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May 4th 2023
ABA alert, possible #CRPD/#DisabilityRights violation: Just saw mail from Dr Anchen Laubscher, Medical Director of @Netcare_Limited (well-known hospital group in South Africa). They're having a briefing by ABA providers for clinical staff on 10 May. #NothingAboutUsWithoutUs
@Netcare_Limited Given that I've only heard about this now, I'm guessing that the @Netcare_Limited leadership team have not yet received #DisabilityRights training, and that they may be unaware of the implications of what they have agreed to. Disability activists are contacting them right now.
For those who don't know what ABA is and why human rights activists want ABA-based therapies banned in South Africa and internationally, here is an article explaining some of the abuses inherent in these methods.

#BanABA #ABAisAbuse…
Read 6 tweets
Feb 23rd 2023
@tagesschau Insgesamt ist der Artikel schon ganz gut. :-)
Hier meine Kritikpunkte und ein bisschen Infos aus autistischer Sicht:
@tagesschau Der Satz ergibt keinen Sinn:
"dass vor allem Kinder betroffen sind."
Autismus ist nicht heilbar und wächst sich nicht aus. Ergo kann es höchstens sein, dass es an guter Erwachsenendiagnostik mangelt.
@tagesschau Pro-Tipp:
Bitte nennt uns Autisten. Die meisten Autisten lehnen Person First Language (Menschen mit Autismus etc.) ab. Schaut:…
Ein "Fall" und "betroffen" bin ich übrigens auch nicht. ;-)
Read 17 tweets
Dec 22nd 2022
#GWUPGate, wie alles begann.
Am 15. Januar sind es acht Jahre, seit mir das erste Mal auffiel, dass mit @bordlein ein ABAler in der GWUP sitzt.
Aber erst dieses Jahr hat die @gwup sich öffentlich klar pro ABA positioniert mit drei Artikeln in ihrem Heft @skeptiker_de.
Dann hatte ich das fast ein Jahr aus den Augen verloren oder gar vergessen.
Aber vor etwas mehr als sieben Jahren, hab ich die @gwup das erste Mal in die Mentions genommen zum Thema ABA:

Das Gespräch über dem verlinkten Tweet geht um @bordlein und #ABAisAbuse. Und schon da wollte die @gwup nur aus den Mentions genommen werden, statt sich damit auseinanderzusetzen, was für einen Pseudowissenschaftler sie in ihren Reihen haben:

Read 35 tweets
Sep 10th 2022
@helgaab @netdoktor Asperger-Syndrom ist eine obsolete Diagnose der ICD 10. Aktuell ist ICD 11, in der Autismus nicht unterteilt wird.
Autismus ist keine Krankheit.
Den verlinkten Artikel auf netdoktor hat eine Zahnärztin geschrieben - und er ist grottenschlecht und schädlich für uns Autisten.
@helgaab @netdoktor Ich geh ihn jetzt mal komplett durch:
"mit einem eingeschränkten Einfühlungsvermögen"
Falsch, das wurde längst widerlegt.…

"mangelhafter sozialer Kompetenz"
@helgaab @netdoktor "oft ungewöhnlichen Sonderinteressen"
Es heißt Spezialinteressen. Diese abSONDERnden Begriffe sind furchtbar.

"erste Anzeichen etwa ab 3. Lebensjahr"
Nein, ab Geburt. Aber oft werden sie erst ab Eintritt in den Kindergarten bemerkt, weil die Kinder dann erstmals ...
Read 43 tweets
May 29th 2022
Hey Autistic Person with Large Following/Reputation in Canada Here
Ontario doesn't need an Autism Program and emphasis on it in politics is driven by lobbyists that push services that aren't evidence-driven/highly correlated to trauma
#ABAisAbuse #OnPoli
The Ontario Liberals, when faced with the issue of #ODSPoverty(disability supports being legislated poverty), decided they can't commit to raising #ODSP significantly

Instead they are using #50KisNotOK to feign action on Disability
The evidence-base for #ABA is so bad they call it needs-based instead and the reputation for ABA is so bad they won't even call it by name instead calling it needs-based therapy #ABAisAbuse…
Read 14 tweets
May 22nd 2022
We told you this was an imperialist cult.

ABAI has an expansionist arm called SABA.

They are serious.

They want to set up control areas in all spheres of society.

ABAI are the people who give a platform to the Judge Rotenberg Center.

It's not just about autism.

They want to mainstream ABA to make it completely unstoppable.
It's a strategy. If they succeed in normalising ABA beyond its current applications, we will have a much harder time trying to stop them from doing this to autistic children.
Read 38 tweets
Apr 30th 2022
Ein großes Problem bei #NoABA ist, dass viele Eltern immer wieder total verunsichert sind, weil sie nicht wissen, ob jemand vllt doch nach ABA oder einem der vielen „Ableger“ arbeitet. Sie sind vielleicht gerade durch den Austausch in Selbsthilfegruppen
oder auf Blogs verunsichert. Sie wissen, um die Kritik rund um ABA, aber sie trauen sich eben nicht immer zu, zu erkennen, wer danach arbeitet.
Leider geben sich etliche Anbieter•innen nicht sofort entsprechend zu erkennen, indem sie beispielsweise die Webseite
transparent gestalten. Häufig werden Inhalte auf Webseiten sehr schwammig formuliert und helfen nicht unbedingt dabei, Klarheit rein zu bringen.
Ich persönlich schaue mir die Webseiten immer ganz genau an. Ich gebe bestimmte Schlagworte in die Suche ein:
Read 17 tweets
Dec 6th 2021
Teaching autistic children that smiling means someone is happy or friendly, without teaching them that there are enormous exceptions to the rule, is basically gaslighting and you deserve to be punished for it until you smile.
Putting on a brave face isn't always brave; nor is taking it down always safe either.
But USUALLY smiling means someone is happy or friendly, right? (Which is it, happy, or friendly?)
Read 10 tweets
Nov 21st 2021
[THREAD] Autism research could prioritise researching abuse.
Examples of abuse.
Categories of abuse.
Read 118 tweets
Nov 2nd 2021
[THREAD] #AskingAutistics and allies, especially people in Africa or of African descent throughout the world: We need your help. A bad thing has happened for #DisabilityRights in Africa: ABAI has sponsored an American, Ashley Knochel, to promote ABA in Africa by formalising it.
There has been a neocolonialist trend with aggressive ABA infiltrations from America into Ghana, Kenya and other countries for some time now, including a CARD-associated organisation in South Africa; but this latest move is worse.
This American person has established a Pan-African Association of Behaviour Association along with Kenyans, and they are launching this Saturday.
Read 39 tweets
Sep 22nd 2021
Hi .@learnmeaba

You are an ABA provider.

Why did you follow me?

Maybe consider checking out #SayNoToABA

or my article where I show that ABA causes trauma, and is -at the very least- ineffective here -…

You can't support autistic people and be pro-ABA.
You cannot pretend to listen to autistic people when you obtain money for specifically hurting and traumatizing autistic people.

Maybe see my thread from 3 days ago?

Would you do this to a non-autistic child?
And if you are an "ABA provider" that does not do ABA therapy but are advertising it as such -

Then stop advertising as ABA if that's what you're doing.

I wish I could believe that's what these centers are doing but I have a feeling they really are doing ABA.
Read 8 tweets
Aug 24th 2021
#Autismus trendet und ich habe grade nichts zu tun.
ich schreibe wohl jetzt einfach mal einen aufklärungs/rantthread, in der hoffnung das vielleicht der eine oder andere etwas davon lernt:

ich bin selber autistisch, und habe das enorme glück bei eltern aufzuwachsen,
die vernünftig damit umgehen. meine mutter hat sich die mühe gemacht einige bücher dazu zu lesen, und mir zu helfen wo sie kann.
erfolgreich wohlgemerkt.

zudem konnte ich auf eine montessorischule gehen, was mir den schulalltag vermutlich auch sehr sehr deutlich vereinfacht hat.
ich möchte aber vorallem grade mal über ein paar häufige vorurteile/misverständnisse über #Autismus schreiben, da diese oft auch ohne jegliche böse absicht kommen, und ich demnach denke das es hilft einfach darüber aufzuklären.
Read 30 tweets
Aug 3rd 2021
“Building a Person”: Legal and Clinical Personhood for Autistic and Trans Children in Ontario (by @JakePyne)

"Despite open violence, Lovaas framed ABA as compassionate... Despite uncertain evidence, he presented ABA as scientific..."…
"Psychologist George Rekers, a key figure in the world of conversion therapy (and co-founder of the notoriously anti-gay Family Research Council), used Lovaas’s techniques to treat so-called “deviant sex-role behaviors” in male children."
The man behind ex-gay “conversion therapy” started out trying to make autistic children “normal”:
"Both projects were based on the same fundamental view: that it’s easier to change a child’s behavior than it is to destigmatize that behavior in society"…
Read 16 tweets
Jul 7th 2021
I wish to remind you that the BCBAs who work at the Judge Rotenberg Center are credentialed by the BACB. The BACB takes away the credentials of professionals who violate their code of conduct. The BACB code of conduct permits torture. #ABAisAbuse
Who's on the board of this organisation which tortures disabled children?
Chairman of the Board at the Judge Rotenberg Center: Henry Slucki, Ph.D.
Psychologist, Senior Research Associate at University of Southern California, School of Medicine, Department of Human Behavior
Co-producer and Co-Host of weekly talk radio program on disabilities
Read 136 tweets
May 21st 2021
Autism Parents: Only speak to your experience of #Autism

Also Autism Parents: We need full control over Autism funding because Autistic people are getting too politically empowered and speaking out against services WE like
Reminder, Canada has a group of lobbyists and parent advocates that work to advocate for ABA against the stated interests of Autistic self-advocacy groups in the country

Actions against this group have been framed by "progressive" politicians as an "attack on autism services
Remember that when you see an "attack on autism services" referenced by politicians in Canada they are talking about Autism Conversion therapy ABA

It's working to advocate against these lobbyists, people are starting to listen
#Autism #BanABA #Cdnpoli
Read 20 tweets
May 5th 2021
I don't want the research you people do saying "ABA works" implemented.

You set the goals, you create the hypothesis, you design the study, you interpret the results and you conclude that "ABA works".

My community won't help you implement your research.

Do you know what that phrase "evidence-based" has come to stand for among autistic people?

The ABSENCE of evidence of respect for human rights.

Renounce ABA, #INSAR2021. I dare you cowards.

Help us get nonconsensual ABA banned.

#ListenToNonspeakers. Stop silencing them. You're ACTIVELY doing right now.

If you don't start respecting #HumanRights in research, we will up the campaign to #BoycottAutismResearch.
Read 21 tweets
Mar 3rd 2021
Last week a group of ABA practitioners released a video acknowledging #ActuallyAutistic critiques saying #ABAisAbuse

When I replied saying that we don't accept their apology they stopped advertising it on twitter

I assume it's circulating #Autism facebook groups for PR
This is a marked charge in tactics; acknowledging our complaints and attempting to speak to them to control public perception

This is a sign they are threatened

The Autistic community has a pretty clear majority position: we need to abolish ABA and protect kids from abuse
If you are an ally that's felt comfortable joining the critique of Sia please consider taking up #ABA as a target

Autistic non-speakers are again at greatest risk here; a trend you will see repeated if you are a new ally
Read 17 tweets
Feb 26th 2021
@darraghz This is PR; We don't accept your apology

The Autistic community demands abolishing ABA

Anything else shows you aren't listening!
@darraghz They have now gone private; I assume to limit the damage from my critique

Here's a link to the video they posted I am responding to for context of my critique

We won't go away, we won't be silent, and we don't accept
#ActuallyAutistic #ABAisAbuse Image
@darraghz Hey @RehabGroup, does this video and statement from @darraghz represent your organization's values and fulfill your mission statement?
#ActuallyAutistic #DisabilityTwitter #CripTheVote #Ireland

Image attached to tweet is text from website link… ImageImage
Read 3 tweets
Sep 6th 2019
@AOC And ban conversion therapy for use against autistic people, where it's called ABA and the US government sponsors it across the entire country. #ABAisAbuse #CRPD #DisabilityRights
@AOC Conversion therapy was turned mainstream first against gay people and then against vulnerable autistic children by Ivar Lovaas. There is still a nationwide multimillion dollar abuse industry sponsored by the US government, based on his work, and autistic people are the victims.
Read 5 tweets
Mar 28th 2019
There is no debate with child abuse apologists. #YesAllABA is abuse. How destroyed does your moral compass have to be to support 40h a week of holding hostage everything a child loves til they comply?
Yall can say it works all you want, but interrogate what works means. Your kid will break themselves to access 1 minute w.their favorite toy and you think that's good? How morally bankrupt is that?
"We dont hit kid anymore, we just withhold everything they love" oh okay good job.
Read 6 tweets

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