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Nov 3rd 2022
Polls say Dems will lose both House & Senate in a few days. Yet Biden CAN'T ask for your vote based on Dems' abominable record. Instead he pretends the evil GOP threatens "democracy." The ONLY way Dems could win is by theft, which Biden's words suggest...
So patriots, don't take victory for granted. We must #VoteRedToSaveAmerica and come out in huge numbers, because we cannot trust these nonstop liars to not try to steal THIS election too. Image
Read 9 tweets
Oct 24th 2022
If you want our free & sovereign nation devastated into oblivion, vote for Dems!

But if you want to SAVE America, vote for #America1st GOP candidates in EVERY race. STOP Dems from turning us into a woke, broke, socialist hell-hole! #VoteREDtosaveAmerica...
Dem agenda: Keep spending US into worse inflation & stagflation; billions on Ukraine/Russia conflict during recession as domestic problems worsen; defund law enforcement as crime wave takes over cities; no-cash bail policies letting criminals roam streets...
Promote open border policies that prioritize illegals “rights” over those of US citizens; ignore open borders bringing in fentanyl, sex trafficking, crime, endangering national security...
Read 10 tweets
Oct 22nd 2022
Emperor Xi ruthlessly consolidates power; Trudeau bans handguns; Biden's FBI & DOJ persecutes political enemies. And if elected, Dems will remove filibuster, pack Court, change voting laws, add new states, let in more illegals for votes. Welcome to Commie USA
Biden and his handlers are in the same way seeking to publicly humiliate and destroy President Trump. It's all about power, not justice. Wake up!
Patriots, the communist tactics of other nations are not just a distant possibility, but already happening here. #VoteRedToSaveAmerica
Vote Republican!…
Read 5 tweets
Oct 14th 2022
This thread will get a little crazy, but I do hope you enjoy the ride:

#ThugLife #SocietalDecay #gore #SocietalCollapse
Read 48 tweets
Oct 13th 2022
Won't submit to the leftist cult? Better be prepared to maybe lose your job, get cancelled by your bank, be raided & arrested by the FBI, or accused of domestic terrorism. Is this how Democrats "save democracy"? #VoteRedToSaveAmerica…
The above tweet is not hyperbole. It's all happening NOW under Biden's fascist regime.

For example, vaccine mandates impacted millions and got many fired for not getting the jab...…
Lawsuit: Woman Illegally Fired for Opposing Gender-Altering Treatments…
Read 10 tweets
Oct 10th 2020
#America!!! Do we understand yet who and what the hell these people are and what they want to do to us “normal” people? Dont ignore them! They really do hate us. We have to send them a message in the voting booth in November! #VoteRedToSaveAmerica #VoteForYourLives #Trump2020
These people are Mao, Pol Pot, and Stalin all rolled up into one evil dictator wannabe! The only difference is these people are stark raving mad to boot! Don’t be complacent! Vote!
@threadreaderapp please unroll
Read 3 tweets
Oct 6th 2020
The truth about @realDonaldTrump in 6 clips. Watch it. SHARE IT. This needs to circulate, not die on your doorstep.

#Trump2020. Do your part.
#VoteRedToSaveAmerica #BidenDementia #BidenRACIST
Found thanks to the @marklevinshow
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#Trump2020. Do your part.
#VoteRedToSaveAmerica #BidenDementia #BidenRACIST
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#Trump2020. Do your part.
#VoteRedToSaveAmerica #BidenDementia #BidenRACIST
Read 6 tweets
Sep 25th 2020
It is unbelievable that any Christian could vote Democrat! They took “ In God We Trust” out of the Pledge of Allegiance! They Support Abortion even Infanticide! They push Pedophilia ! Socialism will destroy Our Country! We won’t even have the right to be Christians! Wake Up!
The Democrats will open our borders to the world and disarm us! Triple our taxes , take away our private insurance! Under Obama care our insurance premiums tripled ! We will be paying for millions of illegal criminals insurance ! #VoteRedToSaveAmerica
The Democrats will defund our Police and Abolish ICE! How will we Protect ourselves and our Children? Ppl better start thinking! President Trump and the First Lady were Saved and they Stand and Fight for Our Christian and Family Values!
Read 3 tweets
Sep 22nd 2020
.@FreeBeacon #VIP2020

.@PILFoundation, an #Indiana-based #ElectionIntegrity group, conducted a nationwide study to identify the hundreds of thousands of deceased individuals on voter rolls.

.@FreeBeacon #VIP2020

During its analysis, @PILFoundation also found that nearly 40,000 likely duplicate registrants "appear to have cast second votes in 2018 from the same address."

.@FreeBeacon #VIP2020

#NewYork, #Texas, #Michigan, #Florida, and #California—accounted for 51 percent of the total number of deceased individuals on voter rolls, according to @PILFoundation.

Read 9 tweets
Sep 9th 2020
Well imagine my complete and utter shock.


#HealthFreedom is a thing. Learn about it and fight for it. #MAGA Image
The greatest danger from the idea that a safe, effective covid vaccine might be able to be developed, is that the idea of mandatory vaccination (of any kind) should take hold, anywhere.

Even pro-vaxxers don't support that, bc it boomerangs.

God-given rights are a thing.
Our rights come from God, or nature, and they are not to be infringed, even in a pandemic.

Especially in a pandemic.

The only country with a real track record of protecting your rights for 244 years is the #USA. God bless her.
Read 4 tweets
Sep 8th 2020
🚨🚨What if a coup is being planned and the plotters told you it was coming? But since we're the only ones talking about it they could blame it on you? This is a great article that should be read by all Conservatives. #NovemberIsComing…
Here's the blue print written by the Transition Integrity Project. A group started by two college professors that includes never Trumpers @MichaelSteele and @BillKristol Along with Democrats @donnabrazile @johnpodesta @davidfrum It's a chilling read…
The group claims to be bi partisan due to the never Trump Republicans in the group However the head of the project is a large Biden donor.…
Read 8 tweets
Apr 18th 2020
If you’re stuck at home (like almost everyone) consider contacting @GOP or go directly to candidates running in your district and volunteer to phone bank/send text messages. Strong candidates are losing valuable time and Dems haven’t stopped campaigning #VoteRedToSaveAmerica
Now is the perfect time to remind voters #SmallBiz is being screwed by Democrats. If we don’t #KeepSenateRed and #TakeBackTheHouse we’ll have at least two years of worthless investigations and Pelosi madness.
There are crazy amounts of grassroots Dems in CA organizing postcards, phone banking, text messages for candidates all over the Country. Never underestimate your power to inspire people🇺🇸
Read 8 tweets
Oct 21st 2019
Back in late August of this yr the account @ArizonaKayte was suspended by Twitter. I have no idea why ... however this account was of note given it was one of the top most influential accounts within the Domestic pro-MAGA troll group called the #Mighty200 or also called #the200
It was found that the account @ArizonaKayte from #the200 was in the top 6 most retweeted by the primary dataset of alt-right accounts (top 57393 users) h/t @r0zetta from F-secure #infosec #disinfo #magatrolls #osint
The account @ArizonaKayte was commonly found in large Trump Train follow back tweets and still appears even months after its suspension. See the screenshot on the right from 2 days ago #infosec #disinfo #magatrolls #osint
Read 6 tweets
May 5th 2019
Rather telling you weren’t invited to participate.
As evidenced by your Tour attendance non-record, seems your hateful bitter rhetoric, is no longer marketable.
Also, that whole Military Tribunal thing will cause certain scheduling conflicts...
BTW Has Bill filed yet?
Chelsea “being groomed” to replace you, must absolutely infuriate you.
If I recall correctly, the only thing capable of triggering you is irrelevance.
No worries, you don’t rate an asterisk.
Oh y’all thought I was kidding...
Pro Tip: if your candidate has to be groomed to give a shit about people, #VoteRedToSaveAmerica 🇺🇸👍…
Read 3 tweets
Mar 27th 2019

Understand the forces behind this two tiered, BUSTED "Justice" system — Michelle Obama's former Chief of Staff and a Soros-paid State Attorney!

Talk about elitism — any ordinary American would be in prison on a felony charge!

No justice! No peace!
IMPORTANT to understand exactly how much #GeorgeSoros influences our political landscape with his media empire & political influence campaigns, which have real consequences in our daily lives & communities — NOT just Presidential races! #JussieSmollett
Read 4 tweets
Nov 5th 2018
Get out and vote America for Republicans! This is about our country not party.
CA-10 @JeffDenham
CA-25 @Knight4Congress
CA-39 @EdRRoyce
CA-45 @MimiWaltersCA
CA-48 @DanaRohrabacher
FL-26 @carloslcurbelo
FL-27 @RosLehtinen
IA-3 @YoungForIowa
IL-6 @PeterRoskam
IL-14 @RandyHultgren
Get out and vote! Bring a few friends and family members. This is about saving America once again.
KS-2 @RepLynnJenkins
KY-6 @barrforcongress
ME-2 @BrucePoliquin
MI-8 @ElectMikeBishop
MN-1 @JimHagedornMN
NC-9 @RobertPittenger
NC-13 @buddforcongress
NJ-3 @tmac4congress
Read 3 tweets
Nov 4th 2018
all this talk about #Hussein is leading into his connections to the MB on a public stage.#Qteam and @POTUS are setting the stage/shifting the narrative to lead into the connections of the CF to #U1 and #IRAN through child trafficking & crimes against children in the IG report
Read 33 tweets
Oct 22nd 2018
Gavin Newsom is too cool to fill out his candidate statement in the California voter information guide, so I fixed it.
#NeverNewsom #TakeBackCalifornia
Gavin has a long history of protecting illegals many felt he was responsible for the triple murder by Edwin Ramos (MS-13 gang member) because his policies in 2008 kept violent juveniles out of jail. That was TEN years ago, imagine how radical he is now #VoteRedToSaveAmerica
They’ve been working on turning California blue for over a decade and not by helping the people but by enabling illegal immigration.…
Read 4 tweets
Oct 17th 2018
@realDonaldTrump @144000bound @DykstraDame @POTUS #BuildTheWall #StopTheCaravan #EndCatchAndRelease
YES! And cut off aid to every country in between who does not stop them at their southern border or assists! We need laws to stop people like George Soros from funding displacement of Third World people!
@realDonaldTrump @144000bound @DykstraDame @POTUS #Censorship #BuildTheWall #1A #RedWave #RedWave2018 #MAGA2018
I bet they arrive right before midterms with #FAKENEWS in tow to plaster the airwaves with pictures of children "separated" by #trump and the evil #GOP. The lack of originality is mind blowing!
Read 8 tweets
Oct 13th 2018
Don’t forget this fun fact in November #VOTEREDTOSAVEAMERICA…
They even have a light and breezy commercial leaving out that they’re all Democrats and instead “strong women” who want to serve America.
Meanwhile.... 🙄
Read 6 tweets

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