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Sep 22nd 2020
1/4 During the months of restrictions, schools, workplaces, businesses and other public settings modified spaces and implemented protocols and policies to reduce the risk of #COVID19 spreading. #COVIDLife #COVIDLiving
2/4 As individual Canadians, we likewise modified our behaviours and became adept at practicing personal protective measures including #PhysicalDistancing, good #HandHygiene, #CoughEtiquette & #MaskOn where appropriate.
3/4 The challenge now is to stay the course, no matter how weary we may feel, because #PublicHealth efforts are not enough on their own; keeping #COVID19 at manageable levels in #Canada DEPENDS ON ALL OF US. #SlowBurn #AllinThisTogether
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Sep 21st 2020
1/5 Here is a short check list of the top things we all need to be doing to improve our position on the #COVID19 defence and to get #Canada back on the safer #SlowBurn:
2/5 #StayHome and away from others if you develop any symptoms of #COVID19, even if mild. Consult your local #publichealth authority for information on testing in your area. Find out more about symptoms here:…
3/5 Rethink your bubble. Limit your #ContactBubble to just the people who are in your existing household and/or your small, consistent and trusted in-person contacts. Smaller is safer. Quality over quantity. #COVID19
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Sep 14th 2020
1/6 #COVID19 key concerns in 🇨🇦 : Today, in lieu of a daily in-person update to the media, I have issued a Monday statement urging all Canadians to keep up our collective efforts to control the spread of #COVID19. Read the statement here:…
2/6 #COVID19 is not gone. Be aware of the risks for exposure in your area and make informed decisions based on the latest advice, including recommendations of local #publichealth authorities in your area. #COVIDwise…
3/6 We cannot let our guard down now. We have worked too hard and come too far. Continue good #publichealth practices to reduce your risk of getting infected and spreading the infection to others. #BePartoftheSolution
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Sep 13th 2020
1/3 #COVID19 key concerns in 🇨🇦: Today, in lieu of a daily in-person update to the media, I have issued a Sunday statement discussing COVID-19 outbreak settings and things we can do to reduce spread. Read the statement here:…
2/3 Canadians have become adept at public health practices to prevent #COVID19 spread, i.e. #PhysicalDistancing keeping contacts ↓ by keeping to our #ContactBubble, #handwashing, and using good #CoughEtiquette incl. #MaskOn.
3/3 Our challenge now is to guard against #COVIDfatigue that can lead us to relax personal precautions. As we shift more of our activities indoors, we need to increase our awareness of COVID-19 risk factors in reopened settings.…
Read 3 tweets
Aug 19th 2020
1/4 #COVID19 key concerns in 🇨🇦: Today, in lieu of a daily in-person update to the media, I have issued a Wednesday statement you can read in full here:…
2/4 Though #COVID19 continues to circulate and cases and outbreaks will still occur, we have improved our ability to manage spread going forward. We’ve built up capacity across 🇨🇦’s health, #PublicHealth, and laboratory systems.
3/4 Our economic & social spaces have been modified to reduce #COVID19 exposure risks as they have reopened and we have all learned the importance of key public health measures like #PhysicalDistancing ↔ 2m. apart...
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Jul 20th 2020
1/7 #COVID19 key concerns in 🇨🇦: Today, in lieu of a daily in-person update to the media, a Monday statement has been issued. You can read in full here:…
2/7 “Layer up” this summer to reduce your risk of exposure to #COVID19. #PublicHealth practices are “layers of protection”. Just like hats, gloves, mitts, and a winter jacket, one item alone is not enough to protect you from the elements.
3/7 #PublicHealth practices are most effective when they’re combined. Build a base layer by sticking to the basics:
✔️ #PhysicalDistancing
✔️ #Handwashing often
✔️ #StayHome if even mildly ill
✔️ #CoughEtiquette
✔️ Stick to a small, consistent social circle
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Jun 23rd 2020
1/3 2 Rules for the long game of #COVID19 control:

RULE 1: BE AWARE of the risks for exposure so you can make informed decisions to keep you & your loved ones safe.
RULE 2: ↓ risk by taking PRECAUTIONS and AVOIDing high-risk situations.
2/3 PRECAUTIONS: maintaining our habits of keeping the 2-metres of #PhysicalDistancing, frequent #handwashing, #CoughEtiquette, layering on a non-medical mask or face covering, as appropriate & #StayHomeIfSick.
3/3 AVOID or strictly limit time in #COVID19 risk settings like: CLOSED SPACES with poor ventilation – CROWDED PLACES with large numbers of people gathered and CLOSE CONTACT where you can’t keep 2 metres apart from others.
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Jun 20th 2020
1/4 #COVID19 key concerns in 🇨🇦: Today, in lieu of a daily in-person update to the media, I have issued a Saturday statement you can read in full here:…
2/4 As you make your summer plans, it is important to be aware of #COVID19 risks and protections so you can make informed decisions and take the necessary precautions to keep you and your loved ones safe.
3/4 In addition to keeping two-metres #PhysicalDistancing, #handwashing, & #CoughEtiquette, AVOID or limit settings & situations that increase our risk of exposure to the virus, like indoor places & crowded spaces.
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Jun 19th 2020
1/3 #COVID19 key concerns in 🇨🇦: it is now 100 days since Canada reported its 100th person with COVID-19 and we now have over 100,000 reported cases. This is a good moment to reflect on what the latest numbers mean for Canadians.
2/3 Weekly #COVID-19 testing #s are the highest to date! We are looking hard to find for cases but the good news is that all indicators are steadily trending ↓ incl. weekly # of cases, % positive, # of deaths. Score for #TeamCanada!
3/3 To Keep #COVID-19 ↓ we MUST keep #publichealth measures ↑. Go OUT SMART: #PhysicalDistancing ↔ 2 m from others, #handwashing, #CoughEtiquette + AVOID crowds, closed spaces and close-contacts. #TogetherApart
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Jun 19th 2020
1/8 Here’s the [fairly] simple math on why YOUR actions matter. 1 case of #COVID19 spread to ~3 people X 10 generations of spread (IF NO #PUBLICHEALTH MEASURES) = 88,573 cumulative cases & many deaths in just ~5 weeks. See how it happens:
2/8 Think of yourself as the red dot in the middle who could spread to 3 contacts IF no #publichealth measures. This shows just 3 generations of spread from 1 (YOU) to 39 other cases in just 12 days (~4 days btw. each generation).
3/8 The degree of #COVID19 CONTROL vs. SPREAD depends on the #Publichealth measures we all continue to take. Without #PhysicalDistancing, #Handwashing, #CoughEtiquette, & non-medical masks where recommended, here is what can happen:
Read 8 tweets
Jun 16th 2020
1/8 #COVID19 key concerns in 🇨🇦: Today, I am taking a moment to reflect on the updated numbers. Although we read and post these numbers online everyday, we can’t forget that each case is a person, with family, friends & community.
2/8 All have confronted illness & uncertainty; some have endured painful separation during severe illness & hospitalisation and too many have suffered the unspeakable pain of a loved one lost to #COVID19. #COVIDloss #COVIDCoping
3/8 As I take a step back to reflect on the human stories behind the numbers today, I want acknowledge the lives lost and offer my deepest sympathy to those who continue to grieve their loss the deepest. #COVIDloss #ProtecttheVulnerable
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Jun 10th 2020
1/5 #COVID19 key concerns in 🇨🇦: Today, in lieu of a daily in-person update to the media, I have issued a statement you can read in full here:…
2/5 As more business, social and recreational spaces & services reopen this week, I am stressing the importance of going OUT SMART. #COVID19 is still present in 🇨🇦, including areas with active outbreaks & community spread hotspots. #COVIDWise
3/5 While we have made progress to #FlattentheCurve, it is vital that all Canadians work with #publichhealth to keep up epidemic control measures by #PhysicalDistancing #Handwashing #CoughEtiquette & extra layers, as needed.
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Jun 7th 2020
1/4 #COVID19 key concerns in 🇨🇦: Today, in lieu of a daily in-person update to the media, I have issued a Sunday statement you can read in full here:
2/4 We are now updating #COVID19 in 🇨🇦 numbers once a day, in the evening on As of last evening (end of day Saturday, June 6), there are now 95,057 cases including 7,773 deaths & 53,614 or 56% recovered cases.
3/4 This #Sunday, remember as we continue to live with #COVID19, we need to keep up with our prevention efforts: #WashYourHands #PhysicalDistancing #CoughEtiquette #StayHomeIfSick
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Jun 6th 2020
1/4 At present, #COVID19 transmission is continuing in outbreak settings & some communities, esp. in & around our most populous cities, Toronto & Montreal. Hotspots contribute to fluctuations in 🇨🇦 ’s nat’l effective reproduction rate (or Rt).
2/4 Rt estimates the # of new infections spread from a single case. Currently 🇨🇦’s Rt is hovering around 1 (cautiously good news), but this is not the same everywhere; in some areas Rt is well below 1, in others it is closer to 1 & fluctuating.
3/4 Until we can keep Rt consistently below 1, where each new case spreads to LESS THAN one other person for several weeks steady, #COVID19 will continue to smoulder. We need to #KeepItUp as #Publichealth stamp out with #TestandTrace
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Jun 6th 2020
1/3 #COVID19 key concerns in 🇨🇦 : Today, in lieu of a daily in-person update to the media, I have issued a Saturday statement you can read in full here:…
2/3 We are now updating #COVID19 in 🇨🇦 numbers once a day, in the evening on…. As of last evening (end of day Friday, June 5), there are now 94,335 cases including 7,703 deaths & 52,568 or 56% recovered cases.
3/3 #KeepItUp #ShoutoutSaturday to keep #COVID19 ↓; Go OUT SMART & layer with #publichealth practices #PhysicalDistancing #CleanYourHands #CoughEtiquette + non-medical masks when you can keep a 2 metre distance from others, but #StayHomeIfSick!
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Jun 4th 2020
1/7 While transmission data models don’t use case-based surveillance data to predict, they do use data on known epidemiological parameters that influence how #COVID19 spreads, e.g. average # of contacts, duration of infectiousness etc.,
2/7 Together with data on how #publichealth & intervention measures can impact spread. This way the model can show us how different options for intervention might change the epidemic trajectory. #COVID19
3/7 These models can predict numbers of cases but their strength is in guiding planning by illustrating which trajectory is best between e.g. an option A. “do nothing worst case scenario” vs. option “B” or “C” intervention scenarios. #COVID19 Image
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Jun 3rd 2020
1/10 As restrictions are relaxed, places are reopening & the weather warms, we should all be feeling better, right? Yet this is not necessarily the case for many of us. Some are still concerned esp. about risks of #COVID19 severe outcomes. #COVIDCoping
2/10 The reality is we have adapted staying at home into our daily routines over the weeks and months of the #COVID19 pandemic and it has now become our habit.
3/10 Some habits that we’ve developed during #COVID19, like more frequent #handwashing and spending more time with our families, can be good things that we’ll want to carry on with going forward. #COVIDCoping
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Jun 2nd 2020
1/4 When it comes to peaceful protest during #COVID19, virtual protest is the safest bet. First consider the risks to yourself, your family & community. Follow #publichealth advice and let that be your guide to safe & peaceful protest. #TogetherApart
2/4 When we feel strongly about something, it’s natural to want to stand up, join others & be heard. If you can’t protest virtually during #COVID19, GO OUT SMART to peaceful protest. 1st check local #publichealth guidance on safe gathering size.
3/4 For all gatherings during #COVID19, incl. peaceful protest, bring hand sanitizer & #CleanYourHands often, practice #Physicaldistancing, wear a mask when you can’t keep 2-metres apart & use #CoughEtiquette BUT #StayHomeIfSick!
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May 31st 2020
1/7 #COVID19 key concerns in 🇨🇦 : Today, in lieu of a daily in-person update to the media, I have issued a Sunday statement you can read in full here:…
2/7 Today, on World #NoTobacco Day, we are reminded about the dangers of smoking and the importance of lung health. Smoking tobacco is a known risk factor for many respiratory infections, including #COVID19. Image
3/7 In 🇨🇦 , smoking is the leading preventable cause of premature death & disease. Based on current evidence, a history of smoking or having an underlying health condition caused by smoking increases the risk of serious #COVID19 outcomes.
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May 28th 2020
1/3 In high heat & humidity, wearing a mask can make breathing difficult. So, when outdoors, #PhysicalDistancing is best. Reserve non-medical mask for use indoors, for short periods of time when #PhysicalDistancing cannot be maintained.
2/3 Non-medical masks or cloth face coverings are NOT for everyone! They should not be used on young children < age 2 or anyone who has trouble breathing, is unconscious, incapacitated or otherwise unable to remove it on their own. More info:
3/3 Recommended for EVERYONE during #heatwave & #COVID19: drink lots of water, avoid strenuous activities & maintain #publichealth practices: #PhysicalDistancing, #Handwashing & #CoughEtiquette, while you seek heat relief & #HelpOthers.
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May 26th 2020
1/3 #COVID19 key concerns in 🇨🇦: nationally epidemic growth continues to slow but outbreaks remain in long term care, shelters, workplaces, etc. Most worrying is community spread in & around hotspots, e.g. greater Toronto & Montreal areas.
2/3 Outbreaks represent closed settings where #publichealth measures can be targeted to #StoptheSpread, however community transmission presents additional challenges for #TestandTrace to control spread at the population level.
3/3 This is where everyone’s TIRELESS EFFORTS ARE NEEDED #DoYourPart:
#publichealth ➡️#testandTrace
#healthcareheroes ➡️treat & heal
You ↔ Me 2m. #TogetherApart #PhysicalDistancing #WashYourHands #CoughEtiquette #StayHomeIfSick
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May 25th 2020
1/3 #HealthcareHeros appreciate 👏 but are even more thankful when you keep up #publichealth practices. Do them a solid by always #PhysicalDistancing, #Handwashing, & covering coughs, incl. w\ a mask where #COVID19 is active. #Gratitude
2/3 With #COVID19, OUTSIDE spaces ARE BETTER than inside (keep 2metres #PhysicalDistancing), SMALL BUBBLES of core contacts ARE BETTER than big, and #CleanYourHands & #CoughEtiquette are needed always & everywhere!
3/3 And one vital rule: #StayHomeIfSick
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May 24th 2020
1/4 Get outside on SUNdays by going OUT SMART: keep UP with tried & true measures that we know can keep #COVID19 spread DOWN: #PhysicalDistancing #Handwashing #CleanYourHands #CoughEtiquette #StayHomeIfSick
2/4 BUT, going OUT SMART does NOT include going out when you are sick. If you are experiencing even mild symptoms of #COVID19 the RIGHT THING TO DO is #StayHomeIfSick & stay away from others to #StoptheSpread. #DoYourPart #ProtecttheVulnerable
3/4 In areas where #COVID19 activity may still be occurring, wearing a non-medical mask or face covering when you can’t keep a 2-metre physical distance can provide an additional layer of protection to help prevent spread.
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May 23rd 2020
1/5 Getting outside is important for our physical & #MentalHealth during #COVID19. Go OUT SMART by #PhysicalDistancing #Handwashing #CleanYourHands #CoughEtiquette #StayHomeIfSick #COVIDCoping
2/5 Going OUT SMART also means KNOWING WHEN TO STAY IN!! Going out is NOT okay when you are sick, even if you are experiencing only mild symptoms of #COVID19. #StayHomeIfSick is a MUST DO. #ProtecttheVulnerable #StayHomeSavesLives.
3/5 As #COVID19 ↓ and reopening ↑, keeping 2-metre #PhysicalDistancing is a must, OUTSIDE spaces ARE BETTER than inside, SMALL BUBBLES of core contacts ARE BETTER than big, #Handwashing & #CoughEtiquette are needed always & everywhere!
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