially for academic staff, the often much more vulnerable position of support-staff co-workers at #UniversityofBirmingham. 2/4
Good to see in the report, though this is necessarily a limited selection: (a) UNISON & UCU local branch resolutions demanding a 10:1 pay cap between senior managers & the lowest paid, and (b) a demand for properly subsidised childcare for staff at #UniversityofBirmingham. 3/4
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I'm gonna be releasing a record. You know me, I don't believe brexit is the will of the people. I don't blame many Leave voters for their vote. Many thought they were helping the NHS. They were lied to. I believe that most people are united in not wanting to hurt the country 1/
I believe the ref was all about a small group of people engineering an ideological takeover, to take control of the country, and concentrate wealth and power in the hands of unelected boardrooms because believe that it's better that way. They care little for democracy 2/
This group used their influence and wealth to essentially con many voters into unwittingly backing their coup. They used fraudulent, covert and illegal methods which the voting public was not aware of. We have seen masses of evidence of that 3/
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Manafort & SC reach tentative plea deal

Kavanaugh sought to cap 9/11 payouts to victims' families at $500K

McRaven resigned from Pentagon board days after blistering op-ed on Trump

Manafort & Trump's lawyers & have regular contact & share confidential info.🤔

DiFi: GOP killed DEM motion, this one to subpoena iManny Miranda who have knowledge of Kavanaugh’s use of stolen Dem strategy memos on judicial nominees.

DiFi: GOP killed another DEM motion to subpoena docs related to Kavanaugh’s views on presidential power.

Trump privately calls Mattis ‘Moderate Dog’: report

Scott Pruitt, Former E.P.A. Chief, Is in Talks for His Next Job: Coal Consultant

The IRS is warning retirees of this impending tax surprise

American jets intercept Russian aircraft flying west of Alaska
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🤡WitchesFound 🤡

📌The President Is a mobster - decades = RU 💰💦

The 2016 elex was won b/c of a cover-up of illegal conduct to hide the truth from voters😱

NYS investigators issued a subpoena to Cohen as part of Trump Foundation probe.🍿

📌Has NYS opened a criminal probe?🍿
💦Deluge 💦

The most damaging thing re Cohen did to Trump was that the DOJ (📌not Democrats) allowed Cohen to enter a guilty plea whose factual basis was that Trump had directed him in the commission of a crime.

Manafort had Kilimnik, who was a pawn of RU GRU as his alter ego.
💦Deluge 3💦

45 thinks he can hold on to his base, if he keep throwing red meat & fooling them.

Shameless grifter GOO Rep. Hunter of CA 'excited' to go to trial. Will he blame PBO/HRC?

Cohen: “At the request of the candidate...for the purpose of influencing the election”
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Trump is obstructing justice in plain sight as he tweeted out to Sessions to shut down Mueller's probe into RU interference in the 2016 elex.

Mueller wants to askTrump about obstruction of justice.

Who says COLLUSION is a crime?

⚖️The Justice Department

Three members of the notorious international cybercrime group “Fin7” In US custody for role in attacking over 100 US companies. 🤗
Paul Manafort = Evidence of Collusion with the Kremlin

Trump & Manafort have known each other since the 1980s.

Manafort Trial Day 2: Fake bills (💰wash), a banned word & a Rick Gates surprise, a parade of luxury vendors testify for the pros’n

Senate GOP kill extra funds for elex security despite intel warning & evidence hacking has already occurred targeting DEMs
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Silly #TeamTraitors do nothing but lie about their dealings w/ RU. SiGINTfuqqed.

Bannon: “The chance that DonJr did not walk these Jumos up to his father’s office on the 26th floor is zero”

Bernie’s strategist Tad Devine is set to testify against Manafort. 🍿

The Trump admin is talking to FB & Google about potential rules for online privacy

Rep Salwell: Tells Michael Cohen Now Is The Time To Cooperate With Mueller

DeVos is eliminating rules aimed at abuses by for-profit colleges.

Trump has called for the creation of a new military branch. So far, Congress is ignoring him.

Manafort witness list for trial is released

Patriots United is a new political movement seeking members from left, right and center to find solutions.
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🕰Tick Tock🕰

Is Mueller coming for Roger Stone tomorrow? Who else? 🍿

Tin Pot Trump wants to strip security clearances from officials who despise him.👿

#TeamTrumpTreason is wrong about Carter Page, the dossier & that pesky FISA warrant

#TeamTrumpTreason is #FinCENFuqqed💰
🕰Tick Tock🕰

Many GOPs have tacitly enabled or actively aided in efforts to pervert the basic functions of gov’t in service of preventing the full truth about RU sabotage of US democracy from becoming publicly known, all to shield Trump & themselves from accountability.

Andrei Kozyrev warns Trump’s anti-American talking points came straight from Putin.

Mueller asking if Manafort promised banker Steven Calk a WH job in return for loans

Manafort's VA case: Judge granted gov’t’s motion for immunity to 5 potential govt witnesses.
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2017, Burr & Warner requested any & all SARS (bank trans deemed "suspicious" or "derogatory”) re Butina, Torshin, Trump, Erickson & more & reports are still incoming.🤗

Schiff: Surveillance warrant docs show that Nunes memo 'misrepresented & distorted these apps’

Furniture removed from Ecuadorian embassy amid reports of handing Assange over to UK

Butina met with U.S. Treasury, Fed officials

LN: “Cambridge Analytica magically involved in 4 potentially compromised elex now:

Brexit, tRUmp, Kenya, Mexico.” And more per LM.

Trump says stock market gains since elex give him opportunity to wage a trade war: 'We’re playing with the bank's money'😱

Of course Carter Page denies being a RU agent after wiretap application released🙄

Ecuador 'close' to evicting Assange from London Embassy🤗
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JDN: “The plan was for Trump to invoke the indictment both in private meetings &

in the public news conference afterward, toshove it in Putin’s face and look strong doing it...

He did the exact opposite.”

An agreement to hand over Assange to the UK is close.

Trump Signals Consequences for Michael Cohen Over Secret Recording.

Unconfirmed: The withdrawal of asylum & physical ejection of Assange could come as early as this week.

More than 100 separated children reunited with parents in Phoenix🤗

Mossad Says It Helped Foil an Iranian Terror Attack in France

@GOP Bow to White House on Chinese Telecom Firm ZTE, thus condone giving China the ability to spy on Americans via ZTE electronics.

Inside Bannon's Plan to Hijack Europe for the Far-Right
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Ex-DNI confirms on 1/6/17 Trump was briefed on Putin's involvement in 2016 election

KT McFarland top Trump transition official in private email: RU 'has just thrown' the election to Trump

After 1/6/17 intel brief, Trump says Russia had no impact on election.

Trump knows he is illegitimate.

Pence, Pompeo, Flynn, Bossert, Preibus &K.T. McFarland attended the briefing along w/ then President-elect Trump.

In recording, Netanyahu boasts Israel convinced Trump to quit Iran nuclear deal

The Double Down From Hell Trump has formally invited Vladimir Putin to visit the White House this fall

The Financial Conduct Authority said on Thursday that it is investigating around 75 firms & individuals in the U.K. for anti-money laundering failings
Read 57 tweets

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