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It was an absolute joy to welcome JOSH SHAPIRO & AUSTIN DAVIS to the huge rally in Stroudsburg yesterday! Monroe County REALLY showed up for Josh, Austin & our entire slate of excellent Dem candidates. We have receiptsđŸ’…đŸ» 😁
@JoshShapiroPA @AustinDavisPA #PAGov #MonroeCountyPA đŸ§”
Our amazing MAUREEN MADDEN! @MaddenforPArep (And MY State Rep
woohoo! 🎉 🙌) I voted for Maureen because she has done incredible things for #HD115 & will continue to protect CHOICE in PA. Go, Maureen, go! #MaureenMadden #PAHouse #BlueNovember #RoevemberIsHere ImageImageImageImage
Our FIERCE đŸ’Ș Stroudsburg Mayor & #HD189 candidate TARAH PROBST really got the crowd going. I am thisclose to Tarah’s District. SHE IS GOING TO ROCK THE HOUSE! 🔄 @TarahProbst We are #TeamProbst 24/7/365. She is going to shake up Harrisburg & WE CAN’T WAIT! #FlipThePAHouse ImageImageImageImage
Read 10 tweets
FINALLY somebody else admits it. AND this right wing đŸ„œ is campaigning w Kari Lake

The Trump-backed candidate for AZ SOS couldn't explain why his primary win was legitimate but the 2020 election was not. Watch him squirm.

Thx are in order for AZ’s right-wing conspiracy-theorist-turned-SOS-candidate Mark Finchem.

Finchem —a member of the extremist Oath Keepers militia who was seen outside the US Capitol on Jan 6 — has backed TFG’s baseless allegations that fraudulent AZ🗳cost TFG the 2020 election
That shameful hackery earned Finchem — a member of AZ’s House of Representatives — Trump’s endorsement in his campaign to become the state’s top elections official.
To give you an idea of how far he’ll go to bolster Trump’s lies,
Read 11 tweets
ONTARIO ELECTION THREAD: I've never liked majority gov'ts. When 25% of the electorate vote 38% for a party who gets 100% control, geez that's frustrating. What’s even more disappointing is that so many are still voting to re-elect our current provincial gov't to a majority. 1/19
Why are so many NOT holding Doug Ford accountable for all the bungling, buffoonery and cruelty? In the past 4 years, they have failed to listen, failed to plan, and failed to care. There are so many reasons to vote them out. 2/19
1) PANDEMIC HANDLING The sad rollercoaster and flip-flop of acting too late, then not having enough support during lockdowns, then easing things too early, ignoring science and then going back into lockdowns. The province’s vaccine rollout was chaotic. 3/19
Read 20 tweets
Despite Trump's 'warning' of a market crash 'the likes of which you've never seen' if Biden wins
Wall St investors, CEOs & traders say they're fine with a Biden WH & less threat of trade wars ..

2-"President Donald Trump loves to say that if Joe Biden wins the White House, stocks will crash, retirement accounts will vanish and an economic depression ‘the likes of which you’ve never seen’ will engulf the nation.
3-"But much of Wall Street is already betting on a Biden win-with a much different take on what the results will mean. Traders in recent weeks have been piling into bets that a ‘blue wave’ election, in which Democrats also seize the Senate, will produce an economy-juicing blast
Read 5 tweets
The @ProjectLincoln response to Jared & Ivanka's Covid billboard freakout is now a HEADLINE in Conservative media orgs ..
So, in case you missed it, here's what LP's attorneys said
(seriously read this!)
And #VoteThemAllOut

2-"“You boldly predict that the result of your lawsuit ‘will doubtless be enormous compensatory and punitive damages.’ Please peddle your scare tactics elsewhere. The Lincoln Project will not be intimidated by such empty bluster .. Your clients are no longer mere Upper East Side
3-"socialites, able to sue at the slightest offense to their personal sensitivities,” Sanderson stated. “Mr. Kushner and Ms. Trump are public officials. They have been public officials since President Trump,
Read 5 tweets
Long thread: but please read, retweet, and go vote. We will be celebrating shortly!
Analysis: the @gop’s stupid decisions placed themselves up Shit’s Creek without a paddle. They have a historically unpopular incumbent at the top of the ticket that has energized the left base this election cycle. The left is likely to have a clean sweep of the
White House, Senate, and House of Representatives (GO VOTE). In addition, the energized left base is likely to over preform on several “down ticket races” and blow the GOP out of the water in state and local elections.
Read 15 tweets
🚹BREAKING: on the same February day that Trump falsely claimed the #coronavirus was “very much under control,” aides told the Hoover Institution the #outbreak could prove worse than publicly revealed, giving wealthy donors an early warning to SELL OFF.đŸ€Ź

Kudlow revealed the #coronavirus was “contained in the US to date, but now we just don’t know,” per a document from a hedge fund consultant who attended the briefings: “What struck me,” was that nearly every official raised the virus “as a point of concern, totally unprovoked.”🧐
"Interviews w/8 people who either received copies of the memo or were briefed on aspects of it...provide a glimpse of how elite traders had access to info from the administration that helped them gain financial advantage during a chaotic 3 days when global markets were teetering.
Read 8 tweets
The back and forth banter of the judiciary can be summed up as follows:

GOP are desperate to...
1)...protect the white privilege
2)...legislate a woman’s uterus
3)...legislate who you can and cannot love
4)...steal an election
5)... perpetuate systemic racism

The GOP are the modern day version of the KKK that has placed judges who share their views across federal benches everywhere they can

As Sen Whitemore makes it so explicitly clear, dark money is supporting these positions.

ACB’s willingness to accept this denomination tells us...

1)...she is okay with it circumventing the will of the people.
2)...she is eager for the power to legislate your body and your love life!
3)...she is wiling to compromise of SCOTUS to get what she wants...

Read 3 tweets
We need to #FlipTheSenate #Elections2020 Boy do we.
There are 23 GOP Senators up #Senate2020
#AK #AR #AZ #CO #GA(x2) #IA #ID #KS #KY #LA #ME #MS #MT #NC #NE #OK #SC #SD #TN #TX #WV #WY
*as Oct 13
THREAD with Info & Links for each Democratic Candidate
#PostcardsforAmerica Image
Hey #ALASKA! Help #FlipTheSenate!
There is a Independent Democratic Challenger
running against Dan Sullivan!
&, seriously, watch this video

Bye to Martha McSally in 2020?
Special Election! VOTE Nov 3, 2020
#Senate2020 #AZ
Mark Kelly
Donate Here:

Merch here:
All States #23GOP
#FlipTheSenate Image
Read 26 tweets
Dear Kentucky,
How is this even a real choice for y’all?
Do you actually like that guy?
No, really, THIS guy??

Future Senator Amy McGrath: “He should have been negotiating all summer long.”

Human personification of fossil fuel, Mitch McConnell: Hahahahaha
The most important part of the “COVID relief bill” McConnell wrote is liability waivers “so ppl won’t get sued for how they’re handling this.”
Above all else he wants to make sure no rich ppl has to be responsible for any poor ppl.

How “Majority Leader” of him amirite.
Read 4 tweets

I just gave. Join me in #LindseyMustGo via @actblue

& maybe more important, also support:

Maine - Sara Gideon
Iowa - Theresa Greenfield
Colorado - John Hickenlooper
Arizona - Mark Kelly
North Carolina - Cal Cunningham
Montana - Steve Bullock

Candidate links:

ME @SaraGideon Sara Gideon - against Susan Collins

IA @GreenfieldIowa Theresa Greenfield - against Joni Ernst

CO @Hickenlooper John Hickenlooper - against Cory Gardner

AZ @CaptMarkKelly- Mark Kelly (against McSally)

NC @CalforNC - Cal Cunningham (against Tillis)

MT @stevebullockmt - Steve Bullock (against Daines)

Read 5 tweets
I don’t want anyone that doesn’t plan to vote for Biden, to tell me how disgusted they are by the trump administration, allowing the desecration of woman’s uterus!!
I don’t want anyone that doesn’t plan to vote for Biden, to say they march for BLM!!
I don’t want anyone that doesn’t plan to vote for Biden, to say we must abolish ICE!!
Read 5 tweets
We need to #FlipTheSenate #Elections2020
Boy do we.
There are 23 GOP Senators up #Senate2020 in
#23GOP Sep 10 UPDATE
THREAD with Info & Links for each Candidate. Image
Hey #ALASKA! Help #FlipTheSenate!
There is a Independent Democratic Challenger
running against Dan Sullivan!
&, seriously, watch this video

Bye to Martha McSally in 2020?
Special Election! VOTE Nov 3, 2020
#Senate2020 #AZ
Mark Kelly
Donate Here:

Merch here:
All States #23GOP
#FlipTheSenate Image
Read 25 tweets
#UPDATE - Thx #MayorLiar & #Citycouncil for d #AustinHomelessCrisis #project n #Adlerville!
"What I really want to know is why? Why would you initiate an unprovoked attack on a defenseless woman & terrorize her friends,” p/Dolan. #Austin #StopTheMadness
Found guilty, sentenced 200 days BUT #VAGRANT won't spend 200 days n jail, getting credit for d 73 days he's been locked up. ALSO eligible 4 early release-troubling for Mark Dolan."Forgiveness, I'll let Jesus figure that one out, but I don’t know if I'm there yet." & #Austinites.
Read 6 tweets
Who had access to the #SCIF for the Impeachment Inquiry interviews
but stormed it anyway just for show & risking national security in the process?
And who are the Democratic Candidates running against them?

Who had access to the #SCIF for the #ImpeachmentInquiry but stormed it anyway just for show? #13GOP
1/13 Paul Gosar #AZ4
Democratic Challengers in Arizona District 4:
Delina DiSanto
Stu Starky

Who had access to the #SCIF for the #ImpeachmentInquiry but stormed it anyway just for show? #13GOP
2/13 Ken Buck #CO4
Democratic Challenger in Colorado District 4:
Isaac McCorkle
USMC Veteran

Read 17 tweets
Many people ask: what can you do now? Here is a simple and easy action. Below are the visuals you can print out full page and post anywhere around town where you live or leave in cafes.
We are in our own bubbles on social media. The word needs to get out. I will be doing it this week in SF Bay Area. You can do it in your town. You can also share these images with this message. #VoteThemOut #RESIST
Read 4 tweets
1/Yesterday, 28 years ago, a man named Mikhail Gorbachev was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts to bringing the Cold War to a peaceful end.

2/Gorbachev took some of the money he received for his Nobel Peace Prize to buy computers and help set up a newspaper called Novaya Gazeta - one of Russia’s few truly independent media outlets.
3/Novaya Gazeta has focused on uncovering civil rights violations, government corruption and abuse of power.

It has conducted in-depth investigations into the biggest scandals to rock Russia over the past two decades, including the bombing of the Moscow apartment blocks in 1999.
Read 9 tweets
We have an illegitimate President. He commited conspiracy in plain sight with a hostile foreign power to attain the Presidency. We are ALL witnesses to his crime.



We have an illegitimate President. He conspired with his attorney to defraud the American People to silence witnesses at a crucial point in his campaign so that Voters would not have complete information with which to make their voting decision.


We have an illegitimate President. He conspired with his attorney to hide campaign donations paid to keep witnesses silent at a crucial point in his campaign.



Read 12 tweets
A family member just told me that during the annual mtg of the company he works for-which all employees are mandated to attend-the CEO spent 30 min. extolling the benefits of the Trump presidency. What he essentially attempted to do was to insist that this captive audience show
2/ up for the midterms and “vote red”, telling them that if they didn’t, not only would they ‘lose your rights’, but that it would cost them money and cause them (non-specific) “communication problems”.
3/ I find this unconscionable...this guy-a member of the 1% who has vastly benefited financially from the Trump Tax Plan-stood in front of the room and TOLD his employees who to vote for. #TuesdayThoughts #VoteThemAllOut
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11 GOPers acting like Putin's representatives #VoteThemOut:
1. Mark Meadows, chair of the hard-right "Freedom Caucus" (former Tea Party). Ethics scandal:

His opponent is Philip Price @Price4WNC #NorthCarolina #NC11
11 GOPers acting like Putin's reps, trying to "impeach" Rod Rosenstein:
2. Jim Jordan, #GymJordan named in #OSU #OhioState sex abuse lawsuit

His opponent is Janet Garrett. She will represent #Ohio #OH04 @Janet4OH
11 RW GOPers attacking US law enforcement instead of investigating Russia's attack on America. #VoteThemAllOut

3. Matt Gaetz of #Florida is "known for doing some pretty despicable things"

Faces a primary challenge August 28. #FL01

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Juneteenth honors the last slaves freed in the US in 1865. It celebrates FREEDOM

This yr Trump chose THAT DAY to officially withdraw from the UN HUMAN RIGHTS Council

Days later a federal Judge ordered ALL border families reunited in 30 Days

Tomorrow Trump violates that Order
Children are still in Cages
Parents have been deported AFTER their children were torn from them
The few scenes of reunifications show children TRAUMATIZED
This nightmare isn’t over but the bigger question for our Country is...
If Trump wont follow Federal Orders who will stop him
The one group who can stop Trump are the GOP
They can stop these Human Rights violations but they don’t - WHY?

We need to #VoteThemAllOut to reunite the children

We need to #VoteThemOut to stop a DESPOT from destroying our Nation

We must register AS MANY NEW VOTERS as possible
Read 3 tweets
This #SundayMorning , we're checking in on #WhereAreTheChildren

4 days are left until the deadline for HHS to reunify all children separated from their parents.

450 out of the nearly 2,500 kids over 5 have been reunited.
Less than 1/5 of those in HHS custody.
(2) The administration has already blown past a previous deadline earlier this month to reunite all children under 5 years of age.

HHS returned only 57 out of the 105 babies & preschoolers, claiming the rest were "ineligible" to be reunited.

(3) Right now, nearly 850 parents have been interviewed and cleared for reunification but another 229 parents have been deemed ineligible. There are several things that are slowing down this process.

The most frightening one is a lack of clear records.

Read 12 tweets
#GOPComplicit incumbents represent their donors over constituents.

đŸ‡ș🇾All states have a moment
🔮All #GOPTraitors have a thread
đŸ’”Top donors tagged to rep(s)
📰Negative news in each thread

🔎from:batmanresist ST## / STSEN

Hold them accountable for their actions.
Read 76 tweets

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