Because even rewarding work requires resilience. #MOMinds19

We're going to work on that in this room. - Sean Marz #MOMinds19

That minor reframing has shifted my thinking from getting back to where one was to PAST where one was. #goodstuff!

#SecureYourOwnMaskFirst #YouNeedOxygenToo #FlightSafetyLessons
- Positive Thinking
- Optimistic Attitude
- Using Age-appropriate Coping Skills
- Being Flexible & Adaptable
- Self-aware
- Self-care
- Healthy Relationships
- Sean Marz #MOMinds19


Always appreciative of the opportunity to engage with other coalition leaders on building a national statewide coalition infrastructure.
See you all at #NationalMeeting19!

And the scariest part? Wealth, class nor education absolve that--- ask @Beyonce, @serenawilliams & the widow of #KiraJohnson.

- Why is it important? Why do I need to know?
- Play Devil's Advocate. How am I sure?
- Is this judgment respectful?
- @bucholtzjeffrey #MOMinds19

Hard to do but it's important. - @bucholtzjeffrey #MOMinds19
#ICYW: Chai Tea Latte, No Water, Extra Vanilla & 2 Raw Sugars (@TrettaBush taught me! 😂)

Can't wait to have him down for #LaHEC2019 to talk about prevention for our veteran & military-connected college students!

P.S. - And for some reason, I really felt like @NASPADavid *needed* to see this.
#MOMinds19 l

....and me --- because I've tried before many moons ago! 🤣🤣🤣

Never begin with an ask! Lead with how you can be of service to them.
This was a *huge* lesson I learned!
Your time and resources are limited --- and so are theirs! Choose partnerships that are *truly* mutually beneficial.
Otherwise you'll be a worn out busy body! 🙅🏾♀️

@dclosn | #MOMinds19


Thanksgiving week! They're home, link up with old friends and tend to drink.
You may want to target them the 2 weeks leading up to Thanksgiving break. - @esdavidson #MOMinds19

via @esdavidson × #MOMinds19

@MissouriPIP, @NASPA4W, & @BACCHUSnetwork for a great conference!
P.S. - Thanks for the invite @mastersjoan!!!